Hide linking errors when syntax errors are present - dsl

Syntax errors in a model might cause false linking errors because the referenced element cannot be parsed. These false linking errors distract the user and makes it very hard to diagnose the root cause. What we want is to hide XtextLinkingDiagnostic when XtextSyntaxDiagnostic is present in the model, once the syntax errors are fixed the linking errors should be displayed as usual.
I didn’t find any standard way to do it in the Xtext documentation. Thus, I went ahead and implemented a custom IAcceptor in ResourceValidatorImpl#createAcceptor() which removes linking errors from the list if it contains syntax errors. It works well, but I wonder if there is a standard/better way to do it than overriding ResourceValidator.

What do you think about displaying linking problems as warnings instead of errors. Your syntax errors will remain red and easy to find in the ressource, whereas linking errors will be in yellow as they are less important problems.
You only have to bind a custom LinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider:
public Class<? extends ILinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider> bindILinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider() {
return CustomLinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider.class;
Then you can implement it like this:
public class CustomLinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider extends LinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider {
public DiagnosticMessage getUnresolvedProxyMessage(ILinkingDiagnosticContext context) {
DiagnosticMessage diagnosticMessage = super.getUnresolvedProxyMessage(context);
return new DiagnosticMessage(diagnosticMessage.getMessage(),


Is there a way to tell R# that after I run a a method, certain class variables won't be null

Consider the following code:
public class TestClass
public int? NullableInt { get; set; }
private bool DoPreChecks()
if(NullableInt == null)
return false;
return true;
public bool DoTest()
return false;
//Here R# tells me that "nullableInt" may be null
if (NullableInt.Value > 10)
// Do something
return true;
R# would be correct to worry that "NullableInt.Value" may be null when I reference it in "DoTest", except that if it was, then "DoPreChecks" would have returned false and that means I would never have gotten to this line. I was looking at R#'s code annotations and I see I can tell it what output to expect under limited conditions and it seems like that may be something I could leverage here, but I don't see any way to tell it that when the output is true/false/null/notnull, then a class variable (which has nothing to do with the input or output) will have a certain value type (true/false/null/notnull). Can something like this be done?
The use case here is this -- I have a dozen methods that all rely on the same preconditions, including several class variables being initialized. Rather than putting all those checks in each method, I want to have them all run the "DoPreChecks" method and if it returns true, we're good to go. The problem is that R# can't follow that and thinks I have lots of possible null reference exceptions. I could:
Ignore the errors completely and just tolerate wiggly lines everywhere
Disable and restore the warning at the beginning and ending of these methods
Disable the warning 1 line at a time
Do null checks or assertions before each use
The problem with each is...
Violates company policy to just ignore warnings
Disabling this check over large swaths of code would be worse than ignoring individual warnings because other valid issues may be there, but get disabled
This would require a LOT of R# comments, thus negating the helpfulness of DoPreChecks method
Same as #3
Right now I'm leaning toward getting an exception on the policy and just ignoring the warnings, but if there is a way to tell R# what is going on, that would be a much better solution. Can it be done without adding parameters or complicating the return type?
There is no contract annotation in ReSharper that sets up a relation between return value of a method and nullness of a field/property

Loaded SWF's wont preform their functions in air

Back for some help! So I am making an AIR application that loads SWF's into a container to be viewed by the user. However when I load the files into their containers, the SWF's that are loaded are unable to execute their own code. IE press an invisible button on the loaded SWF and it changes colour. I tried to google solutions for this since Security.allowDomain("*"); is throwing this error in flash. However from what I have read, AIR doesn't allow loaded swfs to execute code for some security reason but im not 100% sure on that either.
SecurityError: Error #3207: Application-sandbox content cannot access this feature.
at flash.system::Security$/allowDomain()
at BugFree()[D:\Desktop\BugFree\BugFree.as:72]
Without the Allow domain it throws this security error when attempting to click the invisible button.
*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
SecurityDomain 'file:///D:/Desktop/Rewritten Tester/TechDemoSwordNew.swf'
tried to access incompatible context 'app:/BugFree.swf'
*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
SecurityDomain 'file:///D:/Desktop/Rewritten Tester/TechDemoSwordNew.swf'
tried to access incompatible context 'app:/BugFree.swf'
SecurityError: Error #2047: Security sandbox violation: parent:
file:///D:/Desktop/Rewritten Tester/TechDemoSwordNew.swf cannot access
at flash.display::DisplayObject/get parent()
at TechDemoSwordNew_fla::Button_Play_21/onButtonPress()
This only shows in the Animate output bar. When I publish it, with application with runtime embeded, and open the exe it throws no errors but the invisible button still doesnt work.
Here is the code for the swf being loaded.
btnButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonPress, false, 0, true);
function onButtonPress(event:MouseEvent):void
This is timeline code within the button since that is how the game company who put my item in game did it. I originally submitted it with it all done in classes but that is besides the point. When the button is pressed the loaded SWF should play and then stop. But I get the above mentioned Sandbox violation.
The code used to load the SWF is below
public function WeaponLoad()
if(FileMenu.WeaponFileTxt.text != "")
else if(FileMenu.WeaponFileTxt.text == "")
public function LoadWeapon(strFilePath: String)
WeaponLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, CompleteWeaponLoad);
WeaponLoader.load(new URLRequest(strFilePath), new LoaderContext(false, new ApplicationDomain(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain)));
public function CompleteWeaponLoad(e: Event)
var WeaponClass: Class;
if (MiscMenu.WeaponSelect.MainClick.currentFrame != 3)
WeaponClass = WeaponLoader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(FileMenu.WeaponLinkTxt.text) as Class;
catch (err: Error)
trace("Either the weapon class doesnt exist or it is wrong");
else if (MiscMenu.WeaponSelect.MainClick.currentFrame == 3)
WeaponClass = WeaponLoader.contentLoaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(FileMenu.WeaponLinkTxt.text) as Class;
catch (err: Error)
trace("Either the weapon class doesnt exist or it is wrong");
Any help would be apreciated since I have no idea how to change any security sandbox settings within the publish settings since it is greyed out for me. Like I said I tried googling it but I couldn't seem to come up with any answers. Also worth noting is im a self taught novice and I do not know a lot of things in regards to AS3. I know my codes could be cleaner and I plan to clean it up and properly reduce memory consumption once I have the base program up and running. Thank you for the help!
It seems that you're not setting the application domain properly. Here is the code included in as3 documentation:
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("[file path].swf");
var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null);
loader.load(url, loaderContext);
Use it in your LoadWeapon function.
In the meantime try not to use Uppercase letters for starting variables and method names. In ActionScript names starting with Uppercase represent Class names. It will widely improve readability of your code.
Can't you bundle your swfs with the AIR app and use File class to load them? If you want to use classes from the swfs, maybe consider making swc library?

Eclipse Groovy Plugin: A transform used a generics containing ClassNode Entry <List, Iterable> for the method ... directly

What should one do with this?
protected List<BasePropCont> getChildren( boolean updCacheOn = false,
Entry< List, Iterable > _subIterEntry = null )
return null
// orig code removed since it seems not to matter
show the following as an error:
Groovy:A transform used a generics containing ClassNode
Entry <List, Iterable>
for the method
protected java.util.List getChildren(boolean updCacheOn, Entry _subIterEntry) { ... }
You are not supposed to do this. Please create a new ClassNode referring to the old
ClassNode and use the new ClassNode instead of the old one.
Otherwise the compiler will create wrong descriptors and a potential
NullPointerException in TypeResolver in the OpenJDK.
If this is not your own doing, please report this bug to the writer of the transform.
hah ... the solution was to watch the auto-handled imports with the editors Save Action. Somehow the Plugin removed some imports (maybe in a state where there were compile errors present while coding) and among them was
import java.util.Map.Entry
Manually adding it solves it.
Had similiar problems with other "disappearing" imports already.
(The actual cause for this strange error may be some (of many found) Entry classes from the default Groovy imports or within the scope)

Initializing custom view in Android Studio: Expected resource of type xml

I have a custom view called IconView, which has the following constructor for initialization:
public class IconView extends RelativeLayout implements Checkable {
public IconView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, boolean useDefaultImage) {
super(context, attrs);
In order to initialize AttributeSet instance from XMLfor constructing the view, I use getResources().getXml(R.layout.icon_view), false);.
This compiles successfully and runs correctly. However, Android studio highlights the code and displays me this error:
The detailed description of the error is here:
Expected resource of type xml less... (Ctrl+F1)
Reports two types of problems:
Supplying the wrong type of resource identifier. For example, when
calling Resources.getString(int id), you should be passing
R.string.something, not R.drawable.something.
Passing the wrong
constant to a method which expects one of a specific set of
constants. For example, when calling View#setLayoutDirection, the
parameter must be android.view.View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR or
The question:
Although the code works, I do not know, how to rewrite it, so that the error would disappear in Android Studio. The error is visually annoying, so how could I get rid of it?
Resources#getXml(int id) is used to get the resource of type xml, which lays inside the xml resource folder. You, on the other hand, passing R.layout.icon_view here, the layout resource.
Use getResources().getLayout(R.layout.icon_view) here and the error will disappear.
P.S.: the documentation on Resources#getLayout() says the following:
This function is really a simple wrapper for calling getXml(int) with a layout resource.
So it looks like this is some kind of lint-related issue. Either way, getLayout() does not result in this error.

Possible C# 4.0 compiler error, can others verify?

Since I don't know exactly what part of it alone that triggers the error, I'm not entirely sure how to better label it.
This question is a by-product of the SO question c# code seems to get optimized in an invalid way such that an object value becomes null, which I attempted to help Gary with yesterday evening. He was the one that found out that there was a problem, I've just reduced the problem to a simpler project, and want verification before I go further with it, hence this question here.
I'll post a note on Microsoft Connect if others can verify that they too get this problem, and of course I hope that either Jon, Mads or Eric will take a look at it as well :)
It involves:
3 projects, 2 of which are class libraries, one of which is a console program (this last one isn't needed to reproduce the problem, but just executing this shows the problem, whereas you need to use reflector and look at the compiled code if you don't add it)
Incomplete references and type inference
The code is available here: code repository.
I'll post a description below of how to make the projects if you rather want to get your hands dirty.
The problem exhibits itself by producing an invalid cast in a method call, before returning a simple generic list, casting it to something strange before returning it. The original code ended up with a cast to a boolean, yes, a boolean. The compiler added a cast from a List<SomeEntityObject> to a boolean, before returning the result, and the method signature said that it would return a List<SomeEntityObject>. This in turn leads to odd problems at runtime, everything from the result of the method call being considered "optimized away" (the original question), or a crash with either BadImageFormatException or InvalidProgramException or one of the similar exceptions.
During my work to reproduce this, I've seen a cast to void[], and the current version of my code now casts to a TypedReference. In one case, Reflector crashes so most likely the code was beyond hope in that case. Your mileage might vary.
Here's what to do to reproduce it:
Note: There is likely that there are more minimal forms that will reproduce the problem, but moving all the code to just one project made it go away. Removing the generics from the classes also makes the problem go away. The code below reproduces the problem each time for me, so I'm leaving it as is.
I apologize for the escaped html characters in the code below, this is Markdown playing a trick on me, if anyone knows how I can rectify it, please let me know, or just edit the question
Create a new Visual Studio 2010 solution containing a console application, for .NET 4.0
Add two new projects, both class libraries, also .NET 4.0 (I'm going to assume they're named ClassLibrary1 and ClassLibrary2)
Adjust all the projects to use the full .NET 4.0 runtime, not just the client profile
Add a reference in the console project to ClassLibrary2
Add a reference in ClassLibrary2 to ClassLibrary 1
Remove the two Class1.cs files that was added by default to the class libraries
In ClassLibrary1, add a reference to System.Runtime.Caching
Add a new file to ClassLibrary1, call it DummyCache.cs, and paste in the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Caching;
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class DummyCache<TModel> where TModel : new()
public void TriggerMethod<T>()
// Try commenting this out, note that it is never called!
public void TriggerMethod<T>(T value, CacheItemPolicy policy)
public CacheItemPolicy GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy()
return null;
public CacheItemPolicy GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy(IEnumerable<string> dependentKeys, bool createInsertDependency = false)
return null;
Add a new file to ClassLibrary2, call it Dummy.cs and paste in the following code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ClassLibrary1;
namespace ClassLibrary2
public class Dummy
private DummyCache<Dummy> Cache { get; set; }
public void TryCommentingMeOut()
public List<Dummy> GetDummies()
var policy = Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy();
return new List<Dummy>();
Paste in the following code in Program.cs in the console project:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ClassLibrary2;
namespace ConsoleApplication23
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dummy dummy = new Dummy();
// This will crash with InvalidProgramException
// or BadImageFormatException, or a similar exception
List<Dummy> dummies = dummy.GetDummies();
Build, and ensure there are no compiler errors
Now try running the program. This should crash with one of the more horrible exceptions. I've seen both InvalidProgramException and BadImageFormatException, depending on what the cast ended up as
Look at the generated code of Dummy.GetDummies in Reflector. The source code looks like this:
public List<Dummy> GetDummies()
var policy = Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy();
return new List<Dummy>();
however reflector says (for me, it might differ in which cast it chose for you, and in one case Reflector even crashed):
public List<Dummy> GetDummies()
List<Dummy> policy = (List<Dummy>)this.Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy();
TypedReference CS$1$0000 = (TypedReference) new List<Dummy>();
return (List<Dummy>) CS$1$0000;
Now, here's a couple of odd things, the above crash/invalid code aside:
Library2, which has Dummy.GetDummies, performs a call to get the default cache policy on the class from Library1. It uses type inference var policy = ..., and the result is an CacheItemPolicy object (null in the code, but type is important).
However, ClassLibrary2 does not have a reference to System.Runtime.Caching, so it should not compile.
And indeed, if you comment out the method in Dummy that is named TryCommentingMeOut, you get:
The type 'System.Runtime.Caching.CacheItemPolicy' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Runtime.Caching, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
Why having this method present makes the compiler happy I don't know, and I don't even know if this is linked to the current problem or not. Perhaps it is a second bug.
There is a similar method in DummyCache, if you restore the method in Dummy, so that the code again compiles, and then comment out the method in DummyCache that has the "Try commenting this out" comment above it, you get the same compiler error
OK, I downloaded your code and can confirm the problem as described.
I have not done any extensive tinkering with this, but when I run & reflector a Release build all seems OK (= null ref exception and clean disassembly).
Reflector (6.10.11) crashed on the Debug builds.
One more experiment: I wondered about the use of CacheItemPolicies so I replaced it with my own MyCacheItemPolicy (in a 3rd classlib) and the same BadImageFormat exception pops up.
The exception mentions : {"Bad binary signature. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131192)"}
