Getting the change number of the first revision of a file in Perforce? - perforce

Is there a way to retrieve the change of the first revision of a file in Perforce? Sometimes I want to read the job description of the change that introduced a file, in order to learn what the file does, as well as to find related CRs for more information. I'm looking for something in the command line, e.g.
p4 <something> <file>

Ah, never mind, I found the subcommand I needed, p4 fstat, just after posting the question.
$ p4 fstat cama_Preempt#1
... depotFile //depot/MMA/products/CAMA/main/src/testScripts/cama_Preempt
... clientFile /ext1/acheong/CAMA/main/src/testScripts/cama_Preempt
... isMapped
... headAction add
... headType text
... headTime 1174070670
... headRev 1
... headChange 168703
... headModTime 1174070479
... haveRev 1
The headChange field shows the change number.


How should be paths to p4 sync -L formatted

I'm trying to figure out what is correct syntax for p4 sync -L. When I try p4 sync -L //one/of/my/files it complains that revision is not specified while if I try p4 sync -L //one/of/my/files#1234 it complains that # and # are illegal.
Well, the documentation says:
a list of valid file arguments in full depot syntax with a valid revision number
Revision numbers are #1, #17, etc. The # syntax is used to reference a label name, client name, or changelist number, which are not revision numbers.
For more details on this, check [p4 help revisions][2]; as it says, you want:
`file#n Revision specifier: The nth revision of file.`
So, specify //one/of/my/files#17, assuming that revision 17 is the revision of that file that you want to sync.
To see the revisions of your files, use p4 filelog //one/of/my/files.

Exactly what is the change reported by `p4 -ztag sync ...#CLN`?

If I run p4 -ztag sync, the first printed record looks like:
... depotFile //depot/foo/bar
... clientFile /src/foo/bar
... rev 8
... action updated
... fileSize 2928
... totalFileSize 9087
... totalFileCount 1
... change 1234
All subsequent records look like:
... depotFile //depot/foo/baz
... clientFile /src/foo/baz
... rev 2
... action updated
... fileSize 2422
The change field is listed only in the first record, and it looks like it's supposed to represent the change number that I'm syncing to. If I'm syncing from an earlier change to a later change, then that does appear to be the case.
However, if I sync backward to an earlier change by doing p4 sync ...#CLN, then the reported change sometimes is not CLN but is some slightly earlier change. (And yes, CLN is a valid, submitted change that affects files under .... If I sync even further back and then sync forward using the same p4 sync ...#CLN command, then the reported change is the change number I specified.)
Why is the reported value of change different for the same p4 sync ...#CLN command, apparently dependent on whether I'm syncing forward or backward? Is this a Perforce bug? (I am using P4/LINUX26X86_64/2015.1/1126382 with P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2015.1/1240625.)
The change reported is the highest changelist associated with any revision being synced.
In some cases this may happen to be the same as the changelist specified on the command line (if any), but it will frequently be lower (although I don't think there's any way it can ever be higher).
As an example:
c:\test\changes>p4 files -a ...
//stream/dev/changes/foo#3 - edit change 23 (text)
//stream/dev/changes/foo#2 - edit change 21 (text)
//stream/dev/changes/foo#1 - add change 19 (text)
c:\test\changes>p4 have ...
//stream/dev/changes/foo#2 - c:\test\changes\foo
c:\test\changes>p4 -Ztag sync -n ...#30
... depotFile //stream/dev/changes/foo
... clientFile c:\test\changes\foo
... rev 3
... action updated
... fileSize 26
... totalFileSize 26
... totalFileCount 1
... change 23
c:\test\changes>p4 -Ztag sync -n ...#20
... depotFile //stream/dev/changes/foo
... clientFile c:\test\changes\foo
... rev 1
... action updated
... fileSize 6
... totalFileSize 6
... totalFileCount 1
... change 19
c:\test\changes>p4 -Ztag sync -n ...#10
... depotFile //stream/dev/changes/foo
... clientFile c:\test\changes\foo
... rev 2
... action deleted
... totalFileSize 0
... totalFileCount 1
... change 0
Note that when syncing #30 change 23 is reported (because it's associated with foo#3), when syncing #20 change 19 is reported (because it's associated with foo#1), and when syncing #10 change 0 is reported (because now we're removing foo from the workspace, i.e. syncing to foo#none). If we were syncing multiple files, the change reported would be the highest from among the entire group of file revisions being synced to the workspace.

How to quickly find out the changelist deleting a line

I need to find out which changelist deleted a particular line from a file. This file is regularly updated by many people. I have 2 changelist at hand, one has the line and the other does not. The problem is, there are numerous changes in between.
Any pointer is appreciated!
I found this script,, but it does not work for me:
$~/tmp/ --help
: No such file or directory
$~/tmp/ //depot/mybranch/file1
: No such file or directory
Not familiar with python, not sure what to do with it.
Use "p4 annotate -a" to find out when the line was last present; the following revision is the one that removed it.
In this example, line A was added in revision 2, and removed (replaced by B) in revision 3:
C:\test\local\dvcs\i\deltas>p4 annotate -a foo
//stream/main/i/deltas/foo#3 - edit change 50625 (text)
1-1: 1:
2-2: 1: A
3-3: 1: B
So to answer the question of "in what changelist did line A get deleted?" I can do:
C:\test\local\dvcs\i\deltas>p4 annotate -a foo | grep A
2-2: 1: A
C:\test\local\dvcs\i\deltas>p4 files foo#3
//stream/main/i/deltas/foo#3 - edit change 50625 (text)
Use P4V's Timelapse View. It will show the changelist that added the line, and the changelist that deleted the line.

How to find (grep) text for files in a perforce changelist?

How to grep/find for a particular text in all files within a pending changelist?
My use case:
I have a debug_flag in my code and would want to make sure I do not check-in any code with the debug_flag which will cause a compiler error for all others. (Not for me since I have the debug_flag declared locally)
p4 describe changelist# gives you the list of the files in a changelist, but it has some extra information, and the paths are with respect to the depo. Example:
p4 describe 12334
Change 12334 by me on 2014/01/04 00:57:08 pending
Some test changelist
Affected files ...
... //depot/path/to/my/files/file1#15 edit
... //depot/path/to/my/files/file2#12 edit
With a few search/replace or a simple perls script, you can change this text output to a list of files with actual path and then run grep on them:
xargs grep "debug_flag" < file_list.txt

Perforce: How to find the original number of a change list

In perforce changelists get renumbered on submission. So for e.g. when the changelist was created it would be numbered 777 , but on submission of changelist it would get renumbered to say 790.
My question is how do I get the new CL number (790) , if I know the old CL number 777 , or vice versa ?
If you really want the original changelist number, that can be retrieved from Perforce without having to embed the original changelist number in the description. You can use the -ztag command line option to get at it. And you can only get at it through the 'changes' command (as far as I know):
d:\sandbox>p4 submit -c 24510
Submitting change 24510.
Locking 1 files ...
edit //depot/testfile.txt#2
Change 24510 renamed change 24512 and submitted.
d:\sandbox>p4 -ztag changes -m1 //depot/testfile.txt
... change 24512
... time 1294249178
... user test.user
... client client-test.user
... status submitted
... oldChange 24510
... desc <enter description here>
As pointed out, it's probably not that useful. However, I did want to note that it's possible to get at it.
The only way I can think of is adding the original changelist number as part of the changelist description field. First, you'll need a script to store the original changelist number:
#!/bin/env perl
$id = $ARGV[0];
open (CHANGE_IN, "p4 change -o $id|");
open (CHANGE_OUT, "|p4 change -i $id");
while (<CHANGE_IN>)
if (/^Description:/ and not /ORIGID/)
s/(^Description:)(.*)$/$1 ORIGID $id. $2/;
print CHANGE_OUT $_;
close (CHANGE_IN);
close (CHANGE_OUT);
Save this as on the Perforce server with the executable bit set. Then setup a trigger with p4 triggers.
add_origid change-submit //depot/... /usr/bin/ %change%
Version 2012.1 of Perforce introduced the -O (capital oh) argument to p4 describe, which allows you to query a changelist by its original number (before being renumbered by p4 submit).
I find this very helpful, since I often find myself keeping notes about a changeset before it is submitted, then forgetting to note what it was renumbered to on submission.
So if I have a note talking about change 12300, I can now see what it refers to by typing:
p4 describe -s -O 12300
and having Perforce tell me:
Change 12345 by me#myhost on 2013/10/31 00:00:00
Fix that thing I wrote that note about
Affected files ...
... //Proj/MAIN/foo.c
The ztag method mentioned earlier can be used to find the old changelist number of a submitted change:
> p4 -ztag describe -s 12345 | grep oldChange
... oldChange 12300
Adding to Eric Miller's reply, because I can't comment (not enough points):
to just emit the 1 number
p4 -ztag describe $ORIG | sed -e 's/^\.\.\. oldChange //;t-ok;d;:-ok'
OLD=$(p4 -ztag describe $ORIG | sed -e 's/^\.\.\. oldChange //;t-ok;d;:-ok')
or if you want to look up many numbers, this will output a map of new old on each line (may be useful with the "join" command). If there is no old commit, then it re-emits the new commit.
p4 -ztag describe 782546 782547 ... | sed -e '${x;p};s/^\.\.\. change //;t-keep;b-next;:-keep;x;/./p;g;G;s/\n/ /;x;d;:-next;s/^\.\.\. oldChange //;t-ok;d;:-ok;H;x;s/ .*\n/ /;x;d;'
I tried to avoid using GNU extensions to sed.
Unless you do something like Tim suggests the old change list number will be lost on submission.
Change list numbers are only temporary until you actually submit. So if you create a new change list (777 say) and then decide to delete it, the next change list you create will be 778.
It can be a bit more elegant if you use the P4 Python module.
import P4
p4 = P4.P4()
p4.connect() # having a valid p4 workspace/connection is on you :)
c = p4.run_describe('969696') # describe a Submitted, renumbered changelist, i.e. 969696
old_pending_cl_number = c['oldChange'] # print out prior/pending CL# if this exists.
