DDD referencing large data sets / injecting repository? - domain-driven-design

I am struggling to find the best solution to the following. I need to determine whether a Country is "InUse", (e.g. currently referenced by an Address).
I have the following simplified model mapped in NHibernate:
class Address
public Country Country {get; set;}
class Country
public List<Address> Addresses {get; set;}
bool IsInUse()
return Addresses.Any();
Using the IsInUse method on Country is inefficient, as it would result in a load of all countries (the .Any() is executed in memory). In addition, Country doesn't really need to know about Addresses, it's purely there for the IsInUse method. So, I like the above example from a consumer point of view, it feels like the domain object should expose an IsInUse method, but it will not perform and contains unnecessary relationships.
Other options I can think of are;
Just use a repository and call that directly from service layer. The repository could encapsulate a call that simply issued a SELECT COUNT(*), rather than SELECT *, as would be the case with the lazy load option above. This options leave the IsInUse logic entirely outside of the domain layer.
Inject a repository into IsInUse(), which calls out to the same as above. I have read that this is VERY bad DDD practise.
Does anyone have any advice or better solutions to this problem.
Hope the above makes sense... Thanks.

I would suggest that you not calculate it each time you perform the query. Denormalize the IsInUse. Each time an address is added or removed from a country you can determine whether the country is in use and save that value.
How you go about determining that value is another story and there are various techniques ranging from immediately determining it when you save the address and updating the country's IsInUse value or even using messaging if these happen to be entities in different BCs.

It feels like you're making up domain concepts to solve your issue. Could you tell us why you need to know if a country is in use?
Repositories are great for capturing the language and aggregate persistence, not so much for querying. You're basically asking your data a question. Maybe move this logic altogether to the query side? Also see http://www.jefclaes.be/2014/01/repositories-where-did-we-go-wrong_26.html.
Maybe there is another way to keep track of all the countries in use. Where are those addresses coming from? Maybe you can introduce domain events - when an address is registered, add the country to the list of countries in use, so you can query a smaller list.

I'd design your domain entities without concepts from NHibernate or any other persistence mechanism. If this means that by using NHibernate you need to introduce 2-way mapping properties as standard, then I would only use your NHibernate entities within your repositories and design a separate set of entities for your domain model and map between the two. It's seems plausible to me, from your business's point of view, that a Country shouldn't know anything about Address.
Injecting the repository into your domain entity or using lazy loading typically go against DDD and cause issues when you serialize your entities or they lose database context.
Your IsInUse problem can be solved by either caching a query (not everything religiously has to be in a repository), maybe you could create a CountryStatistics class that handles this? Or you could keep a separate persisted country list, which gets updated every time a new address is created with a never-used-before country.


Repository Add and Create methods

Why are repositories' .Add method usually implemented as accepting the instance of entity to add, with the .Id already "set" (although it can be set again via reflection), which should be repo's responsibility?
Wouldn't it be better to implement it as .CreateAndAdd?
For example, given a Person entity:
public class Person
public Person(uint id, string name)
this.Id = id;
this.Name = name;
public uint Id { get; }
public string Name { get; }
why are repositories usually implemented as:
public interface IRpository<T>
Task<T> AddAsync(T entity);
and not as:
public interface IPersonsRpository
Task<Person> CreateAndAddAsync(string name);
why are repositories usually implemented as...?
A few reasons.
Historically, domain-driven-design is heavily influenced by the Eric Evans book that introduced the term. There, Evans proposed that repositories provide collection semantics, providing "the illusion of an in memory collection".
Adding a String, or even a Name, to a collection of Person doesn't make very much sense.
More broadly, figuring out how to reconstitute an entity from a set of a parameters is a separate responsibility from storage, so perhaps it doesn't make sense to go there (note: a repository often ends up with the responsibility of reconstituting an entity from some stored memento, so it isn't completely foreign, but there's usually an extra abstraction, the "Factory", that really does the work.)
Using a generic repository interface often makes sense, as interacting with individual elements of the collection via retrieve/store operations shouldn't require a lot of custom crafting. Repositories can support custom queries for different kinds of entities, so it can be useful to call that out specifically
public interface IPersonRepository : IRepository<Person> {
// Person specific queries go here
Finally, the id... and the truth of it is that identity, as a concept, has a whole lot of "it depends" baked into it. In some cases, it may make sense for the repository to assign an id to an entity -- for instance, using a unique key generated by the database. Often, you'll instead want to have control of the identifier outside of the repository. Horses for courses.
There already is a great answer on the question, I just want to add some of my thoughts. (It will contain some duplication from the previous answer, so if this is a bad thing just let me know and I'll remove it :) ).
The Responsibility of ID generation can belong to different part of an organization or a system.
Sometimes the ID will be generated by some special rules like a Social Security Number. This number can be used for ID of a Person in a system, so before creating a Person entity this code will have to be generated from a specific SSNGenerator Service.
We can use a random generated ID like a UUID. UUIDs can be generated outside of the Repository and assigned to the entity during creation and the Repository will only store it (add, save) it to the DB.
IDs generated by databases are very interesting. You can have Sequential IDs like in RDBMS, UUID-ish like in MonogoDB or some Hash. In this case the Responsibility of ID generation is assigned to the DB so it can happen only after the Entity is stored not when it's created. (I'm allowing myself freedom here as you can generate it before saving a transaction or read the last one etc.. but I like to generalize here and avoid discussing cases with race conditions and collisions). This means that you Entity does't have an identity before the save completes. Is this a good thing? Of course It depends :)
This problem is a great example of leaky abstractions.
When you implement a solution sometimes the technology used will affect it. You will have to deal with the fact that for example the ID is generated by your Database which is part of your Infrastructure (if you have defined such a layer in your code). You can also avoid this by using s UUID even if you use a RDBMS, but then you have to join (again technology specific stuff :) ) on these IDs so sometimes people like to use the default.
Instead of having Add or AddAndCreate you can have Save method instead that does the same thing, it's just a different term that some people prefer. The repository is indeed often defined as an "In memory collection" but that doesn't mean that we have to stick to it strictly (It can be a good thing to do that most of the time but still...).
As mentioned, if you database generates ID's, the Repository seems like a good candidate to assign IDs (before of after storing) because it is the one talking to the DB.
If you are using events the way you generate ID's can affect things. For example lets say you want to have UserRegisteredEvent with the UserID as s property. If you are using the DB to generate ID's you will have to store the User first and then create and store/dispatch the event or do something of the sort. On the other hand if you generate the ID beforehand you can save the event and the entity together (in a transaction or in the same document doesn't matter). Sometimes this can get tricky.
Background, experience with technologies and framework, exposure to terminology in literature, school and work affects how we think about things and what terminology sounds better to us. Also we (most of the time) work in teams and this can affect how we name things and how implement them.
Using Martin Fowler's definition:
A Repository mediates between the domain and data mapping layers,
acting like an in-memory domain object collection. Client objects
construct query specifications declaratively and submit them to
Repository for satisfaction. Objects can be added to and removed from
the Repository, as they can from a simple collection of objects, and
the mapping code encapsulated by the Repository will carry out the
appropriate operations behind the scenes. Conceptually, a Repository
encapsulates the set of objects persisted in a data store and the
operations performed over them, providing a more object-oriented view
of the persistence layer
A Repository gives an Object Oriented view of the underlying Data (which may be otherwise stored in a relational DB). It's responsible for mapping your Table to your Entity.
Generating an ID for an object is whole different responsibility, which is not trivial and can get quite complex. You may decide to generate the ID in the DB or a separate service. Regardless of where the ID is generated, a Repository should seamlessly map it between your Entity and Table.
ID generation is a responsibility of its own, and if you add it to the Repository, then you are moving away from Single Responsibility Principle.
A side note here that using GUID for an ID is a terrible idea, because they are not sequential. They only meet the uniqueness requirement of an ID but they are not helpful for searching through the Database Index.

DDD: where should logic go that tests the existence of an entity?

I am in the process of refactoring an application and am trying to figure out where certain logic should fit. For example, during the registration process I have to check if a user exists based upon their email address. As this requires testing if the user exists in the database it seems as if this logic should not be tied to the model as its existence is dictated by it being in the database.
However, I will have a method on the repository responsible for fetching the user by email, etc. This handles the part about retrieval of the user if they exist. From a use case perspective, registration seems to be a use case scenario and accordingly it seems there should be a UserService (application service) with a register method that would call the repository method and perform if then logic to determine if the user entity returned was null or not.
Am I on the right track with this approach, in terms of DDD? Am I viewing this scenario the wrong way and if so, how should I revise my thinking about this?
This link was provided as a possible solution, Where to check user email does not already exits?. It does help but it does not seem to close the loop on the issue. The thing I seem to be missing from this article would be who would be responsible for calling the CreateUserService, an application service or a method on the aggregate root where the CreateUserService object would be injected into the method along with any other relevant parameters?
If the answer is the application service that seems like you are loosing some encapsulation by taking the domain service out of the domain layer. On the other hand, going the other way would mean having to inject the repository into the domain service. Which of those two options would be preferable and more in line with DDD?
I think the best fit for that behaviour is a Domain Service. DS could access to persistence so you can check for existence or uniquenes.
Check this blog entry for more info.
public class TransferManager
private readonly IEventStore _store;
private readonly IDomainServices _svc;
private readonly IDomainQueries _query;
private readonly ICommandResultMediator _result;
public TransferManager(IEventStore store, IDomainServices svc,IDomainQueries query,ICommandResultMediator result)
_store = store;
_svc = svc;
_query = query;
_result = result;
public void Execute(TransferMoney cmd)
//interacting with the Infrastructure
var accFrom = _query.GetAccountNumber(cmd.AccountFrom);
//Setup value objects
var debit=new Debit(cmd.Amount,accFrom);
//invoking Domain Services
var balance = _svc.CalculateAccountBalance(accFrom);
if (!_svc.CanAccountBeDebitted(balance, debit))
//return some error message using a mediator
//this approach works well inside monoliths where everything happens in the same process
_result.AddResult(cmd.Id, new CommandResult());
//using the Aggregate and getting the business state change expressed as an event
var evnt = Transfer.Create(/* args */);
//storing the event
//publish event if you want
from http://blog.sapiensworks.com/post/2016/08/19/DDD-Application-Services-Explained
The problem that you are facing is called Set based validation. There are a lot of articles describing the possible solutions. I will give here an extract from one of them (the context is CQRS but it can be applied to some degree to any DDD architecture):
1. Locking, Transactions and Database Constraints
Locking, transactions and database constraints are tried and tested tools for maintaining data integrity, but they come at a cost. Often the code/system is difficult to scale and can be complex to write and maintain. But they have the advantage of being well understood with plenty of examples to learn from. By implication, this approach is generally done using CRUD based operations. If you want to maintain the use of event sourcing then you can try a hybrid approach.
2. Hybrid Locking Field
You can adopt a locking field approach. Create a registry or lookup table in a standard database with a unique constraint. If you are unable to insert the row then you should abandon the command. Reserve the address before issuing the command. For these sort of operations, it is best to use a data store that isn’t eventually consistent and can guarantee the constraint (uniqueness in this case). Additional complexity is a clear downside of this approach, but less obvious is the problem of knowing when the operation is complete. Read side updates are often carried out in a different thread or process or even machine to the command and there could be many different operations happening.
3. Rely on the Eventually Consistent Read Model
To some this sounds like an oxymoron, however, it is a rather neat idea. Inconsistent things happen in systems all the time. Event sourcing allows you to handle these inconsistencies. Rather than throwing an exception and losing someone’s work all in the name of data consistency. Simply record the event and fix it later.
As an aside, how do you know a consistent database is consistent? It keeps no record of the failed operations users have tried to carry out. If I try to update a row in a table that has been updated since I read from it, then the chances are I’m going to lose that data. This gives the DBA an illusion of data consistency, but try to explain that to the exasperated user!
Accepting these things happen, and allowing the business to recover, can bring real competitive advantage. First, you can make the deliberate assumption these issues won’t occur, allowing you to deliver the system quicker/cheaper. Only if they do occur and only if it is of business value do you add features to compensate for the problem.
4. Re-examine the Domain Model
Let’s take a simplistic example to illustrate how a change in perspective may be all you need to resolve the issue. Essentially we have a problem checking for uniqueness or cardinality across aggregate roots because consistency is only enforced with the aggregate. An example could be a goalkeeper in a football team. A goalkeeper is a player. You can only have 1 goalkeeper per team on the pitch at any one time. A data-driven approach may have an ‘IsGoalKeeper’ flag on the player. If the goalkeeper is sent off and an outfield player goes in the goal, then you would need to remove the goalkeeper flag from the goalkeeper and add it to one of the outfield players. You would need constraints in place to ensure that assistant managers didn’t accidentally assign a different player resulting in 2 goalkeepers. In this scenario, we could model the IsGoalKeeper property on the Team, OutFieldPlayers or Game aggregate. This way, maintaining the cardinality becomes trivial.
You seems to be on the right way, the only stuff I didn't get is what your UserService.register does.
It should take all the values to register a user as input, validate them (using the repository to check the existence of the email) and, if the input is valid store the new User.
Problems can arise when the validation involve complex queries. In that case maybe you need to create a secondary store with special indexes suited for queries that you can't do with your domain model, so you will have to manage two different stores that can be out of sync (a user exists in one but it isn't replicated in the other one, yet).
This kind of problem happens when you store your aggregates in something like a key-value store where you can search just with the id of the aggregate, but if you are using something like a sql database that permits to search using your entities fields, you can do a lot of stuff with simple queries.
The only thing you need to take care is avoid to mix query logic and commands logic, in your example the lookup you need to do is easy, is just one field and the result is a boolean, sometimes it can be harder like time operations, or query spanning multiple tables aggregating results, in these cases it is better to make your (command) service use a (query) service, that offers a simple api to do the calculation like:
interface UserReportingService {
ComplexResult aComplexQuery(AComplexInput input);
That you can implement with a class that use your repositories, or an implementation that executes directly the query on your database (sql, or whatever).
The difference is that if you use the repositories you "think" in terms of your domain object, if you write directly the query you think in terms of your db abstractions (tables/sets in case of sql, documents in case of mongo, etc..). One or the other depends on the query you need to do.
It is fine to inject repository into domain.
Repository should have simple inteface, so that domain objects could use it as simple collection or storage. Repositories' main idea is to hide data access under simple and clear interface.
I don't see any problems in calling domain services from usecase. Usecase is suppossed to be archestrator. And domain services are actions. It is fine (and even unavoidable) to trigger domain actions by usecase.
To decide, you should analyze Where is this restriction come from?
Is it business rule? Or maybe user shouldn't be a part of model at all?
Usualy "User" means authorization and authentification i.e behaviour, that for my mind should placed in usecase. I prefare to create separate entity for domain (e.g. buyer) and relate it with usecase's user. So when new user is registered it possible to trigger creation of new buyer.

Initializing Domain Objects - observing SOLID, Tell, Don't Ask

I'm trying to follow some of the more current design principles including SOLID and Domain Driven Design. My question is around how people handle "Initializing" Domain Objects.
Here's a simple example:
Based on SOLID, I should not depend on concretions, so I create an interface and a class. Since I'm taking advantage of Domain Driven Design, I create an object with relevant methods. (i.e. not anemic).
Interface IBookstoreBook
string Isbn {get; set;}
int Inventory {get; set;}
void AddToInventory(int numBooks);
void RemoveFromInventory(int numBooks);
public class BookstoreBook : IBookstoreBook
public string Isbn {get; set;}
public int Inventory {get; private set;}
public void AddToInventory(int numBooks);
public void RemoveFromInventory(int numBooks);
To help with testing and be more loosely coupled, I also use an IoC container to create this book. So when the book is created it is always created empty. But, if a book doesn't have an ISBN and Inventory it is invalid.
BookstoreBook(string bookISBN, int bookInventory) {..} // Does not exist
I could have 4 or 5 different classes that use a BookstoreBook. For one,
public class Bookstore : IBookstore
public bool NeedToIncreaseInventory(BookstoreBook book) { ...}
How does any method know is getting a valid book? My solutions below seem to violate the "Tell Don't Ask" principle.
a) Should each method that uses a Bookstore book test for validity? (i.e. should NeedToIncreaseInventory test for a books validity? I'm not sure it should have to know what makes a BookstoreBook valid.)
b) Should I have a "CreateBook" on the IBookstoreBook object and just "assume" that clients know they have to call this anytime they want to initialize a BookstoreBook? That way, NeedToIncreaseInventory would just trust that "CreateBook" was already called on BookstoreBook.
I'm interested in what the recommended appreach is here.
First off, I think your BookstoreBook doesn't have any really relevant methods, which means it doesn't have any relevant behavior, no business rules at all. And since it doesn't contain any business rules it actually is anemic. It just has a bunch of Getters and Setters. I would argue that having a method like AddToInventory that ends up just adding +1 to a property is no meaningful behavior.
Also, why would your BookstoreBook know how many of its type are in your Bookstore? I feel like this is probably something the Bookstore itself should keep track of.
As for point a): no, if you're creating books from user input you should check the provided data before you even create a new book. That prevents you from ever having invalid books in your system.
As for the creation of the object, the question is will you ever have more than one book type? If the answer is no you can drop the interface and just instantiate a book in a class that is responsible for creating new books from user input for example. If you need more book types an abstract factory may be useful.
First of all, a great way to make sure that entity state only can be set by behavior (methods) so to make all property setters private. It also allows you to make sure that all related properties are set when the state changes.
But, if a book doesn't have an ISBN and Inventory it is invalid.
There you have two business rules. Let's start with ISBN. If a book is not valid without it it HAVE to be specified in the constructor. Otherwise it's fully possible to create a book which is invalid. An ISBN also have a specified format (at least the length). So that format have to be validated too.
Regarding the inventory I believe that it's not true. You might have books that are sold out or books that can be booked before their release. Right? So a book CAN exist without an inventory, it's just not likely.
If you look at the relation between inventory and books from the domain perspective they are two separate entities with different responsibilities.
A book is representing something that the user can read about and use that information to decide whether it should be rented or purchased.
An inventory is used to make sure that your application can fulfill your customers request. Typically it can be done by a delivery directly (decrease the inventory) or by a backorder (order more copies from your supplier and then deliver the book).
Thus the inventory part of the application do not really need to know everything there is to know about the book. Thus I would recommend that the inventory only knows about the book identity (that's typically how root aggregates can reference each other according to Martin Fowler's book).
An inversion of control container is typically used to to manage services (in DDD the application services and the domain services). It's job is not to act as a factory for domain entities. It will only complicate things without any benefit.
To help with testing and be more loosely coupled, I also use an IoC container to create this book.
Why is your IoC container creating books? That's a bit strange. Your domain model should by container agnostic (wiring together the interfaces and the implementation is the concern of your composition root).
How does any method know is getting a valid book?
The domain model knows it is getting a valid book, because it says so right there in the interface.
The data model knows it is producing a valid book, because the constructor/factory method accepted its arguments without throwing an exception.
Should each method that uses a Bookstore book test for validity?
No, once you have a Book, it is going to stay valid (there shouldn't be any verbs defined in your domain model that would create an invalid data model).
Should I have a "CreateBook" on the IBookstoreBook object and just "assume" that clients know they have to call this anytime they want to initialize a BookstoreBook? That way, NeedToIncreaseInventory would just trust that "CreateBook" was already called on BookstoreBook.
It's normal to have a factory for creating objects. See Evans, chapter 6.
books can be created from a database and many other places. I'm assuming others have had to solve this issue if they are using DDD and I am wondering about their approach. Should we all be using factories - as you suggest that take the needed data as input?
There are really only two sources for data -- your own book of record (in which case, you load the data via a repository), and everywhere else (where you need to make sure that the data conforms to the assumptions of your model.
Based on SOLID, I should not depend on concretions
If you're referring to the Dependency Inversion principle, it does not exactly say that.
- High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
- Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
No domain entity is of a higher level than another and normally no object in the Domain layer is a "detail", so DIP usually doesn't apply to domain entities.
I also use an IoC container to create this book
Considering that BookstoreBook has no dependency, I'm not sure why you would do that.
How does any method know is getting a valid book?
By assuming that the book is Always Valid, always consistent. This usually requires having a single Book constructor that checks all relevant rules at creation time, and state-changing methods that enforce invariants about the Book.
a) ...
b) ...
You're mixing up two concerns here - making sure that Book is in a consistent state wherever it is used, and initializing a Book. I'm not sure what your question is really about in the end, but if you apply the "always valid" approach and forget about Book being an interface/higher level abstraction, you should be good to go.

DDD Factory Responsibility

If have the following Code.
public class CountryFactory : IEntityFactory
private readonly IRepository<Country> countryRepository;
public CountryFactory(IRepository<Country> countryRepository)
this.countryRepository = countryRepository;
public Country CreateCountry(string name)
if (countryRepository.FindAll().Any(c => c.Name == name))
throw new ArgumentException("There is already a country with that name!");
return new Country(name);
From a DDD approach, is the the correct way to create a Country. Or is it better to have a CountryService which checks whether or not a country exists, then if it does not, just call the factory to return a new entity. This will then mean that the service will be responsible of persisting the Entity rather than the Factory.
I'm a bit confused as to where the responsibility should lay. Especially if more complex entities needs to be created which is not as simple as creating a country.
In DDD factories are used to encapsulate complex objects and aggregates creation. Usually, factories are not implemented as separate classes but rather static methods on the aggregate root class that returns the new aggregate.
Factory methods are better suited than constructors since you might need to have technical constructors for serialization purposes and var x = new Country(name) has very little meaning inside your Ubiquitous Language. What does it mean? Why do you need a name when you create a country? Do you really create countries, how often new countries appear, do you even need to model this process? All these questions arise if you start thinking about your model and ubiquitous language besides tactical pattern.
Factories must return valid objects (i.e. aggregates), checking all invariants inside it, but not outside. Factory might receive services and repositories as parameters but this is also not very common. Normally, you have an application service or command handler that does some validations and then creates a new aggregate using the factory method and adds it to the repository.
There is also a good answer by Lev Gorodinski here Factory Pattern where should this live in DDD?
Besides, implementation of Factories is extensively described in Chapter 11 of the Red Book.
Injecting a Repository into a Factory is OK, but it shouldn't be your first concern. The starting point should be : what kind of consistency does your business domain require ?
By checking Country name uniqueness in CountryFactory which is part of your Domain layer, you give yourself the impression that the countries will always be consistent. But the only aggregate is Country and since there is no AllCountries aggregate to act as a consistency boundary, respect of this invariant will not be guaranteed. Somebody could always sneak in a new Country that has exactly the same name as the one being added, just after you checked it. What you could do is wrap the CreateCountry operation into a transaction that would lock the entire set of Countries (and thus the entire table if you use an RDBMS) but this would hurt concurrency.
There are other options to consider.
Why not leverage a database unique constraint to enforce the Country name invariant ? As a complement, you could also have another checkpoint at the UI level to warn the user that the country name they typed in is already taken. This would necessitate another "query" service that just calls CountryRepository.GetByName() but where the returned Countries are not expected to be modified.
Soon you'll be realizing that there are really two kinds of models - ones that can give you some domain data at a given moment in time so that you can display it on a user interface, and ones that expose operations (AddCountry) and will guarantee that domain invariants always hold. This is a first step towards CQRS.
What is the frequency of Countries being added or modified ? If it is that high, do we really need a Country name to be unique at all times ? Wouldn't it solve a lot of problems if we loosened up the constraints and allowed a user to temporarily create a duplicate Country name ? A mechanism could detect the duplicates later on and take a compensating action, putting the newly added Country on hold and reaching out to the user to ask them to change the name. A.k.a eventual consistency instead of immediate consistency.
Does Country need to be an Aggregate ? What would be the cost if it was a Value Object and duplicated in each entity where it is used ?

Loading a Value object in List or DropdownList, DDD

I need to clarify something.
Have Person Aggreagate , 2 VOs (Country, StateProvince).
I want to load all country in my presentation layer (i am using mvc)
Evan says you only use repository (IPersonRepository) to work with root entity (it should always return just a reference to the Aggregate Root)
public interface IPersonRepository()
void savePerson(Person p);
void removePerson(Person p);
Ilist<Person> getPerson();
what i usually do to solve this :
Add in IPersonRepository this method
IList<Country> LookupCountrysOfPerson();
In Infra layer implement the Domain interfaces like this:
public IList<Person> LookupCountrysOfPerson()
return Session.CreateQuery("from Countrys").List<Person>());
My partner says im wrong.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice your domain model in order to accomplish some task
What is the best way to do this?
with code please! :)
I would say it's unlikely that you need country to be an entity. I suspect that country is nothing more than reference data, much like a person's title would be. Is there any behavior associated to country in your domain? I suspect it's just what's printed onto letters/envelops.
This question is somewhat similar to this one which I answered a while back:
Simple aggregate root and repository question
My suggestion is that you implement a Lookup service that your client can make use of and which is cached. Ignore the rules of DDD and anything to do with aggregates or repositories for this. As someone else has mentioned, this is where CQRS's ideology comes into play; the client shouldn't have to go through the domain in order to get data. The domain is purely transactional, not designed for queries.
This article explains how to build a generic lookup service for reference data for things that typically fill dropdowns in the UI (i.e. Title, Country etc)
Evans also says (pg 170) "An entity as basic as Location may be used by many objects for many reasons..."
I would also consider making Country an entity for the reasons given above. Perhaps more importantly, it is a low level object. You probably are also even supplying Country by configuration rather than through any actual domain activities. Therefore I would remove it from the Person and make it a standalone entity.
Also for this type of object you may not really need a dedicated repository, consider creating a single lookup service that provides query access for a group of similar objects of this nature.
If in your domain country is actually a VO (you don't want to maintain a thread of identity in the country name was changed etc.) which is the most common scenario, I would add a specialized class in the data access layer to return a list of all countries as VOs. I would also add caching (2nd level cache in NHibernate) to the country entity and list all countries query so that I don't have to hit the DB each time.
Actually, this is where CQRS really shines. CQRS acknowledges that you don't have to go through the domain layer in order to get some data for presentation purposes. In CQRS you just grab some data.
It sounds like countries are not in fact value objects here; they have distinct identities and are important for business purposes outside of your Person objects. They should become entities, and be treated in the fashion appropriate to them.
Think of it this way: let's say some volatile country had their current dictator overthrown and got a name change. The Person object's reference to a Country should still be valid, because the Country is not defined by its attributes (i.e. the string denoting its name), but by its identity.
