Web Conference without client - web

What technologies are available to accomplish audio streaming between browsers without the need for additional software?
I have tried Lync Server which doesn't support audio/video, WebRTC which is not supposed by IE and now I am trying Silverlight but it's not really well at all.
Anyone else know of any other ways?
Thanks a lot!

You can read here for starter: How to embed a web conference room into web application?
There are providers out there that will sort this out for you but if you want open source/free it is likely to be based on WebRTC.
You can also use Flash if you want browser coverage but providing code for that is beyond the scope of stackoverflow however Google can help you find a proper solution (you will most likely need a server like Wowza)


Audio calling with nodejs

I want to create a real-time audio-calling application with nodejs. It will have a feature like Omegle (randomly) but only audio calling. A user also should be able to call people who he/she talked to before.
I found that Twillo and other sites have services like this but I want it to be free. Could you please suggest to me what to use and how to implement it? Any links or videos? Thanks!

play/stream audio and video on browser without an option to download

I have some audio and video files which will be served from server to browser on request. Now I need a way by which "Users can watch or listen to media but shouldn't be able to download in anyway (even with developer tools or download manager plugins)". Kindly share your ideas if you have had experience on this.
If you are streaming it to them you can't stop them downloading it as, in extreme cases, they can simply capture the network traffic.
It sounds like you may want to encrypt the content using one of the commonly used encryption techniques and then find a secure way to share the encryption key with your users and their devices/players. This way any captured or downloaded content will not be of use to anyone without the right key.
This is essentially what DRM technologies do so it would probably be worth you investigating them - you can integrate the functionality to your own sever or simply host your videos with a provider who provides the functionality and embed their video player on your site.

Cross browser COMET realization for node.js

I'm a node.js starter.
The product I want to deliver looks like online chat with 1000+ participants at a time.
I'm looking for a cross-browser demo (IE7, android support) to start with.
The thing I worry about is client side cross browser part. I dream about a library that uses web sockets for supported browsers and iframe for not supported, is well tested, and encapsulates COMET realization.
I have found some solutions in the web, but I'm qurious about your advices.
Thank you
I like to use socket.io which is a quite elaborate tiny library for handling such things. Maybe you want to give it a try as well ;)
I've currently found https://github.com/maccman/juggernaut the best solution. I will come back here in a month and tell about my experience

Browser-based front-end to database-like server app

I am looking to develop a browser-based front-end/client to what is essentially a database-like back-end/server.
The server application will need to access some local hardware I/O and will be logging events to a database (or even a fixed format text file).
The front-end needs to display real-time status of the remote I/O, as well as be able to browse the event log by date. This means that the server will likely need to be able to push to the client as events happen or status changes.
My background is in embedded/firmware, assembly, C/C++, and I have done a fair bit of work with Windows/MFC clients providing UI to devices via TCP/IP, UDP, and serial connections, but I don't have any web based experience.
The number of choices for web development these days is overwhelming, so I am really looking for somebody with experience to point me in the right direction for which technologies/platforms to consider researching. (ie. AJAX, ASP.NET, NODE.JS, Javascript, PHP...)
I suspect providing the information to the front-end will be the easier part, and that the back-end will require two parts (one app/service to interface with the hardware and create a database/file that the other part can access and serve to the client).
What tools/platforms/technologies would you recommend to tackle this, and why?
Any advice is appreciated. (Links to references/tutorials also appreciated).
I would recommend looking at the ext.js framework. This is a client-side framework that is server agnostic that can greatly speed up development. Being a client framework it is based on JavaScript an can talk via AJAX with JSON/XML to server-side systems. It offers a very rich and professional experience and wirth the $595 price tag.
You build most of your application client-side and it can works with almost any back-end. The engine is fast enough to display real-time data and has a strong developer community.

event sink for web browser in C++

gud day!.
i am to develop a system that would simply list all URL accessed in a browser with its response time.
my probtion is alem is this applica standalone program(not a plug-in to a certain browser) written in c++. every time a user browse, the program then performs certain method.
so it is like, my program would listen to the browsers events. i dont know how to create an EVEN SINK implemetation for the above mention event in web browsers like Internet explorer, mozilla firefox and google chrome.
any suggestion, advise or idea i cant get from you for me to be able to start the development. any areas i need to focus in studying.
thanks alot for your time! hope for your response!:)
best regards!
The easiest way to achieve what you need is intercepting network traffic and extracting URLs from HTTP packets.
You can do this in many ways, e.g.:
using WinPCAP/libPCAP libarary
modifying LSP stack
intercepting winsock functions calls
If you're on the Windows platform, I think your best shot is using the MSAA interface, which is supported by all three browsers.
MSDN Overview and C++ API
Firefox statement of support for MSAA
You could take a lower-level approach (such as an LSP), but they're much harder to debug.
