Hosting TeamCity 8.1 & YouTrack in IIS 7.5 - iis-7.5

I am a newbie to IIS (and administrative tasks in general). I am trying to host TeamCity and YouTrack in IIS to allow other web applications to be run on the same port. Solving the issue for TeamCity should also solve it for YouTrack, so this post is only about getting TeamCity to work.
I have followed the guide on A Step by Step Guide to Hosting TeamCity in IIS 7 but I cannot get it to work. Whenever I enter into the browser I end up at the default website (default IIS website that comes when installing IIS).
TeamCity is set to run on port 8080. Entering localhost:8080 in the browser opens up the TeamCity start page. Entering opens up the default IIS website (as mentioned above).
The port number I changed in server.xml (TeamCity) is the one on the following line:<Connector port="8080" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
The server farm for TeamCity is using IP (is this correct, or should it be the internal IP on the LAN?). URL rewrite rule has been setup according to the link above: Using wildcards with "*" pattern and a local grouping with {HTTP_POST}, Matches the Pattern, where pattern is "". The default IIS website is unchanged.
Any help would be highly appreciated.

Set BaseUrl as


Stop IIS while using Xampp (Windows 10 - conflicts of ports)?

In Windows 10 IIS and Xampp use the same port (80), I've learned. I know how to change port in Xampp, but I'd prefere to stop IIS while using Xampp. On my old computer with Windows 10 I went to task manager > services and stopped World Wide Web Services by rightclicking. On my new computer with Windows 10, I can't seem to find World wide web services on that spot. Can it be named something else, according to language (swedish - though before on the old computer it was named as mentioned)? Any other way (in simple steps, please - beginner!) to stop IIS using the port, without disabling the IIS alltogether? (might want to learn how to use it later on)
Thanks in advance!
Port 80 is used by default with many web servers (here IIS and Apache which is bundled inside XAMPP).
The default web site created with IIS uses port 80. If you don't want to use this default web site (absolutely no harm and no data loss!), you can delete it by running the following command in inetsrv directory (path would generally be C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv).
appcmd delete site "Default Web Site"
Or you can change the port for the default web site in IIS, with:
appcmd set site / "Default Web Site" /+bindings.protocol='http',bindingInformation='*:8000:']
appcmd set site / "Default Web Site" /-bindings.protocol='http',bindingInformation='*:80:']
(8000) is for instance, use any high number you like.

IIS issue - website hosted on local machine not working

For some reason I can't run website hosted with IIS on my local machine.
I've created a simple web application ("test"), with just index.htm, under the default Web Site.
I've confirmed IIS is working.
Following URLs do not work:
and this one works:
Your machine is forced into IPV6 mode. Go into your network adapter settings and try disabling IPV6 or changing the priority.
Also look into changing the HOSTS file. Adding the line localhost should fix the issue.

WiX 3.7 IIS Setup

When running our installer, we have it configured to setup 3 websites in IIS, before the upgrade this worked as expected, even if the default website (or any site listening on the same port) was still present.
If the website listening to Port 80 was already started, WiX would create the website from our installer, and just not start it (which is what I'd expect). Since upgrade to 3.7, however, what I've found is that the installer does not create the website if there is any other site configured in IIS that's listening to the same port.
Is there something missing in the WiX setup that I need to add to force WiX to add the website from our installer, or is this just a known issue with creating websites via WiX?
Looking into this further, it appears that the website is checked by the port, rather than by name. If I have "Default Website" on port 80, any applications that are under the website I have in the installer are configured under the Default Website.
The IIS CustomActions in the WiX toolset use the "natural key" to find the web site which is the ip:port:header combination. Most websites, only the port is specified. In you scenario, I expect the WiX toolset found the existing website and "fixed it" based on the specifications in your installation package.
Thanks Rob, I managed to fix the issue by setting the ConfigureIfExists flag to true, which created the site as I'd expected it to originally.

Configure IIS to access Deployed website globally (through WAN) [NOTE: I have static IP]

I am completely new bie to IIS.
I have a very basic knowledge about how to configure IIS.
Today I have a requirement to access website Globally through WAN (through internet from any PC all over world) which I have deployed in my Local IIS.
The website=> SilverLightBusinessApplicationWeb
which you can see in my below screen shot can be open in LAN nicely.
so I only looking for how to open it in WAN?
So anybody please suggest me a simple steps or instruction for it.
You can see two screen shot of Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager.
NOTE: 1. I also have static IP 2. i am using IIS7.0 with Windows-7
Thank you so much…..
1. Screen Shot1
2. Screen Shot2
This question is probably better off on ServerFault. However, providing you have everything set up on your machine, you just need to open and forward port 80 to your host machine and set up a domain or access the site directly via external IP providing your bindings are set up correctly.
EDIT From a security point of view, it would be better practice to do as Germann said by having your public facing web server in its own DMZ.
Finally i have got it........
the steps i have followed are......
define port forwarding at router for that i have enter following values in my router's forwarding page.
--IP address of my PC
--port number which is open(you can see screen shot Brouse*:80(http) which shows port 80
is open for website on my IIS.
finally i have opened website on my IIS by : .http://mystaticip:port/xyzfolder/xyz.html.

IIS 7.5 broken, cannot connect to localhost, error 404

Someone set up IIS 7.5 on my computer with a sample project. I created a new project and I wanted this new project to be accessible on the localhost (default port 80). I changed the Site (under Sites in the navigator) in the IIS Manager and now I can't do anything.
When I try to run the project from Visual Studio it opens successfully in the browser in "localhost/#somePort" but when I try to type in just "localhost" into the browser, I get a 404 Error.
Please, any ideas on how to fix this? I think maybe some default files for IIS were changed/corrupted.
Usually from Visual studio if it's an project it will run from the Web Developer test engine (which is a mini iis that runs on a random port)... You need to publish the project to IIS or copy the compiled output to a folder that is within your IIS's site's directory path and change that folder to an application (from the iis mmc console, right clicking on the folder and selecting Change to Application, I believe...
I wasn't sure about the "localhost/#somePort" but i'm assuming I am getting what you meant ;)
I just ran into the same problem. Apparently changing the bindings changes only the default site / and not the child virtual applications.
I found this article -
Incase the link is broken...
After editing the bindings in IISManager ("Edit Bindings..."), you need to use netsh and add as a listener for http traffic.
Open command prompt (as admin)
netsh> http
netsh http> show iplisten
(empty list is shown)
netsh http> add iplisten
IP address successfully added
Now use iisreset and everything should work.
