InfoPath 2010 repeating section control missing from toolbox - infopath2010

I inherited an InfoPath 2010 form from someone and wanted to add a repeating section control (so they can add a number of hyperlinks), but it's not in the toolbox. Any ideas why?


VSTO - How to make Ribbon buttons to fill vertically the blank space

I'm building a VSTO excel application, using Visual Studio 2013. I have one Large sized Ribbon button in one column, next to two Regular sized in another column. What I want is to fill the vertical space in the regular buttons column equally.
To see an example of what I want to do, see the "Calculation" group of "FORMULAS" tab in excel. My regular buttons are stacking on the top, but i want them to fill the empty space just like the "Calculate Now" and the "Calculate Sheet" are doing in this ribbon.
How do I do this?
The Fluent UI doesn't provide any property or attribute for that.
Read more about the Fluent UI (Ribbon UI) in the following series of articles:
Customizing the 2007 Office Fluent Ribbon for Developers (Part 1 of 3)
Customizing the 2007 Office Fluent Ribbon for Developers (Part 2 of 3)
Customizing the 2007 Office Fluent Ribbon for Developers (Part 3 of 3)
Not all features (controls) are available for external developers.
I'm not sure if you will be able to do this. I was also looking for this but didn't find a solution. The ribbon is limited for programmers in certain features, for example you cannot make a menu with headers (like the insert chart in excel) or in ribbon galleries (like the chart styles),... I think this button fill is also one of these features.

sharepoint 2010 site columns don't show up in word 2007 quick parts

I'm working on a clients SharePoint platform and they need a set of templates bound to some content types.
I have the whole thing working but as soon as I choose edit template,from the content type advanced settings menu to add quick parts to the template. I get some columns in the quick parts dialog in word, but not all of them. Also some other ones not associated to the content type.
Any help is highly appreciated!

cannot display a button control in infopath form

My problem is that: when In create a form with Infopath 2010 and I add a button control, the button does not appear when I open it in display mode. then I decide to add the button in the ribbon with sharepoint designer 2010 but this button appear only in the default display form. please I need someone help me to solve this problem. I'm new in sharepoint
Thank you
Are you using the stock button control built into InfoPath? If you are not, the button images need to be uploaded and checked in within the SharePoint site. InfoPath forms should display stock buttons out of the box with no trouble.
When using picture buttons, head to the picture button properties and deselect the option that says 'Hide picture button in read-only views'.

SharePoint 2010 Ribbon control

In SharePoint 2010, the default current view dropdown box(Library Tools-->Library-->All Documents) doesn't display items in an alphatical order. So if we want to disply the items in alphatical order, i think we have the following two options.
Option 1: Customizing the ribbon control
Option 2: writing javascript file to sort the dropdown item lists and intergrating with ribbon control
Is there any other better option?
Modifying the View doesn't help? In SPS 3.0, in the Document Library, you can click view in the upper right corner, then edit the options in there. By default, ours sorts the Library based on the name of the file

InfoPath non-editable fields

I've created a simple list in SharePoint 2010. It has a couple of text columns and a couple of integer columns.
I click "Customize Form" from the Sharepoint Ribbon
InfoPath 2010 is launched
I make the form look nice and ensure fields are bound to correct columns
I upload the form back to Sharepoint
When I click to "Add new item" my InfoPath form is displayed. However only one of the field is editable. I can click into the other fields but when I hit the keyboard - nothing!
Any ideas?
The fields in question might have been set to Read-only. Double-check using the following steps:
Use "Customize Form" again from the Sharepoint Ribbon
Right click each Control in question
Click Properties
Click the Display Tab
Ensure that the Read-only checkbox is unticked.
