Changing multiple Target Paths for multiple Reference Components - reference

I need to change the target path for each reference component in a page and have been doing it manually. There are about 1000 of these and it's taking forever. Is there a way to replace a certain part of all the Target Paths at once? Essentially, I just need to replace a part in the string i.e. "/us_ck" with "ca_ck."

You can use the Bulk Editor, if you turn on the import feature for it. You could also use the CQ Groovy Console, and write a Groovy script that makes that change for you. This is probably the better way to go.


Storing and retrieving files in Blockly Web

I want to use Blockly to do some calculations, and then generate text files (as opposed to exporting code to JavaScript, Python, PHP, etc.)
I can’t see an obvious way to create my own blocks to do this in Blockly, so using AppInventor (Version: nb168), I got storing and retrieving files to work, in a crude test app on my Android tablet.
In AppInventor/Designer mode, clicking Storage/File creates a “Non-visible component for storing and retrieving files. Use this component to write or read files on your device.”
Then, in AppInventor/Blocks mode, clicking the “File1” icon gives access to 7 “file type blocks”, e.g. AppendToFile, Delete, ReadFrom, SaveFile, etc.
Is it possible to create similar “file type blocks” to use in Blockly Web?
I have limited programming knowledge, so would appreciate simple answers, please.
Thanks, Pete.
Andrew N Marshall from Google/Blockly has told me this:
"This is absolutely possible long as you willing to work within the browser's security restrictions. The resulting files will be need to be manually "downloaded" one at a time, rather than written directly to the user's file system.
... I would start understanding what JavaScript functions are available to you. Attempt to construct a string and save it via a download dialog...
That means the "file" contents are really just a string in memory, a JavaScript variable. We have lots of "Text" blocks that can do a variety of operations on strings. If those are enough, you'll only need one new block to identify the string variable and initiate the download process.
Otherwise, you'll need to think about what blocks you want, and how they operate. They may operate on a specific variable in the JavaScript VM, not necessary exposed as a variable to Blockly.
Either way, you'll need to learn how to create a block and a Blockly app. We have a code lab that will walk you through all the steps. You'll learn how each block generates a string of code, and in your case, that code will be related to the download code I mentioned earlier."
So I'll press on - I just wanted to be sure my goal is actually achievable before I started.
Thanks, Pete.

Correct way to override content being displayed?

I want to enable the use of codes inside of content on a Drupal website. For example, when creating a block or a node, i want users to be able to insert code like this:
Depending on what the current language is, it might display a different value. The tricky part is not retrieving the value I want to replace it with, but figuring out at what point I replace it?
What hook or function would I use, to replace any node content that has the specific code in it, with another value? And the same for a block or any other content that is going to be displayed?
I solved this by creating my own input filter. I copied this example.

Get count of items in a velocity list

I'm creating a set of custom templates and structures for a Liferay site.
One structure provides for a repeatable section, which its matching template then iterates over.
However, for styling reasons, I need to know how many instances of the repeatable section are actually present, and I need to know before I loop.
So, the template code is something like this:
#foreach($thisChunk in $chunk.getSiblings())
[emit some HTML]
I want to do some conditional logic before the foreach, and emit a different CSS classname on the containing element depending on how many $chunks there are.
Any ideas how to access the number of siblings without looping through them first?
Easy: $chunk.getSiblings().size()
How to find out? It's a plain old Java object (java.util.ArrayList in my quick test). You can find this out when you just temporarily debug your template with $chunk.getSiblings().getClass().getName() and then continue with the interface of that class.

Javascript override Request.Form("foo") for security (XSS)

I've got some source code that has some cross site scripting vulnerabilities in it. There is no input validation that happens when the browser sends data over to the server which is executing server-side Javascript and classic ASP (IIS 7.0).
My question is, is there a way to override the Request.Form("foo") object/method so that I can call a sanitization function too and get rid of prohibited JS/HTML? I don't want to do a find and replace on every single file everywhere Request.Form is called. I was hoping for something more elegant.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
I don't think you can change Request.Form members.
What you can do, as a partial solution, is to create a code that will run first on every page (for example, using an include directive) which loops over Request.Form, Request.QueryString etc., and if it finds suspected code, it terminates the code execution (Response.End). This solution is partial because it doesn't really sanitize input, it just drops execution when it finds suspected text.
Another option: Create an array, parallel to Request.Form. Populate this array with the same members as in Request.Form, but this time sanitized. Then, quickly do a Find-and-Replace over your whole code base, and change Request.Form to your custom array variable.
There is a way to replace the whole Request object with another COM object but its an insane solution and it would still require that all ASP files that use Form contain a common top include file. Its not possible to replace the Request object or one of its members globally at the application level.
The correct solution to the problem, your statement "don't want to do a find and replace on every single file everywhere" notwithstanding, is to perform such global replace.
Despite the number of .asp files that exist the cost is no more than knocking up a simple program to open each ASP file in a folder tree, adding an include line and replacing Request.Form.

Modifying the conditional build expression in RoboHelp using Extendscript

I'm trying to automate a process for our documentation team. They have a pretty big batch of framemaker files across several books and use RoboHelp to generate EclipseHelp for two different versions of our project.
Each framemaker file has the appropriate tags set to indicate which version a particular piece of documentation applies to. Currently the writers modify the conditional build expression to specify the correct set of tags and run File->Generate->EclipseHelp each time. I can run the generation process just fine, but I can't figure out how to change which tags it's using.
I've read through RoboHelp's scripting guide and the only references I can find to Conditional Build Tags is the ability to create and delete them. I can't find any references to Conditional Build Expressions. Does anyone know any way to modify it from a script? Alternatively, if someone can suggest a different way of organizing RoboHelp/Framemaker that is more conducive, I'm all ears, though I have basically zero familiarity with either.
The Conditional Build Expression forms form of your EclipseHelp Single Source layout. As such your script needs to refer to the tags there.
I'm going to answer with what I found - even though it's only a partial answer - just in case it can help someone, or possibly give someone enough to figure out a more proper answer.
Basically I found that each Single Source Layout has a corresponding *.ssl file. If your layout is called OnlineHelp, it will be (in my experience) OnlineHelp.ssl and will be in the same directory as your .xpj file. The ssl file is just a bunch of xml and has some number of sections. One of the sections will have the same name as the content category where you would go in the UI to change the Conditional Build Expression. In that section is an element named "BuildExpression". Set that to whatever you need and reopen your RoboHelp project. It's a bit of a hack, but I set up a groovy script to do that before running my ExtendScript and it gets the job done.
