How to pass the functional test name to Sauce Labs using - intern

When viewing the functional tests on the page it appears that the Session column is displaying the test directory path name and not the test name that is defined inside of each functional test. My assumption was that the name property in the test would get passed to Sauce Labs but maybe this gets defined elsewhere?
], function (registerSuite, assert, require) {
var copy = {
inputValue: 'admin'
name: 'loginTest',
'login test': function () {
return this.remote
.waitForElementByCssSelector('body#console', 5000)
.waitForElementByCssSelector('.progress', 5000)
// Login Form
// -------------------------
.waitForElementByCssSelector('input[name=username]', 10000)
.elementByCssSelector('#view-login button[type=submit]')

All the functional tests in a configuration file run against a single browser instance on Sauce Labs, so it doesn’t make sense to pass a suite name to Sauce as the name for the test run. The name given to Sauce refers to the configuration file which was used to execute the tests, since this is the file that defines which tests were to be executed.


In Jest: In setupTestFrameworkScriptFile, can I access the name/filename of the current executing test file

In many of my tests, I create a new slqite database and want to use the name of the test file as the sqlite DBname. This way, all my DB tests are isolated from each other.
As a related question: I would like my setupTestFrameworkScriptFile to be able to read config items (an Object) from the test. Is there a standard way to pass these configs from test to TestFramework?
Here is an example:
In myclass.test.js:
// "tell" the setup file I'm named 'myclass'
global.testId = function () {
return "myclass"
In setupTestFrameworkScriptFile:
beforeAll(async () => {
// if the test supports this method
if (typeof testId === 'undefined') {
// create an sqlite DB with that name
Instead I would like the code in setupTestFrameworkScriptFile to read the filename from the Jest environment, removing the need for the test and setupTestFrameworkScriptFile to both know about a previously agreed upon method named testId.

Is DB a reserved word in Node.js

I am building some tests with mocha and chai(expect).
Keeping it simple as I am learning about testing methodology as I go along.
I have a mysql db layer in a config file.
Testing the db parameters, I ran into a weird issue.
These db parameters test fine:
host= 'localhost',
The tests:
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var db = require('../db/config.ini');
describe('Database Access', function() {
it('HOST parameter should be a string', function() {
it('USER parameter should be a string', function() {
it('PASSWORD parameter should be a string', function() {
it('DB parameter should be a string', function() {
it('HOST parameter should equal localhost', function() {
it('USER parameter should equal foo', function() {
it('PASSWORD parameter should equal bar', function() {
it('DB parameter should equal thatone', function() {
When I add the database to choose,
The test fails the parameter because it reads it as an object.
1) Database Access DB parameter should be a string:
AssertionError: expected {} to be a string
at Context.<anonymous> (test/db_tests.js:21:20)
If I change the variable name to "context" the test passes as expected.
I'm wondering if there is something obvious I am missing about using "db" as a variable.
Really stupid, novice level mistake.
So focused on learning testing methodology I didn't realize I had created the
'db' var as a require to the 'ini' and then referenced it later as though it was unique.
Really dumb. Rushing through this recklessly to get to a destination, and failing to follow some good methodology.
The result of executing this is not a string:
var db = require('../db/config.ini');
It seems you are trying to get a file in some INI dialect to be meaningfully interpreted by Node. Node does not support this by default. If you do not get an error while loading it, the most likely reason is that the text you have in there happens to also be valid JavaScript but since INI files do not contain proper code to export something (i.e. the file does not contain exports.db = "something" or module.exports = { ... } or something similar), then the module has the value {}.
You need to add one of the multiple npm packages that will automatically interpret an INI file and provide a meaningful value. I cannot recommend one as I don't use INI files in my software but you can search npm for a package that will perform the translation for you.

How do I override modules in requiejs?

Just started using node with requirejs last night.
I want to substitute a module depending on a configuration parameter (say, passed in from the command line).
Right now, moduleA requires moduleB. How can I overwrite moduleB, or substitute moduleC for it?
I'm using RequireJS.
I really want a third party module, say moduleMaster to specify the update. The goal is to allow multiple possible behaviors (ie multiple Database Access Objects, 1 per module) and then allow a master module to choose which one the other modules use. Something like:
// module A
define(['B'], function(B) {
// module B
msg: "I am B"
// module C
msg: "I am C"
// module D
define([], function() {
// TODO: overwrite moduleA so that it uses moduleC instead
There is no such thing as overwriting a module. What you can do is have RequireJS change what it loads depending on a configuration option. For instance,
var requirejs = require('requirejs');
var define = requirejs.define;
define('A', ['Adep'], function(Adep) {
define('B', {
msg: "I am B"
define('C', {
msg: "I am C"
var make_A_depend_on = 'C';
map: {
'*': {
'Adep': make_A_depend_on
If you change make_A_depend_on so that the value is "B" then A will load B rather than C. The configuration is set so that when the madule named Adep is required, RequireJS actually loads what is specified in make_A_depend_on.

Can Blanket.js work with Jasmine tests if the tests themselves are loaded with RequireJS?

We've been using Jasmine and RequireJS successfully together for unit testing, and are now looking to add code coverage, and I've been investigating Blanket.js for that purpose. I know that it nominally supports Jasmine and RequireJS, and I'm able to successfully use the "jasmine-requirejs" runner on GitHub, but this runner is using a slightly different approach than our model -- namely, it loads the test specs using a script tag in runner.html, whereas our approach has been to load the specs through RequireJS, like the following (which is the callback for a requirejs call in our runner):
var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000;
var htmlReporter = new jasmine.TrivialReporter();
var jUnitReporter = new jasmine.JUnitXmlReporter('../JasmineTests/');
jasmineEnv.specFilter = function (spec) {
return htmlReporter.specFilter(spec);
var specs = [];
$(function () {
require(specs, function () {
This approach works fine for simply doing unit testing, if I don't have blanket or jasmine-blanket as dependencies for the function above. If I add them (with require.config paths and shim), I can verify that they're successfully fetched, but all that appears to happen is that I get jasmine-blanket's overload of jasmine.getEnv().execute, which simply prints "waiting for blanket..." to the console. Nothing is triggering the tests themselves to be run anymore.
I do know that in our approach there's no way to provide the usual data-cover attributes, since RequireJS is doing the script loading rather than script tags, but I would have expected in this case that Blanket would at least calculate coverage for everything, not nothing. Is there a non-attribute-based way to specify the coverage pattern, and is there something else I need to do to trigger the actual test execution once jasmine-blanket is in the mix? Can Blanket be made to work with RequireJS loading the test specs?
I have gotten this working by requiring blanket-jasmine then setting the options
paths: {
'jasmine': '...',
'jasmine-html': '...',
'blanket-jasmine': '...',
shim: {
'jasmine': {
exports: 'jasmine'
'jasmine-html': {
exports: 'jasmine',
deps: ['jasmine']
'blanket-jasmine': {
exports: 'blanket',
deps: ['jasmine']
], function (blanket, jasmine) {
blanket.options('filter', '...'); // data-cover-only
blanket.options('branchTracking', true); // one of the data-cover-flags
require(['myspec'], function() {
var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 250;
var htmlReporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter();
jasmineEnv.specFilter = function (spec) {
return htmlReporter.specFilter(spec);
jasmineEnv.addReporter(new jasmine.BlanketReporter());
The key lines are the addition of the BlanketReporter and the currentRunner execute. Blanket jasmine adapter overrides jasmine.execute with a no-op that just logs a line, because it needs to halt the execution until it is ready to begin after it has instrumented the code.
Typically the BlanketReport and currentRunner execute would be done by the blanket jasmine adapter but if you load blanket-jasmine itself in require, the event for starting blanket test runner will not get fired as subscribes to the window.load event (which by the point blanket-jasmine is loaded has already fired) therefore we need to add the report and execute the "currentRunner" as it would usually execute itself.
This should probably be raised as a bug, but for now this workaround works well.

Should js Cannot read property 'should' of null

i try to use the testing tool mocha in node. Consider the following test scenario
var requirejs = require('requirejs');
//Pass the top-level main.js/index.js require
//function to requirejs so that node modules
//are loaded relative to the top-level JS file.
nodeRequire: require
describe('Testing controller', function () {
it('Should be pass', function (done) {
it('Should avoid name king', function (done) {
requirejs(['../server/libs/validate_name'], function (validateName) {
var err_test, accountExists_test, notAllow_test, available_test;
validateName('anu', function (err, accountExists, notAllow, available) {;
as a testing result i have got:
$ make test
./node_modules/.bin/mocha \
--reporter list
. Testing controller Should be pass: 0ms
1) Testing controller Should avoid name anu
1 passing (560 ms)
1 failing
1) Testing controller Should avoid name anu:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'should' of null
at d:\townspeech\test\test.spec.js:23:30
at d:\townspeech\server\libs\validate_name.js:31:20
at d:\townspeech\test\test.spec.js:22:13
at Object.context.execCb (d:\townspeech\node_modules\requirejs\bin\r.js:1869:33)
at Object.Module.check (d:\townspeech\node_modules\requirejs\bin\r.js:1105:51)
at Object.Module.enable (d:\townspeech\node_modules\requirejs\bin\r.js:1376:22)
at Object.Module.init (d:\townspeech\node_modules\requirejs\bin\r.js:1013:26)
at null._onTimeout (d:\townspeech\node_modules\requirejs\bin\r.js:1646:36)
at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:110:15)
make: *** [test] Error 1
The first pass without any complication but the second, it seems like, that could not attach module shouldjs. Why?
I had the same problem. I solved it by using:
(err === null);
You can use should directly
That's a known problem with the should library: As it extends object, of course it only works when you have a concrete object. As null, by definition, means that you don't have an object, you can not call any methods on it or access any of its properties.
Hence, should is not available in this case.
Basically, you have two options of how to deal with this:
You could exchange actual and expected. This way, as long as you do not expect null, you have an object in the beginning and hence can access its should property. But, this is not nice, as it changes semantics, and does not work in all cases.
You could exchange the should library by another assertion library that does not have this problem.
Personally, I'd go with option 2, and my highly subjective personal favorite for this is node-assertthat (which has been written by me, hence it's my favorite).
Anyway, there are lots of other options, such as expect. Feel free to use any of these assertion libraries that best suits your style of writing tests.
One more option that I don't see mentioned here:
should(err === null).be.null
In you example that would would be:
I always find expect works better with null and undefined as follows:
