Any suggestions for what Node.js modules I should use for user log ins? - node.js

I am building a website with the MEAN (mongodb, express, angular, node js) stack. I want users to be able to create an account on my site as well as integrate with facebook/twitter accounts. The main two options I am considering right now are Passport and Express-jwt.
I have been able to find examples of integrating Passport into node/express, but no examples of how to handle things on the front end with angular. Is this hard to do?
My main concern about express-jwt is that I have not found examples of using that with facebook log ins while there is passport-facebook for passport. Thanks for your help.

By Far the best for authentication is Passport. See the link If this could prove of worth to you. Also go through the article can also be productive. Hope this is what you were asking.


How to do facebook authentication in React Native with nodejs as backend?

I have following problem:
I have an App with React Native and I need authentication via Facebook.
I figured out how to do it with expo and the expo-facebook but my problem is, that I also need authentication in the backend, which is done with NodeJs.
What is the right approach to do it, when the backend also needs to be secure?
I looked thru the internet for ours and didnĀ“t find any tutorial...
Thanks in advance!
Check Passportjs. It's an authentication middleware for Nodejs. Search for the relevant strategy. Should be fairly easy to implement.

Redirect user to angular app after login with nodejs/express

I am trying to build an application in nodejs and angular 6, where the login is done with node and after successful authentication the user is redirected to an angular application. I have looked at many resources online but only seem to find examples of either angular apps with login screens (that call nodejs API endpoints to pass user credentials), or with nodejs using express and Passport. If anyone can point me in the right direction for an example of this I would be extremely greatful.
I had created a repo similar with what you're looking for.
Here's the link to the project: ngx-express-passport-setup
You can clone it & try testing it on your environment. Setup instruction is provided.
Provided with all the instructions on ReadMe.Md for someone who wants to use Passport via local, google+, facebook and twitter Step by Step.
This project uses Angular5, NodeJS and ExpressJS
Hope this will help/guide you with your problem if ever you'll decide on using PassportJS as your Authentication as it is quite actually a popular tool for NodeJS.

Separating frontend and backend (as REST API)

I am doing a side project, with purpose of learning to separate front-end and backend, and I decided to use express with node, to design a REST Api as my backend.
My question is, how do I authenticate my restful api. I saw some tutorials, but they always connect frontend and backend by using serverside rendering with jade or ejs, and I'm not interested with that.
How do I authenticate each user and give them access only to certain data and also how do I design endpoints that are only accessible by my front-end application?
I would really appreciate help. Also you can send links to articles that describe this king of authentication and project architecture, because I feel that i'm looking in the wrong places, and need some help.

Testing Passport Twitter Strategy

I'm looking for a simple way to simulate logging in with Twitter via Passport and testing some API calls to twitter with the login information.
Is this possible? Is there an easy way?
Any help is awesome!
I don't about easy but you can simulate the login using
Here are some node modules which integerate phantomjs
Hope this helps you.

Can't understand Ember + Node auth

I've been using ember, node, express since 2 months ago.
I've developed an small app, now it's time to add user auth to it but I can't figure out how to do this.
There are a few questions I have:
1.- In SPA apps, where there's only index.html, I include all .js ember files. So, the user could be able to see all the app logic without auth?. How can I add the libs only when the user has been auth?
2.- What's the right way to auth in ember? I haven't seen a solution in official documentation.
3.- How the frontend communicates with the backend, what's the logic here? It's in every route?
Also I'm looking for an example or tutorial.
Thanks you!
I believe these videos target exactly your question
just to mention a great resource for ember tutorials - it contains screencasts, books, talks.. articles - all you need to get started.
There is nothing bad about "seeing logic", you are protecting data, not code. Still, if you really want to protect your code, you can create a separate login page and require authentication for every other resource (app html, styles, scripts, etc.). But protecting EVERY resource of your app means that you can't delegate handling static files to nginx or cdn or whatnot. So, think carefully.
There are to approaches: embedded authentication and separate login page. For the first one you can use or If you decide to go with the second, you can just use authentication provided by your backend (passport.js, etc) and redirect to login page on failures.
Nothing special, you just write your model methods and handle possible authorisation errors. You might also want to have a user object around to use in your template and route logic.
