Is it possible to run Edge.js on a 32-bit environment? - node.js

I am looking at the Edge.js docmentation here and the instructions are for 64-bit Ubuntu. Is it possible to have Edge.js running on 32-bit Ubuntu instead?

From the very docs you linked:
High level, you must have Node.js x64 and Mono x64 installed on the machine before you can install Edge.js. (emphasis mine)


How to build QT 4.8.7 For 32-bit

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit). I want to build QT 4.8.7 Source code for 32-bit. How to configure the build?
Well if all solutions in the comments fail. Do it as me in VirtualBox. Install 32b operating system there and build what you want.

Build native 64bit and 32bit exe with JXCore

I'm looking for a way to builn a native 32bit exe on my 64bit developing machine.
Usually I would run: jx compile .\PhotoFly.jxp
But that produces a 64bit version.
Any ideas how to get the 32bit version?
To build a native 32bit app on 64bit platform, you should use jx compiled for ia32 processor.
If this is on Windows, you can either use the Windows Setup (x32/x64/SM/V8) (on x64 Windows you will have an option to install x32 JXcore binaries as well) or download the exact binary e.g. Windows 32 (V8) - all available on JXcore download page.
Then you can pack the app on 64bit Windows as usual:
> c:\path_to_jx_32\jx compile .\PhotoFly.jxp

When compiling x64 code, what's the difference between "x86_amd64" and "amd64"?

When compiling code with VC++, MSDN gives you the option between using the x86_amd64 toolset or the amd64 toolset (when calling vcvarsall.bat).
How do I choose between those two when compile x64 code? Will the amd64 option churn out more efficient x64 machine code than the cross compiler?
It has nothing to do with efficiency. The native and cross-compiler will both generate the same machine code. You will however gain some benefits by running a native 64-bit compiler process on a 64-bit workstation (larger registers, larger memory space, etc...).
The native compiler will only run on an 64-bit copy of Windows, so if your workstation is 32-bit this compiler won't even run.
The cross-compiler is meant to run on x86 machines even though it will run on a 64-bit copy of Windows via WoW; however, there is no reason to do this.
The page you link says it quite well:
x64 on x86 (x64 cross-compiler)
you to create output files for x64.
This version of cl.exe runs as a
32-bit process, native on an x86
machine and under WOW64 on a 64-bit
Widows operating system.
x64 on x64
Allows you to create output
files for x64. This version of cl.exe
runs as a native process on an x64
Thanks to Brian R. Bondy for the quote formatting
From what you linked:
x64 on x86 (x64 cross-compiler)
you to create output files for x64.
This version of cl.exe runs as a
32-bit process, native on an x86
machine and under WOW64 on a 64-bit
Widows operating system.
x64 on x64
Allows you to create output
files for x64. This version of cl.exe
runs as a native process on an x64
If you use x86_amd64, then you are typically developing on an x86 machine and you want to create x64 files that run natively on x64. You could also use this option on an x64 machine but your compiler will be running under WOW64 emulation.
If you use AMD64, then you are developing on an x64 machine and you want to create x64 files that run natively on x64. The compiler is running natively in x64. This option is more efficient to build x64 programs.
You may wonder why you would ever develop an x64 program on an x86 computer, since you can't run it you can't debug it. Well it's still useful for example if you have a build server which is x86 and that build server needs to generate both x86 and x64 outputs.
How is it possible for a compiler to run under x64 if it is an x86 based program (x86_amd64)? That is the same reason you can run any x86 program on your x64 machine... Thanks to WOW64 emulation.
What is WOW64 emulation:
WOW64 emulation happens when you run an x86 program on an x64 computer (or IA64). WOW64 stands for Windows 32 on Windows 64. It is an emulation layer on top of x64 machines which allow you to execute x86 programs.
Your file system operations will be redirected to WOW64 folders and your registry will be redirected to a subnode as well. For example when you try to obtain the folder for program files it will return c:\program files (x86)\ if you are using WOW64 but it will return c:\program files\ if you are using x64.
Another example, for the registry if you try to write to HKLM\Software\Something it will really redirect you to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Something without your x86 program's knowledge.
Running a native x64 build will be more efficient than running through WOW64 emulation Why? Because you don't have that extra emulation layer of transforming your 32bit calls into 64bit ones.
By the way if you are running the x64 version of Windows you can see which processes are running through WOW64 because they will have a *32 appended to the process name in the process list.

Why doesn't a 32bit .deb package install on 64bit Ubuntu?

My .deb package, built on 32-bit Ubuntu and containing executables compiled with gcc, won't install on the 64-bit version of the OS (the error message says 'Wrong architecture i386'). This is confusing to me because I thought that in general 32-bit software worked on 64-bit hardware, but not vice-versa.
Will it be possible for me to produce a .deb file that I can install on a 64-bit OS, using my 32-bit machine? Is it just a matter of using the appropriate compiler flags to produce the executables (and if so what are they), or is the .deb file itself somehow specific to one processor architecture?
The deb installer is probably refusing to install your package because it was (correctly) labeled with a conflicting Architecture: field. i386 code can be executed on an amd64 machine, but it requires that all the appropriate dependencies (32-bit libraries, etc.) be present. It's better to build separate packages for each architecture.
Yes, you can build for 64-bit on your 32-bit machine. It's called cross-compiling, and it requires that you create a build environment for that purpose. To get started, you might want to look up the dpkg-cross and apt-cross tools.
Alternatively, you can just install a virtual machine running a 64-bit OS, and build for your secondary architecture there.
The architecture is just an option in the config file of debian package. By default it uses those from uname. You can override it but there is an easier way.
In general, most 32-bit programs will run fine on 64-bit. However, unless you have a very old PC, it is also very easy to install a mini 64-bit debian in a virtualbox virtual machine. You probably only need base + build essentials + dev libraries. This will not take a lot of diskspace. If you can spare 2G diskspace, just install a desktop debian.
There are more options to do crosscompilation, with various degrees of automation.
I use the virtualbox method regularly. It is easy and fast.
If you run 64-bit linux making a 32-bit environment is as easy as mkdebootstrap + linux32 + chroot.

How do you enable 32 binary compatability in JDK?

Is there a vm option option to enable 32bit compatibility mode?
I've googled but couldn't find how to do it anywhere!
The reason I am doing it is I'm trying to run the GWT on Linux Ubuntu 64 as the link below indicates is possible.
Issue 134: GWT hosted web browser does not work in 64-bit Linux
You mean run the JVM as a 32-bit JVM? Try -d32 on the command line.
The Sun 1.6 JVM does not have an option to enable 32bit mode. You can however install a 32bit JVM along side the install of the 64bit JVM.
