Excel Solver Curve Fitting Failing - MatLab recast - excel

I am having some strange problems with excel's solver. Basically what I am trying to do is curve fit my data. I have two different lines, one is my calibration line and the other is the derived line that I am attempting to match up to the calibration line. My line depends on 19 different variable parameters (Perhaps this is too many? I have tried fewer without result) and I am using solver to adjust these parameters to make the two lines as close as possible.
For Example:
The QP column contains the variables I would like changed, changing these will draw me closer or further from the calibration curve. Each subsequent value of QP must be greater than the first.
Col=B Col=C
Power .QP_'
1 ..... 57000
2 ..... 65000
3 ..... 70000
4 ..... 80000
5 ..... 80000
Therefore my excel solver parameters look like this: C1:C19>=0,C1:C19<=100000 and C2>=C1, C3>=C2,C4>=C3... I have also tried making another column of the differences between each value and then saying that these must be diff>=0.
To compare this with my calibration curve I have taken the calibration curve data and subtracted my data derived from QP and then squared that to create my sum of the squares error. For example:
(Calibration-DerivedQP)^2=SS(x) <- where x represents the row number
SSE is what I have set solver to minimize. And upon changing QP everything automatically updates. There are no if statements being used and no pivot tables are used.
If I remove the parameters similar to C2>=C1 everything works perfectly, except the derived values are not feasible. But when the solver is run with these parameters, nothing gets changed and no matter which guesses I used as starting values ( so that I can ensure I haven't guessed a local minimum), the solver cannot improve upon my solution. This has led me to believe that something in my parameters is being broken, since I can very easily improve on my solution by guess and check. The rest of solvers settings are at the defaults, and the evolutionary method is used since my curve isn't smooth (I don't think) I had this working in the past and now something seems to be broken. Any ideas are appreciated! Thank you so much! Sorry if I am missing any critical information. I am also familiar with matlab and R if there are better methods in those languages.

I found the solution to my problem. I don't know if this will be helpful to anyone else since my problem vague and pretty specific to me. That being said, my problem was in the constraints. I changed some data on my excel sheet to allow for fewer constraints. An example might look like this:
-12..............(-12)^2....... 0
Now I allow solver to guess any number subject to minimal constraints.
Essentially, what is happening now, is the excel sheet allows for any guess that solver makes to work. By squaring the numbers it give me positive values, and the added column ensures that each successive value is equal to or greater than the first. This means there are very few constraints. I also changed the solver option from evolutionary to GRG Nonlinear.
Tips for getting solver to work:
Try and use the spreadsheet to set constraints (other than bounds, bounds seem to be good) wherever possible, the more constraints that I set in solver, the less likely my solution was to work.
Hope that helps, sorry if I have provided any incorrect information.


How would I construct an integer optimization model corresponding to a graph

Suppose we're given some sort of graph where the feasible region of our optimization problem is given. For example: here is an image
How would I go on about constructing these constraints in an integer optimization problem? Anyone got any tips? Thanks!
Mate, I agree with the others that you should be a little more specific than that paint-ish picture ;). In particular you are neither specifying any objective/objective direction nor are you giving any context, what about this graph should be integer-variable related, except for the existence of disjunctive feasible sets, which may be modeled by MIP-techniques. It seems like your problem is formalization of what you conceptualized. However, in case you are just being lazy and are just interested in modelling disjunctive regions, you should be looking into disjunctive programming techniques, such as "big-M" (Note: big-M reformulations can be problematic). You should be aiming at some convex-hull reformulation if you can attain one (fairly easily).
Back to your picture, it is quite clear that you have a problem in two real dimensions (let's say in R^2), where the constraints bounding the feasible set are linear (the lines making up the feasible polygons).
So you know that you have two dimensions and need two real continuous variables, say x[1] and x[2], to formulate each of your linear constraints (a[i,1]*x[1]+a[i,2]<=rhs[i] for some index i corresponding to the number of lines in your graph). Additionally your variables seem to be constrained to the first orthant so x[1]>=0 and x[2]>=0 should hold. Now, to add disjunctions you want some constraints that only hold when a certain condition is true. Therefore, you can add two binary decision variables, say y[1],y[2] and an additional constraint y[1]+y[2]=1, to tell that only one set of constraints can be active at the same time. You should be able to implement this with the help of big-M by reformulating the constraints as follows:
If you bound things from above with your line:
a[i,1]*x[1]+a[i,2]-rhs[i]<=M*(1-y[1]) if i corresponds to the one polygon,
a[i,1]*x[1]+a[i,2]-rhs[i]<=M*(1-y[2]) if i corresponds to the other polygon,
and if your line bounds things from below:
-M*(1-y[1])<=-a[i,1]*x[1]-a[i,2]+rhs[i] if i corresponds to the one polygon,
-M*(1-y[1])<=-a[i,1]*x[1]-a[i,2]+rhs[i] if i corresponds to the other polygon.
It is important that M is sufficiently large, but not too large to cause numerical issues.
That being said, I am by no means an expert on these disjunctive programming techniques, so feel free to chime in, add corrections or make things clearer.
Also, a more elaborate question typically yields more elaborate and satisfying answers ;) If you had gone to the effort of making up a true small example problem you likely would have gotten a full formulation of your problem or even an executable piece of code in no time.

Why is POISSON function not consistent in Microsoft Excel?

There is a definition in POISSON function that:
#NUM! error – Occurs if either:
The given value of x is less than zero;
The given value of mean is
less than zero.
But I try to do this in Excel 2013. It gave me differnt value. Here is my example:
the result is: 1.648721271
instead of #NUM!
Any thoughts?
Speculatively, the bug might have come about as an optimization. Poisson(x,m,TRUE) is defined as e^(-m)*(m^x)/x!. One way to compute m^x when m is floating-point is as e^(x*Ln(m)). In a spreadsheet, you can observe that
always evaluates to exactly 0 whenever A1,A2 are in the correct domain (and not e.g. 0.0000000001 as might be the case if the calculation had used a different approach).
Furthermore, EXP(-A2)*EXP(A1*LN(A2))/FACT(A1) fails when it should fail, giving #NUM! when fed 0, -0.5. My speculation is that the Excel programmers initially used a formula which failed when it should have failed, letting the called functions raise the error when appropriate. Then someone had the bright idea of just returning EXP(-mean) when x = 0 (since in that case the rest of the expression is 1 when it is defined at all). After all -- why bother to compute something when you know that it is 1?
What I find astonishing is that the bug is still there with POISSON.DIST Excel had been (and still is, although to a lesser extent) heavily criticized for the accuracy of its statistical functions and tests. So much so that "Friends don't let friends use Excel for statistics" is a relatively well-known saying among statisticians. See this for a discussion. The dotted statistical functions such as POISSON.DIST were explicitly designed to address the many complaints which had piled up. POISSON itself is just kept around for backwards compatibility. It is strange how this bug slipped through what should have been a thorough rewriting of these functions from the ground up.

Does Julia have a way to solve for unknown variables

Is there a function in Julia that is similar to the solver function in Excel where I can provide and equation, and it will solve for the unknown variable? If not, does anybody know the math behind Excel's solver function?
I am not expecting anybody to solve the equation, but if it helps:
Price = (Earnings_1/(1+r)^1)+(Earnings_2/(1+r)^2)++(Earnings_3/(1+r)^3)+(Earnings_4/(1+r)^4)+(Earnings_5/(1+r)^5)+(((Earnings_5)(RiskFreeRate))/((1+r)^5)(1-RiskFreeRate))
The known variables are: Price, All Earnings, and RiskFreeRate. I am just trying to figure out how to solve for r.
Write this instead as an expression f(r) = 0 by subtracting Price over to the other side. Now it's a rootfinding problem. If you only have one variable you're solving for (looks to be the case), then Roots.jl is a good choice.
fzero(f, a::Real, b::Real)
will search for a solution between a and b for example, and the docs have more choices for algorithms when you don't know a range to start with and only give an initial condition for example.
In addition, KINSOL in Sundials.jl is good when you know you're starting close to a multidimensional root. For multidimensional and needing some robustness to the initial condition, I'd recommend using NLsolve.jl.
There's nothing out of the box no. Root finding is a science in itself.
Luckily for you, your function has an analytic first derivative with respect to r. That means that you can use Newton Raphson, which will be extremely stable for your function.
I'm sure you're aware your function behaves badly around r = -1.

Adjusting initial bullet angle to match user set distance(scope zero) (for math gods)

So my question is pretty specific, which means it was pretty hard to find anything that could help me on google or stackoverflow.
I want to give users the ability to set the distance/range on their guns. I have almost everything I need to make this happen, I just don't have the angle that I need to add on to the direction angle at which the bullet comes from. I don't know what equation/formula I would need to get this. I am not looking for anything code-specific, just an idea of what/how to do this.
Since I do not know what formula to use, I just started messing around with some numbers with this formula I found:
(This formula applies to actual sniper)
Range = 1000 * ActualTargetHeight/TargetHeightInMils(on the scope)
BulletDrop = BulletDropSpeed*Range^2/2*VelocityOfTheBullet
MilsToRaiseScope = 1000 * BulletDrop * RangeToTarget
I just replaced Range with the whatever zero the user is on.
I have a feeling I would just toss the MilsToRaiseScope into a trigonometry function. But I'm not sure.
If anyone is confused as to what I'm talking about, you can find an example of what I want in Battlefield 4 or any of the Arma games. With snipers, you can zero in the scope on to whatever distance you need so you won't have to adjust for bullet drop on the scope.
Sorry for the long question, just want to make sure everyone understands! :)
Mils corresponds to (military) angular measurement unit of 1/1000 of radian, so it is ready-to-use angle
Second formula looks strange. Height loss depends on time of flight:
dH = g*t^2/2 = g * (Range / VelocityOfTheBullet)^2 / 2
where g is 9.81 m/sec^2
I am using a 2D table look up for this.
I generate the table by doing a whole bunch of test firings at different angles, and record the path of the bullet for each angle.
To analytically determine this, it can get quite complex if aerodynamic drag is involved.
It is also discussed on this game-specific question.
For inspiration, this animated gif is great.

Functional alternative to caching known "answers"

I think the best way to form this question is with an example...so, the actual reason I decided to ask about this is because of because of Problem 55 on Project Euler. In the problem, it asks to find the number of Lychrel numbers below 10,000. In an imperative language, I would get the list of numbers leading up to the final palindrome, and push those numbers to a list outside of my function. I would then check each incoming number to see if it was a part of that list, and if so, simply stop the test and conclude that the number is NOT a Lychrel number. I would do the same thing with non-lychrel numbers and their preceding numbers.
I've done this before and it has worked out nicely. However, it seems like a big hassle to actually implement this in Haskell without adding a bunch of extra arguments to my functions to hold the predecessors, and an absolute parent function to hold all of the numbers that I need to store.
I'm just wondering if there is some kind of tool that I'm missing here, or if there are any standards as a way to do this? I've read that Haskell kind of "naturally caches" (for example, if I wanted to define odd numbers as odds = filter odd [1..], I could refer to that whenever I wanted to, but it seems to get complicated when I need to dynamically add elements to a list.
Any suggestions on how to tackle this?
PS: I'm not asking for an answer to the Project Euler problem, I just want to get to know Haskell a bit better!
I believe you're looking for memoizing. There are a number of ways to do this. One fairly simple way is with the MemoTrie package. Alternatively if you know your input domain is a bounded set of numbers (e.g. [0,10000)) you can create an Array where the values are the results of your computation, and then you can just index into the array with your input. The Array approach won't work for you though because, even though your input numbers are below 10,000, subsequent iterations can trivially grow larger than 10,000.
That said, when I solved Problem 55 in Haskell, I didn't bother doing any memoization whatsoever. It turned out to just be fast enough to run (up to) 50 iterations on all input numbers. In fact, running that right now takes 0.2s to complete on my machine.
