Linux commands are hanging on ec2 instance - linux

We are having a VPC setup for our staging environment. In this we have attached an elastic ip to one instance & rest of the instances are connected through this.
Now today when we restarted our machines we are facing trouble running commands like top, vi, ps etc.
Also we have noticed that if we connect to secondary machines via their public ip then everything is working fine. However if we connect via primary machine then the screen hangs after the command is issued.
Having a hard time debugging the root cause. Any suggestions will be quite helpful.

Sorry for inconvenience. The problem was with our office network. It started automatically after sometime.


Does an opened SSH connection to a GCLoud VM prevent it from freezing/crashing?

I have a f1-micro gcloud vm instance running Ubuntu 20.04.
It has 0,2 vcpus and 600mb memory.
I write freezing/crashing which stands for just not responding to anything anymore.
From my monitoring i can see that the cpu is at its peak at 40% usage (usually steady under 1%), while the memory is always arround 60% (both stats with my (nodejs) server running).
When i open a ssh connection to my instance and run my (nodejs) server in background everything works fine as long as i keep the ssh connection alive. As soon as i close the connection it takes a few more minutes until the instance freezes/crashes. Without closing the ssh connection i can keep it running for hours without any problem.
I dont get any crash or freeze information from gcloud itself. The instance has a green checkmark and is kind of still running. I just cant open a new ssh connection and also the only way to do something again with this instance is by restarting it.
I have cloud logging active and there are also no messages in there.
So with this knowledge my question is if gcloud somehow boosts ssh connected vms to keep them alive?
Cause i dont know what else could cause this behaviour.
My (nodejs) server uses arround 120mb, another service uses 80mb and the gcp monitoring agent uses 30mb. The linux free command on the instance shows memory available between 60mb and 100mb.
In addition to John Hanley and Mike, You can edit your Machine Type based on you needs.
In the Google Cloud Console, Go to VM Instance under Compute Engine.
Select Instance name to open its Overview page.
Make sure to Stop the Instance before editing Instance.
Select Machine Type that match your application needs.
For more info and guides you may refer on link below:
Edit Instance
Machine Family Categories
Since there were no answers that explained the strange behaviour i encountered.
I also haven't figured it out but at least my servers wont crash/freeze anymore.
I somehow fixxed it by running my node.js application in an actual background job using forever instead of running it like node main.js &.

Node Can't connect to vagrant box

I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask my question, but really I am out of ideas, and my clock is ticking.
In short, I got a new machine that I need to make development ready.
This project is based on rather old program versions, that is a task to update.
In short I have set up the Vagrant (1.8.1) in VirtualBox (5.0.14). Chef (0.10.0) created all dependencies successfully and I can SSH to machine and see all is fine, all services are running as set in VagrantFile.
Vagrant box is latest ubunty/trystu64. My host machine is MacOs HighSierra(10.13.3).
Now, I open for example an mySQL editor (mySQL Workbench) and it connects to the Box, I can see DB and manipulate it.
My problem is with the NodeJS (I think). When I run my tests, it simply refuses to connect to the Box. More precisely, it attempts to connect to 3306 (mySQL) and it errors. While MySQL Workbench performs the same connection without problems.
It seems the port forwarding in Vegrant works fine, as mySQL workbench is being forwarded to a box. Nodejs is not being forwarded, or something.
Is it Node doing it? Something else that I need to allow?
I have tried many different things, I have lost count. And always the same issue.
Is there something that I can do to Node, so it behaves as mySQL Workbench? Any idea is appreciated.
This identical setup used to work before, but not now.

How to create and run multiple ec2 instances with same configurations and software installed?

Fairly new to cloud computing, so bear with me if question is obvious or silly. With tons of information available on internet, I was able to successfully create an ec2 linux instance and installed R and Rstudio on it. Ran my scripts on it which went really well but took too long (16 hrs) and very expensive as well since I require instances with high memory and vCPUs .
In my programs, I am essentially running the same scripts for different datasets.
My question is, is there any way I can run multiple similar instances of ec2 (with exactly same software installed and my scripts). So, this way, I will be able to run my scripts on every dataset on a separate instance simultaneously in less amount of time.
So what I have tried so far. I have created an AMI image of my existing instance and launched it. But I couldn't SSH it because of its weird username and ip address, something like "root#". I can see both instances are running (original and the AMI image instance), I can SSH into original but not into the other one. I am able to login to the RStudio for original instance on port 8787.
Another question is how to launch this AMI imaged instance using SSH (Putty) in parallel with original instance. What problem will it cause if I use both of them in the browser (RStudio in this case) simultaneously?
Please help me with this!Thanks!
Problem: For a school project, I was running several machine learning algorithms on pretty large size data which happened to requre 30-35GB of memory and my PC couldn't handle it. I was using R/RStudio. So, I resorted to AWS for my memory limitation problem.
What I did initially: I created an ec2-instance, installed R/RStudio. Everything worked out perfectly and I was able to run my programs on RStudio through browser. I actually, ran my scripts on a very small dataset on this AWS instance to see how things are going. To much of my surprise it took very long for the whole script to run even with this small dataset. Soon enough, I realized that all these algorithms in my programs could be run independently for the same set of features with a little tweak in the scripts.
So, I decided to play with AWS little bit. I recreated the programs such that everything stayed the same except the learning algorithms in each script. In other words, I wanted to simultaneously run a copy of these programs with different algorithms so that I could get everything running simultaneously and produce the results in a smaller amount of time.
Now, my goal was to run multiple copies of this instance (original instance). And I should be able to run RStudio on my browser for each of these instances e.g. 5 ec2 instances will have 5 RStudio running concurrently on browser's different tabs. With that, I would be able to run all RStudio for each instance on my browser.
Then, I created an image (AMI) of this instance and then I created multiple instances from the AMI but I was missing out few points while creating those new instances from AMI which caused the problem I asked in the question above.
I initially suspected that it has something to do with port 8787 and I might not be able to run multiple RStudio for each ec2 instance in the browser. However, that was not the problem at all.
There are few very important things to take care of while you create the new instances from an AMI.
Mistake: While CREATING new instances from this AMI, I was NOT selecting two important things correctly i.e. VPC and Security Group.
Correct method is:
VPC -- On the "Configuration Instance Details" page:
a. Click the "Network" dropdown and select the VPC which was created for the original instance. (Original instance is the one which is used to create the AMI (image))
b. Click the "Auto-assign Public IP" dropdown and select Enable
Security Group -- On the "Configure Security Group" page:
a. for "Assign a security group" option, tick the "Select an existing security group" options
b. If there are more than one security groups in the list then select the one which was created for the original instance (OR create a new Security Group and make sure that it has the same kind of inbound and outbound port accesses)
Once I set this up, as Marc B mentioned in the comments, each instance gets its own IP address, and a local subnet address is assigned as well
IP address of instance looks like :
subnet looks like:
Now, after learning this, I recreated 5 instances from my AMI. So, now I had 5 instances with RStudio on each of them. All of them were running perfectly fine because I was able to SSH into each of them.
Now I thought I should be able to work with these instances in different tabs of the browser and run my scripts in them. But I wasn't able to login to all the RStudio instances in my browser tabs. Only one of them was working fine and the others were just not working in the browser. However, I was able to SSH into all of them from PuTTY. I could have ran my scripts from Linux (SSH) as well but I wanted to run them using RStudio.
After spending a good number of hours on this, I figured out the problem that the RStudio server needs to be started manually for each ec2 instance in the linux except the very first instance.
For one of the ec2-instance (besides the one which was working fine on browser), I did the following to start the RStudio server manually as below:
SSH using PuTTY
Become root: sudo su
Go to this path where RStudio was installed on my Linux instance: cd /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin
start RServer with this command : rstudio-server start
Now go back to the browser, open another tab and use your ec2-instance address and port number ( And now you should get the login page of RStudio for this instance as well.
Now, with a similar process, I had to manually run RStudio-servers for all other instance in order to be able to access them through the browser. Then I thought, if there is a way to start the RStudio server when Linux starts up every time. Then came up with a solution. To do this, I made a change in one of the configuration files of Linux as follows:
Become root: sudo su
go to this path: cd /etc/rc.d
vi the file rc.local and add the following command:
/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rstudio-server start
save the changes you made.
close the SSH connection
Then, I went back to the AWS console, stopped this instance and created an AMI (image) of it. Now the above changes will be effective for each instance that I create from this AMI i.e. now RStudio server will be started as soon as the instance boots and will be accessible through the browser.
Now I can use multiple RStudio instances using different tabs of my browser. Make sure you are using the correct instance address in the browser. Port number stays same for all i.e. 8787

Openstack horizon issues not starting up

I have installed a openstack sigle mode in my vm, but when I restart the vm I cant log in to the horizon web page.
Any ideas?
Looks like you are using devstack, right? When you restart your VM, some of devstack services are failing, so Horizon cannot connect to these services.
You should go to the screen sessions and go through all windows to restart all services.
Now so long ago you were able to run ./, but is was removed because it does not do this job right (look like).
So I believe it would be better for you to run ./ and again.
As said in the same question
DevStack is not meant and should not be used for running a cloud.

Install Neo4j on Azure, cannot browse WebAdmin

I've just installed Neo4j 1.8.2 onto Azure by following this step-by-step process...
Unfortunately, when I browse to http://:7474/webadmin Fiddler says Error 10061 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
I've followed the instructions exactly and haven't received any errors.
Any help much appreciated.
So, I think I got to the bottom of this. I think it was due to the size of compute / VM I was creating. It looks like the problem is caused when running on Extra Small instances. I created a new installation using a Small instance and everything now works :).
Try setting the server to accept connections form all hosts, and maybe use a newer Neo4j, say 1.9.4
The way the VM Depot image is set up, it's pre-configured to allow all hosts to connect, and the Neo4j server will auto-start. The only thing you need to take care of, when constructing your VM, is to open an Input Endpoint, with any public port you want (preferably 7474 to stay true to Neo4j) and internal port 7474.
Note that the UI changed a bit since the how-to was published: You can specify the endpoint as the last step before creating your virtual machine. Other than that, the instructions should be the same. And... once the VM is up and running (it'll take about 5-10 minutes), you just visit and you should see the web admin. Note: this is not the same as your vm name. If you named your VM something like 'neo' then you do not want http://neo:7474 or You need to use your cloud service name (you had to create a name for the service when you deployed the VM.
I've deployed that image several times in demos, and just tried again right now to make sure nothing wonky happened. Worked perfectly.
