Mapping IQueryable class from Automapper - automapper

Does Automapper works with IQueryable?
I have 2 Query
IQueryable<V_ImageUpload> Query1;
IQueryable<V_ImageUpload> Query2;
Mapper.CreateMap<IQueryable<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup>, IQueryable<V_ImageUpload>>();
Query1 = Mapper.Map<IQueryable<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup>, IQueryable<V_ImageUpload>>(Query2);
Exception occured is:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary

I've not used AutoMapper (so this was an excuse to try it out!), but there are queryable extensions available. Both your queryables are of the same type, so I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve, but perhaps something like this is what you want, which takes an IQueryable<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup> and converts it to an IQueryable<V_ImageUpload>:
IQueryable<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup> query1;
IQueryable<V_ImageUpload> query2;
// Only map the actual type, not the queryable types
Mapper.CreateMap<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup, V_ImageUpload>();
query2 = query1.Project().To<V_ImageUpload>();
The .Project().To<V_ImageUpload>() keeps it as IQueryable, while Mapper.Map would end up with a List/IEnumerable. I only tested this out with LINQ to Objects, but hopefully it works with Entity Framework, or whatever you are using.


How to get query string in case CQLStatement,QueryState and QueryOptions is given

Cassandra has org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryHandler interface which provide apis to handle external queries from client.
Below api which handles prepared statment:
public ResultMessage processPrepared(CQLStatement statement, QueryState state, QueryOptions options) throws RequestExecutionException, RequestValidationException;
I want to log queryString and value passed to it, in case CQLStatement,QueryState and QueryOptions is given . How can i get it?
I Believe a person who has worked on cassandra code can help me out in this.
This would be very difficult in 2.1. With newer versions where for logging they needed this they just recreate it as well as possible. You can see how in the ReadCommand implementations, theres a name() or toCQLString() used in things like slow query logging. You could backport this and the 2 implementations of appendCQLWhereClause for ability to do similar and then build one for modification statement.
in getPrepared() you can get the rawCQLStatement from the ParsedStatement.Prepared and stash it in the thread local.
You may want to alternatively consider using a custom implementation of tracing (example) or using triggers and building a mutation logger.
Do the following:
create a class that would implement the QueryHandler interface and make Cassandra aware of it
in that class you can maintain a list of the queries (add to this list when prepare method is being called) and the current query that you will get from the list when getPrepared it's called; you can get it from the list using the MD5Digest id
when processPrepared is called you can replace the ? in the query string with the values in the QueryOptions options.getValues().

How can I get ViewScope value stored as an object in Java?

I have an object stored in the ViewScope: ObjectName (valueA:one, valueB:two)
I stored the values using Java:
ObjectObject location = new ObjectObject();
location.put("valueA", FBSUtility.wrap("one"));
location.put("valueB", FBSUtility.wrap("two"));
Utils.setViewScope("ObjectName", location);
How would I go about retrieving these values from the ViewScope? I've tried doing something like the following:
ObjectObject location;
location = (ObjectObject) ExtLibUtil.getViewScope().get("ObjectName");
but I'm not sure what methods to use to get the values or if this is even the correct path. Thanks in advance for any help.
It's a bit unusual to go out of your way to use the FBS classes, but that path is reasonable enough to accomplish what you want. As long as the latter code is executed after the format, that should retrieve the same object and properly cast it to ObjectObject. After that, you could use location.get("valueA"), etc. to get the values by name, and then whatever methods of FBSValue are appropriate (I'd guess stringValue()).
Incidentally, unless you have a specific need to use these internal classes (like if you're doing something fancy with SSJS functions), it may make sense to use just a normal HashMap<String, Object> instead. SSJS and EL can work with those quite well.

Using constructor to load data in subsonic3?

I'm getting an error while trying to load an record through the constructor.
The constructor is:
public Document(Expression<Func<Document,bool>> expression);
and i try to load a single item in like this
var x = new Document(f=>f.publicationnumber=="xxx");
publicationnumber isn't a key but tried making an it an unique key and still no go..
Am i totally wrong regarding the use of the constructor? and can someone please tell me how to use that constructor?
The error i'm getting is:
Test method TestProject1.UnitTest1.ParseFileNameTwoProductSingleLanguage threw exception: System.NullReferenceException:
with the following stacktrace:
SubSonic.Query.SqlQuery.Where[T](Expression1` expression)
Load`[T]`(T item, Expression1expression)
db.Document..ctor(Expression``1 expression) in C:\#Projects\DocumentsSearchAndAdmin\DocumentsSearchAndAdmin\Generated\ActiveRecord.cs: line 5613
rest removed for simplicity
Use == instead of =, i.e.:
...(f=>f.publicationnumber == "xxx");
I've just gotten the SubSonic source, and found out that it had to with the expression parser and my lack of knowledge thereof .. my right side of the expression was actually an item in an string array - and s[PUBNO] (PUBNO is a const) and it was looking for an column named s instead of publicationnumber, i don't know if this i a bug or not in the linq classes
none the less - i've managed to get it to work by creating a local variable containing the value of s[PUBNO] and using that instead...

Subsonic 3.0 and SqlHierachyID

I am having trouble with Subsonic 3.0 generating an object for a table which contains the new HeirachyID datatype. From what I have found, there is no corrosponding .Net type, and subsonic doesn't seem to know how to handle the hierachyid data.
Error that is thrown:
Object of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlHierarchyId' cannot be converted to type 'System.String'.
foreach (MyDB.DataAccess.ThingCategory tc in DataAccess.ThingCategory.Find(x => x.fk_Thing.Equals(thingId)))
sb.AppendFormat("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", wrapTag, tc.Categories.ToList<DataAccess.Category>()[0].Name);
tc.Categories.ToList() generates the error
Alternatively, I tried to get around this by writing a sproc to return the hierachyid column as a string, and noticed SubSonic 3.0 sprocs are not strongly-typed. or am I doing something wrong?
Sprocs can be strongly-typed by calling ExecuteTypedList()
I would create an issue on the Github tracker to either add support for the type (someone will have to contribute this since I don't think it's a high priority) or to gracefully handle it when they exist.

How to Inner Join an UDF Function with parameters using SubSonic

I need to query a table using FreeTextTable (because I need ranking), with SubSonic. AFAIK, Subsonic doesn't support FullText, so I ended up creating a simple UDF function (Table Function) which takes 2 params (keywords to search and max number of results).
Now, how can I inner join the main table with this FreeTextTable?
InlineQuery is not an option.
table ARTICLE with fields Id, ArticleName, Author, ArticleStatus.
The search can be done by one of more of the following fields: ArticleName (fulltext), Author (another FullText but with different search keywords), ArticleStatus (an int).
Actually the query is far more complex and has other joins (depending on user choice).
If SubSonic cannot handle this situation, probably the best solution is good old plain sql (so there would be no need to create an UDF, too).
Thanks for your help
ps: will SubSonic 3.0 handle this situation?
3.0 can do this for you but you'd need to make a template for it since we don't handle functions (yet) out of the box. I'll be working on this in the coming weeks - for now I don't think 2.2 will do this for you.
I realize your question is more complex than this, but you can get results from a table valued function via SubSonic 2.2 with a little massaging.
Copy the .cs file from one of your generated views into a safe folder, and then change all the properties to match the columns returned by your UDF.
Then, on your collection, add a constructor method with your parameters and have it execute an InlineQuery.
public partial class UDFSearchCollection
public UDFSearchCollection(){}
public UDFSearchCollection(string keyword, int maxResults)
UDFSearchCollection coll = new InlineQuery().ExecuteAsCollection<UDFSearchCollection>("select resultID, resultColumn from dbo.udfSearch(#keyword, #maxResults)",keyword,maxResults);
coll = null;
public partial class UDFSearch : ReadOnlyRecord<UDFSearch>, IReadOnlyRecord
//all the methods for read only record go here
An inner join would be a little more difficult because the table object doesn't have it's own parameters collection. But it could...
