Need help or idea to cleaning folders [closed] - jsf

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a problem like below , can any body give some idea how to solve the issue!!
Me using JSF for my project, in backbean in a method where I ought to create a folders in a specific folder on the (Jboss) server system. Just before the session is about to destroyed I need to delete those folder on the file system of server.
How to do this one ?
I cant implement HttpSessionListner for the backbean as in its constructor me doing a lot of other stuff.
Not sure how to resolve this problem , can any body give any good idea to handle this ?
Thanks in advance.

You have to think about a solution which will work even when the server will crash. I would implement a job/batch to delete all folders which are older than a certain amount of time (let's say 1 day for instance). Testing if a folder is enough old to be deleted or not is probably no problem and depends on your specific application. (e.g. you can read the creation date of the folder, or create the folder with a given name containing the date when the folder was created)


Python 3 how can i structure files? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm very new to pyhton so forgive me.
My question it how I can structure a file. For example I want to save multiple cooking recipes in a file. The program then should find the whole recipe with the ingerdients just by knowing its name.
I have tried to find answers in the internet but I seem not to find the right search term. So my question is just for what term do I have to google to find something that helps me?
You are looking to convert a text file into a dictionary. I would recommend using a JSON structure. See this page. If scope of your project is bigger than yourself using it, you would be better off using a database. Check out MongoDB.

Automated edit of an excel file [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've got no experience in how to automate tasks in excel but here is my scenario. I have a CSV file which is uploaded to an FTP server every 4 hours from my distributor, in this feed there are around 50 different categories of products, i need to find a way to automatically remove categories i do not need and then for it to save the revised in FTP.
I am trying to import my suppliers products into my ecommerce store and do not want half of the categories that include in their feed. I've asked them directly about selecting certain categories but they said that's not possible.
Can what i ask be achieved?
You should look into Python's ability to read and write .csv files.
Check out these two links also:
Read specific columns from a csv file with csv module?
I think after informing yourself on how to automate tasks in excel, then you can ask better questions about the issues in your attempt to tackle the problem.

How would someone implement version control system in an application for their users, eg. in [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am creating an application where each user will have his own workspace which will consist of some text files. He will be editing and saving these files excessively.
I want to implement a version control system for each user to keep track of his work and revert back and forth to any previous version if he wants to.
I would also like users be able to fork into each others workspace to copy the content to their own workspace just like in, make changes and commit easily.
My stack is node.js and angular.js
Where should I start, to implement it. I guess there should some way to use git or some other open source project. Does anybody have any idea what plunker is using?
Super late response, but for anyone stumbling across this, try checking out git=annex
We used this at one of my old jobs for keeping track of fMRI datasets. It's best used for large data though, so one may want to find something similar but perhaps better aligned for what they need.

How do I make my application jump in front of everything if clicked on? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The Application I am using does not jump infront of everything if I click on it, that means I have to minimize every single window for a clear view. How can I change this?
also the application is just working in "pseudo fullscreen" how do I make it go "real" fullscreen? (I assume this could solve the first problem)
please note I am not the programmer but I am trying to solve this for the original programmer so if you could just give me some code that would be really appreciated.
And Squeak can do multiple host windows since 2006 but nobody has actually done anything with the capability since then.
(Sigh. Supposed to be a reply to Travis' comment)
Have a look at this squeak image.
I am not the original programmer but if you click on the logo then it becomes fullscreen and overlaps the other windows.
The source code can be found in the logo. Please post it if you find it!
Also note that Smalltalk has windows inside the window. I just mean the window of the smalltalk environment.

What is the best way to create user help documentation for an Excel VBA solution? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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VBA solutions can vary widely in size.
I would like to add user help documentation to all solutions but the level of effort to create and deploy the help needs to match the size of the solution.
You should check the VBA version of MZ-Tools. It is an add-in for VBA that can automatically generate documentation from your code (function name, parameters, comments, subject, etc.). You can also use it to automatically generate line numbers, onError labels, etc. More on the automatic documenting feature can be found here.
It is free, easy, and very efficient. Once you notice how much you save time by using it, please do like me: donate.
You may wish to consider HTML Help. It allows you to produce help files that are similar to standard Microsoft help. It is not particularly difficult to use, for the most part.
