Prevent OAuth client from modifying user's request - security

I use a web application developed by some company to manage my social information. This web application integrates various social sites (like twitter, facebook, google+) into one. Using this application I can send tweets, read emails, and create friend requests.
The web application uses OAuth 2.0 protocol to get access to my data in these social sites. After I login to this web application, I am redirected to twitter page, and then shown a page that says that the web application needs to be able to send tweets, etc, and ask for my approval. Once I approve, I can send tweets using this web application.
To send a tweet, I type the tweet, and then click a button in the web application. At the back, the web application sends a request to twitter using OAuth access token.
What I am worried here is that the web application may modify my tweet. Is there a way in OAuth 2.0 protocol to guarantee that the web application does not modify the tweet?

I posted the question to OAuth Google Groups. Nat Sakimura kindly answered the question. You can see the answer at!topic/oauth/2OdlR40fZsI.


Authorization Code Flow, sending the code from a mobile app to a REST API

I'm building a mobile app (and possibly a website) that uses a REST API to handle all the logic.
That being said, the REST api itself should call a 3rd party REST API (the Spotify one) to handle the logic for the app/website.
So basically the user should sign in to my app/website using its Spotify account and my API should make calls to the Spotify Web Api to retrieve user data using its access token, and then send them back to the app/website.
Now I've spent quite some time studying Spotify guidelines about authentication here and it looks like the Authorization Code Flow should fit my use case.
I definitely need to call the /authorize endpoint to retrieve the code from my app since I need user interaction for that. After that, I do get back the **code** that I should exchange for an access_token and refresh_token.
But as I said, it's not the app itself the makes the calls to the Spotify API, but my API. So theoretically I should send the received code to my API and let him handled retrieving and refreshing the access_token and refresh_token.
So my question is if this makes sense? Is it ok to send the code from the app to my api?
Not sure if it's clear so I'll attach a diagram of what I'm intending of doing.
Also probably after receiving the code, I would send back my own token to the app to be used with each future request (somehow similar with what you would do when you handle authorization with Facebook or other socials)
Hmm - some assumptions below, but I would aim to use standard flows. Some solutions are not possible in a good way though.
Are you trying to build an app that combines the user's Spotify data with your own data for the user?
Your own UIs and APIs should use tokens issued by you and not Spotify. Only use Spotify tokens when you need to access Spotify resources. This leads to simple and reliable code.
This is based on you being in control of data from multiple sources:
You should have your own login and token issuing system. UI first logs into your app, which enables it to call your API with a token.
When you want to access Spotify you need to redirect the user again. The user can then consent to you using Spotify resources in your app, after which your web / mobile UIs get a Spotify token and can call Spotify APIs.
This is based on allowing the user to sign in with a familiar credential, which works via a federated login:
User needs to login
Your app redirects to your Authorization Server
There is a second redirect to Spotify
User logs in at Spotify
Spotify posts a token to your Authorization Server
Your Authorization Server posts its own token to your mobile app
Meanwhile your Web API has its own connection to Spotify that uses the Client Credentials Flow.
This is not insecure, but it will add a lot of complexity and is not standard. You would need to maintain some kind of API session with 2 types of token per user and access token expiry would be a horrible area.
For mobile apps you should use Authorization Code Flow (PKCE) - my blog posts have some stuff on messages and user experience.

Secure Web API action without authentication

In web api, when you want to secure a action or REST endpoint, you use authentication, like token-based solutions. But, what if there is mobile app client for the api, and this have a sign up form, so I want only this mobile app could send Sign-Up request to my API, and prevent other fake clients (like POST-Man or a-alike) to send request to sign-up api?
this is exactly the scenario covered by token based systems.
Your mobile app simply becomes a client with its own identifying data, then the API does its thing and only accepts requests from authenticated applications. This is exactly the kind of scenario you can cover with your own OAuth2 system.
Have a look at this article :
It will guarantee that only your mobile app can access that API.
Is this what you are after?

SPA ReactJS social registration with HelloJS and PassportJS

I'm facing a problem related to oauth authentication using NodeJS. The main concern is how to connect all to my current architecture. Lets me explain it a little bit.
I have a Cloud API which is a REST API to serve and manage the data. I also have the web client developed in ReactJS (an SPA). My main goal is to allow social authentication without redirect or without to leave the page. For this, I'm using HelloJS and the oauth proxy in the same Cloud API.
Taking for example my Facebook App, the workflow is like:
The user clicks signup with Facebook
The oauth proxy serve as "handshake".
Facebook sends back the token to the web app.
At this point, this approach is working perfectly for me. My main concern is how do I send the token to the Cloud API for registration?, obviously I could add a middleware in the Cloud API to automatically register the user in the database, however I still need to invoke the authentication from the web client in order to exchange that token for a JWT token.
Yes, I'm using JWT for communication with the REST API. I would like to allow local registration and social registration (Facebook, Twitter, and so forth).
It seems odd to me to trust in the token received from the web app without ensure that it is real and not expired. I thought to check it with passportjs.
Advices or recomendations?

Authentication strategy between my chome extension and server

I'm in the process of building a Google Chrome extension, and have some questions about how to implement security into the application.
I need to access a couple of Google API's so am going to be using OAuth 2.0 for that. So basically from the extension I know which user is logged into the browser.
My extension then needs to get and post data to my (nodejs) API service. I want to ensure that the user requesting data is the same user that is logged into the browser. Is there any way of using the previous Google authentication process to also authenticate communications between the extension and my API? I dont really want the user to have to log in again, to access my API.
I'm sure I'm missing something simple, and I've not been able to find anything that fits this scenario
Follow the OpenID Connect auth flow and you will get an access_token and an id_token. The acess_token you will use to use to make authenticated requests to Google APIs as usual. The id_token will be used as authentication with requests to your server.
When the requests hit your server you will need to validate the token and you can then use the contents of the id_token to identify the user.
User wouldn't have to login on auth process provided if user is already logged in and you are using a web application flow (not chrome.identity APIs) but user would see the consent screen atleast the first time. However you can skip the account selector screen if you already know the email address by providing &login_hint= parameter.

Social auth from mobile client connected to Node.js API

I have a Node.js server using PassportJS that uses social login via Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
The Node.js server hosts an API that uses the PassportJS middleware to authenticate routes and securely serve the data. The API exists to serve an iOS application which will be where the user "logs in" through Google, Facebook, Twitter and will subsequently create their account on my service.
How can I accomplish this when the mobile SDKs for the respective companies are for a direct communication between my client and their server? I essentially want a way for my client which talks to my server which talks to their server. Please let me know if the overall idea is incorrect as well.
I believe the right way to do it is to integrate the mobile app with social login, not your website.
Depending what technology you use in your app, you can find libraries to make it easier for you. On your app, it would be a native pop-up, or a simple app-redirect to Facebook app, or Google app or whatever to get the permissions and then a app-redirect back to your app.
You probably dont want a browser to pop out and redirect the user to facebook. A lot of users just use facebook app on their smartphones and they are not even logged-in facebook website in their smartphone's browser.
Once you get the permission and get the user's information, you can securely send those data to your server and store them for future use. You can associate those information with device ID, or generate a token and sent it back to the user's device and store it there for future authentications.
