XPages RichText width properties - xpages

Using the insert image button of the rich text editor in xpages, you are given an option to resize the width and height of the image. After saving and returning the image returns to the original size. Is there a step I am missing or version bug with this item?

This is not an "answer" exactly, but I used the TinyMCE custom control on OpenNTF to replace using the native rich text control. I've had good luck with it. http://www.openntf.org/internal/home.nsf/project.xsp?action=openDocument&name=XPages%20Tinymce%20Custom%20Control


Fabric.js / Text Edit on mobile

I'm trying to use TUI Image Editor (https://github.com/nhn/tui.image-editor) in my Cordova app on Android.
It is based on Fabric.js and overall working reasonably, however I have major problems with the text annotation: If the edited text is in the lower part of the screen, the Android softkeyboard is covering the text input and doesn't scroll it into view. This also happens when I run the page in the normal Android Chrome browser.
Are there any recipes or examples how to get that working with Fabric.js?
I had the same problem, and I just avoided using the IText and Textbox objects. I just used the html input field and object with type Text in fabric.js without editing inside canvas, and editing inside input and changing text object to input value. Because if you will use the IText and Textbox objects, you will face problems with editing text on small texts, or text objects with a small scale, where editing inside canvas will be difficult and annoying.
If you still want to scroll to text object I can't give you a full solution. But I think you can use canvas events for text
canvas.on('text:editing:entered', (textObject) => {
// calculate canvas offset and textObject offset and scroll to this position

When adding the controls through the storyboard, the properties are not applied correctly

In my case, I added a UITextField in the storyboard and I tried to apply some properties through the property window. I enabled the Secure Text Entry property in the property window and I changed the text using the text property in the property window. When changing the text through text property, the UITextField in the storyboard doesn't display the password text rather it displayed the text which I typed in the text property. Can anyone please tell why it is not displaying the password character even though when the Secure Text Entry is enabled in the property window. For the reference, I have attached a video describing the issue which I have faced when adding control through a storyboard. Please download the video using the below link and provide me a better solution for the query.
Video Link: Demo Video
I tested this on XCode as well. This is a bug in VS for Mac's "iOS Designer".
When you run your app though, the text field will show secure characters, so you won't have to worry.
Alternatively, you can just right click on the Storyboard and Open with the native XCode Interface Builder instead, and edit the storyboard therein.
You should file a bug to VS for Mac for this!

How do you embed images into Acumatica Report hyperlinks?

We are trying to incorporate an image within a link on an Acumatica report.
We are very close to getting the result we need with the 2018R2 version and have a strategy for a workaround in the 2018R1 version.
The TextBox control Is the only way we have found so far that will allow for setting a hyperlink within an invoice report definition. We are able to set a background image in the Appearance/Style/BackImage property. The only way we can get the whole image to be clickable is to have text span the whole control which is fine if we can set the text font to use a transparent color. Setting the Appearance/Style/Color seems to be the property to do this however when the report is previewed the font gets overridden and displayed as the standard Hyperlink color. The behavior when the report is rendered as a PDF via Acumatica’s email delivery system the font appears white. See Images for a visual.
Transparent Text in Report Preview
Transparent Text in Rendered PDF
There looks to be an Appearance/StyleName property for the TextBox control is there an underlying CSS file that can be further manipulated to also control the LinkText properties to display the LinkText in a transparent font? If yes is there any documentation that would help with doing this.
The 2018R1 versions and prior do not render a clickable link within a PDF if the above strategy is used. Per the ticket, I opened last week on the topic the only way to get this link is to have the whole URL on a single line.
PDFs rendered from a invoice definition hosting a hyperlink will not create a clickable link
This makes it a challenge to control the placement of the image to be centered as well as having only the space within the first line as being clickable. We have solved this in a different ERP system by having multiple links overlapping a background image also using transparent font. This required us to set the Z order so that the link controls are rendered on top of the back-ground image. The Acumatica Report Designer however appears to not have the ability to control Z order. Any attempt to place a link overtop of an image does not achieve the result we are looking for. If we can get this strategy to work we will likely also use it for the 2018R2+ versions to keep things consistent.
This screenshot depicts the strategy attempted.
Are there any other strategies to meet this requirement?
Thanks in advance.
For Version 2018 R2:
You can use the TextBox->Style->BackImage property to show the image and the NavigateUrl property to set the URL link. Html mode doesn't display back image but PDF mode will display it fine and the image link works:
For Version 2018 R1:
Unfortunately I didn't find a way to achieve this because I can't get the text to render transparent when it is located over an image.
There is z-order control (bring to front/send to back) in the report designer toolbar and right click context-menu. The problem here is that while the report designer supports overlapping control the report renderer doesn't. If controls are overlapping, when printing the report the overlapping controls won't get rendered on top of another like they are in the designer.
Having overlapping controls isn't really required here because we can display the image with the Textbox Style->BackImage property or with the Report->Style->BackImage.
It's also possible to make text font size bigger so you don't need multiple text box or set multiline=true with textwrap=false and repeat link on each line.
But the main issue remains rendering transparent text over an image. I couldn't find a way to do that. When there's an image under the text, the text is no longer transparent. That behavior happens for the textbox background image as well as the global report background image. This suggests to me that it might not be possible to put transparent text on top:

How to add CKEditor for input field ? - Livecode

I don't know for this question is possible.
I want to add CKEditor when input text in textfield same this :
This is not possible with ckEditor.
But there is a Library available called "FieldTrip" which provides a RichTextEditor feature for Livecode Fields
With the library you can create an editor toolbar.
The command
ftSetToolbar "font4s/size2 biu colors supersub ;align strikebox lists spacing borders move", "2,10,5", (390,15,"topcenter")
for example would create the following toolbar
Find some information about it here

Set height for dojo text area in xpages

I have a dojo text area which I'm binding it to a field. I saw that on browser, its height is OK but if I open the xpage in the Notes client its height is twice bigger. I tried adding height property for the text area, but it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance!
Browsers Firefox and XPiNC (XPages in Notes Client - that is XULrunner based on Firefox) show Dojo Text Area (dijit.form.Textarea) always with at least two rows even it contains only one line of text.
Other browsers like Chrome and IE work like expected.
You don't have a chance to change that behavior with style "height"/"minHeight" or parameter "rows".
The only solution I found is to create an own Textarea widget. But I am not sure if it's worth it...
This issue shows up only for contents with one line. As soon as you have two or more text lines Dojo Text Area's height adapts exactly - for all browsers.
Try setting the height using css styles, that should do it.
In case css should not be working here try using the classic HTML attributes 'cols' and 'rows'. I don't have Domino Designer ata hand right now, so I can't tell whether those attributes are available. If not you could add them yourself using the 'attrs' group.
