Logarithmic averaging preset function in excel - using ranges as input values - excel

I need to add my own function for logarithmic averaging to excel but i'm not sure how to have a range of values as an input value or how to make count the number of values in a given range.
I have a small amount of experience with programming.
The formula i usually use in excel and am looking to implement as a pre-set function is the following:
=10*LOG(SUM(10^('range of values'/10)/'number of values in the range'))
Can anyone help me out?

You can try this, you may need to adjust to account for blank cells or non-text in the range
Function TestUDF(rngValues As Range) As Double
Dim lSumofValues As Long
Dim lCountofValues As Long
Dim rngLoop As Range
lSumofValues = 0
lCountofValues = rngValues.Count 'Get count of values in items in range
'Add up the values in the range
For Each rngLoop In rngValues
lSumofValues = lSumofValues + rngLoop.Value
'Perform Calculation
TestUDF = 10 * Log((10 ^ (lSumofValues / 10) / lCountofValues))
End Function
And then simply enter =TestUDF(A1:A18) in a cell to use it.


Dynamic Summing Range

Currently I have a medical spread-sheet with a list of clients that we have serviced. We have 8 different clinical categories which are denoted by different acronyms - HV,SV,CV,WV,CC,OV,TS and GS.
A client can receive multiple therapies i.e. HV,SV,CV - in the background we have a counter mechanism which would increment each of these records by 1.The formula used for this counter is:
=(LEN('Parent Sheet'!F25)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE('Parent Sheet'!F25,'Parent Sheet'!$P$4,"")))/LEN('Parent Sheet'!$P$4)
At the bottom of the sheet we then have a sum which ads up all the treatments that occurred for that week.
Now the tricky part about this is that we have almost a year's worth of data in this sheet but the summing formulas are set as: SUM(COLUMN 6: COLUMN 53) but due to a need to increase the entries beyond this limit, we have to adjust the sum formula. We have 300 SUM Formulas adding up each of the 8 Criteria items and assigning them to the HV,SV,SC,WV etc. counters.
Would we have to adjust this manually one by one or is there a easier way of doing this?
Thank you very much!
To me, I think you should change the sheet layout a little, create a User Defined Function (UDF) and alter the formulas in your Sum rows for efficient row/column adding (to make use of Excel's formula fill). The only issue is that you need to save this as a Macro-Enabled file.
What you need to change in the formulas is to utilize $ to restrict changes in column and rows when the formula fill takes place.
To illustrate in an example, consider:
Assuming the first data starts at row 6, and no more than row 15 (you can use the idea of another data gap on the top). Alter the Sum row titles to begin with the abbreviation then create a UDF like below:
Option Explicit
' The oRngType refers to a cell where the abbreviation is stored
' The oRngCount refers to cells that the abbreviation is to be counted
' Say "HV" is stored in $C16, and the cells to count for HV is D$6:D$15,
' then the sum of HV for that date (D16) is calculated by formula
' `=CountType($C16, D$6:D$15)`
Function CountType(ByRef oRngType As Range, ByRef oRngCount) As Long
Dim oRngVal As Variant, oVal As Variant, oTmp As Variant, sLookFor As String, count As Long
sLookFor = Left(oRngType.Value, 2)
oRngVal = oRngCount.Value ' Load all the values onto memory
count = 0
For Each oVal In oRngVal
If Not IsEmpty(oVal) Then
For Each oTmp In Split(oVal, ",")
If InStr(1, oTmp, sLookFor, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then count = count + 1
End If
CountType = count
End Function
Formulas in the sheet:
Columns to sum are fixed to rows 6 to 15 and Type to lookup is fixed to Column C
D16 | =CountType($C16,D$6:D$15)
D17 | =CountType($C17,D$6:D$15)
E16 | =CountType($C16,E$6:E$15)
E17 | =CountType($C17,E$6:E$15)
The way I created the UDF is to lookup and count appearances of a cell value (first argument) within a range of cells (second argument). So you can use it to count a type of treatment for a big range of cells (column G).
Now if you add many columns after F, you just need to use the AutoFill and the appropriate rows and columns will be there.
You can also create another VBA Sub to add rows and columns and formulas for you, but that's a different question.
It's isn't a great idea to have 300 sum formulas.
Name your data range and include that inside the SUM formula. So each time the NAMED data range expands, the sum gets calculated based on that. Here's how to create a dynamic named rnage.
Sorry I just saw your comment. Following is a simple/crude VBA snippet.
Range("B3:F12") is rangeValue; Range("C18") is rngTotal.
Option Explicit
Sub SumAll()
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim rngSum As Range
Dim rngData As Range
Dim rowCount As Integer
Dim colCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim varSum As Variant
'assuming that your said mechanism increases the data range by 1 row
Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Set rngData = WS.Range("valueRange")
Set rngSum = WS.Range("rngTotal")
colCount = rngData.Columns.Count
'to take the newly added row (by your internal mechanism) into consideration
rowCount = rngData.Rows.Count + 1
ReDim varSum(0 To colCount)
For i = 0 To UBound(varSum, 1)
varSum(i) = Application.Sum(rngData.Resize(rowCount, 1).Offset(, i))
Next i
'transpose variant array with totals to sheet range
rngSum.Resize(colCount, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(varSum)
'release objects in the memory
Set rngSum = Nothing
Set rngData = Nothing
Set WS = Nothing
Set varSum = Nothing
End Sub
You can use named ranges as suggested by bonCodigo or you could use find and replace or you can insert the columns within the data range and Excel will update the formula for you automatically.

VBA WorksheetFunction dynamic randbetween

hope all is well.
I am slightly stuck on a VBA function called randbetween in Excel.
Nature of the problem is that I need to create random numbers based on a bunch of other numbers, about 50,000 other numbers in total.
The random numbers I generate must be between 1 and X. X being the other numbers in column D1:D50,000.
As an example: if cell D1 contains the number 5, then I need to create a random number between 1 and 5 in Cell A1. then move on to D2,D3,D4.....etc and create random numbers for each one accordingly, A2,A3,A4...etc.
I tried to use the following but unfortunately the offset part doesn't work. I want to dynamically work through each cell.
the code is as follows:
r = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, Offset(A1, n, 9))
'where n = 2
Most grateful for any help,
Your use of OFFSET is the wrong syntax. You would need somthing like
Range("A1").Offset(RowOffset, ColumnOffset)
But there is a much better approach to achieve your stated goal. Use Range.FormulaR1C1
Sub Demo()
Dim rng As Range
' Define range
Set rng = [A1:A50000]
' Put formulas into the range
rng.FormulaR1C1 = "=RANDBETWEEN(1,RC4)"
'optional, replace formulas with values
rng.Value = rng.Value
End Sub

edit the program to sumif with visible cells in MS excel

i got some countifv thats counts visible and sumifsv which sum visible cells only ... i want sumif only visible using vba
Default Using SUMIFS on visible lines only
I have a large table, lots of rows and lots of columns that has material (Sand, stone, etc.) batched information. I wanted to be able to allow the user to use filters to select which data they want to view, then be able to review some summary information (totals by hour of the day, totals by material, etc.) on other sheets.
I had it working really well and fast using DSUM and/or SUBTOTAL, but these functions don't exclude non-visible (Filtered) lines in a list.
Using some previous posts I saw on this site, I was able to come up with something that works, but it is extremely slow.
I was hoping that more experienced folks could advise me on something that was faster.
What I need to do is to take a list of records on a sheet that contain up to 30 material columns of information (Target and Actual batch weight amounts.) I need to group each of these lines by material into a relative time bucket (12:00 AM to 12:59 AM, 1:00 AM to 1:59 AM, etc.) The user can of course select with Time Bucket they want to view
I am using the sumifs function with two critieria ( i.e. Time >=12:00 and Time < 1:00 ) to get the hourly buckets.
You can also see from this code that I have to count the number of lines for the data and each criteria value because I could not figure out how to set the range of "B" & "C" without counting. Since I am using a filter, I know that the ranges (from a row perspective) of A,B & C are the same, just the relative columns are different. I tried to use the offset function, (i.e. Range(B) = Range(A).Offset(-1,0).Select or B = A.offset(-1,0).Select but they failed for some reason, and no error messages either. I think I somehow turned the erroring off.
Anyway, long story, really could use some help. Here is the related code:
Function Vis(Rin As Range) As Range
'Returns the subset of Rin that is visible
Dim Cell As Range
Set Vis = Nothing
For Each Cell In Rin
If Not (Cell.EntireRow.Hidden Or Cell.EntireColumn.Hidden) Then
If Vis Is Nothing Then
Set Vis = Cell
Set Vis = Union(Vis, Cell)
End If
End If
Next Cell
End Function
Function SUMIFv(Rin As Range, CriteriaRange1 As Range, CriteriaValue1 As Variant, CriteriaRange2 As Range, CriteriaValue2 As Variant) As Long
'Same as Excel SUMIFS worksheet function, except does not count
'cells that are hidden
Dim A1() As Range
Dim B1() As Range
Dim C1() As Range
Dim Csum As Long
' First count up the number of ranges
Cnt = 0
For Each A In Vis(Rin).Areas
Cnt = Cnt + 1
Next A
ReDim A1(1 To Cnt)
ReDim B1(1 To Cnt)
ReDim C1(1 To Cnt)
CntA = 1
For Each A In Vis(Rin).Areas
Set A1(CntA) = A
CntA = CntA + 1
Next A
CntB = 1
For Each B In Vis(CriteriaRange1).Areas
Set B1(CntB) = B
CntB = CntB + 1
Next B
CntC = 1
For Each C In Vis(CriteriaRange2).Areas
Set C1(CntC) = C
CntC = CntC + 1
Next C
If CntA <> CntB Or CntB <> CntC Then
MsgBox ("Error in Sumifs Function: Counts from Ranges are not the same")
End If
Csum = 0
For Cnt = 1 To CntA - 1
Csum = Csum + WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(A1(Cnt), B1(Cnt), CriteriaValue1, C1(Cnt), CriteriaValue2)
SUMIFv = Csum
End Function
((countifv visible cells only
If you are interested, here is a more general COUNTIF solution, and one that you can also apply to SUM and other functions that operate on ranges of cells.
This COUNTIFv UDF uses the worksheet function COUNTIF to count visible cells only, so the Condition argument works the same as with COUNTIF. So you can use it just as you would COUNTIF:
Note that it uses a helper function (Vis) that returns the disjoint range of visible cells in a given range. This can be used with other worksheet functions to cause them to operate only on the visible cells. For example,
yields the sum of the visible cells in A1:A100. The reason why this approach of using Vis directly in the argument list does not work with COUNTIF is that COUNTIF will not accept a disjoint range as an input, whereas SUM will.
Here's the UDF code:
Function Vis(Rin As Range) As Range
'Returns the subset of Rin that is visible
Dim Cell As Range
Set Vis = Nothing
For Each Cell In Rin
If Not (Cell.EntireRow.Hidden Or Cell.EntireColumn.Hidden) Then
If Vis Is Nothing Then
Set Vis = Cell
Set Vis = Union(Vis, Cell)
End If
End If
Next Cell
End Function
Function COUNTIFv(Rin As Range, Condition As Variant) As Long
'Same as Excel COUNTIF worksheet function, except does not count
'cells that are hidden
Dim A As Range
Dim Csum As Long
Csum = 0
For Each A In Vis(Rin).Areas
Csum = Csum + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(A, Condition)
Next A
End Function ))
this both are countif and sumifs with visible cells but i need sumif not sumifs please edit the 2nd code and compile and post the correct program :)
I don't think this is correct...
......................................using DSUM and/or SUBTOTAL, but
these functions don't exclude non-visible (Filtered) lines in a list.
The behaviour for SUBTOTAL is different for "filtered" and "hidden" rows.
This is from the excel help:
For the function_num constants from 1 to 11, the SUBTOTAL function
includes the values of rows hidden by the Hide Rows command under the
Hide & Unhide submenu of the Format command in the Cells group on the
Home tab in the Excel desktop application. Use these constants when
you want to subtotal hidden and nonhidden numbers in a list. For the
function_Num constants from 101 to 111, the SUBTOTAL function ignores
values of rows hidden by the Hide Rows command. Use these constants
when you want to subtotal only nonhidden numbers in a list.
The SUBTOTAL function ignores any rows that are not included in the
result of a filter, no matter which function_num value you use.

Excel Lookup return multiple values horizontally while removing duplicates

I would like to do a vertical lookup for a list of lookup values and then have multiple values returned into columns for each lookup value. I actually managed to do this after a long Google search, this is the code:
=INDEX(Data!$H$3:$H$70000, SMALL(IF($B3=Data!$J$3:$J$70000, ROW(Data!$J$3:$J$70000)-MIN(ROW(Data!$J$3:$J$70000))+1, ""), COLUMN(A$2)))
Now, my problem is, as you can see in the formula, my lookup range contains 70,000 rows, which means a lot of return values. But most of these return values are double. This means I have to drag above formula over many columns until all lookup values (roughly 200) return #NUM!.
Is there any possible way, I guess VBA is necessary, to return the values after duplicates have been removed? I'm new at VBA and I am not sure how to go about this. Also it takes forever to calculate having so many cells.
You can do what you want with a revised formula, not sure how efficient it will be with 70,000 rows, though.
Use this formula for the first match
Now assuming that formula in in F5 use this formula in G5 confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and copied across
changed the bolded part depending on location of formula 1
This will give you a list without repeats.....and when you run out of values you get blanks rather than an error
Not sure if you're still after a VBA answer but this should do the job - takes about 25 seconds to run on my machine - it could probably be accelerated by the guys on this forum:
Sub ReturnValues()
Dim rnSearch As Range, rnLookup As Range, rnTemp As Range Dim varArray
As Variant Dim lnIndex As Long Dim strTemp As String
Set rnSearch = Sheet1.Range("A1:A200") 'Set this to your 200 row value range
Set rnLookup = Sheet2.Range("A1:B70000") 'Set this to your lookup range (assume 2
varArray = rnLookup
For Each rnTemp In rnSearch
For lnIndex = LBound(varArray, 1) To UBound(varArray, 1)
strTemp = rnTemp.Value
If varArray(lnIndex, 1) = strTemp Then
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rnTemp.EntireRow, varArray(lnIndex, 2)) = 0 Then 'Check if value exists already
Sheet1.Cells(rnTemp.Row, rnTemp.EntireRow.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1).Value =
varArray(lnIndex, 2)
End If
End If
Next Next
End Sub

Transform a worksheet to an array containing only strings

I need to extract the data from an excel worksheet to an array that will be used in an application that uses VBScript as scripting language (Quick Test Professional). We can use the following code for that:
' ws must be an object of type Worksheet
Public Function GetArrayFromWorksheet(byref ws)
GetArrayFromWorksheet = ws.UsedRange.Value
End Function
myArray = GetArrayFromWorksheet(myWorksheet)
MsgBox "The value of cell C2 = " & myArray(2, 3)
All nice and well, but unfortunately the array that gets returned does not only contain the literal text strings, but also primitives of type date, integer, double etc. It happened multiple times that that data got transformed.
[edit] Example: when entering =NOW() in a cell and set the cell formatting to hh:mm makes the displayed value 17:45, the above method retuns a variable of type double and a value like 41194.7400990741
The following solution worked better: I can get the literal text from a cell by using the .Text property, but they only work on one cell and not on a range of cells. I cannot do this at once for an array as I could with the .Value property, so I have to fill the array one cell at a time:
Public Function GetArrayFromWorksheet_2(byref ws)
Dim range, myArr(), row, col
Set range = ws.UsedRange
' build a new array with the row / column count as upperbound
ReDim myArr(range.rows.count, range.columns.count)
For row = 1 to range.rows.count
For col = 1 to range.columns.count
myArr(row, col) = range.cells(row, col).text
GetArrayFromWorksheet_2 = myArr
End Function
But ouch... a nested for loop. And yes, on big worksheets there is a significant performance drop noticable.
Does somebody know a better way to do this?
As we covered in the comments, in order to avoid the issue you will need to loop through the array at some point. However, I am posting this because it may give you a significant speed boost depending on the type of data on your worksheet. With 200 cells half being numeric, this was about 38% faster. With 600 cells with the same ratio the improvement was 41%.
By looping through the array itself, and only retrieving the .Text for values interpreted as doubles (numeric), you can see speed improvement if there is a significant amount of non-double data. This will not check .Text for cells with Text, dates formatted as dates, or blank cells.
Public Function GetArrayFromWorksheet_3(ByRef ws)
Dim range, myArr, row, col
Set range = ws.UsedRange
'Copy the values of the range to temporary array
myArr = range
'Confirm that an array was returned.
'Value will not be an array if the used range is only 1 cells
If IsArray(myArr) Then
For row = 1 To range.Rows.Count
For col = 1 To range.Columns.Count
'Make sure array value is not empty and is numeric
If Not IsEmpty(myArr(row, col)) And _
IsNumeric(myArr(row, col)) Then
'Replace numeric value with a string of the text.
myArr(row, col) = range.Cells(row, col).Text
End If
'Change myArr into an array so you still return an array.
Dim tempArr(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
tempArr(1, 1) = myArr
myArr = tempArr
End If
GetArrayFromWorksheet_3 = myArr
End Function
Copy your worksheet into a new worksheet.
Copy Paste values to remove formulas
Do a text to columns for each column, turning each column into Text
Load your array as you were initially doing
Delete the new worksheet
You cant do this quickly and easily without looping through the worksheet.
If you use the technique above with 2 lines of code it must a variant type array.
I've included a real example from my code that does it in 6 lines because I like to A) work with the worksheet object and B) keep a variable handy with the original last row.
Dim wsKeyword As Worksheet
Set wsKeyword = Sheets("Keywords")
Dim iLastKeywordRow As Long
iLastKeywordRow = wsKeyword.Range("A" & wsKeyword.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim strKeywordsArray As Variant
strKeywordsArray = wsKeyword.Range("A1:N" & iLastKeywordRow).Value
Note your array MUST be a variant to be used this way.
The reason that Variants work like this is that when you create an array of variants, each 'cell' in the array is set to a variant type. Each cell then get's it's variant type set to whatever kind of value is assigned to it. So a variant being assigned a string gets set to variant.string and can now only be used as a string. In your original example it looks like you had time values which were kind of stored as variant.time instead of variant.string.
There are two ways you can approach your original problem
1) loop through and do the process with more control, like the double nested for loop. explained in another answer which gives you complete control
2) store all the data in the array as is and then either re-format it into a second array, or format it as desired text as you use it (both should be faster)
