Memory Leak Meteor.http - node.js

I'm getting a memory leak from Meteor.http.get when I try to make 5 parallel http requests / second: gist
var url = self.generateUrl(match_id);
Meteor.http.get(url, function(err, response){
if(!err && !{
callback(err ||, match_id);
It seems to behave the same even if I reduce the rate down to 1 request / second.
}, 2000);
Meteor.setInterval(function(){"TEMP_d2_match_analyzerInsertSampleData", 9, function(err,response){});
}, 10000);
Is the source of this problem Node or Meteor?
If i perform 5 requests/sec , in about 5 minutes of running i get 80-100 mega filled

There is no issue with the code that you shared. Your memory leak, if that's indeed what you're observing, is in other places.


Does v8/Node actually garbage collect during function calls? - Or is this a sailsJS memory leak

I am creating a sailsJS webserver with a background task that needs to run continuously (if the server is idle). - This is a task to synchronize a database with some external data and pre-cache data to speed up requests.
I am using sails version 1.0. Tthe adapter is postgresql (adapter: 'sails-postgresql'), adapter version: 1.0.0-12
Now while running this application I noticed a major problem: it seems that after some time the application inexplicably crashes with an out of heap memory error. (I can't even catch this, the node process just quits).
While I tried to hunt for a memory leak I tried many different approaches, and ultimately I can reduce my code to the following function:
async DoRun(runCount=0, maxCount=undefined) {
while (maxCount === undefined || runCount < maxCount) {
this.count += 1;
runCount += 1;
console.log(`total run count: ${this.count}`);
let taskList;
try { = true;
taskList = await Task.find({}).populate('relatedTasks').populate('notBefore');
//taskList = await this.makeload();
} catch (err) {
console.error(err); = false;
To make it "testable" I reduced the heap size allowed to be used by the application: --max-old-space-size=100; With this heapsize it always crashes about around 2000 runs. However even with an "unlimited" heap it crashes after a few (ten)thousand runs.
Now to further test this I commented out the Task.find() command and implimented a dummy that creates the "same" result".
async makeload() {
const promise = new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 10, this);
await promise;
const ret = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
relatedTasks: [],
notBefore: [],
id: 1,
orderId: 1,
queueStatus: 'new',
jobType: 'test',
result: 'success',
argData: 'test',
detail: 'blah',
lastActive: new Date(),
priority: 2 });
return ret;
This runs (so far) good even after 20000 calls, with 90 MB of heap allocated.
What am I doing wrong in the first case? This let me to believe that sails is having a memory leak? Or is node unable to free the database connections somehow?
I can't seem to see anything that is blatantly "leaking" here? As I can see in the log this.count is not a string so it's not even leaking there (same for runCount).
How can I progress from this point?
Some further clarifications/summary:
I run on node 8.9.0
Sails version 1.0
using sails-postgresql adapter (1.0.0-12) (beta version as other version doesn't work with sails 1.0)
I run with the flag: --max-old-space-size=100
Environment variable: node_env=production
It crashes after approx 2000-2500 runs when in production environment (500 when in debug mode).
I've created a github repository containing a workable example of the code;
here. Once again to see the code at any point "soon" set the flag --max-old-space-size=80 (Or something alike)
I don't know anything about sailsJS, but I can answer the first half of the question in the title:
Does V8/Node actually garbage collect during function calls?
Yes, absolutely. The details are complicated (most garbage collection work is done in small incremental chunks, and as much as possible in the background) and keep changing as the garbage collector is improved. One of the fundamental principles is that allocations trigger chunks of GC work.
The garbage collector does not care about function calls or the event loop.

Inconsistent request behavior in Node when requesting large number of links?

I am currently using this piece of code to connect to a massive list of links (a total of 2458 links, dumped at to get feeds from numerous sources, and to deliver them to users of my program.
It's basically splitting up one massive array into multiple batches (arrays), then forking a process to handle a batch to request each stored link for a 200 status code. Only when a batch is complete is the next batch sent for processing, and when its all done the forked process is disconnected. However I'm facing issues concerning apparent inconsistency in how this is performing with this logic, particularly the part where it requests the code.
const req = require('./request.js')
const process = require('child_process')
const linkList = require('./links.json')
let processor
console.log(`Total length: ${linkList.length}`) // 2458 links
const batchLength = 400
const batchList = [] // Contains batches (arrays) of links
let currentBatch = []
for (var i in linkList) {
if (currentBatch.length < batchLength) currentBatch.push(linkList[i])
else {
currentBatch = []
if (currentBatch.length > 0) batchList.push(currentBatch)
console.log(`Batch list length by default is ${batchList.length}`)
// cutDownBatchList(1)
console.log(`New batch list length is ${batchList.length}`)
const startTime = new Date()
getBatchIsolated(0, batchList)
let failCount = 0
function getBatchIsolated (batchNumber) {
console.log('Starting batch #' + batchNumber)
let completedLinks = 0
const currentBatch = batchList[batchNumber]
if (!processor) processor = process.fork('./request.js')
for (var u in currentBatch) { processor.send(currentBatch[u]) }
processor.on('message', function (linkCompletion) {
if (linkCompletion === 'failed') failCount++
if (++completedLinks === currentBatch.length) {
if (batchNumber !== batchList.length - 1) setTimeout(getBatchIsolated, 500, batchNumber + 1)
else finish()
function finish() {
console.log(`Completed, time taken: ${((new Date() - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s. (${failCount}/${linkList.length} failed)`)
function cutDownBatchList(maxBatches) {
for (var r = batchList.length - 1; batchList.length > maxBatches && r >= 0; r--) {
batchList.splice(r, 1)
return batchList
Below is request.js, using needle. (However, for some strange reason it may completely hang up on a particular site indefinitely - in that case, I just use this workaround)
const needle = require('needle')
function connect (link, callback) {
const options = {
timeout: 10000,
read_timeout: 8000,
follow_max: 5,
rejectUnauthorized: true
const request = needle.get(link, options)
.on('header', (statusCode, headers) => {
if (statusCode === 200) callback(null, link)
else request.emit('err', new Error(`Bad status code (${statusCode})`))
.on('err', err => callback(err, link))
process.on('message', function(linkRequest) {
connect(linkRequest, function(err, link) {
if (err) {
console.log(`Couldn't connect to ${link} (${err})`)
} else process.send('success')
In theory, I think this should perform perfectly fine - it spawns off a separate process to handle the dirty work in sequential batches so its not overloaded and is super scaleable. However, when using using the full list of links at length 2458 with a total of 7 batches, I often get massive "socket hang up" errors on random batches on almost every trial that I do, similar to what would happen if I requested all the links at once.
If I cut down the number of batches to 1 using the function cutDownBatchList it performs perfectly fine on almost every trial. This is all happening on a Linux Debian VPS with two 3.1GHz vCores and 4 GB RAM from OVH, on Node v6.11.2
One thing I also noticed is that if I increased the timeout to 30000 (30 sec) in request.js for 7 batches, it works as intended - however it works perfectly fine with a much lower timeout when I cut it down to 1 batch. If I also try to do all 2458 links at once, with a higher timeout, I also face no issues (which basically makes this mini algorithm useless if I can't cut down the timeout via batch handling links). This all goes back to the inconsistent behavior issue.
The best TLDR I can do: Trying to request a bunch of links in sequential batches in a forked child process - succeeds almost every time with a lower number of batches, fails consistently with full number of batches even though behavior should be the same since its handling it in isolated batches.
Any help would be greatly appreciated in solving this issue as I just cannot for the life of me figure it out!

Amazon SQS with aws-sdk receiveMessage Stall

I'm using the aws-sdk node module with the (as far as I can tell) approved way to poll for messages.
Which basically sums up to:
QueueUrl: queueUrl,
MaxNumberOfMessages: 10,
WaitTimeSeconds: 20
}, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
logger.fatal('Error on Message Recieve');
} else {
// all good
if (undefined === data.Messages) {'No Messages Object');
} else if (data.Messages.length > 0) {'Messages Count: ' + data.Messages.length);
var delete_batch = new Array();
for (var x=0;x<data.Messages.length;x++) {
// process
// flag to delete
var pck = new Array();
pck['Id'] = data.Messages[x].MessageId;
pck['ReceiptHandle'] = data.Messages[x].ReceiptHandle;
if (delete_batch.length > 0) {'Calling Delete');
Entries: delete_batch,
QueueUrl: queueUrl
}, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
logger.fatal('Failed to delete messages');
} else {
logger.debug('Deleted recieved ok');
} else {'No Messages Count');
receiveMessage is my "do stuff with collected messages if I have enough collected messages" function
Occasionally, my script is stalling because I don't get a response for Amazon at all, say for example there are no messages in the queue to consume and instead of hitting the WaitTimeSeconds and sending a "no messages object", the callback isn't called.
(I'm writing this up to Amazon Weirdness)
What I'm asking is whats the best way to detect and deal with this, as I have some code in place to stop concurrent calls to receiveMessage.
The suggested answer here: Nodejs sqs queue processor also has code that prevents concurrent message request queries (granted it's only fetching one message a time)
I do have the whole thing wrapped in
var running = false;
runMonitorJob = setInterval(function() {
if (running) {
} else {
running = true;
// call SQS.receive
}, 500);
(With a running = false after the delete loop (not in it's callback))
My solution would be
watchdogTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
running = false;
}, 30000);
But surely this would leave a pile of floating sqs.receive's lurking about and thus much memory over time?
(This job runs all the time, and I left it running on Friday, it stalled Saturday morning and hung till I manually restarted the job this morning)
Edit: I have seen cases where it hangs for ~5 minutes and then suddenly gets messages BUT with a wait time of 20 seconds it should throw a "no messages" after 20 seconds. So a WatchDog of ~10 minutes might be more practical (depending on the rest of ones business logic)
Edit: Yes Long Polling is already configured Queue Side.
Edit: This is under (latest) v2.3.9 of aws-sdk and NodeJS v4.4.4
I've been chasing this (or a similar) issue for a few days now and here's what I've noticed:
The receiveMessage call does eventually return although only after 120 seconds
Concurrent calls to receiveMessage are serialised by the AWS.SDK library so making multiple calls in parallel have no effect.
The receiveMessage callback does not error - in fact after the 120 seconds have passed, it may contain messages.
What can be done about this? This sort of thing can happen for a number of reasons and some/many of these things can't necessarily be fixed. The answer is to run multiple services each calling receiveMessage and processing the messages as they come - SQS supports this. At any time, one of these services may hit this 120 second lag but the other services should be able to continue on as normal.
My particular problem is that I have some critical singleton services that can't afford 120 seconds of down time. For this I will look into either 1) use HTTP instead of SQS to push messages into my service or 2) spawn slave processes around each of the singletons to fetch the messages from SQS and push them into the service.
I also ran into this issue, but not when calling receiveMessage but sendMessage. I also saw hangups of exactly 120 seconds. I also saw it with a few other services, like Firehose.
That lead me to this line in the AWS SDK:
SQS Constructor
timeout [Integer] — Sets the socket to timeout after timeout milliseconds of inactivity on the socket. Defaults to two minutes (120000).
to implement a fix, I override the timeout for my SQS client that performs the sendMessage to timeout after 10 seconds, and another with 25 seconds for receiving (where I long poll for 20 seconds):
var sendClient = new AWS.SQS({httpOptions:{timeout:10*1000}});
var receiveClient = new AWS.SQS({httpOptions:{timeout:25*1000}});
I've had this out in production for a week now and I've noticed that all of my SQS stalling issues have been eliminated.

node.js azure cache latency

I am working on a node.js express application which uses azure cache. I have deployed the service to azure and I notice a latency of 50ms or so for get and put rquests.
The methods I am using are:
var time1, time2;
var start =;
var cacheObject = this.cache;
cacheObject.put('test1', { first: 'Jane', last: 'Doe' }, function (error) {
if (error) throw error;
time1= - start;
start =;
cacheObject.get('test1', function (error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
console.log('Data from cache:' + data);
time2 = (;
res.send({t1: time1, t2: time2});
The time for put is represented by time1 and time2 represents the time for get.
From reading other posts on the internet, I understood that the latency should be in the order of a couple of ms, but 50ms seems a bit high. Am I using the methods properly? Are there any special settings I need to setup on the management portal? Or is 50ms latency expected?
A few obvious things to check first:
Is the client code running in the same region as the cache? The minimum possible latency is the network round trip time, which may be around 50ms between regions.
Is the Node.js precise enough to measure a small number of milliseconds? I'm not familiar with Node.js, but in .NET you should use the StopWatch class for timing, rather than DateTime.Now.

Node js - http.request() problems with connection pooling

Consider the following simple Node.js application:
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function() { }).listen(8124); // Prevent process shutting down
var requestNo = 1;
var maxRequests = 2000;
function requestTest() {
http.request({ host: '', method: 'GET' }, function(res) {
console.log('Completed ' + (requestNo++));
if (requestNo <= maxRequests) {
It makes 2000 HTTP requests to, one after the other. The problem is it gets to request No. 5 and pauses for about 3 mins, then continues processing requests 6 - 10, then pauses for another 3 minutes, then requests 11 - 15, pauses, and so on. Edit: I tried changing to localhost, an extremely basic Node.js app running my machine that returns "Hello world", I still get the 3 minute pause.
Now I read I can increase the connection pool limit:
http.globalAgent.maxSockets = 20;
Now if I run it, it processes requests 1 - 20, then pauses for 3 mins, then requests 21 - 40, then pauses, and so on.
Finally, after a bit of research, I learned I could disable connection pooling entirely by setting agent: false in the request options:
http.request({ host: '', method: 'GET', agent: false }, function(res) {
...and it'll run through all 2000 requests just fine.
My question, is it a good idea to do this? Is there a danger that I could end up with too many HTTP connections? And why does it pause for 3 mins, surely if I've finished with the connection it should add it straight back into the pool ready for the next request to use, so why is it waiting 3 mins? Forgive my ignorance.
Failing that, what is the best strategy for a Node.js app making a potentially large number HTTP requests, without locking up, or crashing?
I'm running Node.js version 0.10 on Mac OSX 10.8.2.
Edit: I've found if I convert the above code into a for loop and try to establish a bunch of connections at the same time, I start getting errors after about 242 connections. The error is:
Error was thrown: connect EMFILE
(libuv) Failed to create kqueue (24)
...and the code...
for (var i = 1; i <= 2000; i++) {
(function(requestNo) {
var request = http.request({ host: '', method: 'GET', agent: false }, function(res) {
console.log('Completed ' + requestNo);
request.on('error', function(e) {
console.log( + ' was thrown: ' + e.message);
I don't know if a heavily loaded Node.js app could ever reach that many simultaneous connections.
You have to consume the response.
Remember, in v0.10, we landed streams2. That means that data events don't happen until you start looking for them. So, you can do stuff like this:
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
// this does some I/O, async
// in 0.8, you'd lose data chunks, or even the 'end' event!
lookUpSessionInDb(req, function(er, session) {
if (er) {
res.statusCode = 500;
} else {
// no data lost
req.on('data', handleUpload);
// end event didn't fire while we were looking it up
req.on('end', function() {
res.end('ok, got your stuff');
However, the flip side of streams that don't lose data when you're not reading it, is that they actually don't lose data if you're not reading it! That is, they start out paused, and you have to read them to get anything out.
So, what's happening in your test is that you're making a bunch of requests and not consuming the responses, and then eventually the socket gets killed by google because nothing is happening, and it assumes you've died.
There are some cases where it's impossible to consume the incoming message: that is, if you don't add a response event handler on a requests, or where you completely write and finish the response message on a server without ever reading the request. In those cases, we just dump the data in the garbage for you.
However, if you are listening to the 'response' event, it's your responsibility to handle the object. Add a response.resume() in your first example, and you'll see it processes on through at a reasonable pace.
