How can I run nodejs from usb drive? - node.js

I would like to know how can I run nodeJS express from usb drive on a Linux/gentoo configuration ?

The only requirement is to download a portable version of node.js, may need to tweak mounting permissions.
The distributables are located here.
All your modules need to be installed locally.

You can download NodeJs Portable on sourceforge here : NodeJS Portable :

Using BTRFS on flashdrive is not that bad. I have a 64GB USB, and allocate about 29GB as fat32 and the rest for btrfs (it's not a bootable ISO). Disable CoW on BTRFS. Place winbtrfs zip in partition with fat32, and use partition with btrfs as any code projects. Whenever i need to access partition with btrfs in Windows, I just need to install btrfs.inf file in the fat32 partition.
I don't know is btrfs volume support symlink (or anything to use npm & nodejs) on Windows or not, but in Manjaro, I can use nodejs and install packages with NPM


What is the best Homebrew formula to extend macOS' disk formatting support to non-native disk types like ext4?

As macOS' disk utility only supports Mac OS Extended, MS-DOS, and exFAT, what formula could I install through Homebrew to gain access to additional disk type formats like ext4?
macOS's built in disk utility only supports specific filesystems.
Apple Support
Install osxfuse:
brew install --cask osxfuse
If you receive an error similar to:
installer: Error - The FUSE for macOS installation package is not compatible with this version of macOS.
You will need to seek a commercial version of Fuse with ext2/3/4 support. From Big Sur forward, Apple limited access to kernel extensions and added additional security features that osxfuse requires.
Finally install fuse-ext2:

if the system kernel doesn`t support cifs, how to copy file from the windows share folder to linux

if the system kernel doesn`t support cifs, how to copy file from windows share folder to linux. Any method can copy the file from windows share folder without cifs or mount?
Some possible options: webserver, ftp server, samba server, ntfs or fat floppy disk or usb drive, winscp.....
Use smbclient (it's like a simple FTP client for SMB, part of the samba package)

Raspberry pi - file blocking startup

I was trying to make some script automatically run on OS start up, but somehow i did it wrong and now i cant even start the OS since the file is blocking it.
Can i recover the OS removing what i did or at least have access to all my files inside my SD card? I've opened it on my laptop and all i have is two repartitions "BOOT" and "RECOVER" but can't find my user folder /home or anything usefull.
What i did:
sudo cp /home/pi/Desktop/ /etc/rc.local
Best get a bootable CD of a linux distro - fedora, ubuntu, any other, it doesn't really matter - boot the CD on your laptop and mount the SD card from there. Windows can't read linux partitions; other linuxes can.

About compiling Linux kernel in Debian Live

This is my first time compiling Linux kernel. I am using Debian Live. I used kernel-package to compile and I also added a new system call to return an arbitrary integer value greater than zero.
Everything went fine and I got both headers and image .deb files. When I tried to install them with dpkg, there was a warning that said I needed to configure LILO. I then aborted the installation and looked for LILO to find out that Debian Live got neither LILO nor GRUB. I installed GRUB, but it was not installed on my sda1 (USB disk running Debain Live), it said that it was not a proper block device. Debian Live uses squashfs (a file system).
Then, I ignored bootloader and installed the custom kernel. After I rebooted my computer, I was directly booted to the old Debain Live and my system call returns -1.
Please provide some solutions guys.
Debian Live is not a suitable base for you do to your own kernel development on. As you've found, it doesn't contain the tools needed to rebuild itself (that's not what its designed to do).
Install the regular Debian distribution (perhaps inside a virtualisation environment like VMWare Server or VirtualBox). Do your kernel development there.

Mount floppy image in cygwin

How can I mount a floppy image file using cygwin. I would like to mount the image, copy a file to the mounted drive, and then unmount it from the command line.
I know you can use Virtual Floppy Drive in windows, but is there a way to do this in Cygwin?
Can't you just use Virtual Floppy Drive? Cygwin doesn't really do filesystems; it lets Windows take care of that.
If you look on line (google) there doens't seem to be support in Cygwin for that kind of functionality. An alternative, though more effort, would be to use something like VirtualBox, or the free version of VMWare and run a light-weight Linux distro, where you could use the loopback mounting feature and expose it via samba as a windows-share.
Use ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver is a disk image emulator created by Olof Lagerkvist. It can emulate devices as hard drives, floppy drives, or CD/DVD drives. It is free software, containing some code licensed under GPL, and some under BSD.
URL download: ImDisk
Cygwin is just a standard Win32 DLL, it relies on windows kernel for everything related to file-systems. This means it cannot mount or unmount anything by itself. However, you can still read and write to floppy images from the command line using mtools.
Note that I in order to compile I had to manually edit the Makefile (after the ./configure step) to modify this line:
LIBS = -liconv
