IIS configuring with weblogic - iis

I am trying to configure IIS with weblogic, where my application is running on weblogic.
I have searched for many documents online, found few, but not able to configure successfully.
Can anyone, please give me the exact steps on how to configure it.
Thanks in Advance

Here's some urls about how to configure iis as a proxy to wls using wlplugin.
share your configuration, and tell us more about the errors you are getting, then we might be able to help you further.


Error when publishing something with ninject?

I'm getting an error when i publish my website to azure. I don't get any errors when i run my site on localhost.
This is the error i get. I'm having troubles to find out whats really wrong.
Please help me to push me in the right direction to solve this error.
It could be many things. Are you loading your ninject container configuration from an external file? If so, is this file being deployed to Azure? That could explain why it works locally, but not in the cloud.

Configure Kibana 4 on IIS7

I'm trying to configure Kibana 4 on IIS without any luck on the process. I was able to configure the previous version by using a reverse proxy but with this version I'm not able to make it work.
Has someone of you was able to do it? In that case could you give some details on how to make it work?
I was able to install kibana successfully with this guide.

Secure kibana access

I have an elasticsearch server running on my windows server vm, with a kibana plugin.
I would like to secure the access to the following link:
I have seen some solutions, but I didn't succeed in testing them. Is there any simple solution, like adding a plugin to elasticsearch or kibana, or adding some code in kibana sources or config. I would like to avoid the solution of installing a reverse proxy like nginx.
Thanks in advance for your help.
For Linux the easiest solution is to use the apache-utils
check out this link for more info.
For windows there is a similar solution for IIS
check out this link for more info.

Has anyone gotten the Liferay portal to deploy onto an Eclipse Virgo Web Server?

I am trying to deploy the Liferay portal onto the Eclipse Virgo Web Server and haven't had much luck. I have at least solved two of the problems involved in this process:
1) The portal.jar that is part of the liferay dependencies has a malformed manifest. The Bundle-SymbolicName incorrectly sets the value to "JSR 286" when it should be "JSR286" (no space). Also, the Import-Package has a bunch of spaces/tabs and I removed those. That took care of problem 1.
2) The Virgo web server wasn't finding the liferay dependency jars (at least not where I was putting them), so I just stuck the dependencies into the main liferay.WAR and that has gotten rid of all the error messages.
Unfortunately, this didn't solve the overall problem. Perhaps there are other issues, but Virgo is not reporting any errors.
I've looked on both the Liferay and Virgo forums, but no one seems to have an answer to this, so I'm hoping someone here has had more success than me. If so, please let me know what you tried to get it to work.
A little more detail: I used the liferay-portal-6.0.5 WAR that is not bundled with an app server. And, I'm using Virgo 2.1.0.
I got it! http://sourceforge.net/projects/liferayforvirgo. But Virgo 3.6.0.RELEASE demonstrates too low performance and the couple Liferay+Virgo is not able to use for production

Does anyone know where I can define this URI parameter?

This happens when I try to deploy a Sharepoint WebPart solution. Is there a file or configuration option that I have missed that is causing this error to occur?
I assume that you're using VSeWSS 1.3 to deploy you solution and that these error occur when you try to deploy the solution. I'm not 100% sure but I think I had the same error some time ago. Unfortunately I could remember what I exactly did to solve this problem. But I'm quite sure the problem was related to some network issues as VSeWSS 1.3 uses web services to handle solutions.
So I would advise you to double check you network settings. For example you could try to adjust your hosts file so that your computer's name could be resolved.
