Issue while writing xtext grammar file - dsl

Following is part of my grammar
TestLabelBase returns ResultExpressionRhs : 'VL:' path=STRING ;
AlphabateModifier : (abc?='ABC' | def?='DEF' | ghi?='GHI') ;
When I write following rule TestLabel it works fine:
TestLabel returns ResultExpressionRhs: TestLabelBase (modifier=AlphabateModifier)?;
but when I use following rule for TestLabel it says
An unassigned rule call is not allowed, when the 'current' was already created.
TestLabel returns ResultExpressionRhs: (modifier=AlphabateModifier)? TestLabelBase ;
Can you please explain the reason behind this?

Have a read of Parsing Expressions with Xtext, specifically about Therein the first element is an unassigned rule call.
You need to change your rule to:
TestLabel returns ResultExpressionRhs
: (modifier=AlphabateModifier)? base=TestLabelBase
Cheers, Steve


TCL how to shorten sentence

I have a sentence let's say :
{This is my test sentence}
And I would like to shorten by 3 characters at the end like this :
{This is my test sente}
Here is what I do in TCL language :
set sentence "This is my test sentence"
set remove "3"
set newSentence [string range $sentence 0 end-$remove]
and here is what I get :
I've tried with
set sentence {This is my test sentence}
and it is even worth because I got an error message
"failed: unmatched open brace in list"
Can someone have an idea where I am wrong ?
Or may be how I can shorten a string whatever spaces inside it ?
Thank you by advance for your help
Finally got it, I had to force it as a list :
set newSentence [list [string range $sentence 0 end-$remove]]
It seems my engine over interprete the output value.

Join three CSV columns and convert them to a formatted email link with Powershell [duplicate]

I have the following code:
$DatabaseSettings = #();
$NewDatabaseSetting = "" | select DatabaseName, DataFile, LogFile, LiveBackupPath;
$NewDatabaseSetting.DatabaseName = "LiveEmployees_PD";
$NewDatabaseSetting.DataFile = "LiveEmployees_PD_Data";
$NewDatabaseSetting.LogFile = "LiveEmployees_PD_Log";
$NewDatabaseSetting.LiveBackupPath = '\\LiveServer\LiveEmployeesBackups';
$DatabaseSettings += $NewDatabaseSetting;
When I try to use one of the properties in a string execute command:
& "$SQlBackupExePath\SQLBackupC.exe" -I $InstanceName -SQL `
"RESTORE DATABASE $DatabaseSettings[0].DatabaseName FROM DISK = '$tempPath\$LatestFullBackupFile' WITH NORECOVERY, REPLACE, MOVE '$DataFileName' TO '$DataFilegroupFolder\$DataFileName.mdf', MOVE '$LogFileName' TO '$LogFilegroupFolder\$LogFileName.ldf'"
It tries to just use the value of $DatabaseSettings rather than the value of $DatabaseSettings[0].DatabaseName, which is not valid.
My workaround is to have it copied into a new variable.
How can I access the object's property directly in a double-quoted string?
When you enclose a variable name in a double-quoted string it will be replaced by that variable's value:
$foo = 2
If you don't want that you have to use single quotes:
$foo = 2
However, if you want to access properties, or use indexes on variables in a double-quoted string, you have to enclose that subexpression in $():
$foo = 1,2,3
"$foo[1]" # yields "1 2 3[1]"
"$($foo[1])" # yields "2"
$bar = "abc"
"$bar.Length" # yields "abc.Length"
"$($bar.Length)" # yields "3"
PowerShell only expands variables in those cases, nothing more. To force evaluation of more complex expressions, including indexes, properties or even complete calculations, you have to enclose those in the subexpression operator $( ) which causes the expression inside to be evaluated and embedded in the string.
#Joey has the correct answer, but just to add a bit more as to why you need to force the evaluation with $():
Your example code contains an ambiguity that points to why the makers of PowerShell may have chosen to limit expansion to mere variable references and not support access to properties as well (as an aside: string expansion is done by calling the ToString() method on the object, which can explain some "odd" results).
Your example contained at the very end of the command line:
If properties of objects were expanded by default, the above would resolve to
since the object referenced by $LogFileName would not have a property called ldf, $null (or an empty string) would be substituted for the variable.
Documentation note: Get-Help about_Quoting_Rules covers string interpolation, but, as of PSv5, not in-depth.
To complement Joey's helpful answer with a pragmatic summary of PowerShell's string expansion (string interpolation in double-quoted strings ("...", a.k.a. expandable strings), including in double-quoted here-strings):
Only references such as $foo, $global:foo (or $script:foo, ...) and $env:PATH (environment variables) can directly be embedded in a "..." string - that is, only the variable reference itself, as a whole is expanded, irrespective of what follows.
E.g., "$" expands to something like C:\Users\, because the .foo part was interpreted literally - not as a property access.
To disambiguate a variable name from subsequent characters in the string, enclose it in { and }; e.g., ${foo}.
This is especially important if the variable name is followed by a :, as PowerShell would otherwise consider everything between the $ and the : a scope specifier, typically causing the interpolation to fail; e.g., "$HOME: where the heart is." breaks, but "${HOME}: where the heart is." works as intended.
(Alternatively, `-escape the :: "$HOME`: where the heart is.", but that only works if the character following the variable name wouldn't then accidentally form an escape sequence with a preceding `, such as `b - see the conceptual about_Special_Characters help topic).
To treat a $ or a " as a literal, prefix it with escape char. ` (a backtick); e.g.:
"`$HOME's value: $HOME"
For anything else, including using array subscripts and accessing an object variable's properties, you must enclose the expression in $(...), the subexpression operator (e.g., "PS version: $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)" or "1st el.: $($someArray[0])")
Using $(...) even allows you to embed the output from entire commands in double-quoted strings (e.g., "Today is $((Get-Date).ToString('d')).").
Interpolation results don't necessarily look the same as the default output format (what you'd see if you printed the variable / subexpression directly to the console, for instance, which involves the default formatter; see Get-Help about_format.ps1xml):
Collections, including arrays, are converted to strings by placing a single space between the string representations of the elements (by default; a different separator can be specified by setting preference variable $OFS, though that is rarely seen in practice) E.g., "array: $(#(1, 2, 3))" yields array: 1 2 3
Instances of any other type (including elements of collections that aren't themselves collections) are stringified by either calling the IFormattable.ToString() method with the invariant culture, if the instance's type supports the IFormattable interface[1], or by calling .psobject.ToString(), which in most cases simply invokes the underlying .NET type's .ToString() method[2], which may or may not give a meaningful representation: unless a (non-primitive) type has specifically overridden the .ToString() method, all you'll get is the full type name (e.g., "hashtable: $(#{ key = 'value' })" yields hashtable: System.Collections.Hashtable).
To get the same output as in the console, use a subexpression in which you pipe to Out-String and apply .Trim() to remove any leading and trailing empty lines, if desired; e.g.,
"hashtable:`n$((#{ key = 'value' } | Out-String).Trim())" yields:
Name Value
---- -----
key value
[1] This perhaps surprising behavior means that, for types that support culture-sensitive representations, $obj.ToString() yields a current-culture-appropriate representation, whereas "$obj" (string interpolation) always results in a culture-invariant representation - see this answer.
[2] Notable overrides:
• The previously discussed stringification of collections (space-separated list of elements rather than something like System.Object[]).
• The hashtable-like representation of [pscustomobject] instances (explained here) rather than the empty string.
#Joey has a good answer. There is another way with a more .NET look with a String.Format equivalent, I prefer it when accessing properties on objects:
Things about a car:
$properties = #{ 'color'='red'; 'type'='sedan'; 'package'='fully loaded'; }
Create an object:
$car = New-Object -typename psobject -Property $properties
Interpolate a string:
"The {0} car is a nice {1} that is {2}" -f $car.color, $car.type, $car.package
# The red car is a nice sedan that is fully loaded
If you want to use properties within quotes follow as below. You have to use $ outside of the bracket to print property.
$uninstall= Get-WmiObject -ClassName Win32_Product |
Where-Object {$_.Name -like "Google Chrome"
IdentifyingNumber : {57CF5E58-9311-303D-9241-8CB73E340963}
Name : Google Chrome
Vendor : Google LLC
Version : 95.0.4638.54
Caption : Google Chrome
If you want only name property then do as below:
"$($ Found and triggered uninstall"
Google Chrome Found and triggered uninstall

what's the proper way to allow users to provide a string "mangler" as a regex/proc/expr/

In my Tcl/Tk project, i need to allow my users to mangle a string in a well-defined way.
The idea is, to allow people to declare a "string mangling" proc/expr/function/... in a configuration file, which then gets applied to the strings in question.
I'm a bit worried on how to properly implement that.
Possibilities I have considered so far:
regular expressions
That was my first thought, but there's two caveats:
search/replace with regular expressions in Tcl seems to be awkward. at least with regsub i need to pass the match and replacement parts separately (as opposed to how e.g. sed allows me to pass a single complicated string that does everything for me); there are sed implementations for Tcl, but they look naive and might break rather sooner than later
also regexes can be awkward by themselves; using them to mangle complicated strings is often more complicated than it should be
Since the target platform is Tcl anyhow, why not use the power of Tcl to do string mangling?
The "function" should have a single input and produce a single output, and ideally it the user should be nudged into doing it right (e.g. not being able to define a proc that requires two arguments) and it be (nigh) impossible to create side-effects (like changing the state of the application).
A simplistic approach would be to use proc mymangler s $body (with $body being the string defined by the user), but there are so many things that can go wrong:
$body assuming a different arg-name (e.g. $x instead of $s)
$body not returning anything
$body changing variables,... in the environment
expressions look more like it (always returning things, not allowing to modify the environment easily), but i cannot make them work on strings, and there's no way to pass a variable without agreeing its name.
So, the best I've come up with so far is:
set userfun {return $s} # user-defined string
proc mymangler s ${userfun}
set output [mymangler $input]
Are there better ways to achieve user-defined string-manglers in Tcl?
You can use apply -- the user provides a 2-element list: the second element is the "proc body", the code that does the mangling; the first element is the variable name to hold the string, this variable is used in the body.
For example:
set userfun {{str} {string reverse $str}}
set input "some string"
set result [apply $userfun $input] ;# => "gnirts emos"
Of course the code you get from the user is any arbitrary Tcl code. You can run it in a safe interpreter:
set userfun {{str} {exec some malicious code; return [string reverse $str]}}
try {
set interp [safe::interpCreate]
set result [$interp eval [list apply $userfun $input]]
puts "mangled string is: $result"
safe::interpDelete $interp
} on error e {
error "Error: $e"
results in
Error: invalid command name "exec"
a standard Tcl command is used, apply
the user must specify the variable name used in the body.
this scheme does protect the environment:
set userfun {{str} {set ::env(SOME_VAR) "safe slave"; return $str$str}}
set env(SOME_VAR) "main"
puts $env(SOME_VAR)
try {
set interp [safe::interpCreate]
set result [$interp eval [list apply $userfun $input]]
puts "mangled string is: $result"
safe::interpDelete $interp
} on error e {
error "Error: $e"
puts $env(SOME_VAR)
mangled string is: some stringsome string
if the user does not return a value, then the mangled string is simply the empty string.
The "simplistic" approach is like foreach in that it requires the user to supply a variable name and a script to evaluate that uses that variable, and is a good approach. If you don't want it affecting the rest of the program, run it in a separate interpreter:
set x 0
proc mymangler {name body} {
set i [interp create -safe]
set s "some string to change"
try {
# Build the lambda used by apply here instead of making
# the user do it.
$i eval [list apply [list $name $body] $s]
} on error e {
return $e
} finally {
interp delete $i
puts [mymangler s { set x 1; string toupper $s }]
puts $x
If the person calling this says to use s as a variable and then uses something else in the body, it's on them. Same with providing a script that doesn't return anything.
I'd generally allow the user to specify a command prefix as a Tcl list (most simple command names are trivially suitable for this), which you would then apply to the argument by doing:
set mangled [{*}$commandPrefix $valueToMangle]
This lets people provide pretty much anything they want, especially as they can use apply and a lambda term to mangle things as required. Of course, if you're in a procedure then you're probably actually better off doing:
set mangled [uplevel 1 [list {*}$commandPrefix $valueToMangle]]
so that you're running in the caller's context (change 1 to #0 to use the global context instead) which can help protect your procedure against accidental changes and make using upvar within the mangler easier.
If the source of the mangling prefix is untrusted (what that means depends greatly on your application and deployment) then you can run the mangling code in a separate interpreter:
# Make the safe evaluation context; this is *expensive*
set context [interp create -safe]
# You might want to let them define extra procedures too
# interp invokehidden $context source /the/users/file.tcl
# Use the context
try {
set mangled [interp eval $context [list {*}$commandPrefix $valueToMangle]]
} on error {msg} {
# User supplied something bad; error message in $msg
There's various ways to support users specifying the transformation, but if you can expose the fact that you're working with Tcl to them then that's probably easiest and most flexible.

Evaluate variable value from string dynamically

We need to get the value of dynamically constructed variables.
What I mean is we have a variable loaded from a property file called data8967677878788node. So when we run echo $data8967677878788node we get the output test.
Now in data8967677878788node the number part 8967677878788 needs to be dynamic. That means there could be variables like
and such.
The number is an input argument to the script. So we need something like this to work
TESTVAR="data`echo $DATANUMBER`node"
echo $$TESTVAR #This line gives the value "test"
Any idea on how this can be accomplished
You can use BASH's indirect variable expansion:
myfunc() {
echo "${!var1}"
And call it as:
myfunc 346346367
Your code is actually already pretty close to working, it just needs to be modified slightly:
TESTVAR="data`echo $DATANUMBER`node"
echo ${!TESTVAR}
If $DATANUMBER has the value 12345 and $data12345node has the value test then the above snippet will output test.

how to handle conditionally existing components in action code?

This is another problem I am facing while migrating from antlr3 to antlr4. This problem is with the java action code for handling conditional components of rules. One example is shown below.
The following grammar+code worked in antlr3. Here, if the unary operator is not present, then a value of '0' is returned, and the java code checks for this value and takes appropriate action.
exprUnary returns [Expr e]
: (unaryOp)? e1=exprAtom
{if($unaryOp.i==0) $e = $e1.e;
else $e = new ExprUnary($unaryOp.i, $e1.e);
unaryOp returns [int i]
: '-' {$i = 1;}
| '~' {$i = 2;}
In antlr4, this code results in a null pointer exception during a run, because 'unaryOp' is 'null' if it is not present. But if I change the code like below, then antlr generation itself reports an error:
if($unaryOp==null) ...
java org.antlr.v4.Tool try.g4
error(67): missing attribute access on rule reference 'unaryOp' in '$unaryOp'
How should the action be coded for antlr4?
Another example of this situation is in if-then-[else] - here $s2 is null in antlr4:
ifStmt returns [Stmt s]
: 'if' '(' e=cond ')' s1=stmt ('else' s2=stmt)?
{$s = new StmtIf($e.e, $s1.s, $s2.s);}
NOTE: question 16392152 provides a solution to this question with listeners, but I am not using listeners, my requirement is for this to be handled in the action code.
There are at least two potential ways to correct this:
The "ANTLR 4" way to do it is to create a listener or visitor instead of placing the Java code inside of actions embedded in the grammar itself. This is the only way I would even consider solving the problem in my own grammars.
If you still use an embedded action, the most efficient way to check if the item exists or not is to access the ctx property, e.g. $unaryOp.ctx. This property resolves to the UnaryOpContext you were assuming would be accessible by $unaryOp by itself.
ANTLR expects you access an attribute. Try its text attribute instead: $unaryOp.text==null
