How to add CKEditor for input field ? - Livecode - livecode

I don't know for this question is possible.
I want to add CKEditor when input text in textfield same this :

This is not possible with ckEditor.
But there is a Library available called "FieldTrip" which provides a RichTextEditor feature for Livecode Fields
With the library you can create an editor toolbar.
The command
ftSetToolbar "font4s/size2 biu colors supersub ;align strikebox lists spacing borders move", "2,10,5", (390,15,"topcenter")
for example would create the following toolbar
Find some information about it here


When adding the controls through the storyboard, the properties are not applied correctly

In my case, I added a UITextField in the storyboard and I tried to apply some properties through the property window. I enabled the Secure Text Entry property in the property window and I changed the text using the text property in the property window. When changing the text through text property, the UITextField in the storyboard doesn't display the password text rather it displayed the text which I typed in the text property. Can anyone please tell why it is not displaying the password character even though when the Secure Text Entry is enabled in the property window. For the reference, I have attached a video describing the issue which I have faced when adding control through a storyboard. Please download the video using the below link and provide me a better solution for the query.
Video Link: Demo Video
I tested this on XCode as well. This is a bug in VS for Mac's "iOS Designer".
When you run your app though, the text field will show secure characters, so you won't have to worry.
Alternatively, you can just right click on the Storyboard and Open with the native XCode Interface Builder instead, and edit the storyboard therein.
You should file a bug to VS for Mac for this!

How to add a Scrollable text area to a custom Dialog box?

I'm using InstallShield Professional 2013, and I'm having troubles including a scrollable text area in a custom dialog box (like the SdLincenseE RTF dialog box).
I have tried using a normal Text area but it only displays the raw text. Is there a way to add the scrollable text area so it will display the contents of an rtf file like the SdLicenseEx RTF?
I managed to work around this issue by copying and renaming the SdLicenseEx followed by writing a function to handle the scrollable text area.
If not sure if this is the best way to handle this in an installscript project, but it worked for me.

XPages RichText width properties

Using the insert image button of the rich text editor in xpages, you are given an option to resize the width and height of the image. After saving and returning the image returns to the original size. Is there a step I am missing or version bug with this item?
This is not an "answer" exactly, but I used the TinyMCE custom control on OpenNTF to replace using the native rich text control. I've had good luck with it.

Integrating CKEditor in SharePoint2010

Is it possible to integrate CKEditor to SharePoint2010's EDIT ITEM or ADD ITEM page without using CKEditor for SharePoint?
If you want to replace the default editor with CKEditor, it is going to be hard. Remember that the default editor is integrated in the ribbon. If you want to use it for some reason in a webpart or on specific situations like in a page layout you can follow something along the lines of this:

How to add color picker in mfc?

i want be able to select any color i want, just like the attached pic.
yes i want to learn this c++ or mfc . I find it more powerfull . Could u explain to me exactly how to add it to my project. I also want the color iteslf and it code appers in picture box and textbox.
Use CColorDialog class in mfc is used to pick the color from mfc
// Get the selected color from the CColorDialog.
CColorDialog dlg;
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
COLORREF color = dlg.GetColor();
This sample will popup dialog to select the color and after selecting the color and click ok button then color variable will contain the selected color.
Use this color in your application.
You can customize your combo box or list box to add the color pick tool.
Refer this link : CodeProjectSample
CMFCColorDialog is what you seem to be looking for. To make it act like a drop-down, you'll need to position it below the down-arrow button (e.g., using MoveWindow).
Since you don't seem to have the MFC Feature Pack, check the Ultimate Toolbox at Its Graphical User Interface classes have a Color Picker.
For Visual Studio versions prior 2008, you can use BCGSoft's color pikcer ( MFC color dialog is based on this one.
I had a similar problem with CMFCColorButton. I added the graphic resource with the ToolBox on my dialog design, but I could't assign a control variable because it did not recognize CMFCColorButton.
The answer was to include afxcolorbutton.h in the header of stdafx.h. Maybe you can fix it in the same way.
I hope this helps
