Where do I get 'httr' for R version 2.15.2 - linux

Hi, all.
The 'httr' file that CRAN website provides only works on those Rs with versions higher than 3.0. I have a R version 2.15.2. Where can I get 'httr' for my version of R?
May I know what is the correct way to achieve my objective?
Sincerely, Alicia.

You can get the old archives of a package from cran. For httr the archive is at cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/httr . For projects on github some developers will have tagged releases. httr has the following releases https://github.com/hadley/httr/releases . You can install a package from github using the install_github function from the devtools package.
devtools::install_github("hadley/httr", ref = "httr-0.2")
would install the release tagged 'httr-0.2'


Artifactory Unable to find module with librarian-puppet

I'm trying to use the librarian-puppet to fetch forge modules from an Artifactory repository.
In my Puppetfile I have something like:
forge "https://<artifactory_host>/artifactory/api/puppet/<repo_key>" #From artifactory docs
# PuppetLabs Modules
mod 'puppetlabs/stdlib', '4.24.0'
The command that I'm using is /usr/local/bin/pdk bundle -- exec librarian-puppet install --no-use-v1-api --verbose
The error that I get is:
[Librarian] Resolving puppetlabs-stdlib (= 4.24.0) <https://<artifactory_host>/artifactory/api/puppet/<repo_key>>
[Librarian] Checking manifests Unable to find module 'puppetlabs-stdlib' on https://<artifactory_host>/artifactory/api/puppet/<repo_key>
/tmp/tmp.BXyhBoNRiR/.pdk/cache/ruby/2.1.0/gems/librarian-puppet-3.0.0/lib/librarian/puppet/source/forge/repo_v3.rb:44:in `rescue in get_module'
/tmp/tmp.BXyhBoNRiR/.pdk/cache/ruby/2.1.0/gems/librarian-puppet-3.0.0/lib/librarian/puppet/source/forge/repo_v3.rb:41:in `get_module'
puppet 3.8.7
pdk 1.5.0
ruby 2.1.9
According to the documentation at https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Puppet+Repositories#PuppetRepositories-Usinglibrarian-puppet, it seems I'm trying to get the modules correctly using the librarian-puppet, but something most be missing.
Thanks for any help.
I think Artifacotry does not support Puppet 3.8.7 its documented in Wiki.
Puppet version support
Puppet does not support a context path up to version 4.9.1, we recommend using Artifactory with Puppet version 4.9.2 and above. Please see below if you are using Puppet 4.9.1 and below.
The official Artifactory documentation (not a wiki) recommends using Puppet 4.9.2 or later with Artifactory:
Puppet version support
Puppet does not support a context path up to version 4.9.1, we
recommend using Artifactory with Puppet version 4.9.2 and above.
Please see below if you are using Puppet 4.9.1 and below.
(Emphasis in the original.)
As that comment indicates, however, the docs do also suggest a workaround for use with earlier Puppet:
If you need to use Puppet 4.9.1 and below you can use a workaround
which uses NGINX or Apache to rewrite all requests from /v3/* to
The docs go on to present some example configurations, which I will not repeat here.

How to integrate other ember app to existing project?

I am working on ember cli version 1.12 and node js version v0.12.7,I want to intergrate ember-cli-barcode addon.I have tried following:
ember install:npm ember-cli-barcode
Then it will show message that it required node version 4 >.So I have used Node version v7.0.0 stable.I installed node modules and addon.
Then tried following command:
npm install
bower install
ember server
But It will always shows errors,of node-modules etc.Kindly help me for the same how to integrate addon and which file need to change.
This should be a comment but I can't comment yet. I'm the author and it's compatible with Ember 2.4 onward. I will be putting version compatibility information in the readme.
I haven't worked with a cli version this old but ember install should be all you need if it's compatible. The add-on is a really thin wrapper around JsBarcode, so you could use the library direct if you have stay with the current ember version.
To get the benefits of the full ember-cli ecosystem, you'd have to be using the versions that support it. I think that it began in 1.13
As mentioned, it's highly likely that this addon assumes the standard CLI setup. You could ask the author.
Depending on your app complexity, you could do a few different things.
You could use the js library https://github.com/lindell/JsBarcode - (which is what the addon uses)
OR you may want to rewrite the app with the latest and greatest - now. 1.12 is going to be expensive to keep up / and since you've likely figured out how all the logic should work, then writing it again won't be the hardest part. (this sounds fun, right?) - and then use the addon
Which will take longer?

How do I acquire the dependency 'gstreamer-sharp-1.0'?

I have decided I would like to contribute to an open source project, so I am attempting to contribute to Banshee media player. I have got the latest commit from GitHub. When I try to compile the code using ./autogen, I get the following error:
configure: error: Package requirements (gstreamer-sharp-1.0 >= 0.99.0) were not met:
No package 'gstreamer-sharp-1.0' found
I have searched for a package containing this dependency using:
apt-cache search gstreamer-sharp-1.0
But it returns nothing. Could somebody explain to me in detail how I can get this dependency? I am on Ubuntu 14.04 if that helps.
Here's the answer: "how to build banshee 2 9 1 on ubuntu 14 04" – user3159253
Thank you very much, I managed to build Banshee using that post. I had to use './autogen.sh --prefix=/usr' to build 'gstreamer-sharp-1.0'. I also had to build 'gudev-sharp-3.0' from source. – user2961850

You are using an old or stdlib version of json gem

I've seen the following issue mentioned in another thread a few days ago amongst other problems, but the solution for this issue (to me) didn't seem to be addressed.
I recently ran a test on my Ruby 1.9.2-p290 environment and was presented with the following error when I ran a test script:
You are using an old or stdlib version of json gem
Please upgrade to the recent version by adding this to your Gemfile:
gem 'json', '~> 1.7.7'
This issue continued when I created a completely fresh Ruby 1.9.3-p392 environment, running on Windows XP (don't ask). What confuses me is that even when I have json 1.7.7 or 1.8.0 installed (gem list is pasted below), I still get this message when I run my test. It's not really affecting my test results, but the warning is just rather annoying to see each time.
Which Gemfile do I need to add this version into, and where would it be located?
gem list:
bigdecimal (1.1.0)
childprocess (0.3.9)
commonwatir (4.0.0)
ffi (1.8.1 x86-mingw32)
io-console (0.4.2, 0.3)
json (1.8.0, 1.7.7, 1.5.5)
mini_portile (0.5.0)
minitest (5.0.0, 2.5.1)
multi_json (1.7.3)
rake (10.1.0.beta.3, 10.0.4,
rdoc (4.0.1, 3.9.5)
rubygems-update (2.0.3)
rubyzip (0.9.9)
selenium-webdriver (2.32.1)
watir-webdriver (0.6.4)
websocket (1.0.7)
win32-api (1.4.8 x86-mingw32)
win32-process (0.7.2)
windows-api (0.4.2)
windows-pr (1.2.2)
The message is coming from the multi_json gem, and it seems like it could be a bug. I suggest keeping an eye on this GitHub ticket.
If the message is too distressing, you can downgrade multi_json to version 1.6.1 to get rid of it. (At least this works for me.)
It looks to me like the root of the problem is that while multi_json wants to limit its use of the json and json_pure gems to specific versions, the author of multi_json isn't using the gem method in his code to activate these versions. (It sounds like he thinks Bundler is the only way to specify versions of gems; it isn't.)
Since multi_json will try the oj and yajl-ruby gems before it tries json, using one of those may be the best workaround of all. So you can just install the latest multi_json and then install either oj or yajl-ruby along with it.
Try this:
gem update --system
gem update
Go to your Ruby installation path, for example,
Open version.rb file and update the version detail as shown bellow:
VERSION = '1.7.7'
Try running your tests with the bundle exec command. This will force your environment to use the gems in Gemfile.lock.

Where did node-awssum go?

I'm using a Node.js library called node-awssum which has been around for quite some time. But now it seems that the library has been taken down from Github. Does anyone know what happened to it and where I can find a replacement repository or a fork?
Note: I'm the author of AwsSum.
AwsSum now has a new plugin architecture and it also now has a GitHub organisation:
The package currently on NPM is 1.0.0-alpha so if you want the old version, you should explicitly state that you want v0.12.2 in your package.json file.
In the new way of doing things, if you are only using S3, then you'd just put awssum-amazon-s3 in your package.json and awssum and awssum-amazon will be pulled in as peerDependencies.
Also note that the http://awssum.io/ site is still there but needs updating.
Finally, if you want to find plugins for AwsSum, do this to find what's available:
$ npm search awssum-plugin
You mean awssum, node-awssum has been discontinued. See here :
Github link
npm link
