Start and Stop script of ubuntu 12.04 - linux

I have a script ( which add rules to ovs plugin bridge.
The rules gets deleted when someone does service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart or reboots the system. So where should I put my scripts so that after the restart of neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent the ( scripts get executed successfully and rules remain added.
I tried putting it in /etc/init.d/neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent file as other people suggested but this file is only called on /etc/init.d/neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart and not on service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart.

You have to convert the script to a a SysV-style init script. There are many documents out there explaining about this.
This way you can configure the script to be executed after certain services start or stop or when runlevel changes.


Trying to write a shell script to monitor when a service stops in linux, and to automate the restart of this service

So I am relatively new to Centos, version 6.2. I have a service that needs to be mnonitored as a cron job, and if it stops needs to be restarted. I have a few ideas on how to monitor it, but when it comes to getting it restarted thats when I get stuck. I also know the PiD of the service I want to monitor.
You can use supervise for this:
Put it in your crontab to launch on system start:
#reboot supervise foo

Auto startup my source code in ubuntu

My python source file automatically starts while I boot the system. I tried in init.d and some other shell scripts, but its not working. Note (I also make the executable file), but it doesn't work.
Please help.
There are a number of other posts covering this topic, notably here
Put this in /etc/init (Use /etc/systemd in Ubuntu 15.x)
start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] exec /path/to/
By placing this conf file there you hook into ubuntu's upstart service that runs services on startup.
manual starting/stopping is done withsudo service mystartupscript start and sudo service mystartupscript stop
There is another solution here also also

How to trigger a custom script to run whenever a specific systemd service restarts

I wish to know how can I schedule a custom script to run whenever I restart a service.
My use case is that I have to run several commands whenever I restart my Tomcat Service. I want to know if there is a way I can write a script and schedule it to run whenever I restart the Tomcat service.
I have setup the tomcat script as a systemd service. I am using Cent OS 7 x64.
I have been able to achieve this by creating another service and incorporating the Tomcat service's start stop in the new service. The new service acts as a wrapper service which first starts tomcat and then executes the commands that we need to run as soon as tomcat starts.
Then while stopping, it stops tomcat and runs clean up commands.
EDIT: I found another way of doing this on unix & linux stackexchange.
Simply create an new systemd .service file in /etc which includes and overrides part of the one in /lib. For example, create /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service to contain
.include /lib/systemd/system/tomcat.service
ExecStartPre=/home/meuh/myscripttorun some pre args here
ExecStartPost=/home/meuh/myscripttorun some post args here
Any ExecStartPre lines will be executed before the ExecStart line, and similarly any ExecStartPost will run after tomcat has started.

.Net Window service equivalent in linux?

Can we hook to similar start,stop etc events. Do we have to write them as shell scripts? I know of mono port of .NET.
You are looking for something called an 'init script'. These are scripts that allow you to start or stop a service with a single command, like so:
service httpd restart
service httpd stop
service httpd start
Some Linux distributions do not include the service command, in which case you access init scripts directly by their location, /etc/init.d, like so.
/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
You can program your init script to accept whatever parameters you want (start, stop, restart, etc). Some basic tutorials on writing init scripts to get you started can be found at the following web pages:
Many times an init script is unnecessary, and you can just go with the simpler option of executing your program in the background and killing it manually. Running an executable on Linux in the background can be done like so:
./some_prog arg1 arg2 &
And killing it is done like this:
kill `pgrep some_prog`
If you are fairly new to Linux, that latter option might be a much easier way to go until you get a handle on init scripts and the general Linux service ecosystem.

Linux command to restart application

For example - i have process id which i want to restart. What command i should use to restart this process application ? I didn't find something about it(
You can find very similar question at Restart process script linux.
Linux doesn't have general command for restart, normally you should kill your process and start it over. However, if your process has been started as a service, i.e. it's contained in /etc/init.d/ directory, then you can do the following:
/etc/init.d/SERVICE_NAME restart
service SERVICE_NAME restart
