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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've used hg pull and hg update to pull some new revisions to my Ubuntu box and update my local source to the new head. There's no branching involved here. I confirmed that they were changed to the latest revision by checking a change that I made five minutes ago on Windows and it's right here, and the latest modified time on the file is clearly three minutes ago (the last build was 18 days ago).
But when I run make, it seems to think nothing has changed. I used make clean also but nothing happened. I even deleted the build output and intermediate object file directories, to no effect.
How can I make make recognize that my files have changed and rebuild them?
Turns out that I was using Debug64 as my config instead of debug64. Apparently make doesn't mention it when you try to build absolutely nothing at all, since that config does not exist.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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cargo run seems to build my app every time I run it. When there are no code changes it still tried to build it which takes 5 or 8 seconds. This says "building..." and lists all warnings.
Is there a way to simply run my binary with cargo run that will not try to build it?
I'd like it for be built only when something changed.
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Closed 1 year ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 9 months ago and left it closed:
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I am new to solana and rust, recently i have installed thier example-helloworld from this repo- .
Whenever i have tried to build the rust program using npm scripts or going to the rust program directory to manually run cargo build-bpf, it says - no such subcommand: +bpf.terminal error image
i have also tried the command which cargo-build-bpf,it have no error.
however i have also tried to manually build using cargo build ,it throws a error.
Your version of Rust may be out of date, can you try updating to Rust 1.53? You should be able to get it using:
rustup toolchain add 1.53
You might then need to reinstall the Solana tool suite, following the instructions at:
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am creating an application where each user will have his own workspace which will consist of some text files. He will be editing and saving these files excessively.
I want to implement a version control system for each user to keep track of his work and revert back and forth to any previous version if he wants to.
I would also like users be able to fork into each others workspace to copy the content to their own workspace just like in, make changes and commit easily.
My stack is node.js and angular.js
Where should I start, to implement it. I guess there should some way to use git or some other open source project. Does anybody have any idea what plunker is using?
Super late response, but for anyone stumbling across this, try checking out git=annex
We used this at one of my old jobs for keeping track of fMRI datasets. It's best used for large data though, so one may want to find something similar but perhaps better aligned for what they need.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a problem like below , can any body give some idea how to solve the issue!!
Me using JSF for my project, in backbean in a method where I ought to create a folders in a specific folder on the (Jboss) server system. Just before the session is about to destroyed I need to delete those folder on the file system of server.
How to do this one ?
I cant implement HttpSessionListner for the backbean as in its constructor me doing a lot of other stuff.
Not sure how to resolve this problem , can any body give any good idea to handle this ?
Thanks in advance.
You have to think about a solution which will work even when the server will crash. I would implement a job/batch to delete all folders which are older than a certain amount of time (let's say 1 day for instance). Testing if a folder is enough old to be deleted or not is probably no problem and depends on your specific application. (e.g. you can read the creation date of the folder, or create the folder with a given name containing the date when the folder was created)
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 9 years ago.
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This question arose in my mind while I was installing JDK on Ubuntu. While I was installing JDK the steps are -
Extracting the .bin file of java.
Make a directory named java6 in /usr/lib and move all the content of extracted .bin file to the /usr/lib/java6.
Now soft a soft link is created in the current directory like this-
ln -s java6 java
I am surprised that the newly created link 'java' is used to set "JAVA_HOME" environment variable. As far as I know a similar thing is not possible in Windows.
More over while I am installing nexus I noticed the following -
$ ln -s nexus-2.7-06-bundle nexus
$ cd nexus
$ ./bin/nexus console
What I am trying to say here is - first we access the link directory (nexus), then we are running script (in /bin/nexus). I noticed these two approaches in several tutorials. I think these approaches should have some benefits.
Now my questions are that -
Why a link (/usr/lib/java) is set as JAVA_HOME; what is the advantage of doing so?
Why we are running the script (... /bin/nexus) from going to the soft link directory and what is the advantage of doing so?
When I am using the base directory instead of the link for the mentioned two cases, it also works fine. So, why these approaches?
If you install java7 instead of java6 (or java7 parallel to java6
or something else like that), if the JAVA_HOME variable and 100 other things are set
explicitly to java6, you would have to change them all to java7.
(and it is not trivial to find all config stuff which need changes).
With the link, you set all config stuff to the link and change only the link if necessary.And yes, this is possible on Windows too.
1) Why a link (/usr/lib/java) is set as JAVA_HOME; what is the advantage of doing so?
JAVA_HOME points to java you want to use (say java6)
JAVA_HOME is just a convention, usually software like eclipse, maven etc... use it to find where Java is located.
And yea it can be done in Windows too.
2) Why we are running the script (... /bin/nexus) from going to the soft link directory and what is the advantage of doing so?
Advantage none (It depends on you how you see it)
This Q is somewhat similar to Q1..
Say in future you want to use new version nexus-2.8-*. So instead of changing all configuration from nexus-2.7-* to nexus-2.8-*; you can just change the soft link nexus(to point the new version)
3) When I am using the base directory instead of the link for the mentioned two cases, it also works fine. So, why these approaches?
You answered you own Q!
Yep its a link; so nexus --> nexus-2.7-06-bundle; one and the same...
why the approach? see 3rd point of previous Q
Think of soft link as shortcut in Windows