Adjusting initial bullet angle to match user set distance(scope zero) (for math gods) - trigonometry

So my question is pretty specific, which means it was pretty hard to find anything that could help me on google or stackoverflow.
I want to give users the ability to set the distance/range on their guns. I have almost everything I need to make this happen, I just don't have the angle that I need to add on to the direction angle at which the bullet comes from. I don't know what equation/formula I would need to get this. I am not looking for anything code-specific, just an idea of what/how to do this.
Since I do not know what formula to use, I just started messing around with some numbers with this formula I found:
(This formula applies to actual sniper)
Range = 1000 * ActualTargetHeight/TargetHeightInMils(on the scope)
BulletDrop = BulletDropSpeed*Range^2/2*VelocityOfTheBullet
MilsToRaiseScope = 1000 * BulletDrop * RangeToTarget
I just replaced Range with the whatever zero the user is on.
I have a feeling I would just toss the MilsToRaiseScope into a trigonometry function. But I'm not sure.
If anyone is confused as to what I'm talking about, you can find an example of what I want in Battlefield 4 or any of the Arma games. With snipers, you can zero in the scope on to whatever distance you need so you won't have to adjust for bullet drop on the scope.
Sorry for the long question, just want to make sure everyone understands! :)

Mils corresponds to (military) angular measurement unit of 1/1000 of radian, so it is ready-to-use angle
Second formula looks strange. Height loss depends on time of flight:
dH = g*t^2/2 = g * (Range / VelocityOfTheBullet)^2 / 2
where g is 9.81 m/sec^2

I am using a 2D table look up for this.
I generate the table by doing a whole bunch of test firings at different angles, and record the path of the bullet for each angle.
To analytically determine this, it can get quite complex if aerodynamic drag is involved.
It is also discussed on this game-specific question.
For inspiration, this animated gif is great.


How to iterate through a list of integers with a step that is a float?

I've been searching the web for over an hour. I cannot find help on this one.
Instructions: Make a list called possible_ms that goes from -10 to 10 inclusive, in increments of 0.1.
When I create the list and try to iterate over it by increments of .1, I get: TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer.
So then, I make all the integers floats, still does not work.
Finally, after over an hour, I click to show the solution. It also does not make sense.
Solution: possible_ms = [m * 0.1 for m in range(-100, 101)]
Can someone please explain this logic to me? Is it when you multiply the .1 times 91, you get 9.1? So maybe with the .1 multiplier through a range of -100 to 100, it reduces it to -10 to 10 and allows the .1 to go through it? Yes? No?
The solution you explain is perfect Shaun :). I will give you my review and hope it helps
Array creation through list comprehension is cool but you don't want to achieve cool in programming, you want to achieve readability and good practices (again, I emphasise that it is perfectly valid) (this is not only my opinion, it is stated on the Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python, MIT book page 64 under the title "List comprehension"). Maybe if you see it in regular notation you may understand it better
for m in range (-100, 101):
As you explained in your solution you have to iterate form -10 to 10 in steps of 0.1. Iterating in floats steps on python is not possible. That is why the solution extends the range to -100, 100 and multiply it by 0.1 to allow it to travel the way it is asked. You were right in your explanation. Hope it helped and learned something else about good practices and readability (always remember that your code is not only coded for a solution, but also for other programmers that are going to work with it), if you have any other doubt, don't hesitate to ask it :)

Revit: Why is my wall BoundaryBox not Coinciding with its LocationCurve?

Using Revit API, I split a wall in 3 parts. To do that, I create 3 Lines:
Line.CreateBound(p1, p2)
Line.CreateBound(p2, p3)
Line.CreateBound(p3, p4)
Then I create a wall with each of these lines, which are consecutive and aligned. The result isn't as expected, as the third wall is overlapping the second one, see the illustration below.
Now, this could be a programming error, but I print the Lines' end points just before creating the 3 walls, and these points are perfectly consecutive, in the right order. The print looks like this (I remove the Y and Z coordinates, they're constant):
Now creating a new wall, from (11.811023622, ...) to (17.388451444, ...)
Now creating a new wall, from (17.388451444, ...) to (18.044619423, ...)
Now creating a new wall, from (18.044619423, ...) to (28.871391076, ...)
If I then use the RevitLookup Addin to check that problematic wall, I see that its LocationCurve's origin is indeed located at (18.044619423, ...).
But if I look at it's BoundingBox Min and Max properties, I can see that it starts at 17.388.. and goes up to 28.871391076. That is what the illustration shows..
Furthermore I use this split method on some other walls in my geometry, for which I have no problems, and I do obtain 3 nicely consecutive walls!
My question therefore is: Am I missing a property somewhere that would somehow 'shift' the wall BoundingBox from its Location Curve?? That would explain somehow this behavior?
How else could I explain and correct this?
Thanks a lot!
Maybe Revit is automatically connecting the walls somehow, and modifying their geometry in order to connect them well. Imagine, for example, two perpendicular walls along the X and Y axis, from (0,0) to (1,0) and (0,1), respectively, with a wall thickness of 0.2. Revit will connect them. To do so, it will extend them in the corner where they meet at the origin. Due to that, their bounding boxes both do not end at (0,0) (or at (0,-0.1) and (-0.1,0)), as you might expect. Instead, they will both have a common corner at (-0.1,-0.1). Thus, both bounding boxes will have a maximal extension of 1.1 instead of 1.0. I hope this explanation is clear. A picture would say more than a thousand words... sorry about the stupid attempt using words instead.
You may be able to prevent wall 3 from joining up with wall 1 by setting the location line JoinType property on both of them to JoinType.None.
EDIT: Using WallUtils.DisallowWallJoinAtEnd function did the trick!
So this is the status after some investigation: The third wall is indeed auto-expanding its BoundaryBox so that it connects to the first wall. And doing that, it overlaps the small wall (see "wall 2 in the picture below - this wall is of different type than walls 1 and 3 (which are of same type), hence being ignored when wall 3 is looking for somewhere to connect) in between them (that was only 20cm long).
Making "Wall 2" a bit longer (40 cm) helps and prevents the 3rd wall from auto-expanding to the first wall, that is what I did here:
Then it's ok. But this doesn't solve the problem. I didn't see any way of preventing the "auto-expansion" of the BoundingBox, or any way to control the max distance at which it looks for another wall.
I also tried first imposing 3 different types, and then changing wall type of wall 3 to the same wall type as wall 1: when their wall types are different: no expansion. When I change the wall type, it expands, even though the wall was already created.
Finally, the really strange behavior is that for some walls, I don't have this problem at all. This is: 3 walls of the same types as when I do have the problem, with same length of 20cm for wall 2. This last thing is really unexplained.

Dynamic Programming algorithm shortest path between two

There's an algorithm currently driving me crazy.
I've seen quite a few variations of it, so I'll just try to explain the easiest one I can think about.
Let's say I have a project P:
Project P is made up of 4 sub projects.
I can solve each of those 4 in two separate ways, and each of those modes has a specific cost and a specific time requirement:
For example (making it up):
P: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + .... n
A(T/C) Ta1/Ca1 Ta2/Ca2 etc
B(T/C) Tb1/Cb1 etc
Basically I have to find the combination that of those four modes which has the lowest cost. And that's kind of easy, the problem is: the combination has to be lower than specific given time.
In order to find the lowest combination I can easily write something like:
for i = 1 to n
aa[i] = min(aa[i-1],ba[i-1]) + value(a[i])
bb[i] = min(bb[i-1],ab[i-1]) + value(b[i])
ba[i] = min(bb[i-1],ab[i-1]) + value(b[i])
ab[i] = min(aa[i-1],ba[i-1]) + value(a[i])
Now something like is really easy and returns the correct value every time, the lowest at the last circle is gonna be the correct one.
Problem is: if min returns modality that takes the last time, in the end I'll have the fastest procedure no matter the cost.
If if min returns the lowest cost, I'll have the cheapest project no matter the amount of time taken to realize it.
However I need to take both into consideration: I can do it easily with a recursive function with O(2^n) but I can't seem to find a solution with dynamic programming.
Can anyone help me?
If there are really just four projects, you should go with the exponential-time solution. There are only 16 different cases, and the code will be short and easy to verify!
Anyway, the I'm pretty sure the problem you describe is the knapsack problem, which is NP-hard. So, there will be no exact solution that's sub-exponential unless P=NP. However, depending on what "n" actually is (is it 4 in your case? or the values of the time and cost?) there may be a pseudo-polynomial time solution. The Wikipedia article contains descriptions of these.

Excel Solver Curve Fitting Failing - MatLab recast

I am having some strange problems with excel's solver. Basically what I am trying to do is curve fit my data. I have two different lines, one is my calibration line and the other is the derived line that I am attempting to match up to the calibration line. My line depends on 19 different variable parameters (Perhaps this is too many? I have tried fewer without result) and I am using solver to adjust these parameters to make the two lines as close as possible.
For Example:
The QP column contains the variables I would like changed, changing these will draw me closer or further from the calibration curve. Each subsequent value of QP must be greater than the first.
Col=B Col=C
Power .QP_'
1 ..... 57000
2 ..... 65000
3 ..... 70000
4 ..... 80000
5 ..... 80000
Therefore my excel solver parameters look like this: C1:C19>=0,C1:C19<=100000 and C2>=C1, C3>=C2,C4>=C3... I have also tried making another column of the differences between each value and then saying that these must be diff>=0.
To compare this with my calibration curve I have taken the calibration curve data and subtracted my data derived from QP and then squared that to create my sum of the squares error. For example:
(Calibration-DerivedQP)^2=SS(x) <- where x represents the row number
SSE is what I have set solver to minimize. And upon changing QP everything automatically updates. There are no if statements being used and no pivot tables are used.
If I remove the parameters similar to C2>=C1 everything works perfectly, except the derived values are not feasible. But when the solver is run with these parameters, nothing gets changed and no matter which guesses I used as starting values ( so that I can ensure I haven't guessed a local minimum), the solver cannot improve upon my solution. This has led me to believe that something in my parameters is being broken, since I can very easily improve on my solution by guess and check. The rest of solvers settings are at the defaults, and the evolutionary method is used since my curve isn't smooth (I don't think) I had this working in the past and now something seems to be broken. Any ideas are appreciated! Thank you so much! Sorry if I am missing any critical information. I am also familiar with matlab and R if there are better methods in those languages.
I found the solution to my problem. I don't know if this will be helpful to anyone else since my problem vague and pretty specific to me. That being said, my problem was in the constraints. I changed some data on my excel sheet to allow for fewer constraints. An example might look like this:
-12..............(-12)^2....... 0
Now I allow solver to guess any number subject to minimal constraints.
Essentially, what is happening now, is the excel sheet allows for any guess that solver makes to work. By squaring the numbers it give me positive values, and the added column ensures that each successive value is equal to or greater than the first. This means there are very few constraints. I also changed the solver option from evolutionary to GRG Nonlinear.
Tips for getting solver to work:
Try and use the spreadsheet to set constraints (other than bounds, bounds seem to be good) wherever possible, the more constraints that I set in solver, the less likely my solution was to work.
Hope that helps, sorry if I have provided any incorrect information.

Transparency in Progressive Photon Mapping in cuda

I am working on a project, which is based on optix. I need to use progressive photon mapping, hence I am trying to use the Progressive Photon Mapping from the samples, but the transparency material is not implemented.
I've googled a lot and also tried to understand other samples that contains transparency material (e.g. Glass, Tutorial, whitted). At last, I got the solution as follows;
Find the hit point (intersection point) (h below)
Generate another ray from that point
use the color of the new generated points
By following you can also find the code of that part, by I do not understand why I get black color(.0f, .0f, 0.f) for the new generated ray (part 3 above).
optix::Ray ray( h, t, rtpass_ray_type, scene_epsilon );
HitPRD refr_prd;
refr_prd.ray_depth = hit_prd.ray_depth+1;
refr_prd.importance = importance;
rtTrace( top_object, ray, refr_prd );
result += (1.0f - reflection) * refraction_color * refr_prd.attenuation;
Any idea will be appreciated.
Please note that refr_prd.attenuation should contains some colors, after using function rtTrace(). I've mentioned reflection and reflaction_color to help you better understand the procedure. You can simply ignore them.
There are a number of methods to diagnose your problem.
Isolate the contribution of the refracted ray, by removing any contribution of the reflection ray.
Make sure you have a miss program. HitPRD::attenuation needs to be written to by all of your closest hit programs and your miss programs. If you suspect the miss program is being called set your miss color to something obviously bad ([1,0,1] is my favorite).
Use rtPrintf in combination with rtContextSetPrintLaunchIndex or setPrintLaunchIndex to print out the individual values of the product to see which term is zero from a given pixel. If you don't restrict the output to a given launch index you will get too much output. You probably also want to print out the depth as well.
