SharePoint 2010 Ribbon control - sharepoint

In SharePoint 2010, the default current view dropdown box(Library Tools-->Library-->All Documents) doesn't display items in an alphatical order. So if we want to disply the items in alphatical order, i think we have the following two options.
Option 1: Customizing the ribbon control
Option 2: writing javascript file to sort the dropdown item lists and intergrating with ribbon control
Is there any other better option?

Modifying the View doesn't help? In SPS 3.0, in the Document Library, you can click view in the upper right corner, then edit the options in there. By default, ours sorts the Library based on the name of the file


Outlook web addIn dropdown menu

I have created the Outlook Web Add-in project and trying th create the dropdown menu by following the link under
It seems that dropdown menu just take static list. What i want to do is i have webservices which is returning some destination and link of that destionation . I want to display the list of all those destination under the dropdown and by clicking one of it, it opens the link into task pane.
Any tips ? how to display from webservice in dropdown menu.
It is not currently possible to dynamically populate the dropdowns, your best bet would be to have a single taskpane action, then render a selector page that dynamically shows the available options, then navigate to the page associated with that option. Feel free to upvote this User Voice suggestion to let us know that this feature is important to you.

InfoPath non-editable fields

I've created a simple list in SharePoint 2010. It has a couple of text columns and a couple of integer columns.
I click "Customize Form" from the Sharepoint Ribbon
InfoPath 2010 is launched
I make the form look nice and ensure fields are bound to correct columns
I upload the form back to Sharepoint
When I click to "Add new item" my InfoPath form is displayed. However only one of the field is editable. I can click into the other fields but when I hit the keyboard - nothing!
Any ideas?
The fields in question might have been set to Read-only. Double-check using the following steps:
Use "Customize Form" again from the Sharepoint Ribbon
Right click each Control in question
Click Properties
Click the Display Tab
Ensure that the Read-only checkbox is unticked.

working with dropdown in sharepoint 2007

Currently working with dropdown column in the moss 2007.
my question is
I created dropdown column in a list, it has 3 options. Suppose if option1 is selected then the new field (let say a text box) should pop up, if option2 is selected the another new field (say a dropdown should pop up) and similarly for option3. How to make these things show up when certain option in drop down selected? should I need to code for it? Educate me! Article would be a great help.
P.S->> Our organisation isn't so keen in working with infopath, infopath is out of option. Can I code in sharepoint designer itself???
This isn't possible using only SharePoint out-of-the-box (OOTB). It would require building a custom solution. You would need to create a custom field for each option, that checks the value of the choice field and determines whether to hide itself based on that.

Sharepoint 2010 grid view

How do I add a link column to Sharepoint grid view?
You can use SPMenuField. It serves two purposes - it configures the hyperlink you follow if you click on the item directly and, optionally, links to a dropdown menu
This is a great primer on MSDN blogs about SPGridView
It looks to be supported by the Telerik SPRadGrid (which I trialed for my SharePoint apps not long ago). Using the Publishers SP List as source for the example I linked, you should have the Name column values as hyperlinks. You might give it a spin.

DataFormWebPart filter toolbar

I've lost the toolbar on my DataFormWebPart that has the dropdown boxes that apply a filter to the data - but I can't see a Filter checkbox in the Properties dialog.
How do I get it back?
It appears that I should never have had it in the first place, it's not normally available when binding a DataFormWebPart to a database datasource. By some odd combination of circumstances Sharepoint Designer enabled it for me for just long enough to tease me into thinking it would work.
