IBM Worklight J2ME Timeout - java-me

I have build a J2ME application by using IBM Worklight 6.1. After request time out which is default 30 seconds while invoking the procedure two request are going . Does any one have an idea how to increase the time out for J2ME ..

After some asking around, according to developers of JavaME support in Worklight, the answer is "no". In Worklight-based applications for JavaME, a procedure request timeout option is not available.


need wcf and wpf load testing tool

I need to find out the performance of my application.This application works as follows-
It's a WPF windows application, which requires some data to be filled by user
On clicking Submit button, it calls WCF web services
These services save these values in DB
Which tool would be the best for this scenario?
The best approach would be having several thousands of geo-distributed real users having different Internet connection speed and using your WPF application normally. If you are not able to arrange this - I would suggest mimicking these several thousands users on protocol level. You mentioned WCF web services - go and find a web service load testing tool. For example good ones are:
SoapUI - designed for web services testing. Has some load testing capabilities. See Creating and Running LoadTests to get started.
Apache JMeter - multiprotocol load testing tool, supports web services as well. See Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter guide.
In fact any tool which is capable of sending a HTTP request will fit.
You can use some of usual load testing tools? for example Apache Jmeter (free) or HP LoadRunner (community license for 50 free users).
Just record communication between your WPF application and WCF ( I belive it communicate via HTTP) and add needed parameters.

The most efficient notification system for a web application

I have VPS hosting for a business application. It has XMPP based chat with Openfire which is working fine.
I want a real time notification system as well in our system.
I have these options
Ajax Long Poll
PHP websockets
Using XMPP(Not sure if applicable)
Among all the above. Which one would be the quickest one?
XMPP over websocket would be a good fit as it simply builds on your existing infrastructure.

WebSockets or an alternative with phonegap?

How can I send low latency data to a server and back with phonegap?
Considering I don't have access to php files locally, and don't have experience with node.js or WebSockets I don't know which ones I should use.
WebSockets aren't natively supported by the browsers in Android or older versions of Cordova under iOS, which means you'll need to use a PhoneGap plugin if you want to use them on the client.
There's more information at:
However, I'm not sure (even with the plugin) how resilient WebSockets are likely to be when the device moves between network connections (WiFi -> 3G -> WiFi), so using a simple polling web service may be a more reliable option if your app needs to continue receiving data as your users move around.
If you need to receive data initiated by the server, consider using push notifications instead: both iOS (APN) and Android (C2DM) provide APIs to do this which make more efficient use of the battery than having your app poll your server constantly.
You can use WebSockets in PhoneGap with iOS and Android. WebSockets are natively supported on iOS within Safari. For Android you will need to use a polyfill.
The answer above provides information about how to make a WebSocket object available within the Android WebView used by PhoneGap and also provides a link to a sample project which you can use to get started.
WebSockets were developed as a solution to 'Comet' hacks. As such they provide a very low latency solution for realtime bi-directional communication between a client and server. This means low bandwidth and low resource usage - battery on mobile - since you are holding a single connection open rather then opening and closing multiple HTTP connections. A polling solution which makes requests at regular intervals is likely to drain the battery much faster than a WebSocket solution. If you are polling at lower intervals then it may be fine - it depends on your use case.
In terms of WebSockets working as you change between network and network type (WiFi -> 3G -> WiFi) then if you are using WebSockets natively you need to detect the onclose and reconnect. You will also need to determine the best type of connection; unsecure (WS) or secure (WSS). I would highly recommend you use WSS for mobile since some mobile network providers use transparent proxies which interfere with WS connections. This might sound complicated but there are a number of libraries that handle this for you. Such as the Pusher JavaScript library (note: I work for Pusher). Libraries such as these also provide fallback to a less efficient HTTP-based solution when the environment will not let any WebSocket connection occur.
Also see: realtime web technology guide.
I'd agree with #rmc47 that you should consider native push notifications if it's for infrequent single notifications
Refer to this link to see WebSocket Support by Browsers and devices : site - iOS 4.2+ already supports WebSocket
See this doc that explains how to develop a simple application with WebSocket.
Unfortunately the content is in the Portuguese (Brazilian) language but you can leave comments which I will answer.
I'm not sure what you mean by "access to PHP files locally". The use of node.js and web sockets is also not mutually exclusive.
If you have not made a decision on the server implementation you could go for either node.js or ASP.NET.
node.js has good support for sockets with, which abstracts the client implementation for you. So it will use WebSockets if there is support, else it will fall back to long polling.
ASP.NET has a library called SignalR which does something similar for the .NET platform.

How to write to Meteor database from external application?

I'm trying to figure out how to insert data into a Meteor mongodb database from an external native mobile application that I'm writing (specifically for iOS using Cinder, right now). I'd like events that happen on the mobile device application to be written to my Meteor app's database, so that it can be immediately displayed on a browser elsewhere.
Importantly, I need to stay in my native application on the mobile device - I can't launch into a browser. I'm a bit new to Meteor, so apologies if I'm overlooking something obvious.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Your best bet is to use an iOS DDP client like this one. You can use this client natively in your existing iOS app and subscribe and write back to data in your Meteor ecosystem.
DDP stands for Distributed Data Protocol and is authored by the Meteor group as an external standard for real-time app frameworks to adopt. It's a much preferred method than communicating directly with the database because you can leverage the publish and subscribe methods within the Meteor ecosystem.
The protocol is under rapid development.
I believe there will be a release shortly that will expound on the current state of DDP and the evolution of its official specification. An official spec is slated for the 1.0 release.
Note: Here is a great video overview of DDP in its present form.
Another option is to have your iOS app write directly to the MongoDB instance used by your Meteor app. You can use any MongoDB driver such as NuMongoDB. Meteor polls the MongoDB database every ten seconds so web based users will automatically see updates, albeit with a short lag.
DDP is evolving quickly, as Tim mentioned, so this option might be a little more stable.
In terms of hosting, for scalability I recommend separating your MongoDB instance from the free site, by using a Mongo host such as MongoHQ.
And what about other cases ?
I mean browser applications ?

Multi-thread support in IPad, IPhone

Just to confirm if multithreading is supported in iPad and iPhone. I need to write an application that calls a web service on a background thread while user can still interact with the UI.
Yes, it has threads.
Also, you don't need to spawn your own threads for most tasks. A lot of the Apple Frameworks (Cocoa Touch Foundation frameworks) have built-in code that will do this for you.
Also, if you're consuming data from a Web API (HTTP Request), I highly recommend you take a look at ASIHTTPRequest, which is built on top of NSOperation (an operation class that easily handles background processing).
Finally, if you need help on program design/flow using the Model-View-Controller pattern, I've written a blog entry describing how to consume Web API data and present it to the end-user in a table format.
iOS has always supported multi-threading, just as Mac OS X did before it. Here's Apple's excellent overview documentation on the subject:
Concurrency Programming Guide
