Raspberry pi - file blocking startup - linux

I was trying to make some script automatically run on OS start up, but somehow i did it wrong and now i cant even start the OS since the file is blocking it.
Can i recover the OS removing what i did or at least have access to all my files inside my SD card? I've opened it on my laptop and all i have is two repartitions "BOOT" and "RECOVER" but can't find my user folder /home or anything usefull.
What i did:
sudo cp /home/pi/Desktop/test.sh /etc/rc.local

Best get a bootable CD of a linux distro - fedora, ubuntu, any other, it doesn't really matter - boot the CD on your laptop and mount the SD card from there. Windows can't read linux partitions; other linuxes can.


Installing software while running bootable usb

I am new to Linux so I have created a bootable usb drive with Linux Mint on it so that I can play around with it for a while before deciding if I want to install Linux on my harddrive.
I have created the pendrive with persistence so that I should have the ability to install software on it. However I can't seem to install anything.
I have downloaded the graphical linux postgresql installation file, given it execution permissions and then get the following error when I try to run it:
There has been an error
Error changing ownership of
/tmp/postgresql_installer_120403f9ba/lib/postgresql to root
I also downloaded the 7zip tar file, extracted it and tried to run the install.sh file. But nothing happens. Im just trying to see if I can get anything to install.
Im guessing either there's something with permissions that im not doing correctly, or it has something to do with the fact that im running linux from a usb drive.
As mentioned, im brand new to linux.
I have figured out what was required. I was trying to double click the install file from the GUI which wasn't working. I had to run it using sudo from the command line. Looks good now.

How can I write a driver for an asus trackpad on linux?

I bought a laptop and installed Linux on it and the trackpad is now not working but it was on Windows. There is no linux driver for it and I thought this could be a good project to write one.
I have read and implemented tutorials on device drivers for simple things (turning on an led on a pandaboard) but I have no idea where to start here. Related questions pointed to commands like modprobe -r psmouse and it seems the trackpad is not seen at all.
Any idea ? the laptop is : Asus R409C.
A temporary fix is to boot with "psmouse.proto=bare" on the kernel cmdline.
$ sudoedit /etc/default/grub
Change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to add psmouse.proto=bare at the end, and save your modifications.
$ sudo update-grub
And finally reboot.
i think linux input subsystem can be used to write driver for touchpad. Exact details need to be considered. But most of the input devices can be integrated using input subsystem.

how to install linux OS from iso

Two questions, first question is, I want to start using Linux (the Lubuntu distro) as my operating system. I currently have Windows 7 but I don't want to dual boot or run Lubuntu in a virtual machine (which is what I've been doing).. I want to just uninstall Windows 7 and make Lubuntu my OS. Would I be able to do that with the Lubuntu ISO image file that the developers have on their website?
Second question is, I have a Windows 7 CD (which I used to upgrade from Windows Vista to 7). Once I make Lubuntu my only OS, am I able to switch back to Windows 7 with that CD? Do I just run the installation from the Windows 7 CD?
First question; Yes this is possible, you'll want to burn the ISO to a USB stick, then boot from your USB stick. Lubuntu will have an easy installation wizard from the live USB.
Here's a great guide for it.
Second question; You will not be able to do it directly with that CD, as having Vista as the main OS is a prerequisite for that CD to work. If you have a Vista installation CD laying around, then you can install that first, then do the Win7 upgrade.
I'll answer for you second question. You can do it.
But I not perfectly understood your first question. Would you like download an .iso file and install system from it?
P. S. Sorry for my English
There is no option of uninstalling windows.
Your best option, if you don't want to use windows anymore is to backup all your data and format the drive. The formating can be done via the ubuntu installer.
1. backup all your data from the drive(partition) you will be formating
burn the iso to a cd/dvd
insert the cd/dvd into the cd/dvd drive and restart your PC
select boot from cd/dvd (by default the cd booting is on, but you may have to enable it in bios)
install ubuntu(the installation guide will guide you through the process)
enjoy Ubuntu
PS: you may want to consider intstalling ubuntu on another partition, this will enable you to choose the OS when you boot your PC

How do I open the root.disk in linux?

When doing a wubi install of linux from windows, the place/file where all linux info is saved is inside a "root.disk" file.
I am intending on formatting my laptop to run linux only and I can't seem to find a way to open this root.disk file from linux itself (to extract some of the files from my previous installation). Of course, it does and is able to open in windows using a certain software, but because I will only have linux on my system now, does anybody know how to open this file in linux itself? It's kind of strange that it isn't able to open with the default linux tools.
I am using Linux Mint 12 (via wubi install). Intending on moving to a 'lighter' version of linux.
You need to mount this image before you can access it, try the following:
mkdir olddisk
sudo mount -o loop /path/to/root.disk olddisk
You should now be able to access the data inside this container.

Mount floppy image in cygwin

How can I mount a floppy image file using cygwin. I would like to mount the image, copy a file to the mounted drive, and then unmount it from the command line.
I know you can use Virtual Floppy Drive in windows, but is there a way to do this in Cygwin?
Can't you just use Virtual Floppy Drive? Cygwin doesn't really do filesystems; it lets Windows take care of that.
If you look on line (google) there doens't seem to be support in Cygwin for that kind of functionality. An alternative, though more effort, would be to use something like VirtualBox, or the free version of VMWare and run a light-weight Linux distro, where you could use the loopback mounting feature and expose it via samba as a windows-share.
Use ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver is a disk image emulator created by Olof Lagerkvist. It can emulate devices as hard drives, floppy drives, or CD/DVD drives. It is free software, containing some code licensed under GPL, and some under BSD.
URL download: ImDisk
Cygwin is just a standard Win32 DLL, it relies on windows kernel for everything related to file-systems. This means it cannot mount or unmount anything by itself. However, you can still read and write to floppy images from the command line using mtools.
Note that I in order to compile I had to manually edit the Makefile (after the ./configure step) to modify this line:
LIBS = -liconv
