CPU usage 350% while running DSE 4.x - cassandra

VM configuration is - CentOS 6.2, 64-bit, 8 GB RAM Quad Core CPU.
There is aboug 1 GB of data and possibly 20 tables in the C* setup I have. When I try to start DSE after rebooting the VM, it takes a long time to start. So I ran top command and found that the CPU usage was shooting to 350%
Please see the screenshot attached.
Requesting pointers from experts here how can the CPU usage shoot up more than 100% or does the number indicate something else?


Cassandra keep using 100% of CPU and not utilizing memoery?

We have setup Cassandra single node of 3.11 with JDK 1.8 on ec2 with instance type t2.large which has 2 CPU and 7 GB of RAM.
We facing the issue that Cassandra keeps reaching CPU 100% even we do not have that much load.
We have 7GB of RAM but Cassandra not utilizing that Memory.it only uses 1.7-1.8 GB of RAM.
What configuration needs to change to reduce CPU utilization to not reach to 100%.
what best configuration to get better performance out of Cassandra.
Right now we able to get only about 100-120 read and 50-100 write operation per sec.
Please, some one helps us to understand the issue and what ways to improve performance configuration.

Too many Cassandra processes on the server

The following is the screenshot of htop on my dev server [arranged by MEM% used]:
I have only one cassandra instance running, but there are so many cassandra processes in htop, which is taking up 16 gb of ram.
The server is not being used in production, hence there are no queries being run on it at the moment.
I don't understand the reason why so many cassandra processes are running on my system, and how can I control this. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Cassandra is a greedy process, It wont leave the RAM unless asked for.
You do not need to worry about the used RAM. If any other process will request for RAM, Cassandra process will leave the RAM.
Cassandra typically can take upto 16 GB RAM, which is the minimum prod recommendation from a performance point of view. Along with Cassandra there are a number of other processes which get the memory allocation like the JVM heap here. And as mentioned above it is a memory intensive technology.

Cassandra Performance Tuning

I have successfully installed a multi-node Cassandra cluster with 10nodes,
The nodetool status command shows every node is UP and NORMAL.
but the Performance I am getting is very bad.
here are my results:
Operations /seconds = 4000
Read Latency = 13ms
write Latency = 10ms
I am using YCSB to measure performance
Tuning that I have done till now:
Consistency level = 1
Replication Factor = 3
Heap size = 4GB
My Hardware:
Each node is a VM with CentOS
2GHZ CPU with 8 cores
1GB/ps N/W
Please let me know what more settings I can tweak to get maximum performance out of my cluster.
If you have 1 system with 10 VMs running on it and 1 disk, the performance of any (not in-memory) database will be bad. Especially with spinning disks (no matter how expensive they are) is going to be a major contention point. With a really good SSD you may be able to pull off a few instances, but performance stress testing will likely always hit either that or a CPU bottleneck (if things configured correctly for system).
Pretty good chance with 4gb heaps and a stress workload you are going to be hitting GC and memory issues, do you have any monitoring around that? Can use visualvm and connect to the ip:7199 (ip set in cassandra-env.sh).
8gb of ram per vm is on the minimum spec end. You want at least 8gb of JVM heap with space for the offheap stuff and OS. A 16gb system is likely sufficient. Once again the shared disk will kill performance so it will only go so far. but should be able to do far better than 4k/sec.

Gremlin-Server takes too much memory and hangs

I'm using gremlin-server (v3.02), with titan-hbase. I'm using the default configuration settings.The server is 8GB memory and 4-cores.
After few hours of work, the server stops responding to queries requests..
It must be said that the requests intensity on the server is NOT high, pretty much low-medium (few requests per hour, maybe less than that).
When cheking gremlin's last server log messages, I see it's about Hbase session timeout, and retries to reconnect the hbase again.
The server CPU and memory are 90-100% at this point.
JDK 1.8.0_45-b14 64bit on Redhat
Using jstat -gc I can all its time is spent in GC, also oldgen is 100%.
I have set "-Xmx 8g" but vitual memory in htop goes up to 12g, with a few tests with xmx I see that virtual memory always gets about "-Xmx + 4g ".
Jmap -histo gives me about 2g of [B (Byte[]) with a gig for CacheRelation and gig for CacheVertex.
After a restarting the gremlin-server, everything is back to normal, and works again.
Any ideas?

Spark streaming on yarn - Container running beyond physical memory limits

I'm running a spark streaming application on Yarn, It works well for several days and after that I encountered a problem, the error message from yarn list below:
Application application_1449727361299_0049 failed 2 times due to AM Container for appattempt_1449727361299_0049_000002 exited with exitCode: -104
For more detailed output, check application tracking page:https://sccsparkdev03:26001/cluster/app/application_1449727361299_0049Then, click on links to logs of each attempt.
Diagnostics: Container [pid=25317,containerID=container_1449727361299_0049_02_000001] is running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 3.5 GB of 3.5 GB physical memory used; 5.3 GB of 8.8 GB virtual memory used. Killing container.
And here is my memory configuration:
spark.driver.memory = 3g
spark.executor.memory = 3g
mapred.child.java.opts -Xms1024M -Xmx3584M
mapreduce.map.java.opts -Xmx2048M
mapreduce.map.memory.mb 4096
mapreduce.reduce.java.opts -Xmx3276M
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb 4096
This OOM error is strange because I didn't maintain any data in memory since it's a streaming program, does anyone encountered the same question like it? Or who know what cause it?
Check the mem on the box/vm instance you're running it on. My guess is the host machine is red lining it.
...due to, it appears, over-allocating memory.
Where do you think the streaming gets executed? Regardless of whether you store anything there? Yup. memory. Not cats or dancing Viking either (add "e").
Guess what? You're allocating 7 GB of memory that is heavily weighted towards physical over virtual mem.
Check your logging, as that would have similar build up time.
What's spark.yarn.am.memory value?
Get your VM and container memory allocation in balance :)
Another thought is to adjust memoryOverhead so as physical & virtual can be more proportional
