Applying a patch to files with spaces in names - cygwin

Here's an output of diff -u "temp temp/docs 1.txt" "temp temp/docs 2.txt":
--- temp temp/docs 1.txt Mon Apr 7 16:15:08 2014
+++ temp temp/docs 2.txt Mon Apr 7 16:18:45 2014
## -2,6 +2,6 ##
However, feeding this diff to patch -u fails with following message:
can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- temp temp/docs 1.txt Mon Apr 7 16:15:08 2014
|+++ temp temp/docs 2.txt Mon Apr 7 16:18:45 2014
Apparently, the spaces are the problem; is there a way to make patch to work on files with spaces in names?

No, GNU patch doesn't support this. Here's the official statement:

Gnu patch 2.6.1 (linux) seems to obey at least 1 space (not tried with more) if the filename is separated from the date with tab.

I encountered the same problem when trying to establish conventions how to do manual version control with diff and patch.
I found out that GNU "diff" creates quoted path names in the patch headers if they contain spaces, while BusyBox "diff" doesn't.
Neither GNU nor BusyBox "patch" accepts quoted path names.
If the problem is just embedded spaces within filenames, it can therefore be avoided by using "busybox patch" rather than GNU "patch".
Another solution is to postprocess the output of GNU "diff" before feeding it into "patch":
sed 's,^\([-+]\{3\} \)"\([^"]*\)",\1\2,' $PATCHFILE | patch -p1
This works whether $PATCHFILE was created with GNU or busybox diff, but will only work with unified diff format.
Unfortunately, it turns out that leading or trailing spaces in filenames cannot be preserved with this method, as "patch" will skip them when parsing the path names from the patch instructions.
The approach will neither work if the filename starts with a literal double quote - but then, who uses such file names?
Most of the time, however, the above approach works just fine.
Finally a note of other approaches I have also tried but which did not work:
First I tried to replace the quotation of the whole path names by individually quoted path name components. This failed because "patch" does not use double quotes as meta-characters at all. It considers them to be normal literal characters.
Then I tried to replace all spaces by "\040" like CVS does - but "patch" does not seem to accept octal-escapes either, and this failed too.


What is dot in ls -l command on Linux?

I ran ls -l on my centOS 6.10 on a specific file.
My question is what is the meaning of this dot(.) before 1?
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 575 Oct 23
It means that the file has an SELinux context. Use ls -Z to see the actual SElinux context values. It's documented on the "info" file for GNU Coreutils: What-information-is-listed.
The relevant quote:
Following the file mode bits is a single character that specifies
whether an alternate access method such as an access control list
applies to the file. When the character following the file mode
bits is a space, there is no alternate access method. When it is a
printing character, then there is such a method.
GNU ‘ls’ uses a ‘.’ character to indicate a file with a security
context, but no other alternate access method.
A file with any other combination of alternate access methods is
marked with a ‘+’ character.
Follow the link for more details

Extracting IP addresses from text file with batch

I have a text file with data like this:
Aug 21 [] Teardown dynamic
Aug 18 [] Aug 21 15:28:34 otoldc
Aug 24 [] Aug 21 2012 18:58:26 HYD
Aug 24 [] Aug 22 2012 18:58:26 HYD
Aug 21 [] sendmail[18831]
I need to remove everything except IP addresses surrounded by "[" and "]". String length before "[" is fixed. String length after "]" varied.
I tried use one of existing solutions here but couldn't get success. Is it possible to do it using batch?
directly from command line: for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %F in (file.txt) do echo %F. Redirect as you wish.
Not as flexible as sed/awk & regexes, but it does not require external tools.
If you plan to put together something more complex though, I would really look to more powerful tools - apart from already mentioned awk or Perl natural choice on Win would be Powershell.
Install a version of sed if it's not already on your system.
$ sed -r -e 's/^[^[]*\[([^]\]*)].*/\1/' file.txt
This sed one-liner 'script' outputs each input line after removing everything from the lines except the contents inside the first set of [] square brackets on the line - it does not check those contents to make sure it matches an IP address.
You tagged this as batch, so I assume this is on Windows and not linux. All the same, I'd highly recommend you head over to Cygwin's website and download a copy. This will give you access to the cat and grep commands, which make this much simpler. Once you have Cygwin installed, you can run the following command to parse out the IP addresses from your log file.
cat your.log | grep -oE '([[:digit:]]{1,3}\.){3}[[:digit:]]{1,3}' > ips.txt

filename last modification date shell in script

I'm using bash to build a script where I will get a filename in a variable an then with this variable get the file unix last modification date.
I need to get this modification date value and I can't use stat command.
Do you know any way to get it with the common available *nix commands?
Why you shouldn't use ls:
Parsing ls is a bad idea. Not only is the behaviour of certain characters in filenames undefined and platform dependant, for your purposes, it'll mess with dates when they're six months in the past. In short, yes, it'll probably work for you in your limited testing. It will not be platform-independent (so no portability) and the behaviour of your parsing is not guaranteed given the range of 'legal' filenames on various systems. (Ext4, for example, allows spaces and newlines in filenames).
Having said all that, personally, I'd use ls because it's fast and easy ;)
As pointed out by Hugo in the comments, the OP doesn't want to use stat. In addition, I should point out that the below section is BSD-stat specific (the %Sm flag doesn't work when I test on Ubuntu; Linux has a stat command, if you're interested in it read the man page).
So, a non-stat solution: use date
date, at least on Linux, has a flag: -r, which according to the man page:
display the last modification time of FILE
So, the scripted solution would be similar to this:
which would return you something similar to this:
zsh% date -r
Thu Feb 23 07:41:27 CST 2012
To address the OP's comment:
If possible with a configurable date format
date has a rather extensive set of time-format variables; read the man page for more information.
I'm not 100% sure how portable date is across all 'UNIX-like systems'. For BSD-based (such as OS X), this will not work; the -r flag for the BSD-date does something completely different. The question doesn't' specify exactly how portable a solution is required to be. For a BSD-based solution, see the below section ;)
A better solution, BSD systems (tested on OS X, using BSD-stat; GNU stat is slightly different but could be made to work in the same way).
Use stat. You can format the output of stat with the -f flag, and you can select to display only the file modification data (which, for this question, is nice).
For example, stat -f "%m%t%Sm %N" ./*:
1340738054 Jun 26 21:14:14 2012 ./build
1340738921 Jun 26 21:28:41 2012 ./build.xml
1340738140 Jun 26 21:15:40 2012 ./lib
1340657124 Jun 25 22:45:24 2012 ./tests
Where the first bit is the UNIX epoch time, the date is the file modification time, and the rest is the filename.
Breakdown of the example command
stat -f "%m%t%Sm %N" ./*
stat -f: call stat, and specify the format (-f).
%m: The UNIX epoch time.
%t: A tab seperator in the output.
%Sm: S says to display the output as a string, m says to use the file modification data.
%N: Display the name of the file in question.
A command in your script along the lines of the following:
stat -f "%Sm" ${FILE_VARIABLE}
will give you output such as:
Jun 26 21:28:41 2012
Read the man page for stat for further information; timestamp formatting is done by strftime.
have perl?
perl -MFile::stat -e "print scalar localtime stat('FileName.txt')->mtime"
How about:
find $PATH -maxdepth 1 -name $FILE -printf %Tc
See the find manpage for other values you can use with %T.
You can use the "date" command adding the desired format option the format:
date +%Y-%m-%d -r /root/foo.txt
date +%H:%M -r /root/foo.txt
You can use ls -l which lists the last modification time, and then use cut to cut out the modification date:
mod_date=$(ls -l $file_name | cut -c35-46)
This works on my system because the date appears between columns 35 to 46. You might have to play with it on your system.
The date is in two different formats:
Mmm dd hh:mm
Mmm dd yyyy
Files modified more than a year ago will have the later format. Files modified less than a year ago will have to first format. You could search for a ":" and know which format the file is in:
if echo "$mod_date" | grep -q ":"
echo "File was modified within the year"
echo "File was modified more than a year ago"

Find string using grep

How can I find all strings in a file which are alphanumeric and may contain either the symbol _ or # and end in the hex code 0x00. I've tried using grep with the following options but it doesn't seem to work:
-z [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
Here's an example of some of the strings I'm trying to extract, as you can see they end with the hex code 0x00, vary in length and although this specific example doesn't show they can contain 0-9, an underscore (_) or a hash (#).
When I run this all I get is 'Binary file /cygdrive/d/dump.bin matches'? I'm using grep in cygwin. – Twisted89 Apr 4 at 10:09
MrJames answer does not include the -a. Plus his putting \w in brackets simply doesn't work.
grep -Eaoz "(\w|_|#)*" FILE

Resolving patch conflicts manually [duplicate]

I'm having trouble applying a patch to my source tree, and it's not the usual -p stripping problem. patch is able to find the file to patch.
Specifically, my question is how to read / interpret the .rej files patch creates when it fails on a few hunks. Most discussions of patch/diff I have seen don't include this.
A simple example:
$ echo -e "line 1\nline 2\nline 3" > a
$ sed -e 's/2/b/' <a >b
$ sed -e 's/2/c/' <a >c
$ diff a b > ab.diff
$ patch c < ab.diff
$ cat c.rej
*** 2
- line 2
--- 2 -----
+ line b
As you can see: The old file contains line 2 and the new file should contain line b. However, it actually contains line c (that's not visible in the reject file).
In fact, the easiest way to resolve such problems is to take the diff fragment from the .diff/.patch file, insert it at the appropriate place in the file to be patched and then compare the code by hand to figure out, what lines actually cause the conflict.
Or - alternatively: Get the original file (unmodified), patch it and run a three way merge on the file.
Wiggle is a great tool for applying .rej files when patch does not succeed.
I'm not an expert on dealing with patch files, but I'd like to add some clarity on how to read them based on my understanding of the information they contain.
Your .rej files will tell you:
the difference between the original and the .rej file;
where the problem code starts in the original file, how many lines it goes on
for in that file;
and where the code starts in the new file, and how many lines it goes on for in that file.
So given this message, noted in the beginning of my .rej file:
diff a/www/js/app.js b/www/js/app.js (rejected hunks)
## -4,12 +4,24 ##
I see that for my problem file (www/js/app), the difference between the original (noted as a/www/js/app.js on the first line) and the .rej file (noted as b/www/js/) starts on line 4 of the original and goes on for 12 lines (the part before the comma in ## -4,12, +4,24 ## on line two), and starts on line 4 of the new version of the file and goes on for 24 lines (the part after the comma in ## -4,12, +4,24 ##.
For further information, see the excellent overview of patch files (containing the information I note above, as well as details on lines added and/or between file versions) at
Any corrections or clarifications welcome of course.
