Subsonic 3.0 and SqlHierachyID - subsonic

I am having trouble with Subsonic 3.0 generating an object for a table which contains the new HeirachyID datatype. From what I have found, there is no corrosponding .Net type, and subsonic doesn't seem to know how to handle the hierachyid data.
Error that is thrown:
Object of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlHierarchyId' cannot be converted to type 'System.String'.
foreach (MyDB.DataAccess.ThingCategory tc in DataAccess.ThingCategory.Find(x => x.fk_Thing.Equals(thingId)))
sb.AppendFormat("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", wrapTag, tc.Categories.ToList<DataAccess.Category>()[0].Name);
tc.Categories.ToList() generates the error
Alternatively, I tried to get around this by writing a sproc to return the hierachyid column as a string, and noticed SubSonic 3.0 sprocs are not strongly-typed. or am I doing something wrong?

Sprocs can be strongly-typed by calling ExecuteTypedList()
I would create an issue on the Github tracker to either add support for the type (someone will have to contribute this since I don't think it's a high priority) or to gracefully handle it when they exist.


Liferay 7 - Freemarker: unwrap operation not matching the function signature

I am facing an odd problem with Freemarker and the classloader that I did not use to have on 6.2.
Basically, there is a minor logic on the top of the template that uses Oauth. This use to work fine and I can't see a problem with it. I tried placing a variation of the Scribe everywhere I could, and even deleting the one that comes inside the ROOT.
What is odd is that the code successfully calls some methods before the exception is thrown, I guess then it is not a classloader problem but an issue with the unwrap operation. Did something change with regards to that functionality?
${callbackParameters.add(TrueNTHOAuthConstants.REDIRECT, portalUtil.getCurrentCompleteURL(request))}
<#assign trueNTHConnectLoginURL = trueNTHConnect.getAuthorizationUrl(companyId,1, callbackParameters) /> (Exception at this line)
FreeMarker template error:
No compatible overloaded variation was found; can't convert (unwrap) the 3rd argument to the desired Java type.
The FTL type of the argument values were: number (wrapper: f.t.SimpleNumber), number (wrapper: f.t.SimpleNumber), extended_hash+string (org.scribe.model.ParameterList wrapped into f.e.b.StringModel).
**The matching overload was searched among these members**:
com.sun.proxy.$Proxy799.getAuthorizationUrl(long, int, org.scribe.model.ParameterList, org.scribe.model.ParameterList),
com.sun.proxy.$Proxy799.getAuthorizationUrl(long, int, org.scribe.model.ParameterList)
I have just mentioned the classloader as I had to deal with several ClassNotFoundException or class definition not found to get to this point. This was somehow expected (unpredictable behavior) due to the library replication..
It's possible that you have two different classes loaded with org.scribe.model.ParameterList name. So trueNTHConnect uses another version of the problematic class than the methods called before it. The JVM will see them as totally different incompatible classes, hence there's no matching overload.
There's a sure way to find it out: debug or modify FreeMarker at the places where the class names are printed so that it prints the identity hash of the Class objects too.

Mapping IQueryable class from Automapper

Does Automapper works with IQueryable?
I have 2 Query
IQueryable<V_ImageUpload> Query1;
IQueryable<V_ImageUpload> Query2;
Mapper.CreateMap<IQueryable<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup>, IQueryable<V_ImageUpload>>();
Query1 = Mapper.Map<IQueryable<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup>, IQueryable<V_ImageUpload>>(Query2);
Exception occured is:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary
I've not used AutoMapper (so this was an excuse to try it out!), but there are queryable extensions available. Both your queryables are of the same type, so I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve, but perhaps something like this is what you want, which takes an IQueryable<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup> and converts it to an IQueryable<V_ImageUpload>:
IQueryable<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup> query1;
IQueryable<V_ImageUpload> query2;
// Only map the actual type, not the queryable types
Mapper.CreateMap<V_ImageUpload_WithReceiptBackup, V_ImageUpload>();
query2 = query1.Project().To<V_ImageUpload>();
The .Project().To<V_ImageUpload>() keeps it as IQueryable, while Mapper.Map would end up with a List/IEnumerable. I only tested this out with LINQ to Objects, but hopefully it works with Entity Framework, or whatever you are using.

Nullreference exception in Update.Setwrap after updating Mongo Driver

I am in Mongo-C# environment and we have been coding against Mongo for a while using Mongo 1.3.x DLL. Recently, I updated it to be 1.4.2 and everything else was fine until I faced a problem where I noticed that while previous version of Mongo DLL was treating
update.SetWrapped(property.Name, value);
all file when value was null but the recent version does not like it and it throws nullreference exception.
Problem here is that I would like it to be able to accept Null values. has anybody faced this problem before? If yes, how did you handle that?
There was a breaking change when this was introduced. You need to use BsonNull.Value for this. So, your code would look like this:
update.SetWrapped(property.Name, BsonValue.Create(value) ?? BsonNull.Value);
I believe you should have been able to pass C# null to Update.SetWrapped<T> because T is a POCO and not a BsonValue and the serializer for T would decide how to serialize C# null.
I've created a JIRA ticket for this:
Note that while C# driver versions earlier than 1.4 did not throw a NullReferenceException, they also did not update the property to BSON null as you might have expected (passing C# null to SetWrapped turned the SetWrapped into a no-op in earlier versions).
The basic rules for C# null handling are clear:
C# null is not a valid BsonValue, use BsonNull.Value instead
C# null is valid for POCOs, and will probably be serialized as a BSON null (although technically a serializer for a POCO could choose a different representation)

Problem with RunMigrations in SimpleRepository Example - Subsonic 3

I downloaded today Subsonic 3 and tried out the examples. I am having a problem with the SimpleRepository example and I wondered if anyone else has had this. In the HomeController there is a defintion as follows:
public HomeController() {
_repo = new SimpleRepository("Blog");
I wanted to enable the migrations and so changed it to this:
public HomeController() {
_repo = new SimpleRepository("Blog", SimpleRepositoryOptions.RunMigrations);
However, when this runs it causes an error - stating an issue "String or binary data would be truncated.".
If it makes a difference, the version of VS is 2008 (with the GDR applied)
This is still an issue in the latest and .2 downloads..
You get this error message if the migration you are trying to run would edit/truncate data in your database.
Do you have sql profiler available? That way you can see the sql statement. If you don't have sql profiler available you will need to download the source and use debug to see the actual sql statement that it is trying to execute.
Way way way late to this party, but you probably need to add the [SubSonicLongString] attribute to the columns that have more than the default 225 characters for a plain String.

How to Inner Join an UDF Function with parameters using SubSonic

I need to query a table using FreeTextTable (because I need ranking), with SubSonic. AFAIK, Subsonic doesn't support FullText, so I ended up creating a simple UDF function (Table Function) which takes 2 params (keywords to search and max number of results).
Now, how can I inner join the main table with this FreeTextTable?
InlineQuery is not an option.
table ARTICLE with fields Id, ArticleName, Author, ArticleStatus.
The search can be done by one of more of the following fields: ArticleName (fulltext), Author (another FullText but with different search keywords), ArticleStatus (an int).
Actually the query is far more complex and has other joins (depending on user choice).
If SubSonic cannot handle this situation, probably the best solution is good old plain sql (so there would be no need to create an UDF, too).
Thanks for your help
ps: will SubSonic 3.0 handle this situation?
3.0 can do this for you but you'd need to make a template for it since we don't handle functions (yet) out of the box. I'll be working on this in the coming weeks - for now I don't think 2.2 will do this for you.
I realize your question is more complex than this, but you can get results from a table valued function via SubSonic 2.2 with a little massaging.
Copy the .cs file from one of your generated views into a safe folder, and then change all the properties to match the columns returned by your UDF.
Then, on your collection, add a constructor method with your parameters and have it execute an InlineQuery.
public partial class UDFSearchCollection
public UDFSearchCollection(){}
public UDFSearchCollection(string keyword, int maxResults)
UDFSearchCollection coll = new InlineQuery().ExecuteAsCollection<UDFSearchCollection>("select resultID, resultColumn from dbo.udfSearch(#keyword, #maxResults)",keyword,maxResults);
coll = null;
public partial class UDFSearch : ReadOnlyRecord<UDFSearch>, IReadOnlyRecord
//all the methods for read only record go here
An inner join would be a little more difficult because the table object doesn't have it's own parameters collection. But it could...
