Library to use for event extraction from text? - nlp

My project is to extract events automatically from a given text. The events can be written specifically, or just mentioned in a sentence, or not be there at all.
What is the library or technique that I should use for this? I tried the Stanford NER demo, but it gave bad results. I have enough time to explore and learn a library, so complexity is not a problem. Accuracy is a priority.

The task itself is a complex one, it is still not solve now(2018). But recently a very useful python library for nlp is emerging. It is Spacy, this lib has a relative higher performance than its competitors. With the library you can do things like tokenize,POS tagging,NER and sentence similarity。But you still need to utilize these features and extract events based on your specific rule.
Deeplearning may also be a way to try, but even though it works fine on other nlp tasks, it is still immature on event extraction.


Dynamic Topic Modeling with Gensim / which code?

I want to use Dynamic Topic Modeling by Blei et al. ( for a large corpus of nearly 3800 patent documents.
Does anybody has experience in using the DTM in the gensim package?
I identified two models:
models.ldaseqmodel – Dynamic Topic Modeling in Python Link
models.wrappers.dtmmodel – Dynamic Topic Models (DTM) Link
Which one did you use, of if you used both, which one is "better"? In better words, which one did/do you prefer?
Both packages work fine, and are pretty much functionally identical. Which one you might want to use depends on your use case. There are small differences in the functions each model comes with, and small differences in the naming, which might be a little confusing, but for most DTM use cases, it does not matter very much which you pick.
Are the model outputs identical?
Not exactly. They are however very, very close to being identical (98%+) - I believe most of the differences come from slightly different handling of the probabilities in the generative process. So far, I've not yet come across a case where a difference in the sixth or seventh digit after the decimal point has any significant meaning. Interpreting the topics your models finds matters much more than one version finding a higher topic loading for some word by 0.00002
The big difference between the two models: dtmmodel is a python wrapper for the original C++ implementation from blei-lab, which means python will run the binaries, while ldaseqmodel is fully written in python.
Why use dtmmodel?
the C++ code is faster than the python implementation
supports the Document Influence Model from Gerrish/Blei 2010 (potentially interesting for your research, see this paper for an implementation.
Why use ldaseqmodel?
easier to install (simple import statement vs downloading binaries)
can use sstats from a pretrained LDA model - useful with LdaMulticore
easier to understand the workings of the code
I mostly use ldaseqmodel but thats for convenience. Native DIM support would be great to have, though.
What should you do?
Try each of them out, say, on a small sample set and see what the models return. 3800 documents isn't a huge corpus (assuming the patents aren't hundreds of pages each), and I assume that after preprocessing (removing stopwords, images and metadata) your dictionary won't be too large either (lots of standard phrases and legalese in patents, I'd assume). Pick the one that works best for you or has the capabilities you need.
Full analysis might take hours anyway, if you let your code run overnight there is little practical difference, after all, do you care if it finishes at 3am or 5am? If runtime is critical, I would assume the dtmmodel will be more useful.
For implementation examples, you might want to take a look at these notebooks: ldaseqmodel and dtmmodel

Speech to Text Method Using Python

Good day. I am currently working on Machine Translation (Speech-(Text--Text)-Speech) with our local dialects and I already have the speech and text corpus. However, I am facing a problem in recording the speech as input and transcribing it to a text file because the modules available for speech recognition did not cover our dialects, mostly it just supports English and other major languages.
Is there anyone who know how I can fix it? I would be honored to accept your valuable suggestions and it will help me a lot on my studies. Thanks!
To work on text-to-speech for unusual dialects is a big challenge since frequently the audio models do not exist and have to be created from scratch. A good place to start is with one of the tutorials from At this site you will find not only the tutorials involving a number of audio decoders and model generators but also a useful forum where students of various languages other than English have found solutions related to their own dialect problems.
A general plan might be as follows: build a simple English model following the examples given to get used to the terminology and concepts and process involved. Given your inevitable success with English, you can then turn your possession of a native corpus to advantage by building models for your own dialect. It is a reasonable goal and has been done many times before. Be warned however that to get good recognition across a broad vocabulary you will need a very comprehensive corpus data set.

How can one resolve synonyms in named-entity recognition?

In natural language processing, named-entity recognition is the challenge of, well, recognizing named entities such as organizations, places, and most importantly names.
There is a major challenge in this though that I call that of synonymy: The Count and Dracula are in fact referring to the same person, but it it possible that this is never discussed directly in the text.
What would be the best algorithm to resolve these synonyms?
If there is a feature for this in any Python-based library, I'm eager to be educated. I'm using NLTK.
You are describing a problem of coreference resolution and named entity linking. I'm providing separate links as I am not entirely sure which one you meant.
Coreference: Stanford CoreNLP currently has one of the best implementations, but is in Java. I have used the python bindings and I wasn't too happy- I ended up running all my data through the Stanford pipeline just once, and then loading the processed XML files in python. Obviously, that doesn't work if you have to be processing in real time.
Named entity linking: Check out Apache Stanbol and the links in the following Stackoverflow post.

Simple toolkits for emotion (sentiment) analysis (not using machine learning)

I am looking for a tool that can analyze the emotion of short texts. I searched for a week and I couldn't find a good one that is publicly available. The ideal tool is one that takes a short text as input and guesses the emotion. It is preferably a standalone application or library.
I don't need tools that is trained by texts. And although similar questions are asked before no satisfactory answers are got.
I searched the Internet and read some papers but I can't find a good tool I want. Currently I found SentiStrength, but the accuracy is not good. I am using emotional dictionaries right now. I felt that some syntax parsing may be necessary but it's too complex for me to build one. Furthermore, it's researched by some people and I don't want to reinvent the wheels. Does anyone know such publicly/research available software? I need a tool that doesn't need training before using.
Thanks in advance.
I think that you will not find a more accurate program than SentiStrength (or SoCal) for this task - other than machine learning methods in a specific narrow domain. If you have a lot (>1000) of hand-coded data for a specific domain then you might like to try a generic machine learning approach based on your data. If not, then I would stop looking for anything better ;)
Identifying entities and extracting precise information from short texts, let alone sentiment, is a very challenging problem specially with short text because of lack of context. Hovewer, there are few unsupervised approaches to extracting sentiments from texts mainly proposed by Turney (2000). Look at that and may be you can adopt the method of extracting sentiments based on adjectives in the short text for your use-case. It is hovewer important to note that this might require you to efficiently POSTag your short text accordingly.
Maybe EmoLib could be of help.

Natural Language Processing Package

I have started working on a project which requires Natural Language Processing. We have do the spell checking as well as mapping sentences to phrases and their synonyms. I first thought of using GATE but i am confused on what to use? I found an interesting post here which got me even more confused.
Please help me decide on what suits my purpose the best. I am working a web application which will us this NLP tool as a service.
You didn't really give much info, but try this:
I don't think NLTK does spell checking (I could be wrong on this), but it can do parts of speech tagging for text input.
For finding/matching synonyms you could use something like WordNet
If you're doing something really domain specific: I would recommend coming up with your own ontology for domain specific terms.
If you are using Python you can develop a spell checker with Python Enchant.
NLTK is good for developing Sentiment Analysis system too. I have some prototypes of the same too
If you are using deep learning based models, and if you have sufficient data, you can implement task specific models for any purpose. With the development of deep leaning based languages models, you can used word embedding based models with lexicon resources to obtain synonyms and antonyms. You can also follow the links below to obtain more resources.
