How to reset tty after exec-ed program crashes? - linux

I am writing a Ruby wrapper around Docker and nsenter. One of the command my tool provides is to start a Bash shell within a container. Currently, I am doing it like this:
payload = "sudo nsenter --target #{pid(container_name)} --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid -- env #{env} /bin/bash -i -l;"
In Ruby, Kernel#exec relies on the exec(2) syscall, hence there is no fork.
One issue is that the container sometime dies prematurely which effectively kills my newly created Bash prompt. I then get back the prompt originally used to run my Ruby tool, but I cannot see what I am typing anymore, the tty seems broken and running reset effectively solves the issue.
I'd like to conditionally run reset if the program I exec-ed crashes. I found that the following works well:
$ ./myrubytool || reset
Except I'd like to avoid forcing people using my tool to append || reset every time.
I have tried the following:
payload = "(sudo nsenter --target #{pid(container_name)} --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid -- env #{env} /bin/bash -i -l) || reset;"
But this surprisingly puts reset in the background (i.e. I can run reset by entering fg). One benefit is that the tty is working properly, but it's not really ideal.
Would you have any idea to solve this issue?

If terminal echo has been disabled in a terminal, then you can run the command stty echo to re-enable the terminal echo. (Conversely, stty -echo disables terminal echo, and stty -a displays all terminal settings.)
This is safe to run even if terminal echo is already enabled, so if you want to play it safe, you can do something like ./myrubytool ; stty echo which will re-enable terminal echo if it is disabled regardless of the exit status of your Ruby program. You can put this in a shell script if you want to.
It might be that there is a way to execute a command when the Ruby program exits (often referred to as a "trap"), but I'm not familiar enough with Ruby to know whether such capabilities exist.
However, if you are creating a script for general use, you probably should look into more robust techniques and not rely on workarounds.

How about this? It should do exactly what you want.
It runs the command in a separate process, waits on it, and if, when it finishes, the return value is not 0, it runs the command reset.
payload = "sudo nsenter --target #{pid(container_name)} --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid -- env #{env} /bin/bash -i -l;"
fork { Kernel.exec(payload) }
pid, status = Process.wait2
unless status.exitstatus == 0
If all you want to do is turn echo back on, change the system("reset") line to system("stty echo").


'su' command in Docker returns 'must be run from terminal'

I'm developing a docker environment for teaching purposes and need to be able to switch users inside docker.
I set up the 'user' user with a password but when I try to switch to it with su, I get "su must be run from terminal".
I get this if I try to ssh into the docker and also by issuing commands through a php shell (an apache service is running on the Docker instance).
Any help is much appreciated.
When you are ssh-ing in or going in via php your session is not being allocated a pty. I have used each of the following solutions:
ANSWER 1: use ssh -t or ssh -tt to get pty allocated when logging in using ssh:
I had great fun getting commands to run right due to ptys when running sessions like this: jenkins shell -> ssh driver -> ssh test -> docker exec.
Good answer here:
"Try the -t option to ssh. If that does not work try -tt."
"-t Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine, which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services. Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty."
ANSWER 2: use docker run -t ... and docker exec -it
Use the -t and -it options to allocate pty in your docker exec session.
Also with docker exec you can simply use the -u option to login to container as different users and avoid using su. e.g.
$ docker exec -u root -it small_hypatia bash
There is a good question and answer on this here:
ANSWER 3: use python to spawn a pty in your shell
Quite a cute hack :)
jenkins#e9fbe94d4c89:~$ su -
su: must be run from a terminal
$ echo "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')" > /tmp/
$ python /tmp/
$ su -
This solution work by using 'script' command from the 'bsdutiles' package that setup a pty (a terminal). The 'sleep' command is there to prevent sending the password before the 'su' command is ready to read it. The 'tail' command remove the "Password:" input line issued by 'su'.
sh -c "sleep 1; echo rootpassword" | script -qc 'su -c whoami - root' | tail -n +2
Beware that the rootpassword could be see in many ways (history, ps, /proc/, etc...). Start the command with a space to at least avoid history recording.
If you use su-exec instead of su the issue with tty completely vanishes since it calls execvp directly instead of forking like su does.
Gosu is another similar alternative.

Cannot return to shell session after script

I cannot get a script to return to bash.
The script is kicked off via the following Docker directives:
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
CMD ["set -e && /config/startup/"]
The init script looks like this:
if [ -d /etc/postfix/init.d ]; then
for f in /etc/postfix/init.d/*.sh; do
[ -f "$f" ] && . "$f"
echo "[x] Starting supervisord ..."
/usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf
And this is the command I use to kick off the image into a container:
docker run -it --env-file ENV_LOCAL mailrelay
The init script runs as expected (and I see output from the scripts within the /etc/postfix/init.d/ directory and supervisord kicks off Postfix.
The problem is getting the script to return to the parent process (bash) instead of needing to start a new one. After it hits the supervisord the session sits there, requiring a Ctrl+C to get it to get back into a bash prompt.
If I leave off the call to bash at the end of the script, Ctrl+D exits the script AND the container, returning me to the host OS (osx). If I replace the bash call with exit, it returns to the host OS as well.
Is supervisord behaving the way it's supposed to, by running in the foreground this way? I'd like to be able to easily get back into the container shell session to check to see if things are running. Am I left with needing to Ctrl+D (into the secondary bash session) in order to do this?
Marc B
take out the bash line, so you don't start a new shell. and if
supervisord doesn't go into the background automatically, you could
try running it with & to force it into the background, or maybe
there's an extra cli option to force it to go into daemon mode
I've tried removing the last call to bash, but as I've mentioned it just sits there still, and Ctrl+D takes me to the host OS (exits the container).
I just tried /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf & (and left off the call to bash at the end) and it just immediately returns to host OS, exiting the container. I assume because the container had nothing left to "do", and so stopped.
if [ -d /etc/postfix/init.d ]; then
for f in /etc/postfix/init.d/*.sh; do
[ -f "$f" ] && . "$f"
echo "[x] Starting supervisord ..."
/usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf
bash # You are spawning a new bash shell here. Remove this statement
At the end your're stuck in a child bash shell :(
Now if you're not returning to the parent shell, the last command that you have run is the culprit.
/usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf
You can either force the command to run in the background by
/usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.conf & #the & tells to run in background
A workaround for keeping the container open is mentioned here

create screen session that doesn't terminate with the program

I'm working on a startup script that is initiated from rc.local. I start up several programs with
screen -d -m my-prog
and that works great. However, if one of the programs has problems and exits, so does the session. I'd like to be able to have the session stick around so I can attach to it and see the output from the program before it crashed.
Is there a way to do this? I thought about
screen -d -m bash -c my-prog
But again, if my-prog terminates then so does bash and then so does screen.
You can follow the answer at
They suggest something like you were trying in your second attempt, but instead of using bash to invoke the command (which terminates with the command as you noted), invoke bash after the command finishes like:
screen -dmS session_name sh -c 'my-prog; exec bash'

Alias <cmd> to "do X then <cmd>" transparently

The title sucks but I'm not sure of the correct term for what I'm trying to do, if I knew that I'd probably have found the answer by now!
The problem:
Due to an over-zealous port scanner (customer's network monitor) and an overly simplistic telnet daemon (busybox linux) every time port 23 gets scanned, telnetd launches another instance of /bin/login waiting for user input via telnet.
As the port scanner doesn't actually try to login, there is no session, so there can be no session timeout, so we quickly end up with a squillion zombie copies of /bin/login running.
What I'm trying to do about it:
telnetd gives us the option (-l) of launching some other thing rather than /bin/login so I thought we could replace /bin/login with a bash script that kills old login processes then runs /bin/login as normal:
# First kill off any existing dangling logins
# /bin/login disappears on successful login so
# there should only ever be one
killall -q login
# now run login
But this seems to return immediately (no error, but no login prompt). I also tried just chaining the commands in telnetd's arguments:
telnetd -- -l "killall -q login;/bin/login"
But this doesn't seem to work either (again - no error, but no login prompt). I'm sure there's some obvious wrinkle I'm missing here.
System is embedded Linux 2.6.x running Busybox so keeping it simple is the greatly preferred option.
EDIT: OK I'm a prat for not making the script executable, with that done I get the login: prompt but after entering the username I get nothing further.
Check that your script has the execute bit set. Permissions should be the same as for the original binary including ownership.
As for -l: My guess is that it tries to execute the command killall -q login;/bin/login (that's one word).
Since this is an embedded system, it might not write logs. But you should check /var/log anyway for error messages. If there are none, you should be able to configure it using the documentation:
Right, I fixed it, as I suspected there was a wrinkle I was missing:
exec /bin/login
I needed exec to hand control over to /bin/login rather than just call it.
So the telnet daemon is started thusly:
/usr/sbin/telnetd -l /usr/sbin/not_really_login
The contents of the not-really-login script are:
echo -n "Killing old logins..."
killall -q login
echo "...done"
exec /bin/login
And all works as it should, on telnet connect we get this:
**MOTD Etc...**
Killing old logins......done
login: zero_cool
And we can login as usual.
The only thing I haven't figured out is if we can detect the exit-status of /bin/login (if we killed it) and print a message saying Too slow, sucker! or similar. TBH though, that's a nicety that can wait for a rainy day, I'm just happy our stuff can't be DDOS'ed over Telnet anymore!

SSH: guarding stdout against disconnect

My server deployment script triggers a long-running process through SSH, like so:
ssh host ''
Since my internet connection at home is not the best, I can sometimes be disconnected while the is running. (This is easily simulated by closing the terminal window.) I would really like for the script to keep running in those cases, so that I don't end up with interrupted apt-get processes and similar nuisances.
The reason why gets killed seems to be that stdout and stderr are closed when the SSH session is yanked, so writing to them fails. (It's not an issue of SIGHUP, by the way -- using nohup makes no difference.) If I put touch ~/1 && echo this fails && touch ~/2 into, only ~/1 is created.
So running ssh host ' &> install.out' solves the problem, but then I lose any "live" progress and error output.
So my question is: What's an easy/idiomatic way to run a process through SSH so that it doesn't crash if SSH dies, but so that I can still see the output as it runs?
Solutions I have tried:
When I run things manually, I use screen for cases like this, but I don't think it will be of much help here because I need to run automatically from a shell script. Screen seems to be made for interactive use (it complains "Must be connected to a terminal.").
Using 2>&1 | tee install.out didn't help either (silly of me to think it might).
You can redirect stdout/stderr into install.out and then tail -f it. The following snippet actually works:
touch install.out && # so tail does not bark (race condition)
( < /dev/null &> install.out &
tail --pid "$!" -F install.out)
But surely there must a less awkward way to do the same thing?
Try using screen:
screen ./
If your ssh session gets interrupted, you can simply reattach to the session via another ssh connection:
screen -x
You can provide a terminal to your ssh session using the -t switch:
ssh -t server screen ./ 2>&1 | tee install.out
if the only issue is not getting stderr. You didn't say exactly why the tee wasn't acceptable. You may need the other nohup/stdin tweaks.
