Apportable is not updated to the latest version - apportable

I am using the free version of the apportable, after updating the apporatable it is showing the current version is "Apportable SDK version release_1.0.34 (1e06..... full)" although on
their website it is showing the latest version is, how to get the latest SDK?
Last update output in terminal:
$ apportable --version
Apportable SDK version release_1.0.34 (1e06ded3379bd59161534f679b9bcc3e385b1d95 full)
clang version 7fc8b05e4f57f61dbbbe5c8e62581b0e0c42941e
gdb version b5f29d65da6903ad0570d0c4a887c513367d2778
android sdk version r21.0.1.1
android ndk version r8d.1
ninja version 315d897710c6ca6e7df7d3b0bf68879356841c5d

In Terminal, enter:
apportable update
apportable update_toolchain
This will check for updates and update apportable itself, as well as updating the Android toolchain / SDK stuff. Usually just updating apportable suffices.
If Apportable won't update you can "reset" it by deleting the folder ~/User/.apportable. In Terminal:
rm -rf ~/User/.apportable
Then go to the apportable website, download apportable and follow their instructions for first-time setup.
Note that there is a chance that the Starter version may simply lag some version numbers behind the paid versions. I'm not aware of Apportable's versioning strategy but many companies only provide major or critical updates to free editions of their product, they prefer the free version to be stable rather than the latest edition.

You also need to ensure that you have the latest SDK version selected on your Account page in the SDK Version section.
I was experiencing the same problem; for some reason an SDK several versions behind was selected on this page.


Error: The specified language version is too high. The highest supported language version is 2.8. in android studio how can I fix it?

After switched to branch 'stable' flutter channel
The following is the build issue.
Error: The specified language version is too high. The highest supported language version is 2.8.
output: ../../third_party/dart/third_party/pkg/collection/lib/src/utils.dart:1:1: Error: The specified language version is too high. The highest supported language version is 2.8.
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
../../third_party/dart/third_party/pkg/collection/lib/src/wrappers.dart:1:1: Error: The specified language version is too high. The highest supported language version is 2.8.
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
../../third_party/dart/third_party/pkg/collection/lib/src/functions.dart:1:1: Error: The specified language version is too high. The highest supported language version is 2.8.
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
This happens, because the your specified language version is higher than the one declared in the .dart_tool directory (specifically in the package_config.json file).
You can either delete the folder manually or let Flutter tools do it for you. Run flutter clean from the terminal or, if using Android Studio, go to Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Clean.
One of your packages in pubspec.yaml is requiring dart version up that you have installed. For example, I face this issue withe analyzer package.
In my pubspec
analyzer: ˆ3.3.1
So I ve run
flutter version
Tools • Dart 2.13.3
But as you can see here version 3.3.1 require Dart Tools 2.14
Discover which package version in incompatible with your dart
Run flutter clean and then flutter --version command from the terminal:
Then, check the flutter version
in pubspec.yml (here it is 1.22.5) and change the version to match the one from the terminal.
If the above do not work for you, simply update all your packages to the latest package, flutter clean, pub get and run the project.
I had the same error yesterday and I fixed it.
This error came when you switch the version of flutter from 1.17.5 (stable channel) to 1.20.? (dev channel).
To fix it, just create a new project using the last version installed on your PC and copy & paste all the files.
The problem comes from the pubspec.lock file because of the versions.
So in conclusion, if you changed the version of Flutter, just create another project and copy the necessary files.

Android Studio re-installation from 1.x.x to 2.3.3 version

1) I re-installed Android Studio from 1.x.x to 2.3.3 version. The installation guide said the difference is too big and suggested first the previous version be uninstalled. It appears uninstallation still leaves the previous Studio structure and AndroidStudio and SDK directories still are kept in their places. Then installation built a new version at locations AndroidStudio1 and SDK1.
But when I look in Settings for SDK location it points to SDK rather than to SDK1. Could it be a problem?
2) When trying to "Check out project from Version Control > GitHub" I receive the following error "Cannot run program "git.exe": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified".
The sdk directory name is not a problem. You can always change to any sdk version you want
U need to install git first. Have you installed git?

Is there a way to upgrade android studio in linux?

I have android studio version 0.4.2 and want to upgrade it to version 0.8.9. I am using ubuntu. In linux there is no installer for android studio. So, I downloaded the android studio version 0.8.9. Now should I just run the file in the bin directory? Are there any precautions that I have to take? How do I make sure that this act as an update rather than just running a new android studio (what about my previous workspace, dependencies etc)?
Your version (Preview) uses ~/.AndroidStudioPreview to store the configs. Starting 0.8 the configs are saved in ~/.AndroidStudioBeta.
After first start, the new version will ask to import from old install. Point it to ~/.AndroidStudioPreview and you'll be good to go.

Is there a legacy toolchain for Android NDK r9c?

Trying to use VS-Android with the latest NDK but it doesn't include the old toolchain.
The site says With NDK revision 9 and higher, the release packages have been split to reduce download size. The first download for each platform contains the default NDK toolchain. The second download contains legacy NDK toolchains for that platform
But there is only one package for every platform. I can't find a way to get older versions either.

Change target sdk on Phonegap for nodejs

Im using phonegap on nodejs, but when I use the command
phonegap local build android
It automatically ask me for "Android 4.2 SDK"
Please install Android target 17 (the Android 4.2 SDK). Make sure you
have the latest Android tools installed as well.
How can I choose a lower vesion (android 4.1) of the sdk using phonegap for nodejs?
Short answer: you don't have to!
I struggled with this until I installed v17 and completed my first build. It turns out that the generated Androidmanifest.xml has minSdkVersion=10, so the minimum version required for your application is 2.3.3, it just needs to compile against v17.
