Secure kibana access - security

I have an elasticsearch server running on my windows server vm, with a kibana plugin.
I would like to secure the access to the following link:
I have seen some solutions, but I didn't succeed in testing them. Is there any simple solution, like adding a plugin to elasticsearch or kibana, or adding some code in kibana sources or config. I would like to avoid the solution of installing a reverse proxy like nginx.
Thanks in advance for your help.

For Linux the easiest solution is to use the apache-utils
check out this link for more info.
For windows there is a similar solution for IIS
check out this link for more info.


Is it possible to get https prestashop docker-compose without using nginx or other simiraly dockers?

i did a prestashop with mysql docker-compose, and my questions is like in subject.
Instalation guide from prestashop docker -
asked me if i want secured website, i choose yes. After success installation i went to website by their recommendation and got following error:
It is not a problem to do it, just asking is it needed, because i wanted to avoid apache or nginx in my service.
Docker-compose file and etc files are not needed to be shown by me, cuz everything works. I just want to know that answer.
If you can send link to some articles or something like that i would be greatfull. I am sure that exist more ppl with this question, don't know, and maybe unecressary using nginx.
Thanks for answers.
I found a solution. Prestashop/prestashop docker has an apache and php inside.
To use ssl, just find apache folder inside docker container. There you need to generate or copy/paste your certs.
So apache service and nginx is not needed. If you want to configure apache vhost, find 001.default.conf file, this is vhost config to setup apache.

Authentication for Kibana server

We are using Elasticsearch 2.3.4 and Kibana 4.5.3 in our application. We would like to add authentication to our Kibana server. That means, when running the kibana server from browser, it should prompt for user name and password.
We are looking open source software's/plugins to be added to Kibana and Elastic server.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Kibana work really good with the plugin Shield.
shield plugin is not an open source project but instead you can use searchguard or elasticfence.

Node.js and ColdFusion on the same server?

I have question about how to set Node.js server application. On my server I have ColdFusion application server. I can test my code through browser url. I would like the same for Node.js. Node is already installed on my server but the only way to run the code is through cmd command window. First question is what I need in order for both to run on the same server? I still need my ColdFusion. Second question is about Nodes.js and can I set up server application with ISS or I need something else? Also do I have to specify what extension on my files will point to ColdFusion and other to Node. For example .cfm extension is for ColdFusion and .js is for the Node. If anyone knows anything about this or where I can find more information please let me know. I never experienced something similar and this is something completely new for me.
I know this is an old post but I figure I'd provide an answer for those souls who are looking around.
If working with Apache 2.4.x.
In a test environment this would not be to much of an issue as Node and Coldfusion operate on different ports.
If your looking to create a production site than I would say that building a virtual host with proxy to the node site and Coldfusion would be another method.
If you are using the Coldfusion connector to Apache and loading node, than still loading the proxy for the node part would be fine, just make sure you are pointing to the correct port for your node.
Things to remember:
You may have to alter internal Firewall rules.
Comment your hosts files so you don't accidentally alter the wrong file.
Both can exist within the same platform.

Configure Kibana 4 on IIS7

I'm trying to configure Kibana 4 on IIS without any luck on the process. I was able to configure the previous version by using a reverse proxy but with this version I'm not able to make it work.
Has someone of you was able to do it? In that case could you give some details on how to make it work?
I was able to install kibana successfully with this guide.

IIS configuring with weblogic

I am trying to configure IIS with weblogic, where my application is running on weblogic.
I have searched for many documents online, found few, but not able to configure successfully.
Can anyone, please give me the exact steps on how to configure it.
Thanks in Advance
Here's some urls about how to configure iis as a proxy to wls using wlplugin.
share your configuration, and tell us more about the errors you are getting, then we might be able to help you further.
