I need to compare strings case-insensitive in Freemarker template on Liferay Portal.
I tried with:
<#if nav_item.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("home")>
<!-- if do -->
But I get error:
Expected hash. nav_item.getName() evaluated instead to freemarker.template.SimpleScalar on line 39, column 46 in navigation.ftl.
As indicated here, I can use the common flag Case insensitive to not differentiate the lower and upper-case variation of the same letter. So I tried with:
<#if nav_item.getName()?matches("home", "i")>
But does not work! I get error.
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
?matches("home", "i") should work, so what error message do you get with it? Another solution is nav_item.name?lower_case == "home". (BTW, you don't have to write .getName(), just write .name.)
I'm trying to output a template variable inside the if statement in ModX, but it gives no output.
I have multiple pages with links to articles and the point is to only output template variable content on the first page but not the others.
// This gives no output:
// This outputs "yes" on the first page and "no" on others:
I've even tried this, but it still does not give any output. I guess the problem is not about the output modifier:
I'm using ModX Revo 2.7.0
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
Actually in your case missing a double closing angle bracket "]]"
The `or:is=` is matching against an empty state. Unless that is intentional you should be able to remove it. Also, the `:else=`` is the default state, so, you don't need that either.
The following should work and you'll have cleaner code:
In Freemarker, I have a Map<Map<...>> in the model.
Due to FM glitch, querying for 2nd level Map needs ?api. However, that escapes the normal value existence checks and complicates things.
This is what I have:
<#if sortedStatsMap[rowTag.name]?? && sortedStatsMap[rowTag.name]?is_hash>
This ends up with:
APINotSupportedTemplateException: The value doesn't support ?api. See requirements in the FreeMarker Manual.
(FTL type: sequence+extended_hash+string (wrapper: f.c.DefaultToExpression$EmptyStringAndSequence),
TemplateModel class: f.c.DefaultToExpression$EmptyStringAndSequence,
ObjectWapper: freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper#1074040321(2.3.26, useAdaptersForContainers=true, forceLegacyNonListCollections=true, iterableSupport=trueexposureLevel=1, exposeFields=false, treatDefaultMethodsAsBeanMembers=true, sharedClassIntrospCache=#1896185155, ...))
The blamed expression:
==> sortedStatsMap[rowTag.name]! [in template "reports/templates/techReport-boxes.ftl" at line 152, column 84]
If I try
then this also fails because if missing, it gives me empty_string_and_sequence and ?is_hash can't be applied, reportedly. (Says that in an error.)
What's the proper logic to check whether I can use ?api.get(key)? Or the right way to use ! to handle missing values or a missing key?
You can check if a value supports ?api with ?has_api. Though maybe you don't need that; the example and the problems related to it should be clarified (see my comments).
please advise on my particular issue.
I have a table field with VARCHAR type. I need to validate this field the way it DOESN'T have any non-ASCII symbols (like ╥ ї ╡ etc.) I didn't find any ways to resolve this issue.
Please give me a hand in this. Thanks in advance!
The example attached in comments can't resolve my issue. There is shown a fixed set of latin chars and numbers, but my field accepts Japanese and Chinese symbols.
Time for another silly XML trick:
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/17467695/3434508 for details on using Regular Expressions for DB2
See https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPGG_9.7.0/com.ibm.db2.luw.xml.doc/doc/xqrregexp.html for advanced RegEx character classes.
I'm still fairly new to Freemarker and am currently trying to output a bulleted list using the Split builtin.
My code so far is so:
<#list listingname?split(", ") as x>
• ${x} <br />
My issue arises when a value from the 'listingname' field contains a comma-space (, ) - this causes the the outputed code to break prematurely.
So for example, let's say:
listingname = "john's company", "bill, bob's tackle and bait", "john do - attorney at law"
The above code would render it as so:
• "john's company"
• "bill
• bob's tackle and bait"
• "john do - attorney at law"
The issue here is that the 2nd set of double-quoted text breaks instead of displaying "bill, bob's tackle and bait" on one line.
So I guess my question is, is there a way to prevent this from happening?
Can't you just pass that listing to FreeMarker as a Java List or array? I mean, it's like you try to parse the list literals of some language here. That's not something you usually do in templates. And ?split is just for spliting, it's certainly not smart enough for this.
But if you indeed has to do this, parsing in the template, what syntactical rules does this listing string follow? Like, what if a list item value contains a quotation mark? Will it be escaped like \"? If the syntax is compatible with FTL's own syntax, you could do <#list ('[' + listingname + ']')?eval as x>.
I am using the code inXML scehma to represent my phone number which is like this:
I am getting an error like: values Abc-JHG is not allowed for element Name.
How should I make it comaptile with my input.
\d is only for numbers, change the second two to \w.
Use a regular expression that allows non-numeric data.