Node.js and Underscore.js - node.js

I'm just starting out with Node.js and I understand that most operations must work with callbacks to be non-blocking. My question pertains to the methods that Underscore.js exposes. For example
_.shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
Wouldn't this be considered synchronous code given that no callback is provided? Consider a large list to shuffle.
Trying to come to grips in terms of what libraries I can use with node without impacting the fundamentals of using node.

Node is single threaded so any work that needs to get done will eventually be done by that thread. The async nature of Node means that it always tries to keep itself busy with work instead of waiting around for data to be returned (things like database calls, networks calls, disk access, etc). When you read things about making sure code is asynchronous, these are the types of operations that people are talking about.
Shuffling a bunch of numbers is a bunch of work that has to be done by the single Node thread, making this type of call async wouldn't do anything. So yes, that call is synchronous and will block the thread but there really isn't an alternative (without spawning worker threads or additional node processes). This is one of the reasons that Node really isn't the best option if you have a lot of heavy computations to do since it will block the single thread. Node is best at doing lots and lots of short duration tasks quickly.
Note that shuffling a million numbers will probably still be faster than a single database call, so this particular operation wouldn't impact overall performance that much. If you need to shuffle 100 million numbers, Node probably isn't the right platform.

Yes, it's synchronous, but that's not a problem in this example (or really any of Underscore's methods).
The reason many node APIs are asynchronous is because they perform potentially long operations. In order to do so, the work is offloaded to native OS asynchronous facilities (sockets) or done on a separate thread. Only when the work is complete is the data marshaled back into JS land and a callback invoked.
In this case, you're dealing strictly with JavaScript-managed memory. Only one thread has access to JS memory; you can't share memory between threads. This means you must do your work (shuffling the array) synchronously.
Unless you're dealing with a truly large array, this won't be a problem.
The "never make synchronous calls in node" rule really applies to I/O and computationally expensive operations. That's why all the network, filesystem, crypto, and zlib APIs are asynchronous. You'll notice that other APIs like the URL/path parsing modules are synchronous calls.


What does it mean by " asynchronous I/O primitives" in nodejs?

I was going through Node.js documentation, and couldn't understand the line :
A Node.js app runs in a single process, without creating a new thread for every request. Node.js provides a set of asynchronous I/O primitives in its standard library that prevent JavaScript code from blocking and generally, libraries in Node.js are written using non-blocking paradigms, making blocking behavior the exception rather than the norm.
Source : Introduction to node js
I couldn't understand specifically:
[...] Node.js provides a set of asynchronous I/O primitives in its standard library that prevent JavaScript code from blocking [..]
Does it simply means, it has built in functionality that provides the provision to work as asynchronous?
If not then what are these set of asynchronous I/O primitives? If anyone could provide me some link for better understanding or getting started with Node.js, that would be really great.
P.S : I have practical experience with Nodejs where I understand how it's code will work but don't understand why it will work, so I want understand its theoretical part, so I can understand what actually is going on in the background.
Does it simply means, it has built in functionality that provides the provision to work as asynchronous?
Yes, that's basically what it means.
In a "traditional" one-thread-per-connection* model you accept a connection and then hand off the handling of that request to a thread (either a freshly started one or from a pool, doesn't really change much) and do all work related to that connection on that one thread, including sending the response.
This can easily done with synchronous/blocking I/O: have a read method that simply returns the read bytes and a write method that blocks until the writing is done.
This does, however mean that the thread handling that request can not do anything else and also that you need many threads to be able to handle many concurrent connections/requests. And since I/O operations take a relatively huge time (when measured in the speed of memory access and computation), that means that most of these threads will be waiting for one I/O operation or another for most of the time.
Having asynchronous I/O and an event-based core architecture means that when a I/O operation is initiated the CPU can immediately go on to processing whatever action needs to be done next, which will likely be related to an entirely different request.
Therefore one can handle many more requests on a single thread.
The "primitives" just means that basic I/O operations such as "read bytes" and "write bytes" to/from network connections or files are provided as asynchronous operations and higher-level operations need to be built on top of those (again in an asynchronous way, to keep the benefits).
As a side node: many other programming environments have either had asynchronous I/O APIs for a long time or have gotten them in recent years. The one thing that sets Node.js apart is that it's the default option: If you're reading from a socket or a file, then doing it asynchronously is what is "normal" and blocking calls are the big exception. This means that the entire ecosystem surrounding Node.js (i.e. almost all third-party libraries) works with that assumption in mind and is also written in that same manner.
So while Java, for example, has asynchronous I/O you lose that advantage as soon as you use any I/O related libraries that only support blocking I/O.
* I use connection/request interchangeably in this answer, under the assumption that each connection contains a single request. That assumption is usually wrong these days (most common protocols allow multiple request/response pairs in a single connnection), but handling multiple requests on a single connection doesn't fundamentally change anything about this answer.
It means node js doesn't halts on input/output operations. Suppose you need to do some task and it have some blocking condition e.g if space key is pressed then do this or while esc key isn't pressed keep taking input as node js is single threaded this will stop all operations and it will focus of doing the blocking condition job until its finishes it asyncronous will allow application not halt other tasks while doing one it will do other task until than task finishes and thats why we use await to get value out of promises in node js async function when the data is processed then the pointer will comes to the line where await line is present and get the value or process the information from it.

What should nodejs NOT be doing?

I'm now a couple of weeks into my node deep dive. I've learned a lot from Anthony's excellent course on udemy and I'm currently going through a book " nodejs the right way". I've also gone through quite a few articles that brought up some very good points about real world scenarios with node and coupling other technologies out there.
HOWEVER, it seems to be accepted as law, that you don't perform computationally heavy tasks with Node as its a single thread architecture. I get the idea of the event loop and asynch callbacks etc. In fact nodes strength stems from tons of concurrent IO connections if I understand correctly. No matter where I'm reading though, the source warns against hanging up that thread executing a task. I can't seem to find any rule of thumb of things to avoid using nodes process for. I've seen a solution saying that node should pass computationally heavy tasks to a message service like RabbitMQ which a dedicated app server can churn through(any suggestions on what pairs well with node for this task? I read something about an N-tier architecture). The reason I'm so confused is because I see node being used for reading and writing files to highlight the usage of streams but in my mind fetching/reading/writing files is an expensive task (I feel mistaken).
Tl;Dr What kind of tasks should node pass off to a work horse server ? What material can I read that explains the paradigm in detail?
Edit: it seems like my lack of understanding stemmed from not knowing what would even halt a thread in the first place outside of an obviously synchronous IO request . So if I understand correctly reading and writing data is IO where mutating said data or doing mathematical computations is computationally expensive (at varying levels depending on the task of course ) . Thanks for all the answers!
If you're using node.js as a server, then running a long running synchronous computational task ties up the one thread and during that computation, your server is non-responsive to other requests. That's generally a bad situation for servers.
So, the general design principles for node.js server design is this:
Use only asynchronous I/O functions. For example, use fs.readFile(), not fs.readyFileSync().
If you have a computationally intense operation, then move it to a child process. If you do a lot of these, then have several child processes that can process these long running operations. This keeps your main thread free so it can be responsive to I/O requests.
If you want to increase the overall scalability and responsiveness of your server, you can implement clustering with a server process per CPU. This isn't really a substitute for #2 above, but can also improve scalability and responsiveness.
The reason I'm so confused is because I see node being used for
reading and writing files to highlight the usage of streams but in my
mind fetching/reading/writing files is an expensive task (I feel
If you use the asynchronous versions of the I/O functions, then read/writing from the disk does not block the main JS thread as they present an asynchronous interface and the main thread can do other things while the system is fetching data from the disk.
What kind of tasks should node pass off to a work horse server ?
It depends a bit on the server load that you are trying to support, what you're asking it to do and your tolerance for responsiveness delays. The higher the load you're aiming for, then the more you need to get any computationally intensive task off the main JS thread and into some other process. At a medium number of long running transactions and a modest server load, you may just be able to use clustering to reach your scalability and responsiveness goal, but at some threshold of either length of the transaction or the load you're trying to support, you have to get the computationally intensive stuff out of the main JS thread.
HOWEVER, it seems to be accepted as law, that you don't perform computationally heavy tasks with Node as its a single thread architecture.
I would reword this:
don't perform computationally heavy tasks unless you need to with Node
Sometimes, you need to crunch through a bunch of data. There are times when it's faster or better to do that in-process than it is to pass it around.
A practical example:
I have a Node.js server that reads in raw log data from a bunch of servers. No standard logging utilities could be used as I have some custom processing being done, as well as custom authentication schemes for getting the log data. The whole thing is HTTP requests, and then parsing and re-writing the data.
As you can imagine, this uses a ton of CPU. Here's the thing though... is that CPU wasted? Am I doing anything in JS that I could do faster had I written it in another language? Often times the CPU is busy for a real reason, and the benefit of switching to something more native might be marginal. And then, you have to factor in the overhead of switching.
Remember that with Node.js, you can compile native extensions, so it's possible to have the best of both worlds in a well established framework.
For me, the human trade-offs came in. I'm a far more efficient Node.js developer than anything that runs natively. Even if my Node.js app were prove to be 5x slower than something native (which I'd imagine would be on the extreme), I could just buy 5 more servers to run, at much less cost than it would take for me to develop and maintain the native solution.
Use what you need. If you need to burn a lot of CPU in Node.js, just make sure you're doing it as efficiently as you can be. If you find that you could optimize something with native code, consider making an extension and besure to measure the performance differences afterwards. If you feel the desire to throw out the whole stack... reconsider your approach, as there might be something you're not considering.
Reading and writing files are I/O operations, so they are NOT CPU intensive. You can do a fair amount of concurrent I/O with Node without tying up any single request (in a Node HTTP server for example).
But people use Node in general for CPU-intensive tasks all the time and its fine. You just have to realize that if it uses all of the CPU for any significant amount of time then you will block all other requests to that server, which generally won't be acceptable if you need the server to stay available. But there are lots of times when your Node process is not trying to be a server firing back responses to many requests, such as when you have a Node program that just processes data and isn't a server at all.
Also, using another process is not the only way to do background tasks in Node. There is also webworker-threads which allows you to use threads if that is more convenient (you do have to copy the data in and out).
I would stop reading and do some targeted experiments so you can see what they are talking about. Try to create and test three different programs: 1) HTTP server handles lots of requests, always returns immediately with file contents 2) HTTP server handles lots of requests, but a certain request causes a large math computation that takes many seconds to return (which will block all the other requests -- big problem) 3) a Node program that is not an HTTP server, which does that large math computation and spits out the result in the terminal (which even though it takes awhile to work, is not handling other requests since its not a server, so its fine for it to block).

NodeJS: Parallelism of async module

I am following the async module's each method ( It says the method iterates over the array parallely. "Parallely" is the word that confuses me. AFAIK, in now way JavaScript can execute code parallely because it has a single-threaded model.
The examples shown in the each method focuses on the IO scenarios. I am using the "each" method just to add numbers of the array. If parallelism exists, can I prove this using my example?
Thanks for reading.
The 'parallel' in the async documentation doesn't refer to 'parallel' in terms of concurrency (like multiple processes or threads being run at the same time), but 'parallel' in terms of each step being independent of the other steps (the opposite operation would be eachSeries, where each step is run only after the previous has finished).
The parallel version would only make sense if the steps perform some kind of I/O, which (because of Node's asynchronous nature) could run parallel to each other: if one step has to wait for I/O, the other steps can happily continue to send/receive data.
If the steps are mainly cpu-bound (that is, performing lots of calculations), it's not going to provide you any better performance because, like you say, Node runs the interpreter in a single thread, and that's not something that async changes.
Like robertklep said, it is more of concurrent instead of parallel. You are not going to achieve much performance gain by doing compute heavy code in parallel. It is useful when you have to do parallel I/O (communicating with an external web service for all the items of an array, for example).

Node.js - concurrency writing and reading objects

Well, I've been looking for this topic but don't find it, so I'll ask you:
I need to write and read on an array on the server with frequency, so I decided to not using database, but I don't know what the best practice? It will be a lot of data, could it be a javascript array? Is it possible to read and write in a non-blocking method but avoid concurrency problems?
It is a MMORPG, a multiplayer game online, the data is all players online. The process will write on it almost every step a player does and will read it after that. I was thinking about a child process, or something to do the process more quickly and non-blocking, but I even know what child process is HAHA!
Thank you
Since Node.js is single threaded, anytime your code is doing something it is technically blocking the process from doing anything else. Once it hits a point where it is waiting for a callback, Node will start processing other requests until your callback comes back. How much data is 'a lot'? What do you need to do with the data?
If you're not doing much processing on the data, and there is a lot of it, a database solution wouldn't be a bad idea. Node drivers for databases (MongoDB, Redis, etc) are async and non-blocking so Node does a great job of interleaving the calls resulting in the ability to handle lots and lots of calls concurrently. Using storage like this (instead of just in memory) also means you could use Node cluster to spin up multiple node processes to use more than one core on your machine (as well as using multiple machines) to respond to requests.
If you're not doing much processing on the data, and the data set is pretty small, and you don't care about sharing the data among Node processes, then sure, just keep it in memory in whatever data structure you want. Arrays, dictionaries, or something like an LRU cache.
If you are doing lots of processing on the data, and there is a lot of it, then you'll need to do a bit more work since this isn't Nodes greatest strength (processing blocks the one and only thread which means it can't handle additional requests). I would suggest something like a PubSub model with a non-blocking queue with worker processes handling the processing.

How does Asynchronous programming work in a single threaded programming model?

I was going through the details of node.jsand came to know that, It supports asynchronous programming though essentially it provides a single threaded model.
How is asynchronous programming handled in such cases? Is it like runtime itself creates and manages threads, but the programmer cannot create threads explicitly? It would be great if someone could point me to some resources to learn about this.
Say it with me now: async programming does not necessarily mean multi-threaded.
Javascript is a single-threaded runtime - you simply aren't able to create new threads in JS because the language/runtime doesn't support it.
Frank says it correctly (although obtusely) In English: there's a main event loop that handles when things come into your app. So, "handle this HTTP request" will get added to the event queue, then handled by the event loop when appropriate.
When you call an async operation (a mysql db query, for example), node.js sends "hey, execute this query" to mysql. Since this query will take some time (milliseconds), node.js performs the query using the MySQL async library - getting back to the event loop and doing something else there while waiting for mysql to get back to us. Like handling that HTTP request.
Edit: By contrast, node.js could simply wait around (doing nothing) for mysql to get back to it. This is called a synchronous call. Imagine a restaurant, where your waiter submits your order to the cook, then sits down and twiddles his/her thumbs while the chef cooks. In a restaurant, like in a node.js program, such behavior is foolish - you have other customers who are hungry and need to be served. Thus you want to be as asynchronous as possible to make sure one waiter (or node.js process) is serving as many people as they can.
Edit done
Node.js communicates with mysql using C libraries, so technically those C libraries could spawn off threads, but inside Javascript you can't do anything with threads.
Ryan said it best: sync/async is orthogonal to single/multi-threaded. For single and multi-threaded cases there is a main event loop that calls registered callbacks using the Reactor Pattern. For the single-threaded case the callbacks are invoked sequentially on main thread. For the multi-threaded case they are invoked on separate threads (typically using a thread pool). It is really a question of how much contention there will be: if all requests require synchronized access to a single data structure (say a list of subscribers) then the benefits of having multiple threaded may be diminished. It's problem dependent.
As far as implementation, if a framework is single threaded then it is likely using poll/select system call i.e. the OS is triggering the asynchronous event.
To restate the waiter/chef analogy:
Your program is a waiter ("you") and the JavaScript runtime is a kitchen full of chefs doing the things you ask.
The interface between the waiter and the kitchen is mediated by queues so requests are not lost in instances of overcapacity.
So your program is assigned one thread of execution. You can only wait one table at a time. Each time you want to offload some work (like making the food/making a network request), you run to the kitchen and pin the order to a board (queue) for the chefs (runtime) to pick-up when they have spare capacity. The chefs will let you know when the order is ready (they will call you back). In the meantime, you go wait another table (you are not blocked by the kitchen).
So the accepted answer is misleading. The JavaScript runtime is definitionally multithreaded because I/O does not block your JavaScript program. As a waiter you can continue serving customers, while the kitchen cooks. That involves at least two threads of execution. The reality is that the runtime will maintain several threads of execution behind the scenes, in order to efficiently serve the single thread directly corresponding to your script.
By design, only one thread of execution is assigned to the synchronous running of your JavaScript program. This is a good thing because it makes your program easier to reason about than having to handle multiple threads of execution yourself. Don't worry: your JavaScript program can still get plenty complicated though!
