Linux command to restart application - linux

For example - i have process id which i want to restart. What command i should use to restart this process application ? I didn't find something about it(

You can find very similar question at Restart process script linux.
Linux doesn't have general command for restart, normally you should kill your process and start it over. However, if your process has been started as a service, i.e. it's contained in /etc/init.d/ directory, then you can do the following:
/etc/init.d/SERVICE_NAME restart
service SERVICE_NAME restart


Trying to write a shell script to monitor when a service stops in linux, and to automate the restart of this service

So I am relatively new to Centos, version 6.2. I have a service that needs to be mnonitored as a cron job, and if it stops needs to be restarted. I have a few ideas on how to monitor it, but when it comes to getting it restarted thats when I get stuck. I also know the PiD of the service I want to monitor.
You can use supervise for this:
Put it in your crontab to launch on system start:
#reboot supervise foo

Starting/Stopping .NET Core app under Ubuntu

I have an app created in .NET Core and I want to run it under Ubuntu, so to run it this is what I do:
sudo dotnet App.dll &
and to stop it I have to remember the process id and then run:
sudo -kill kill <procId>
The questions:
How should the .sh file look like to run/stop the service?
I mentioned "remember the process Id" because when I run the service and then run ps -a then I can see the process Id, but if I log off and run this command later then it does not show me the procId. Why is that? I also tried some other commands to show the running procs but with those commands/utils I was unable to distinguish my process.
If you would like to auto-start your dotnet application after reboot in Ubuntu, you can reference UpstartHowto - Community Help Wiki to write your own initscript.
When you run your application in the background, you can keep the proccess Id in the $! variable immediately. Please check the screenshot below:
After you log off and login again. If you want to kill your process, you can try this: kill `cat`

run an app and switch to it via ssh?

I'm currently running a python script as a systemd service. Is there any way to "switch" into the service and take control of the script? The script has a menu but runs calculations in the background in another thread. Most likely not, so is there a way to run a python script 24/7, start on boot, restart on crash etc (just like systemd service) but be able to take control of it after I connect to the server via SSH, so I can manipulate the app?
One solution you could try would be to edit the systemd configuration to launch the process in screen or tmux, then attach that when logging in via SSH.
For instance, in the systemd unit, you might have:
ExecStart=tmux new "command"
Using Type=single will treat the tmux command as the main process, which would be killed if you stop it with systemctl stop systemprocess
The ExecStart=tmux new "command" creates a new tmux session with the command inside of it.
You can then attach to it using tmux attach as the same user the systemd unit is running as (I believe this is root by default).

Start and Stop script of ubuntu 12.04

I have a script ( which add rules to ovs plugin bridge.
The rules gets deleted when someone does service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart or reboots the system. So where should I put my scripts so that after the restart of neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent the ( scripts get executed successfully and rules remain added.
I tried putting it in /etc/init.d/neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent file as other people suggested but this file is only called on /etc/init.d/neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart and not on service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart.
You have to convert the script to a a SysV-style init script. There are many documents out there explaining about this.
This way you can configure the script to be executed after certain services start or stop or when runlevel changes.

how to automatically restart a node server?

We are finishing development of a project, the client is already using it but occasionally some errors occur - crashing the server.
I know I could register a service as 'upstart' script on linux, in order to have my node service restart when it crashes.
But our server is running other stuff, so we can't restart it.
Well, actually, while writing, I realize I have two questions then:
Will 'upstart' work without having to reboot? Something is just whispering yes to me :)
If not, what other option would I have to 'respawn' my node server when it crashes?
Yes, upstart will restart your process without a reboot.
Also, you should look into forever.
PM2 is a Production process manager for Node.js app.
If your focus for automatic restart is an always running application, I suggest to use a process manager. Process manager, in general, handles the node process(es if cluster enabled), and is responsible for the process/es execution. PM leans on the operative system: your node app and the OS are not so strinctly chained because the pm is in the middle.Final trick: put the process manager on upstart. Here is a complete performance improvement path to follow.
Using a shared server and not having root privileges, I can't download or install any of the previously mentioned libraries. What I am able to do is use a simple infinite bash loop to solve my issue. First, I created the file ./ in the base directory ($ vim
node ./dist/sophisticatedPrimate/server/main.js
Then I run it with:
$ bash
and it works fine. There is a downside to this, which is that is doesn't have a graceful way to end the loop (at least not once I exit the server). What I ended up doing is simply finding the process with:
$ ps aux | grep
Then killing it with
$ kill <process id>
$ kill 555555
