Freemarker - How to prevent Split builtin from breaking prematurely - string

I'm still fairly new to Freemarker and am currently trying to output a bulleted list using the Split builtin.
My code so far is so:
<#list listingname?split(", ") as x>
• ${x} <br />
My issue arises when a value from the 'listingname' field contains a comma-space (, ) - this causes the the outputed code to break prematurely.
So for example, let's say:
listingname = "john's company", "bill, bob's tackle and bait", "john do - attorney at law"
The above code would render it as so:
• "john's company"
• "bill
• bob's tackle and bait"
• "john do - attorney at law"
The issue here is that the 2nd set of double-quoted text breaks instead of displaying "bill, bob's tackle and bait" on one line.
So I guess my question is, is there a way to prevent this from happening?

Can't you just pass that listing to FreeMarker as a Java List or array? I mean, it's like you try to parse the list literals of some language here. That's not something you usually do in templates. And ?split is just for spliting, it's certainly not smart enough for this.
But if you indeed has to do this, parsing in the template, what syntactical rules does this listing string follow? Like, what if a list item value contains a quotation mark? Will it be escaped like \"? If the syntax is compatible with FTL's own syntax, you could do <#list ('[' + listingname + ']')?eval as x>.


Freemarker - Split String based on New Line

I want to split a string based on the lines, meaning seperating contents on seperate lines.
Example -
Hello I
Bill Gates
Final Array should be ["Hello I","am","Bill Gates"]
I tried using split function and passing '\n' but it ain't working.
<#assign finalValue = body?split('\n') />
I am not getting the desired result in this case. Can you please help me out with this?
For more details, read below -
I am trying to fetch country from an address. Country is always on the last line of address, so I am trying to SPLIT the address based on lines, thus fetching last line which is the desired output.
Example -
ABC, Industries Ltd.,
XYZ Street,
United States.
So here, I am using split function as address?split("\n") but it ain't working.
So, I tried splitting using Developers Console and it worked fine there. Used split() function.
Upon fetching the address value though, I am getting it as -
ABC, Industries Ltd., \n XYZ Street, \nUnited States.
Hence, thought of splitting using \n but it ain't working!
The usual problem is that there are 3 kind of line-breaks in use: \r\n (Windows and some Web protocols), \n (everything else), and very rarely \r (old Mac). The split that works with all is ?split(r'\R', 'r'). Note that the R is capital in \R. That's a regular expression construct, supported since Java 8.
Likely doesn't help the OP, but might help someone else from the frustration of trying to split on line break for an advanced PDF in NetSuite using Freemarker!
You need to use <br />
${var?split(r"<br />", "r")}

Sublime Text 3 custom syntax for cottle: hard to start

I'm trying to make a "very simple" syntax highlight for "cottle" (which is a script language used in a text-to-speech app dedicated to Elite:Dangerous).
All i want (at least at the beginning) is to have three different colours: Comments, "non-strings", and strings.
I started trying with the ST3 wiki, youtube tutorials, questions here.... but i can't sort out how to do it, 'cause the way the language work.
I'll try to show you an example
{ everything_between_a_pair_of_brackets_is_code }
everything outside all pairs of bracket is a string {_ and this is a comment. It begins with "_" and ends at the closing bracket }
{ This_is_code("but this is a string")
This_is_still_code("this is also a string {but_this_is_code(\"and a string\")} and this the end of the string")
My problem is how to define this kind of "nidification" in my cottle.sublime-syntax file. I managed to get the comment, but only the first one.
- EDIT -
This is a real script:
{if event.repairedfully:
fully repaired
partially repaired
OneOf("to ", "at "),
Humanise( * 100),
" percent functionality"
cat(OneOf(", ", "and is"), " ready for re-activation")
The output of this script could be "Engine module fully repaired." or "Engine module partially repaired, and is ready for re-activation."
Please note the last dot of the phrase, which in the code is after the last bracket.
This is another sample, with strings passed to functions inside other strings:
{OneOf("{ShipName()} has", "")}
{OneOf("left supercruise", "{OneOf(\"entered\", \"returned to\", \"dropped to\")} normal space")}
My question is:
how sublime-syntax files handle this kind of nidification?
Looking at the overview of the templating language over at, it seems to be an easy syntax for which to write a .sublime-syntax for, but given the utter lack of resources for knowing how syntax files works in ST, I can understand it can be sometimes difficult to start or even understand.
So, I took the liberty of creating a starter syntax definition (the result of an hour & a half of boredom on a Saturday evening), which you can take and work upon. Note that I have not used the language and as such made it by just reading the docs and looking over code snippets.
You can find a gist for it here (
Here is a screenshot showing it in the color scheme I use (which follows the official scope naming guidelines).
It still lacks support for user defined functions (as I came to know from the docs) (and probably a few other things), but maybe that's something you can add to it !
Note that to use it, save the file as Cottle.sublime-syntax in your User package. Right now files having a .cottle extension are highlighted (because I don't know how you create a cottle file).
The syntax definition doesn't use any new feature added in ST4, so it should work the same in both ST3 & ST4.

BluePrism count number of times a character exists in a string

I have a calculation which will remove a blank space and replace with a full stop. This is correct for 90% of my cases. However, sometimes two blanks will appear in my value. For the second space I want to delete it. Is this possible?
I think it may be possible using a code stage, but I am not sure what the code would be.
My current calculation is Replace([Item Data.Name], " ", ".")
Example data John B Smith I want the result to be John.BSmith
For anything that'd like to do with the strings, there is a really powerful tool called Regular Expressions (regex). I encourage you to play with it, because it's a really powerful tool in the hands of RPA developer.
To replace the second space in any string with a "." you can use the following action.
Object: Utility - Strings
Action: Regex - Find and Replace
Regex Pattern: "(?<= .*) "
Text: "John B Smith"
Replacement: "."
The above action is not a standard Blueprism one, so it has to be added to your VBO. The action looks as follows:
The code for that action is as follows:
Dim R as New Regex(Regex_Pattern, RegexOptions.SingleLine)
Dim M as Match = R.Match(Text)
replacement_result = R.Replace(Text,Regex_Pattern,replacement_string)
There might be a need for some additional assemblies, so please see below a printscreen of references and namespaces used in my object:
I resolved this issue by using the Utility - Strings object and the split text action. I split my name by space. This outputted a collection which I was then able to loop through and add a full stop after the fist instance but then trim the other instances.
Please see screenshot
I think the simplest solution would be
Replace(Replace(Text," "," ")" ","."))
if you know that it will give one or two spaces
First replace the two white spaces to single and then again single white space to dot(.)

Antlr Lexer and Parser for catching exressions within another expression

I need to get the pieces of text out of text)). Very simple example actually, but gives me quite some pain.
Here is the sample text, it is an email template:
Hi hi there {!Account.Id + 'cool'}.
Very interesting stuff - {!Contact.Description}
Now we get {!Contact.Description + Contact.Email__c}
So I need all the occurances of text like Account.Name, but only those which are within opening "{!" and closing "}" tags.
What is the simplest/starting approach to do it? Note that in case of the last line, I need to get the two occurances, Contact.Description and Contact.Email__c.
Thanks a lot for any help!
I would just do a plain text search for {...} blocks and parse their content with a simple expression parser. Don't try to come up with a parser that gets all the text and must be prepared to deal with any rubbish that can come in outside of the blocks (which could ultimatively lead to security problems).

How do I do a multi-line string in node.js?

With the rise of node.js, multi-line strings are becoming more necessary in JavaScript.
Is there a special way to do this in Node.JS, even if it does not work in browsers?
Are there any plans or at least a feature request to do this that I can support?
I already know that you can use \n\ at the end of every line, that is not what I want.
node v4 and current versions of node
As of ES6 (and so versions of Node greater than v4), a new "template literal" intrinsic type was added to Javascript (denoted by back-ticks "`") which can also be used to construct multi-line strings, as in:
`this is a
single string`
which evaluates to: 'this is a\nsingle string'.
Note that the newline at the end of the first line is included in the resulting string.
Template literals were added to allow programmers to construct strings where values or code could be directly injected into a string literal without having to use util.format or other templaters, as in:
let num=10;
console.log(`the result of ${num} plus ${num} is ${num + num}.`);
which will print "the result of 10 plus 10 is 20." to the console.
Older versions of node
Older version of node can use a "line continuation" character allowing you to write multi-line strings such as:
'this is a \
single string'
which evaluates to: 'this is a single string'.
Note that the newline at the end of the first line is not included in the resulting string.
Multiline strings are a current part of JavaScript (since ES6) and are supported in node.js v4.0.0 and newer.
var text = `Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, consectetur
elit. `;
What exactly are you looking for when you mean multiline strings.
Are you looking for something like:
var str = "Some \
String \
Which would print as "Some String Here"?
If so, keep in mind that the above is valid Javascript, but this isn't:
var str = "Some \
String \
What's the difference? A space after the \. Have fun debugging that.
As an aside to what folks have been posting here, I've heard that concatenation can be much faster than join in modern javascript vms. Meaning:
var a =
[ "hey man, this is on a line",
"and this is on another",
"and this is on a third"
Will be slower than:
var a = "hey man, this is on a line\n" +
"and this is on another\n" +
"and this is on a third";
In certain cases.
As another aside, I find this one of the more appealing features in Coffeescript. Yes, yes, I know, haters gonna hate.
html = '''
cup of coffeescript
Its especially nice for html snippets. I'm not saying its a reason to use it, but I do wish it would land in ecma land :-(.
In addition to accepted answer:
`this is a
single string`
which evaluates to: 'this is a\nsingle string'.
If you want to use string interpolation but without a new line,
just add backslash as in normal string:
`this is a \
single string`
=> 'this is a single string'.
Bear in mind manual whitespace is necessary though:
`this is a\
single string`
=> 'this is asingle string'
Take a look at the mstring module for node.js.
This is a simple little module that lets you have multi-line strings in JavaScript.
Just do this:
var M = require('mstring')
var mystring = M(function(){/***
Mining and
to get
mystring === "Ontario\nMining and\nForestry\nGroup"
And that's pretty much it.
How It Works
In Node.js, you can call the .toString method of a function, and it will give you the source code of the function definition, including any comments. A regular expression grabs the content of the comment.
Yes, it's a hack. Inspired by a throwaway comment from Dominic Tarr.
note: The module (as of 2012/13/11) doesn't allow whitespace before the closing ***/, so you'll need to hack it in yourself.
Take a look at CoffeeScript:
It supports multi-line strings, interpolation, array comprehensions and lots of other nice stuff.
If you use io.js, it has support for multi-line strings as they are in ECMAScript 6.
var a =
`this is
a multi-line
See "New String Methods" at for details and "template strings" at for tracking compatibility.
Vanilla Javascipt does not support multi-line strings. Language pre-processors are turning out to be feasable these days.
CoffeeScript, the most popular of these has this feature, but it's not minimal, it's a new language. Google's traceur compiler adds new features to the language as a superset, but I don't think multi-line strings are one of the added features.
I'm looking to make a minimal superset of javascript that supports multiline strings and a couple other features. I started this little language a while back before writing the initial compiler for coffeescript. I plan to finish it this summer.
If pre-compilers aren't an option, there is also the script tag hack where you store your multi-line data in a script tag in the html, but give it a custom type so that it doesn't get evaled. Then later using javascript, you can extract the contents of the script tag.
Also, if you put a \ at the end of any line in source code, it will cause the the newline to be ignored as if it wasn't there. If you want the newline, then you have to end the line with "\n\".
