Node.js path.join removes leading period - node.js

I came home with a work project that I planned on fiddling with on my personal computer, I installed everything, using the exact same environment (Node v0.11.12), etc. Start the project, then I'm greeted with messages complaining that the config loader module cannot locate a file (that exists and is at the path exposed by the error).
Looking closer at the error, I realize that the problem is path.join(). Where
// 'foo/bar'
Which is not good. Why does path.join remove the leading period?
** Note **
The above is simply an example. The program make use of the function like
var configFile = require(path.join(modulePath, 'conf', file));
for example, where modulePath is relative to the current working directory (i.e. ./app/module/)

This is correct behavior, and is documented in the Path.join documentation:
Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path.
It is correct because foo/bar is the normalized (canoncial) form of ./foo/bar, just as it is the normalized form of ./foo/././bar/. or foo/baz/../bar.
(Differences between require('./foo/bar') and require('foo/bar'), and any resulting problems of such, should be specifically addressed in a different question without path.join.)


Is this an error in the "path.normalize" documentation?

I've trying to figure out an issue with file paths using path and upath
(specific question: Issue saving to Windows "mapped network drive" in Electron)
Reading the documentation for path.normalize(path) it gives the following examples:
For example, on POSIX:
// Returns:
On Windows:
// Returns: 'C:\temp\foo\'
In the first example, what happened to "quux"? And in the second, what happened to "bar"? Are these just copy-paste errors? Sorry if this seems a trivial question but this "path" stuff, particularly on Windows, is very confusing to me (I'm on macOS).
Like the doc says:
The path.normalize() method normalizes the given path, resolving '..' and '.' segments.
Try without the .. at the end, that is suggesting that you're going one directory up and is getting interpreted as basically
cd /foo/bar//baz/asdf/quux
cd ..
Also, this might be a mistake but you got two slashes between bar//baz in here.

Default path for file import Julia

I have created a package and am now creating my tests within the package. For one test my inputs are a set of files and my outputs will be a different set a files created within the test.
I am saving the input files in the test directory of my package and would like to save the output files there too. Since others may run this test, I do not want to specify the input/output file location using my own path eg /home/myname/.julia/v4.0/MyPackage/test/MyInputFile.txt
How do I specify that the input location is within the package's test folder?
So basically how do I tell Julia to look in the packages's folder under the test directory and not have to worry about specifying the entire path including user name etc?
For example currently I have to say
readtable(/home/myname/.julia/v4.0/MyPackage/test/MyInputFile.txt, separator = '\t', header = false)
But I'd like to just be able to say
readtable(/MyPackage/test/MyInputFile.txt, separator = '\t', header = false)
so that no matter who the user of the package is and where they may store the package, they can still run the test?
I know that LOAD_PATH gives the path Julia looks for packages but I can't find any information on where it looks when importing files.
joinpath(Pkg.dir("MyPackage"), "test") is what you need.
As #GnimucK mentioned in a comment, a better solution is
Why is this better? A package could be installed and used from somewhere else (not the standard package directory). Pkg.dir is "stupid" and does not know better. This is rare, of course, and in most cases it won't matter.

ENOENT no such file on Express Endpoint for readFileSync

I've been going slightly crazy trying to figure this out. I have some certs that I need to pass through to an authentication client from my api; however, the application continues to throw ENOENT exceptions even though the file clearly exists within the same directory (I've fiddled with this to make sure). I'm using readFileSync, effectively doing the following:
key: fs.readFileSync('./privateKey.pem'),
Strangely, if I run this on a standalone Node server not as a part of an api, the file is able to be found without a problem. Is there some consideration I'm not aware of when trying to use readFileSync in such a scenario?
In node you need to be very careful with relative file paths. The only place where I'd ever really use them is in require('./_____') statements, where ./ to mean "relative to this file". However, require is kind of a special case because it is a function that node automatically creates per-file, so it knows the path of the current file.
In general, standard functions have no way of knowing the directory containing the script that happened to call a function, so in almost all cases, ./ means relative to the current working directory (the directory you were in when you ran node <scriptname>.js). The only time that is not the case is if your script or a module you use explicitly calls process.chdir to set the working directory to something else. The correct way to reference files relative to the current script file is to explicitly use an absolute path by using __dirname + '/file.js'.

Escape spaces in File Path

I am wondering how I can programmatically add \ in front of spaces that appear in file paths. I am using fs.readdir to get the contents of directories and if I don't escape the spaces out of the path then I get an ENOENT error because unescaped paths are invalid in UNIX. I'd like get below result :
/path/with\ spaces/in/them/
However, I am running into a problem with a REGEX in the NODE REPL. When I do :
var path = '/path/with spaces/in/them/';
var escapedPath = path.replace(/(\s)/, "\\ ");
I get as result :
'/path/with\\ spaces/in/them/'
When I try to run this same code inside of the Chrome console I get :
"/path/with\ spaces/in/them/"
Which is the desired effect.
I am not sure if I am missing something or if this is a bug. I am confused because Node runs on the same Javascript engine as Chrome so I would think that these expressions would be interpreted the same.
Please let me know if anyone knows a way to do get around this. Maybe I am missing something. I just need to be able to escape the paths before passing them into fs.readdir so that I can avoid these errors.
try either this
var path = "'file:///Users/kevin/folder with space'";
or this
var path = "\"file:///Users/kevin/folder with space\"";
fs.readdir doesn't require you to escape paths. I was able to recursively pass fs.readdir output directories back into fs.readdir without any issues.
The issue above with the REGEX was only occuring in the Node REPL. Once I tested the above code inside of a file I was able to run it through Node and get the same output I saw in the Chrome console.
I ended up finding a bug in my code that was a little hard to track down. I first thought that it came from not escaping the path I was sending into fs.readdir but it was actually an issue where I was fs.stat the output of fs.readdir and then checking if the output was a file or a directory and treating it accordingly.
It turns out that a few results from the stat were neither Files or Directories and my function didn't have any way to deal with this so it just returned. Since I had no handlers for this my node program just stopped abrubtly. All I had to do was add an extra else condition to catch the non-file/directories cases (which I don't care about anyway).
Now its working fine!

ClassLoader.getSystemResource(...).getPath() seems to return wrong path

I'm trying to wrap code that requires two *.db4o data files for easy use. I've added the data files to my eclipse .classpath by placing the files in ${project_dir}/res/ and adding the line:
<classpathentry kind="src" path="res"/>
to my .classpath.
I then defined a default constructor to my wrapper class that takes no arguments but goes and finds the paths to the *.db4o files (the paths are required by the compiled code I'm using to set things up). My approach for getting the paths is:
String datapath = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("resource_name").getPath();
This works great when I debug/run my code in eclipse. However when I export it as a jar, I can see that the *.db4o files are in the jar, as well as my compiled code, but the path returned to "datapath" is of the form:
datapath = ${pwd}/file:${absolute_path_to_jar}!/{resource_name}
Is there something about the resource being inside of the jar that prevents an absolute path from working? Also, why is the behavior different simply because the code and resources live in a jar file? One last note is that while my application is intended for wider use (from PIG, python, etc. code) I'm testing it from Matlab which is where I'm getting the odd value assigned to "datapath".
Thanks in advance for any responses.
getSystemResource() returns URL to resource. If your resource is zipped in a jar file then the URL will point into it (with the "!" notation). getPath() returns the "path" part of the URL, not always an actual file path. URL can be one of many things, not just a file.
