CodeJam 2014: How to solve task "New Lottery Game"? - string

I want to know efficient approach for the New Lottery Game problem.
The Lottery is changing! The Lottery used to have a machine to generate a random winning number. But due to cheating problems, the Lottery has decided to add another machine. The new winning number will be the result of the bitwise-AND operation between the two random numbers generated by the two machines.
To find the bitwise-AND of X and Y, write them both in binary; then a bit in the result in binary has a 1 if the corresponding bits of X and Y were both 1, and a 0 otherwise. In most programming languages, the bitwise-AND of X and Y is written X&Y.
For example:
The old machine generates the number 7 = 0111.
The new machine generates the number 11 = 1011.
The winning number will be (7 AND 11) = (0111 AND 1011) = 0011 = 3.
With this measure, the Lottery expects to reduce the cases of fraudulent claims, but unfortunately an employee from the Lottery company has leaked the following information: the old machine will always generate a non-negative integer less than A and the new one will always generate a non-negative integer less than B.
Catalina wants to win this lottery and to give it a try she decided to buy all non-negative integers less than K.
Given A, B and K, Catalina would like to know in how many different ways the machines can generate a pair of numbers that will make her a winner.
For small input we can check all possible pairs but how to do it with large inputs. I guess we represent the binary number into string first and then check permutations which would give answer less than K. But I can't seem to figure out how to calculate possible permutations of 2 binary strings.

I used a general DP technique that I described in a lot of detail in another answer.
We want to count the pairs (a, b) such that a < A, b < B and a & b < K.
The first step is to convert the numbers to binary and to pad them to the same size by adding leading zeroes. I just padded them to a fixed size of 40. The idea is to build up the valid a and b bit by bit.
Let f(i, loA, loB, loK) be the number of valid suffix pairs of a and b of size 40 - i. If loA is true, it means that the prefix up to i is already strictly smaller than the corresponding prefix of A. In that case there is no restriction on the next possible bit for a. If loA ist false, A[i] is an upper bound on the next bit we can place at the end of the current prefix. loB and loK have an analogous meaning.
Now we have the following transition:
long long f(int i, bool loA, bool loB, bool loK) {
// TODO add memoization
if (i == 40)
return loA && loB && loK;
int hiA = loA ? 1: A[i]-'0'; // upper bound on the next bit in a
int hiB = loB ? 1: B[i]-'0'; // upper bound on the next bit in b
int hiK = loK ? 1: K[i]-'0'; // upper bound on the next bit in a & b
long long res = 0;
for (int a = 0; a <= hiA; ++a)
for (int b = 0; b <= hiB; ++b) {
int k = a & b;
if (k > hiK) continue;
res += f(i+1, loA || a < A[i]-'0',
loB || b < B[i]-'0',
loK || k < K[i]-'0');
return res;
The result is f(0, false, false, false).
The runtime is O(max(log A, log B)) if memoization is added to ensure that every subproblem is only solved once.

What I did was just to identify when the answer is A * B.
Otherwise, just brute force the rest, this code passed the large input.
// for each test cases
long count = 0;
if ((K > A) || (K > B)) {
count = A * B;
continue; // print count and go to the next test case
count = A * B - (A-K) * (B-K);
for (int i = K; i < A; i++) {
for (int j = K; j < B; j++) {
if ((i&j) < K) count++;
I hope this helps!

just as Niklas B. said.
the whole answer is.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define MAX_SIZE 32
int A, B, K;
int arr_a[MAX_SIZE];
int arr_b[MAX_SIZE];
int arr_k[MAX_SIZE];
bool flag [MAX_SIZE][2][2][2];
long long matrix[MAX_SIZE][2][2][2];
long long
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int case_amount = 0;
cin >> case_amount;
for (int i = 0; i < case_amount; ++i)
const long long result = get_result();
cout << "Case #" << 1 + i << ": " << result << endl;
return 0;
long long
dp(const int h,
const bool can_A_choose_1,
const bool can_B_choose_1,
const bool can_K_choose_1)
if (MAX_SIZE == h)
return can_A_choose_1 && can_B_choose_1 && can_K_choose_1;
if (flag[h][can_A_choose_1][can_B_choose_1][can_K_choose_1])
return matrix[h][can_A_choose_1][can_B_choose_1][can_K_choose_1];
int cnt_A_max = arr_a[h];
int cnt_B_max = arr_b[h];
int cnt_K_max = arr_k[h];
if (can_A_choose_1)
cnt_A_max = 1;
if (can_B_choose_1)
cnt_B_max = 1;
if (can_K_choose_1)
cnt_K_max = 1;
long long res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= cnt_A_max; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j <= cnt_B_max; ++j)
int k = i & j;
if (k > cnt_K_max)
res += dp(h + 1,
can_A_choose_1 || (i < cnt_A_max),
can_B_choose_1 || (j < cnt_B_max),
can_K_choose_1 || (k < cnt_K_max));
flag[h][can_A_choose_1][can_B_choose_1][can_K_choose_1] = true;
matrix[h][can_A_choose_1][can_B_choose_1][can_K_choose_1] = res;
return res;
long long
cin >> A >> B >> K;
memset(arr_a, 0, sizeof(arr_a));
memset(arr_b, 0, sizeof(arr_b));
memset(arr_k, 0, sizeof(arr_k));
memset(flag, 0, sizeof(flag));
memset(matrix, 0, sizeof(matrix));
int i = 31;
while (i >= 1)
arr_a[i] = A % 2;
A /= 2;
arr_b[i] = B % 2;
B /= 2;
arr_k[i] = K % 2;
K /= 2;
return dp(1, 0, 0, 0);


Palindrome operations on a string

You are given a string S initially and some Q queries. For each query you will have 2 integers L and R. For each query, you have to perform the following operations:
Arrange the letters from L to R inclusive to make a Palindrome. If you can form many such palindromes, then take the one that is lexicographically minimum. Ignore the query if no palindrome is possible on rearranging the letters.
You have to find the final string after all the queries.
1 <= length(S) <= 10^5
1 <= Q <= 10^5
1<= L <= R <= length(S)
Sample Input :
mmcs 1
1 3
Sample Output:
The initial string is mmcs, there is 1 query which asks to make a palindrome from 1 3, so the palindrome will be mcm. Therefore the string will mcms.
If each query takes O(N) time, the overall time complexity would be O(NQ) which will give TLE. So each query should take around O(logn) time. But I am not able to think of anything which will solve this question. I think since we only need to find the final string rather than what every query result into, I guess there must be some other way to approach this question. Can anybody help me?
We can solve this problem using Lazy Segment Tree with range updates.
We will make Segment Tree for each character , so there will be a total of 26 segment trees.
In each node of segment tree we will store the frequency of that character over the range of that node and also keep a track of whether to update that range or not.
So for each query do the following ->
We are given a range L to R
So first we will find frequency of each character over L to R (this will take O(26*log(n)) time )
Now from above frequencies count number of characters who have odd frequency.
If count > 1 , we cannot form palindrome, otherwise we can form palindrome
If we can form palindrome then,first we will assign 0 over L to R for each character in Segment Tree and then we will start from smallest character and assign it over (L,L+count/2-1) and (R-count/2+1,R) and then update L += count/2 and R -= count/2
So the time complexity of each query is O(26log(n)) and for building Segment Tree time complexity is O(nlog(n)) so overall time complexity is O(nlogn + q26logn).
For a better understanding please see my code,
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define enl '\n'
#define int long long
#define sz(s) (int)s.size()
#define all(v) (v).begin(),(v).end()
#define input(vec) for (auto &el : vec) cin >> el;
#define print(vec) for (auto &el : vec) cout << el << " "; cout << "\n";
const int mod = 1e9+7;
const int inf = 1e18;
struct SegTree {
SegTree () {}
SegTree(int n) {
int query(int l,int r,int st,int en,int node) {
int mid = (st+en)/2;
if(st!=en and lazy[node].first) {
if(lazy[node].second) {
cnt[2*node] = mid - st + 1;
cnt[2*node+1] = en - mid;
else {
cnt[2*node] = cnt[2*node+1] = 0;
lazy[2*node] = lazy[2*node+1] = lazy[node];
lazy[node] = {false,0};
if(st>r or en<l) return 0;
if(st>=l and en<=r) return cnt[node];
return query(l,r,st,mid,2*node) + query(l,r,mid+1,en,2*node+1);
void update(int l,int r,int val,int st,int en,int node) {
int mid = (st+en)/2;
if(st!=en and lazy[node].first) {
if(lazy[node].second) {
cnt[2*node] = mid - st + 1;
cnt[2*node+1] = en - mid;
else {
cnt[2*node] = cnt[2*node+1] = 0;
lazy[2*node] = lazy[2*node+1] = lazy[node];
lazy[node] = {false,0};
if(st>r or en<l) return;
if(st>=l and en<=r) {
cnt[node] = (en - st + 1)*val;
lazy[node] = {true,val};
cnt[node] = cnt[2*node] + cnt[2*node+1];
void solve() {
int n;
string s;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
int q;
while(q--) {
int l,r;
for(int i=0;i<26;i++) {
cnt[i] = tr[i].query(l,r,0,n-1,1);
int odd = 0;
for(auto u:cnt) odd += u%2;
if(odd>1) continue;
for(int i=0;i<26;i++) {
int x = l,y = r;
for(int i=0;i<26;i++) {
if(cnt[i]/2) {
x += cnt[i]/2;
y -= cnt[i]/2;
for(int i=0;i<26;i++) {
if(cnt[i]) {
string ans(n,'a');
for(int i=0;i<26;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<n;j++) {
if(tr[i].query(j,j,0,n-1,1)) {
ans[j] = (char)('a'+i);
signed main() {
int testcases = 1;
while(testcases--) solve();
return 0;

For a given integer n, find the number following n that is a multiple of 10

For a given integer, n, find the number following n that is a multiple of 10.
I wrote code that seems to be correct, but the site reviewer writes that it is only 90% correct. What could be the problem?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n;
cin >> n;
if (n == 0) n = n + 10;
while (n % 10 != 0) n++;
cout << n;
Your code doesn't work if the given n is itself a multiple of 10, in which case it returns 'itself' rather than the next multiple of 10 (i.e. 1 in 10 possible cases = 90% success rate).
To fix this, increment the n before testing for a multiple of 10:
#include <iostream>
int main()
int n;
std::cin >> n;
while (++n % 10 != 0)
std::cout << n;
return 0;
Alternatively, you can avoid the loop entirely. The following will work for both positive and negative numbers (it's a lot simpler if you don't cater for negative numbers):
n += ( n >= 0 ? 10 : 0 ) - (n % 10);

Solving Coin Change using knapsack . Reference : Another Knapsack Hackerrank CodeAgon

The problem is fairly simple and straight .However i cannot solve it exclusively using dp knapsack style . I have solution for that but since the number of coins in each denomination here is limited (in this question it's )it's creating a problem . I want to arrive at a 2d recurrence that i can use to implement the knapsack .
My actual solution which runs fine goes below :
using namespace std ;
int main ()
{ int flag ;
int N,i ;
int sum ;
int counter ;
while (cin >> N >>sum )
counter = 0;
flag= 0 ;
int count =0;
for( i = N ; i>=1;i--){
count += i ;
if (count >sum){
count-=i ;
counter -- ;
if(count == sum){
flag = 1 ;
break ;
if (flag==1)
cout << counter<<"\n" ;
else cout <<-1<<"\n" ;
return 0 ;
Dynamic programming solution is not required for the problem as the constraint are quite high.A simple greedy approach would work fine.
The algorithm works as follows:
If the sum of all the values form 1 to n is less than m then you cannot pay m coins because even after using all the n coins you have money remaining to be paid.
If the sum of all the values form 1 to n is greater than or equal to m then you can definitely pay because you have enough coins.
Since you have to minimize the number of coins to be given you consecutively pick coins that have the maximum value until your m become zero and you need to only keep track of number of coins that you have picked.
Below is the code that implements the above algorithm
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int n, m;
cin >> n >> m;
if (m > (n * (n + 1) / 2)) {
//if sum of all coins form 1 to n is less than m
cout << "-1";
} else {
int cnt = 0;
while (m != 0) {
if (n >= m) {
m = 0;
} else {
m -= n;
cout << cnt;
return 0;

Brute-force transposition decryption - word segmentation

I'm a 2nd year B. Comp. Sci. student and have a cryptography assignment that's really giving me grief. We've been given a text file of transposition-encrypted English phrases and an English dictionary file, then asked to write a program that deciphers the phrases automatically without any user input.
My first idea was to simply brute-force all possible permutations of the ciphertext, which should be trivial. However, I then have to decide which one is the most-likely to be the actual plaintext, and this is what I'm struggling with.
There's heaps of information on word segmentation here on SO, including this and this amongst other posts. Using this information and what I've already learned at uni, here's what I have so far:
string DecryptTransposition(const string& cipher, const string& dict)
vector<string> plain;
int sz = cipher.size();
int maxCols = ceil(sz / 2.0f);
int maxVotes = 0, key = 0;
// Iterate through all possible no.'s of cols.
for (int c = 2; c <= maxCols; c++)
int r = sz / c; // No. of complete rows if c is no. of cols.
int e = sz % c; // No. of extra letters if c is no. of cols.
string cipherCpy(cipher);
vector<string> table;
table.assign(r, string(c, ' '));
if (e > 0) table.push_back(string(e, ' '));
for (int y = 0; y < c; y++)
for (int x = 0; x <= r; x++)
if (x == r && e-- < 1) break;
table[x][y] = cipherCpy[0];
cipherCpy.erase(0, 1);
table.end(), string("")));
// plain.back() now points to the plaintext
// generated from cipher with key = c
int votes = 0;
for (int i = 0, j = 2; (i + j) <= sz; )
string word = plain.back().substr(i, j);
if (dict.find('\n' + word + '\n') == string::npos) j++;
i += j;
j = 2;
if (votes > maxVotes)
maxVotes = votes;
key = c;
return plain[key - 2]; // Minus 2 since we started from 2
There are two main problems with this algorithm:
It is incredibly slow, taking ~30 sec. to decrypt a 80-char. message.
It isn't completely accurate (I'd elaborate on this if I hadn't already taken up a whole page, but you can try it for yourself with the full VC++ 2012 project).
Any suggestions on how I could improve this algorithm would be greatly appreciated. MTIA :-)

Generate all compositions of an integer into k parts

I can't figure out how to generate all compositions ( of an integer N into K parts, but only doing it one at a time. That is, I need a function that given the previous composition generated, returns the next one in the sequence. The reason is that memory is limited for my application. This would be much easier if I could use Python and its generator functionality, but I'm stuck with C++.
This is similar to Next Composition of n into k parts - does anyone have a working algorithm?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Preliminary remarks
First start from the observation that [1,1,...,1,n-k+1] is the first composition (in lexicographic order) of n over k parts, and [n-k+1,1,1,...,1] is the last one.
Now consider an exemple: the composition [2,4,3,1,1], here n = 11 and k=5. Which is the next one in lexicographic order? Obviously the rightmost part to be incremented is 4, because [3,1,1] is the last composition of 5 over 3 parts.
4 is at the left of 3, the rightmost part different from 1.
So turn 4 into 5, and replace [3,1,1] by [1,1,2], the first composition of the remainder (3+1+1)-1 , giving [2,5,1,1,2]
Generation program (in C)
The following C program shows how to compute such compositions on demand in lexicographic order
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
bool get_first_composition(int n, int k, int composition[k])
if (n < k) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; i++) {
composition[i] = 1;
composition[k - 1] = n - k + 1;
return true;
bool get_next_composition(int n, int k, int composition[k])
if (composition[0] == n - k + 1) {
return false;
// there'a an i with composition[i] > 1, and it is not 0.
// find the last one
int last = k - 1;
while (composition[last] == 1) {
// turn a b ... y z 1 1 ... 1
// ^ last
// into a b ... (y+1) 1 1 1 ... (z-1)
// be careful, there may be no 1's at the end
int z = composition[last];
composition[last - 1] += 1;
composition[last] = 1;
composition[k - 1] = z - 1;
return true;
void display_composition(int k, int composition[k])
char *separator = "[";
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
printf("%s%d", separator, composition[i]);
separator = ",";
void display_all_compositions(int n, int k)
int composition[k]; // VLA. Please don't use silly values for k
for (bool exists = get_first_composition(n, k, composition);
exists = get_next_composition(n, k, composition)) {
display_composition(k, composition);
int main()
display_all_compositions(5, 3);
Weak compositions
A similar algorithm works for weak compositions (where 0 is allowed).
bool get_first_weak_composition(int n, int k, int composition[k])
if (n < k) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < k - 1; i++) {
composition[i] = 0;
composition[k - 1] = n;
return true;
bool get_next_weak_composition(int n, int k, int composition[k])
if (composition[0] == n) {
return false;
// there'a an i with composition[i] > 0, and it is not 0.
// find the last one
int last = k - 1;
while (composition[last] == 0) {
// turn a b ... y z 0 0 ... 0
// ^ last
// into a b ... (y+1) 0 0 0 ... (z-1)
// be careful, there may be no 0's at the end
int z = composition[last];
composition[last - 1] += 1;
composition[last] = 0;
composition[k - 1] = z - 1;
return true;
Results for n=5 k=3
Similar algorithms can be written for compositions of n into k parts greater than some fixed value.
You could try something like this:
start with the array [1,1,...,1,N-k+1] of (K-1) ones and 1 entry with the remainder. The next composition can be created by incrementing the (K-1)th element and decreasing the last element. Do this trick as long as the last element is bigger than the second to last.
When the last element becomes smaller, increment the (K-2)th element, set the (K-1)th element to the same value and set the last element to the remainder again. Repeat the process and apply the same principle for the other elements when necessary.
You end up with a constantly sorted array that avoids duplicate compositions
