Apache Thrift RejectedExecutionException - multithreading

My application consists of PHP client and Java backend wired by Apache Thrift, and I faced with problem with Thrift thread pool.
In case I run PHP tests which send requests via Thrift to backend I get an exception
TSocket: timed out reading 4 bytes from localhost:34567
And at the same time I see the following in logs on Java side:
java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task org.apache.thrift.server.TThreadPoolServer$WorkerProcess#17a0d6f rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#80080[Running, pool size = 50, active threads = 50, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]
So from my point of view it means that single-threaded synchronous PHP application uses all the configured threads (50), and it's strange.
I use Apache Thrift 0.9.0, PHP 5.4.13 and Java 1.7.0_45
Java server code:
public class ThriftServer implements TransportServer {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThriftServer.class);
private final TServer server;
private final SprootService service;
private final int port;
public ThriftServer(Integer thriftPort) throws IOException, ThriftException, ConfigurationException, ConfigValidationException {
this.service = new SprootService();
this.port = thriftPort;
try {
TProcessor processor = new TSprootService.Processor<SprootService>(service);
TServerSocket socket = new TServerSocket(port);
TBinaryProtocol.Factory protocolFactory = new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(true, true);
ThreadPoolServerArgs targs = new ThreadPoolServerArgs(socket, processor, protocolFactory, 5, 50);
this.server = new TThreadPoolServer(targs);
} catch (TTransportException tte) {
throw new ThriftException("Exception has occured during attempt to create Thrift server on port " + port, tte);
public void start() {
logger.info("Thrift server is started on port " + port);
System.out.println("Thrift server is started on port " + port);
PHP client code:
class SprootClient {
private $thriftClient = null;
private $mappersRegistry = null;
private $tSocket = null;
public function __construct($host, $port) {
$this->thriftClient = $this->initThriftClient($host, $port);
$this->mappersRegistry = new MappersRegistry();
public function __destruct() {
private function initThriftClient($host, $port) {
settype($port, 'integer');
$this->tSocket = new TSocket($host, $port);
try {
$this->tSocket -> open();
$protocol = new TBinaryProtocol($this->tSocket);
return new TSprootServiceClient($protocol);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new SprootClientException($e->getMessage()." ".$e->getTraceAsString());
private function getThriftClient() {
return $this->thriftClient;
public function put($cacheName, $key, $domainObject) {
if ($domainObject == null || $key == null) {
throw new SprootClientException("Both key and value cannot be null or empty");
try {
$mapper = $this->mappersRegistry->getDomainMapper($cacheName);
$dataObject = $mapper->toTDataObject($domainObject);
$this->getThriftClient()->put($cacheName, $key, $dataObject);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new SprootClientException($e->getMessage()." ".$e->getTraceAsString());


The connection was inactive for more than the allowed 60000 milliseconds and is closed by container

I have an azure function that sends a message to the service bus queue. Since a recent deployment, I see an exception occurring frequently: The connection was inactive for more than the allowed 60000 milliseconds and is closed by container.
I looked into this GitHub post: https://github.com/Azure/azure-service-bus-java/issues/280 it says this is a warning. Is there a way to increase this timeout? Or any suggestions on how to resolve this? Here is my code:
namespace Repositories.ServiceBusQueue
public class MembershipServiceBusRepository : IMembershipServiceBusRepository
private readonly QueueClient _queueClient;
public MembershipServiceBusRepository(string serviceBusNamespacePrefix, string queueName)
var msiTokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateManagedIdentityTokenProvider();
_queueClient = new QueueClient($"https://{serviceBusNamespacePrefix}.servicebus.windows.net", queueName, msiTokenProvider);
public async Task SendMembership(GroupMembership groupMembership, string sentFrom = "")
if (groupMembership.SyncJobPartitionKey == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("SyncJobPartitionKey must be set."); }
if (groupMembership.SyncJobRowKey == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("SyncJobRowKey must be set."); }
foreach (var message in groupMembership.Split().Select(x => new Message
Body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x)),
SessionId = groupMembership.RunId.ToString(),
ContentType = "application/json",
Label = sentFrom
await _queueClient.SendAsync(message);
This could be due to deadlock in the thread pool, please check if you are calling an async method from a sync method.

MassTransit Consumer not getting called

In the following sample program (using MassTransit, Azure ServiceBus), I am able to send messages to the queue, but my Receive Endpoint/Consumer does not seems to get the message. What am I doing wrong here? (Simple publish and a handler example given in this link(http://masstransit-project.com/MassTransit/quickstart.html) works fine!)
static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
var bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(cfg =>
var serviceUri = ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", "{sb}", "{sb-name}");
var host = cfg.Host(serviceUri, h =>
h.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
h.TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider(
h.TransportType = TransportType.NetMessaging;
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "test_queue", ep =>
await SendAHello(bus);
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");
private static async Task SendAHello(IBusControl bus)
var sendToUri = new Uri("queue-end-point-address");
var endPoint = await bus.GetSendEndpoint(sendToUri);
await endPoint.Send<ISayHello>( new
Message = "Hello there !"
public class SayHelloCommandConsumer : IConsumer<ISayHello>
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<ISayHello> context)
var command = context.Message;
return Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Recieved a message {command}");
public interface ISayHello
string Message { get; set; }
The queue address looked suspect, and it seems like you've corrected it.

DNX (rc1-final): IHttpConnectionFeature not found

Using the latest rc1-final version of ASP.NET 5, I'm attempting to find the remote IP address inside an Azure API App controller method.
When running the code, 'context' is this.HttpContext, inside the controller method.
But feature is coming back null, since the feature doesn't exist.
IHttpConnectionFeature feature = context.Features.Get<IHttpConnectionFeature>();
Does anything have to be enabled in the configuration to have this feature be available?
I had the same problem.
The following code works for me:
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
if (!UserID.HasValue)
var remoteIpAddress = HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpConnectionFeature>()?.RemoteIpAddress.ToString();
if (remoteIpAddress == null)
throw new Exception("Cannot determine client IP");
await _userService.LoginAnonymous(remoteIpAddress);
string url = UriHelper.GetDisplayUrl(Request);
return Redirect(url);
return View("Index", ViewModel);
private static void UpdateRemoteIp(HttpContext httpContext)
var xForwardedForHeaderValue = httpContext.Request.Headers.GetCommaSeparatedValues(XForwardedForHeaderName);
if (xForwardedForHeaderValue != null && xForwardedForHeaderValue.Length > 0)
IPAddress ipFromHeader;
int? port;
if (IPAddressWithPortParser.TryParse(xForwardedForHeaderValue[0], out ipFromHeader, out port))
var connection = httpContext.Connection;
var remoteIPString = connection.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remoteIPString))
httpContext.Request.Headers[XOriginalIPName] = remoteIPString;
if (port.HasValue)
if (connection.RemotePort != 0)
httpContext.Request.Headers[XOriginalPortName] = connection.RemotePort.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
connection.RemotePort = port.Value;
connection.RemoteIpAddress = ipFromHeader;
Hope it helps you

TCP client server in C#, it doesn't show anything, neither it is connecting

I am trying to connect to TCP client but seems to be not working, following is my code snippet, when I am running this application ,It doesn't show IP it is running and the port it is listening to.
public class serv {
public static void Main() {
try {
IPAddress ipAd = IPAddress.Parse("");
// use local m/c IP address, and
// use the same in the client
TcpListener myList=new TcpListener(ipAd,8001);
Console.WriteLine("The server is running at port 8001...");
Console.WriteLine("The local End point is :" +
myList.LocalEndpoint );
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a connection.....");
Socket s=myList.AcceptSocket();
Console.WriteLine("Connection accepted from " + s.RemoteEndPoint);
byte[] b=new byte[100];
int k=s.Receive(b);
for (int i=0;i<k;i++)
ASCIIEncoding asen=new ASCIIEncoding();
s.Send(asen.GetBytes("The string was recieved by the server."));
Console.WriteLine("\nSent Acknowledgement");
catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("Error..... " + e.StackTrace);
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Sockets;
public class clnt {
public static void Main() {
try {
TcpClient tcpclnt = new TcpClient();
// use the ipaddress as in the server program
Console.Write("Enter the string to be transmitted : ");
String str=Console.ReadLine();
Stream stm = tcpclnt.GetStream();
ASCIIEncoding asen= new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] ba=asen.GetBytes(str);
byte[] bb=new byte[100];
int k=stm.Read(bb,0,100);
for (int i=0;i<k;i++)
catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("Error..... " + e.StackTrace);
you didn't specified the start
after this line
TcpListener myList=new TcpListener(ipAd,8001);
this is for listening the port
Hope this works !

RFCommConnectionTrigger in Windows Universal Apps To detect Incoming Bluetooth Connection

I am working on a Windows Universal App. I Want to get the Data from a Bluetooth Device to the Windows Phone. I am Using the Concept of RFCommCommunicationTrigger for this Purpose.
Here's the code Snippet I am Using
var rfTrigger = new RfcommConnectionTrigger();
// Specify what the service ID is
rfTrigger.InboundConnection.LocalServiceId = RfcommServiceId.FromUuid(new Guid("<some_base_guid>"));
//Register RFComm trigger
var rfReg = RegisterTaskOnce(
rfTrigger, null
SetCompletedOnce(rfReg, OnTaskCompleted);
Here the Function of RegisterTaskOnce
static private IBackgroundTaskRegistration RegisterTaskOnce(string taskName, string entryPoint, IBackgroundTrigger trigger, params IBackgroundCondition[] conditions)
// Validate
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskName)) throw new ArgumentException("taskName");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entryPoint)) throw new ArgumentException("entryPoint");
if (trigger == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("trigger");
// Look to see if the name is already registered
var existingReg = (from reg in BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks
where reg.Value.Name == taskName
select reg.Value).FirstOrDefault();
Debug.WriteLine("Background task "+ taskName+" is already running in the Background");
// If already registered, just return the existing registration
if (existingReg != null)
return existingReg;
// Create the builder
var builder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
builder.TaskEntryPoint = entryPoint;
builder.Name = taskName;
// Conditions?
if (conditions != null)
foreach (var condition in conditions)
// Register
return builder.Register();
Here's the code for SetCompletedOnce this will add a Handler only once
static private void SetCompletedOnce(IBackgroundTaskRegistration reg, BackgroundTaskCompletedEventHandler handler)
// Validate
if (reg == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("reg");
if (handler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");
// Unsubscribe in case already subscribed
reg.Completed -= handler;
// Subscribe
reg.Completed += handler;
I have also Written the BackgroundLibrary.RFBackgroundTask.cs
public sealed class RFBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
taskInstance.Canceled += new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler(OnCanceled);
Debug.WriteLine("RFComm Task Running");
catch (System.Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("RFComm Task Error: {0}", e.Message);
The Run Method is Invoked Every Time The Device tries to Open the Connection.
The type of the Trigger that is obtained (the type I am debugging in the run method of the RFBackgroundTask.cs) is printed as
But I am Unable use that because I dont have this Class in the BackgroundLibrary project.
The Documentation says that this Provides information about the Bluetooth device that caused this trigger to fire.
It has Variables like Socket,RemoteDevice etc.
I think I am Missing something very simple
Can you please help me out .
Once your background task is launched, simply cast the TriggerDetails object to an RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails object:
public sealed class RFBackgroundTask : IBackgroundTask
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
taskInstance.Canceled += new BackgroundTaskCanceledEventHandler(OnCanceled);
RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails details = (RfcommConnectionTriggerDetails)taskInstance.TriggerDetails;
StreamSocket = details.Socket; // Rfcomm Socket
// Access other properties...
catch (System.Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("RFComm Task Error: {0}", e.Message);
