IIS issue - website hosted on local machine not working - iis

For some reason I can't run website hosted with IIS on my local machine.
I've created a simple web application ("test"), with just index.htm, under the default Web Site.
I've confirmed IIS is working.
Following URLs do not work:
and this one works:

Your machine is forced into IPV6 mode. Go into your network adapter settings and try disabling IPV6 or changing the priority.
Also look into changing the HOSTS file. Adding the line localhost should fix the issue.


Hosting TeamCity 8.1 & YouTrack in IIS 7.5

I am a newbie to IIS (and administrative tasks in general). I am trying to host TeamCity and YouTrack in IIS to allow other web applications to be run on the same port. Solving the issue for TeamCity should also solve it for YouTrack, so this post is only about getting TeamCity to work.
I have followed the guide on A Step by Step Guide to Hosting TeamCity in IIS 7 but I cannot get it to work. Whenever I enter teamcity.mydomain.com into the browser I end up at the default website (default IIS website that comes when installing IIS).
TeamCity is set to run on port 8080. Entering localhost:8080 in the browser opens up the TeamCity start page. Entering teamcity.mydomain.com opens up the default IIS website (as mentioned above).
The port number I changed in server.xml (TeamCity) is the one on the following line:<Connector port="8080" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
The server farm for TeamCity is using IP (is this correct, or should it be the internal IP on the LAN?). URL rewrite rule has been setup according to the link above: Using wildcards with "*" pattern and a local grouping with {HTTP_POST}, Matches the Pattern, where pattern is "teamcity.mydomain.com". The default IIS website is unchanged.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Set BaseUrl as teamcity.mydomain.com

Launching an app using its URL on OpenShift Origin

I'm learning to use the open source version of OpenShift. I have downloaded the linux image and started it on a virtual machine (named VM1) on my PC, which runs Windows 7. On another VM (named VM2) I have installed another linux OS and configured the JBoss IDE to work with OpenShift. Then I have successfully created and hosted an app on my local OpenShift PaaS cloud. Here is where the problem starts:
On VM2 (the one running linux where I developed the app) I have no problem accessing my account webpage on OpenShift, viewing what apps I have created and testing them.
From any other PC on my network I can log in to the OpenShift web console and view my apps by simply entering the IP of VM1 (in my case There I can see the URL to launch my app: http://localtest2-mydomain.openshift.local/ . But when I click on it, I get a message saying that the web page is not available. Again, if I use this link in VM2, it works like a charm.
I tried changing the system32\drivers\etc\hosts file so that and link ending in openshift.local will be sent to the IP address of VM1, but it doesn't work. Can anyone help me?
As far as I know, you can not use wildcards in your hosts file, you would need to specify the entire url in your hosts file for it to find it correctly. Give that a try and see if it helps.

windows 7 IIS working locally but not externally

I have IIS installed with asp.net 4.0. I've managed to get my site showing on a static ip address and port forwarding is set up on my router but for some reason the site is still only showing locally and not on only external networks. Is there any obvious causes for this. I'm pretty new to IIS and have looked for hours so far to try and find out why I can access my site externally.
Currently the page just times out on external networks.
Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
I worked out it was because I was pointing from my domain to the local IP and not Public IP, worked fine once I changed this.
This sounds like an issue with your network configuration rather than an IIS issue.
Here's a few things to try:
Can you access the website from another machine on the same network?
Is port 80 open on your router?
Verify that your ISP is not blocking inbound requests on port 80

Configure IIS to access Deployed website globally (through WAN) [NOTE: I have static IP]

I am completely new bie to IIS.
I have a very basic knowledge about how to configure IIS.
Today I have a requirement to access website Globally through WAN (through internet from any PC all over world) which I have deployed in my Local IIS.
The website=> SilverLightBusinessApplicationWeb
which you can see in my below screen shot can be open in LAN nicely.
so I only looking for how to open it in WAN?
So anybody please suggest me a simple steps or instruction for it.
You can see two screen shot of Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager.
NOTE: 1. I also have static IP 2. i am using IIS7.0 with Windows-7
Thank you so much…..
1. Screen Shot1
2. Screen Shot2
This question is probably better off on ServerFault. However, providing you have everything set up on your machine, you just need to open and forward port 80 to your host machine and set up a domain or access the site directly via external IP providing your bindings are set up correctly.
EDIT From a security point of view, it would be better practice to do as Germann said by having your public facing web server in its own DMZ.
Finally i have got it........
the steps i have followed are......
define port forwarding at router for that i have enter following values in my router's forwarding page.
--IP address of my PC
--port number which is open(you can see screen shot Brouse*:80(http) which shows port 80
is open for website on my IIS.
finally i have opened website on my IIS by : .http://mystaticip:port/xyzfolder/xyz.html.

Setting the Hostname in IIS Bindings Breaks Website

I just got a Windows Server 2008 VPS and I'm having trouble getting IIS7 setup.
I created a new website in IIS with the path, ip address, and hostname (like 'www.nameofsite.com') and click OK. When I browse to the site it pulls up "http://www.nameofsite.com" in the browser and... nothing... IE cannot display this webpage.
If I blank out the hostname in the bindings and click [Browse] it works fine (it takes me to - the computer's ip). So entering the hostname breaks the website.
Any ideas on what I'm missing? Services I might not have running or roles I'm missing?
No server roles were initially installed on the VPS so I installed IIS, DHCP, DNS, and Application Server... overkill, but I wasn't sure what to install.
First it has to be in DNS or the client machines hosts file. To test this you can add the hostname to the servers hosts file.
Go to start -> run and type "drivers" change to the etc directory you want to edit the hosts file. The entries in it are like a local DNS. They only work on the local machine!
You must use EXTERNAL DNS not Internal DNS to make it visible across the internet. Change the DNS pointer at your registrar or whatever you are using for external DNS propagation.
