rails svg not acceptable - svg

I am using google maps api and for the marker I am trying to use an svg file
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: coords, map: map, icon: '/assets/pin/pin.svg'
The image actually is been displayed but I am getting a console error.
GET http://localhost:3000/assets/pin.svg 406 (Not Acceptable)
The request headers

Typically, the icon requres a url
var myIcon={
url: 'pin.svg',
size: new google.maps.Size(10, 10),
origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0),
anchor: new google.maps.Point(5, 5)
var myMarker= new google.maps.Marker(
position: location,
map: MyMap,
icon: myIcon


Hyperlink on a Graphic element in ArcGis

i need your help please.
I would like to be able to click on a point added on an ArcGis map so that when I click on it I am redirected to another web page
I have been following the tutorials:
Display a map
Add a point
add a feature layer
Display a popup
This is the code so far:
], function(esriConfig,Map, MapView, Graphic, GraphicsLayer, FeatureLayer) {
esriConfig.apiKey = "YOUR_KEY";
const map = new Map({
basemap: "arcgis-topographic"
const view = new MapView({
container: "DivCarte",
map: map,
center: [-83.54500,19.02700],
zoom: 6
const graphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
const point = { //Create a point
type: "point",
longitude: -86.900000,
latitude: 21.201278
const simpleMarkerSymbol = {
type: "simple-marker",
color: [226, 119, 40], // Orange
outline: {
color: [255, 255, 255], // White
width: 1
const popupTemplate = {
title: "Cancun",
content: "<a href=http://travelwithnico.com>Site</a>"
const attributes = {
Name: "AttGraphic",
Description: "Ilalala"
const pointGraphic = new Graphic({
geometry: point,
symbol: simpleMarkerSymbol,
attributes: attributes,
popupTemplate: popupTemplate
I managed to open a popup showing the link but it opens on a new tab.
How can I force it to move to the link in the same window?
Thank you for your help.
Have you tried inlining a JavaScript inside an onclick event? Something like this:
content: 'Site'
I'm not sure if this will work, but it worths trying.

openlayers polygon change color

i'm using OL3 and javascript to draw several polygon on a map. Each polygon came from a database in WKT format like "POLIGON((39 -9, ....))". I can draw them on the map but i want to change fill color of each one, but don't know how to do it.
Here is my code:
//WKTpoly -> this is my array of POLYLINES
var format = new ol.format.WKT();
var vectorArea = new ol.source.Vector({});
for (var i=0;i<WKTpoly.length;i++) {
var featureGeom = format.readFeature(WKTpoly[i]);
featureGeom.getGeometry().transform('EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');
VectorMap = new ol.layer.Vector({
name: map,
source: vectorArea,
Well, after LessThanJake response and some more google search, i found the solution, i had to create a style and call setStyle() before addFeature():
var style = new ol.style.Style({
fill: new ol.style.Fill({
color: FillColor,
weight: 1
stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({
color: LineColor,
width: 1
Thanks LessThanJake for pointing the right direction.
Or you can setup the layer to use a function as style
the function signature is
var makeStyle = function(feature,resolution) {
return [styles];
You can use this to manage style by feature and resolution (zoom level).
As the function is called at each feature render, you'll need to cache the style in a js object to gain performance.

Can't load SVG from URL

I want to load different shapes in FabricJS based Canvas using loadSVGFromURL(), but can't. Documentation is also not complete on this. I just want a complete example. I can load it from string, but string creates spaces which creates problems when rendering. Here is my code:
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas');
fabric.loadSVGFromURL('BlueFlower.svg', function (objects) {
var SVG = fabric.util.groupSVGElements(objects, options);
I have done an example on jsfiddle, that I create two objects and I load an svg image from url, you can take a look.
Here is an example
The snippet for load svg is this:
var site_url = 'http://fabricjs.com/assets/1.svg';
fabric.loadSVGFromURL(site_url, function(objects) {
var group = new fabric.PathGroup(objects, {
left: 165,
top: 100,
width: 295,
height: 211

Fabricjs: entering IText with click on canvas

The objective of this jsfiddle is the following:
User clicks on canvas
A cursor shows up where the user clicked
User can enter text
I tried to use IText enterEditing method right after the user clicks on the canvas, but the cursor does not show up, so the user don't know they can enter text. In addition, in Chrome and Firefox the user cannot enter text at all. Any ideas?
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
canvas.on('mouse:down', function(options) {
if (options.target == null)
function addText(e) {
var text = new fabric.IText('',{
left: e.offsetX,
top: e.offsetY
Try the following code, you need to set your text object as active object in canvas.
var text = new fabric.IText('',{
left: e.offsetX,
top: e.offsetY
Try this fiddle i upaded using this code,Hope it can help you somewhat
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c');
canvas.on('mouse:down', function(options) {
if (options.target == null)
function addText(e) {
var custontxt=new fabric.IText('Tap and Type', {
fontFamily: 'helvetica',
fontStyle: 'normal',

Is there a way to crop only the design from a the canvas and ignoring all the white/transparent space?

I have a canvas built using fabricJS with the dimension of 600x500. I have added an image to this canvas which is of size 200x300 and also a text element just below it.
exports the whole canvas area including the white spaces surrounding the design on the canvas.
Is there a way to get the cropped output of the design on the canvas alone instead of all the whitespace?
This can be done by cloning objects to a group, getting the group boundingRect, and then passing the boundingRect parameters to toDataUrl() function (see fiddle).
// make a new group
var myGroup = new fabric.Group();
// ensure originX/Y 'center' is being used, as text uses left/top by default.
myGroup.set({ originX: 'center', originY: 'center' });
// put canvas things in new group
var i = canvas.getObjects().length;
while (i--) {
var objType = canvas.item(i).get('type');
if (objType==="image" || objType==="text" || objType==="itext" || objType==="rect") {
var clone = fabric.util.object.clone(canvas.item(i));
// remove original lone object
// get bounding rect for new group
var i = canvas.getObjects().length;
while (i--) {
var objType = canvas.item(i).get('type');
if (objType==="group") {
var br = canvas.item(i).getBoundingRect();
fabric.log('cropped png dataURL: ', canvas.toDataURL({
format: 'png',
left: br.left,
top: br.top,
width: br.width,
height: br.height
p.s. I should probably mention that i've not worked with image types, so i just guessed that it's called 'image'..
