Attribute field issue when editing layer properties (ArcGIS) - attributes

I am working with an XY dataset imported to Arc from a csv file. The data appears to be importing correctly, and all of data is displaying properly, and is shown in the attribute table.
However when I try to edit the layer properties using a graduated color analysis in the symbology, one of the relevant attribute fields is not displaying. The imported data has proper column headings naming each column, and they appear exactly as they should in the attribute table. Looking at the "Fields" tab in the layer properties, all attribute fields are present, and selected to appear, including the one that does NOT appear in the drop down menu when I try to do a graduated color analysis.
Adding to my frustration is the fact that the field I am interested in was appearing and I was able to work with it yesterday. It disappeared when I exported the data as a shapefile. I have imported two different csv files as layers, and when I import the other csv the relevant field appears as expected, including after the shapefile export. It simply eludes me for this one csv file. I have tried re downloading the data (originally a txt file) and then importing to Excel, and saving as a csv. But the problem persists. Each time I import this data the needed field does not appear in the drop down menu.
Has anyone encountered a similar situation?


Columns I created with geopandas are not visible in ArcGIS or QGIS

I have a .shp file named "yeni_kadastro.shp". I read it with gpd.read_file and define crs without any problems. I want to compute area of each polygon in this layer. For this reason, I open a new field called "ALAN" and then compute areas with yeni_kadastro["ALAN"] = yeni_kadastro['geometry'].area. When I check results with print(yeni_kadastro), it seems OK. Moreover, when I list names of columns or fields with print(yeni_kadastro.columns.values) I get ['OBJECTID' 'ADI' 'geometry' 'ALAN'] which is correct. However, when I open this .shp with ArcGIS or QGIS the field or column "ALAN" is not available. I tried to save it as a different .shp file and checked fields or columns but the field or column "ALAN" is not available.
Could you please help me about this issue?
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Thanks in advance

How to print all the chart properties in Python-pptx

I have a existing chart in pptx file, i just want to update its values on daily basis, these charts are already plotted from excel and paste into pptx, i just want to modify the charts ,
but i don't know how many properties are there in charts like series, category and title properties.
i am able to print the chart series and category data, but when i modify these with chart.replace_data(chart_data)
i am getting error like below
return self._chart_part.related_parts[xlsx_part_rId]
KeyError: 'rId4'
I ma using below code to print the values ,
for series in chart.plots:
for i in series.categories:
for series in chart.series:
for value in series.values:
the graph looks like below
How can i modify such graphs with updated values which i will be passing from excel to pptx.
I suspect the problem is rooted in the "pasting from Excel" step.
One thing you can try is to right-click on the chart and choose "Edit values in Excel". If that doesn't work for any reason, that would explain the error you're seeing. If it does work, try saving and run the python-pptx code against the saved version.
An alternative, perhaps more reliable fix would be to recreate the chart natively in PowerPoint, starting from adding a new column-chart and adjusting it until you get what you see here. Then you should be able to update it daily with pretty much the code you mentioned (although your ser_list variable will accumulate values for all series in the chart if there is more than one).
To understand why this could be happening, it's important to observe that a chart does not have to have an Excel worksheet "behind" it. It can, and perhaps does in this pasting case, simply have fixed literal values that are embedded in the chart XML itself. The up-side of this is the pasting operation doesn't need to create a whole Excel spreadsheet, which might be tricky in a cut-and-paste context. The down-side is the values can't be conveniently changed using the standard methods.
I haven't tried working with one of those lately so I don't know if editing and saving the data adds a new Excel object created from the embedded values or not, but this might explain the behavior you're seeing.

Jira is not recognising my upload from CSV

I'm creating a CSV template for some analysts, they would need to fill it and I then do a bulk upload to Jira.
I want to upload them as defects. The issue I'm facing is:
I have a label when filling out a defect and I want to select one of the options, so for example I have a label called 'Label A' and it has 3 options in a list.
In the excel file I put the top row as 'Label A' and under it for one of the entries I put the full name of one of the options (Displayed on JIRA) for example 'Option A'. But I write this in the excel file as : Option A
But after uploading it does not recognise this and returns a validation error.
This is the same for a tick box label, for e.g. 'Label B'
However any text that I put up, (Something that requires free text and is not a multiple option) like for example 'Summary', I would put any random text e.g. 'abcd', and this will validate fine.
So my question is, what am I doing wrong with the way I'm formatting my CSV for when I upload answers to multiple choice parts of a defect?
I think if you can create a sample issue (like you need to be upload) in jira then you can export(Export all fields) that created issue and analyse the output excel file. then you can understand the input format that jira required form your CSV file.
the other thing you can do is read the JIRA log file it will tell you the actual error occurred some times.
are you export your created issue with this option?..see screenshot below..
The approach will depend on the field types you are using.
For example, if you were loading a simple text field then the text in the CSV file will just be inserted in to the text field.
If, however, you are populating a custom field that is represented by a radio button or a drop-down listbox then you will need to use the field mapping option that is offered during the CSV import.
Say you had a radio button that said either 'true' or 'false'. You would tick the mapping option for this field during the CSV import and configure it to map true -> true and false -> false. You can also do this mapping in the CSV file itself.
You can see more details on this link:
Atlassian - Importing Data from CSV
The approach you can follow is as below:
Count the number of labels in the Issue you are trying to import.
Every label should go into its own separate column for it to be imported properly.
Eg:- If there are 5 labels for an issue, create 5 Labels_CSV(or what suits you) column in the CSV header row and put the 5 labels in the data row.
Once the CSV is created, try to upload it with your existing config file which has mapping for Labels_CSV --> Labels.
Voila, the multiple labels will be imported properly.
Let me know if you have any queries.

SSRS - Columns Download to .CSV Despite Visibility Status

I have a Reporting Services 2012 table that hides certain columns based on parameter choices, since some choices will cause the dataset to exclude certain columns when run. So, a column such as PassportID would have a hiding criteria expression such as:
=IIF(Parameters!TransitMode.Value = "bus"
OR Parameters!TransitMode.Value = "train",True,False)
The columns are indeed hidden when the report is rendered, and when it is downloaded to Excel. The problem is that I need to download it to a .CSV file. The .CSV downloader in SSRS does not have a layout renderer that can preserve the hiding criteria the way Excel can.
I looked at the DataElementOutput property, but changing this from the "Auto" default only appears to be give the options of downloading or excluding unconditionally, rather than based on column visibility in the rendering.
Is there a way to exclude the entire rendered column from the downloaded .CSV?
The easy answer is to set the displayed value to a formula, using the Render format function. If the Render format is CSV, then set the "Displayed value" to be an empty string. The field will still be exported, but won't contain data.
That is, set the value of the textbox to something like:
=iif(Globals!RenderFormat.Name="CSV", "", Fields!MyDataField.Value)
A little bit more info:
SSRS 2012 and CSV export
Change the DataElementOutput from Auto to NoOutput.
DataElementOutput controls whether or not the data is included in the export. Column headers are already excluded by CSV and names of columns for CSV are derived from the name of the textbox for a data element. Visibility properties are not considered in the CSV export since visibility is a formatting feature.

Specify Excel 'Display Format' while importing data

I'm currently using an excel document as a template for generating a report. This is done by first specifying an 'Xml Map' in Excel and then importing data against it. The report generation works fine.
The problem is that I want the display format on the cell to be 'General' and not 'Text' after the import. I came across this link (yes, Excel 2007)
The link specifies that Excel will set string data from the xml import to display as 'Text' by default. I need this to be displayed as 'General' instead. Is there a way to do this?
The only solution I've come up with so far is to use a macro to change the display format after opening the document but if I can do it using only Excel settings it would be better.
Try to use the text import feature:
NOTE: the important step that should address your need is the "Column data format" section, which often gets overlooked as it is the last step of the import. I hope that helps.
The mapping cannot be changed.
