Is there any plugin for sublime text for using library(assets) like we use in dreamweaver? - dreamweaver

I have been using sublime for long and loving this because of the reason that it is fast and more efficient with lots of cool plugins available..
But its more time consuming to change the header and footer content in all the pages.
fortunately we have library in Adobe Dreamweaver..
so is there any plugin available in sublime so that we can get the same Dreamweaver like functionality...


How to disable Emmet entirely for a specific syntax in Sublime Text 3?

I have the Emmet package installed for Sublime Text 3 via Package Control. I do a lot of Markdown editing in Sublime, and I've noticed that as Markdown files get larger, inserting a tab by pressing my keyboard's Tab button gets slower and slower. However, when I disable Emmet, inserting tabs is snappy and quick again. This leads me to believe that Emmet trying to parse what I'm writing and searching for ways to expand it is slowing tabbing down significantly.
Things I have tried:
"ignored_packages": ["Emmet"] in my syntax-specific user settings.
"tab_completion": false in my global Sublime settings.
"disable_tab_abbreviations_for_scopes": "text.html.markdown" in my Emmet settings.
To be clear: I still want Emmet to run for other syntax/filetypes. I just want Emmet, or at least whatever part of Emmet's behaviour is slowing down my tabbing, to be disabled when I'm writing in Markdown (*.md) files, or whichever files have the markdown syntax selected.
You can try new Emmet 2 extension (still in development):
It should work much faster and better

Sublime Text 3 - Is there support for inline CSS intellisense

I'm coming from VS IDE and like ST3 a lot but still learning all the features. When I start entering inline CSS via the style attribute, VS will drop down options that match what I've typed. (i.e. if I enter "wi" I can see option for "windows", "width", etc).
Can ST3 do the same thing?
The Hayaku - tools for writing CSS faster might do what you ask for.
Fuzzy abbreviations, support for preprocessors (Sass, Less, Stylus)
and a lot of other features in easily configurable set of tools for
writing CSS faster
There are a bunch of packages out there for Sublime Text, if the Hayaku package does not do what you want, you might want to browse through the available packages at Will Bond's Package Control website.

Which Notepad++ plugin is highlighting my HTML colors?

I have a plugin that I installed that does this:
I really like this function (highlighting HTML colors) but I don't know plugin does it. I want to put it on the another copy of Notepad++ but installing plugins is a rather big thing and I don't want to have to install them all - it gets cumbersome.
Does anyone know which plugin highlights my colors?
It's a wonderful feature.
I think that you are referring to the HTML Color plugin. You can find it here
I think that feature was taken out of Notepad++ due to the users' inability to read the text at times if the colors were too overwhelming. Instead, I recommend trying to install the Quick Color Picker or HTML Color plugins. They are about as close as you're going to get:
Quick Color Picker:
HTML Color:
Source: Notepad++ hover preview on link or color?
Check Quick Color Picker for Notepad++.
The plugin puts the colored underline under the color code based on it's value and thus is not obtrusive in reading the text.
I'm using it without any issues with the Notepad++ v6.9.2
I just ran into this and resolved it as follows:
Download and install the UDL file found at (get the zip file with all languages). Instructions for installation are on that page. Close Notepad++ and reopen, then go in your Notepad++ menu to "Language". You should now see a long alphabet list with subcategories off to the right indicated by an > Go to H then click on the > and select HTML with your HTML file open in Notepad++ The moment you do that, all your HTML syntax will (should!) be highlighted.

sublime text 3 html autocompletion not working correctly

I am trying to use sublimetext3 for editing html.
If I do
ul tab, then it generates <ul></ul>
if I do
ul.temp tab, then it generates <ul class="temp"></ul>
however, when I am trying
ul>li.temp tab, it is generating ul><li class="temp"></li>
What I am expecting to see is <ul><li class="temp"></li></ul>
I have package control. What am I missing in getting this functionality?
Note: Moved to an answer at the request of the original poster.
Perhaps the behavior you are looking for comes from the Emmet plugin
What you are describing it the expected behavior for Sublime Text.
The functionality that you are looking for comes from Emmet as skuroda said. Just install it using Package Control and you should be good to go.

Vim for Word (or something like it)

Are there any rich-text editors that have Vi(m) keybindings? Specifically, something like Word where I can compose a document with colors, headings, et al. but use Vi(m) bindings to move around and compose?
So if you have to use MS Word and want vim key bindings, there is an add on, but if you are not bound to that I would def. go for LaTeX + the vim latex suite.
Are you familiar with Latex?
Simply put it allows you to format your documents in plain text using tags or commands.
You then "compile" your document into the final format .pdf,.ps, etc.
\title{Cartesian closed categories and the price of eggs}
\author{Jane Doe}
\date{September 1994}
Hello world!
This will allow you to write in vim, but still get professional non plain text output for your documents.
If you like Markdown or Latex, you could use the free open source Rstudio editor, with VIM-mode enabled. Export as either Word, PDF, or HTML etc.
Download Rstudio:
Read about markdown:
If you wish to use vim for text editing, but want to, for example have text in different colors, bold it and such ... you can use Txtfmt plugin. It enables you, by using special characters, to "prettify" plain text files a little. They can look quite nice, and it comes handy if you're used to vim, and are, for example, writing documentation for your programs which you'll later just get in word, and make an adjustment or two, and ship off.
If you want to (or have to) stay with Word and don't want to shell out $100 for a ViEmu license, you can try using this AutoHotKey script for providing some basic vi-like functionality. The repo linked also provides a standalone exe to get the same without using AutoHotKey.
There are many good reasons to ditch word entirely, but sometimes that's just not an option :(
The Txtfmt plugin definitely provides the functionality you are looking for. It's a bit like having "rich text" capability for plain text in Vim.
Txtfmt (The Vim Highlighter)
The latest version supports 8 configurable foreground and background colors, as well as all combinations of bold, underline, italic, etc... The highlighting is token-based, but the tokens are rendered invisible by the syntax, and can be inserted with very convenient and intuitive mappings, which don't require you to remember anything: e.g., "bold-underline" could be specified with a string such as bu or ub. The version under development even supports visual maps, which will permit you to select some text and say (for example) "Make this text red, bold-italic", and have the plugin handle insertion/removal of the appropriate tokens automatically. (It's really quite simple and intuitive, however, even with the non-visual mappings.)
Although the plugin is highly configurable, the default settings are appropriate for most users, and the author is more than happy to answer any setup or usage questions...
There's a way of configuring Abiword to use vi key bindings
You can use the text editor of your choice with vim keys (vim, emacs, sublime, atom, vscode ,etc.) and write your document in markdown. Then use an open source tool called pandoc to translate it into almost any other markup language that you want. It is possible to compile your document to rich text formats including MS Word or even MS Powerpoint.
You can costumize your output by using a template.
Pandoc has extensive documentation and uses a richer markup syntax that allows you to do pretty much anything you want with the text. It is being actively developed by the community. Almost any major text editor has a few plugins for pandoc too.
You can use GlobalVim.
It can simulate vim modes and commands in most editing area.
