Regex replacement using sed and awk - linux

I'm trying to replace first, second and third %f with a b and c respectively using sed and awk.
This is what i've tried
sed "s|(51.7296373326*%f)|(51.7296373326*a)|g" dump1.txt
The values are not constant..

I guess you meant sed or awk.
awk 'BEGIN{a[++i]="a";a[++i]="b";a[++i]="c"}
{for(x=1;x<=i;x++)sub(/%f/,a[x])}7' file
if the replacement list is big, like a-z, you can put them in a file, first load it into array a instead of loading them in BEGIN block.
Note, the codes could be optimized by checking the return value of sub, if 0, break.


Extract text from each line from a multiple-line text file based on a condition, Linux

I have a txt file with only one column that each line represent a different fastq.gz file from a sequence output. See an example below:
First of all, I would like to convert the first "-" symbol to underscore "_".
I achieved that through the following command:
sed 's/[-]/_/Ig' inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt
Then the outputfile.txt is:
Afterwards, I would like to extract in a new txt file only the text between first and second underscore, so:
How can I achieve? I tried through sed, awk but I cannot find out.
Thanks on advance for your aid,
1st solution: To get your shown expected sample output you need not to first substitute - to - and then print, we can use power of awk here to create multiple field separators and then print needed value accordingly.
awk -F'-|_' '{print $2}' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation of above awk program would be, making _ and - as field separators for whole Input_file then printing 2nd field/column in it.
2nd solution: Using sed solution, using sed's back reference capability here.
sed -E 's/^[^-]*-([^_]*).*/\1/' Input_file
Explanation: Using sed's -E option here to enable ERE(extended regular expression) here. In main program of sed then from starting of value till 1st occurrence of - matching it and then creating 1st back reference(temp location in memory to be retrieved later on while performing substitution) and then matching anything till last of value. While substitution, substituting whole line value with only matched value to get desired results.
3rd solution: Using GNU grep here. Using GNU grep's -oP options here to enable PCRE regex engine in this program. In main program matching everything from starting to till - and forgetting that match with \k option of GNU grep. Then matching everything just before - and printing it.
grep -oP '^.*?-\K[^_]*' Input_file

Linux remove whitespace first line

i have the file virt.txt contains:
0302 000000 23071SOCIETY 117
0602 000000000000000001 PAYMENT BANK
I want to remove 3 whitespaces from 6th to 8th column to the first line only.
I do:
sed '1s/[[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]//6' virt.txt
please help
Your regex would consume all the available blanks from a sequence of three or more (in a quite inefficient way) and replace the sixth occurrence of that. Because your first input line does not contain six or more separate stretches of three or more whitespace characters, it actually did nothing. But you can in fact use sed to do exactly what you say you want:
sed '1s/^\(.....\) /\1/' virt.txt
(or for convenience, if you have sed -E or the variant sed -r which works on some platforms, but neither of these is standard):
sed -E '1s/^(.{5}) {3}/\1/' virt.txt # -E is not portable
The parentheses capture the first five characters into a back reference, and we then use the first back reference \1 as the replacement string, effectively replacing only the text which matched outside the parentheses.
If your sed supports the -i option, you can use that to modify the file directly; but this is also not standard, so the most portable solution is to write the result to a new file, then move it back on top of the original file if you want to replace it.
sed is convenient if you are familiar with it, but as you are clearly not, perhaps a better approach would be to use a different language, ideally one which is not write-only for many users, like sed.
If you know the three characters will always be spaces, just do a static replacement.
awk 'NR==1 { $0 = substr($0, 1, 5) substr($0, 9) } 1' virt.txt
On the first line (NR is the current input line number) replace the input line $0 with a catenation of the substrings on both sides of the part you want to cut.
For a simple replacement like that, you can also use basic Unix text manipulation utilities, though it's rather inefficient and inelegant:
head -n 1 virt.txt | cut -c1-5,9- >newfile.txt
tail -n +2 virt.txt >>newfile.txt
If you need to check that the three characters are spaces, the Awk script only needs a minor tweak.
awk 'NR==1 && /^.{5} {3}/ { $0 = substr($0, 1, 5) substr($0, 9) } 1' virt.txt
You should vaguely recognize the regex from above. Awk is less succinct, but as a consequence also quite a lot more readable, than sed.

Using sed to obtain pattern range through multiple files in a directory

I was wondering if it was possible to use the sed command to find a range between 2 patterns (in this case, dates) and output these lines in the range to a new file.
Right now, I am just looking at one file and getting lines within my time range of the file FileMoverTransfer.log. However, after a certain time period, these logs are moved to new log files with a suffix such as FileMoverTransfer.log-20180404-xxxxxx.gz. Here is my current code:
sed -n '/^'$start_date'/,/^'$end_date'/p;/^'$end_date'/q' FileMoverTransfer.log >> /public/FileMoverRoot/logs/intervalFMT.log
While this doesn't work, as sed isn't able to look through all of the files in the directory starting with FileMoverTransfer.log?
sed -n '/^'$start_date'/,/^'$end_date'/p;/^'$end_date'/q' FileMoverTransfer.log* >> /public/FileMoverRoot/logs/intervalFMT.log
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The range operator only operates within a single file, so you can't use it if the start is in one file and the end is in another file.
You can use cat to concatenate all the files, and pipe this to sed:
cat FileMoverTransfer.log* | sed -n "/^$start_date/,/^$end_date/p;/^$end_date/q" >> /public/FileMoverRoot/logs/intervalFMT.log
And instead of quoting and unquoting the sed command, you can use double quotes so that the variables will be expanded inside it. This will also prevent problems if the variables contain whitespace.
awk solution
As the OP confirmed that an awk solution would be acceptable, I post it.
(gunzip -c FileMoverTransfer.log-*.gz; cat FileMoverTransfer.log ) \
|awk -v st="$start_date" -v en="$end_date" '$1>=st&&$1<=en{print;next}$1>en{exit}'\
This solution is functionally almost identical to Barmar’s sed solution, with the difference that his solution, like the OP’s, will print and quit at the first record matching the end date, while mine will print all lines matching the end date and quit at the first record past the end date, without printing it.
Some remarks:
The OP didn't specify the date format. I suppose it is a format compatible with ordinary string order, otherwise some conversion function should be used.
The files FileMoverTransfer.log-*.gz must be named in such a way that their alphabetical ordering corresponds to the chronological order (which is probably the case.)
I suppose that the dates are separated from the rest of the line by whitespace. If they aren’t, you have to supply the -F option to awk. E.g., if the dates are separated by -, you must write awk -F- ...
awk is much faster than sed in this case, because awk simply looks for the separator (whitespace or whatever was supplied with -F) while sed performs a regexp match.
There is no concept of range in my code, only date comparison. The only place where I suppose that the lines are ordered is when I say $1>en{exit}, that is exit when a line is newer than the end date. If you remove that final pattern and its action, the code will run through the whole input, but you could drop the requirement that the files be ordered.

How to convert two characters to one using sed

I need to change two characters (\t\n) for only one (\t).
All lines ending in Tab will join with the next line.
I used this command:
sed -i 's/\t\n/\t/g' file.txt
but it doesn't do anything.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '1h;1!H;$!d;x;s/\t\n/\t/g' file
Sed is line based and uses the \n to delimit what it presents in its pattern space. The above solution gathers up the entire file into the hold space ( a spare register) and then does the global substitution returning the desired result.

sed regex with variables to replace numbers in a file

Im trying to replace numbers in my textfile by adding one to them. i.e.
sed 's/3/4/g' path.txt
sed 's/2/3/g' path.txt
sed 's/1/2/g' path.txt
Instead of this, Can i automate it, i.e. find a /d and add one to it in the replace.
Something like
sed 's/\([0-8]\)/\1+1/g' path.txt
Also wanted to capture more than one digit i.e. ([0-9])\t([0-9]) and change each one keeping the tab inbetween
edited #2
Using the perl example,
I also would like it to work with more digits i.e.
perl -pi~ -e 's/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ ($1+1)\.($2+1)\.($3+1)\.($4+1) /ge' output.txt
Any tips on making the above work?
There is no support for arithmetic in sed, but you can easily do this in Perl.
perl -pe 's/(\d+)/ $1+1 /ge'
With the /e option, the replacement expression needs to be valid Perl code. So to handle your final updated example, you need
perl -pi~ -e 's/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ $1+1 . "." $2+1 . "." . $3+1 . "." . $4+1 /ge'
where strings are properly quoted and adjacent strings are concatenated together with the . Perl string concatenation operator. (The arithmetic numbers are coerced into strings as well when they are concatenated with a string.)
... Though of course, the first script already does that more elegantly, since with the /g flag it already increments every sequence of digits with one, anywhere in the string.
Triplee's perl solution is the more generic answer, but Michal's sed solution works well for this particular case. However, Michal's sed solution is more easily written:
sed y/12345678/23456789/ path.txt
and is better implemented as
tr 12345678 23456789 < path.txt
This utterly fails to handle 2 digit numbers (as in the edited question).
You can do it with sed but it's not easy, see this thread.
And it's hard with awk too, see this.
I'd rather use perl for this (something like this can be seen in action # ideone):
perl -pe 's/([0-8])/$1+1/e'
(The example must have some looping as ideone does not sets -pe by default.)
You can't do addition directly in sed - you could do it in awk by matching numbers using a regex in each line and increasing the value, but it's quite complicated. If do not need to handle arbitrary numbers but a limited set, like only single-digit numbers from 0 to 8, you can just put several replacement commands on a single sed command line by separating them with semicolons:
sed 's/8/9/g ; s/7/8/g; s/6/7/g; s/5/6/g; s/4/5/g; s/3/4/g; s/2/3/g; s/1/2/g; s/0/1/g' path.txt
This might work for you (GNU sed & Bash):
sed 's/[0-9]/$((&+1))/g;s/.*/echo "&"/e' file
This will add one to every individual digit, to increment numbers:
sed 's/[0-9]\+/$((&+1))/g;s/.*/echo "&"/e' file
N.B. This method is fraught with problems and may cause unexpected results.
