can i use sqlite in developing firefox Os applications instead of IndexedDb? - firefox-os

Can I use sq-lite in developing Firefox Os applications instead of Indexed Db? I am trying to create a Firefox OS application. I have no more idea about it.

No. Only webkit-based browsers support Web SQL. And there isn't a shim to use the Web SQL API on IndexedDB browsers, nor is there ever likely to be.
Although IndexedDB isn't supported on any version of Safari, there is a shim allowing you to use the IndexedDB API on Web SQL browsers. (Abeit I couldn't get it to work.) So, an IndexedDB solution should be portable to other modern environments.

There is not SQLlite support on Firefox OS: you need to use IndexedDB


Is there WebGL 2.0 support in AirConsole?

Trying to figure out if Unity's LWRP could run in AirConsole build.
Apparently LWRP is supported in WebGL2 builds, so the question is - does AirConsole themselves fully support it? If not fully - what features are and what are not supported?
I am not very familiar with Unity nor LWRP, but to clarify:
AirConsole and it's games always run in a browser (except on AndroidTV where it may run as a native game). In the end AirConsole is "just" a website or Javascript API. Consequently if the browser supports WebGL 2.0, then it also works with AirConsole.
However, Web GL 2 support seems to be missing on e.g. Safari, which is one of the platforms supported by AirConsole. A game should run on all major browsers.
I hope this explanation helps you.

What browsers do CouchDB support?

What browsers/versions do CouchDB support?
I googled but did not find the result.
I want to know that does CouchDB support below browser/platform and from which version?
Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera?
Android ?
iOS ?
Windows Phone ?
None. CouchDB will not run itself in the browser. It hasn't be designed for this.
However can be easily accessed from a browser because its API is HTTP-based.
PouchDB is a very popular choice for CouchDB users who wants something that runs in the browser. PouchDB can be used as a client for a CouchDB database running on a server, as an in-browser database, or even both with very little additional work using its powerful replication mechanism.

What's the recommended browser for Confluence?

Is there a browser that supports all the Confluence features best?
I know that IE doesn' support Drag and Drop, but what about other features?
scroll down to "web browsers - desktop"
As webwesen's answer says, all browsers listed on the supported platforms doc should be usable with Confluence.
My personal experience is that using Chrome is a good bet, since most of the Confluence development team uses Chrome day-to-day (or at least they did when I was in the Confluence team). However, Chrome doesn't have a built-in WebDAV client which means that Confluence's Edit-In-Office features do not work. If this is important to you, then I'd suggest Firefox with the Office Connector Add-on installed.

Google Chrome extension - Webdb or IndexDB

we are in process of developing google chrome extension, in which we need to store all the video information from a particular website. so we are considering the option of webdb.
and now we are getting confused between to use webdb or indexdb..
As of now i think that, indexdb is still experimental, is that correct?
and, if we use indexdb, the db even will not show up in dev. tools db section, where as webdb will show up, so that we can do query stuff in there..
please shed some light and put us in correct direction
Use IndexedDB. WebSQL has been officially deprecated and will be removed from Chrome in the future. The dev channel of Chrome has experimental dev tools support for viewing IndexedDB databases.
It's been a few months since I checked, but based on the work I did then, I would suggest WebSQL. The primary reason is that support is complete (it's basically SQLite). Here's what I wrote at the time:
If you're doing web app development and need to utilize a local
(client-side) database, you should be using either localStorage
(assuming you can live with the limitations of size and limited
queries/indexing) or WebSQL. IndexedDB is not a contender yet, as
essential functionality such as deleteDatabase is missing from for
instance Chrome. WebSQL doesn't give you schemaless functionality
without any glue, but on the other hand it works great (has a lot of
uses outside of browsers as well), has full features functionality and
probably limited or no practical size limitations.
In addition, the debug console (at that time) had WebSQL support, and no IndexedDB support. Things may have changed and YMMV, but at least you should be aware.

Mobile browser VoiceXML support

I'm wondering is there a support from mobile browsers of VoiceXML. If so, which one support it.
VoiceXML (at least version 2.0 and 2.1) was not designed to be consumed by client-side browsers. The main objective of the spec was to enable server-side VoiceXML browsers to answer calls and, in response, to execute the relevant VoiceXML documents thus generating a conversation on the line.
Theoretically, one could build a mobile browser that executes VoiceXML on the client-side. The closest version to that was the custom browser built by IBM + Opera in their X+V venture. It seems that the Opera desktop browser has retained some of that functionality. Since then I have not seen any client-side implementations, let alone mobile ones.
