Recognizing haskell types - haskell

I'm having some difficulties in understanding the types in haskell. Let's consider the following functions and look at their types.
reduce f s [] = s
reduce f s (x:xs) = f x (reduce f s xs)
for m n f s = if m>n then s else for (m+1) n f ( f m s )
comp f g x y = f x (g x y)
iter 0 f s = s
iter n f s = iter (n-1) f (f s)
We'd have something like:
reduce :: (t1 -> t -> t) -> t -> [t1] -> t
for :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> (a -> t -> t) -> t -> t
comp :: (t -> t2 -> t3) -> (t -> t1 -> t2) -> t -> t1 -> t3
iter :: (Num t) => t -> (t1 -> t1) -> t1 -> t1
What I don't clearly understand is that in reduce function f takes two parameters, and in for function f again takes two parameters. All I can see is that it takes only one. Well if it would be something like that:
for m n f s = if m>n then s else for (m+1) n f m n
It would be more obvious and easy to recognize that f indeed takes two parameters.
I'm wondering if there exist some ways or method to deduce the types for functions in haskell. In addition to these examples I'd ask for some different examples, so that I can overcome that hardship.
EDIT: In my case function definitions are given, I am just trying to infer their types

Where you're making a thought mistake is in even considering f ( f m s ). That is not a subexpression of the for definition: recall that function application is parsed from the left. So
for (m+1) n f ( f m s )
≡ (for (m+1)) n f ( f m s )
≡ (for (m+1) n) f ( f m s )
≡ (for (m+1) n f) ( f m s )
≇ (for (m+1) n ) (f ( f m s ))
≇ for (m+1) (n f ( f m s ))
≇ for ((m+1) n f ( f m s ))
The last inequality is probably most obvious, because you'd be applying the function (m+1) to three arguments... that sure looks very unlikely.
If you need any "mental parenthesising" for understanding the function, it's normally best to put them around each function argument:
for (m+1) n f ( f m s )
≡ for (m+1)
(f m s)
and, if that helps you because it looks more like what you'd have in mainstream languages, you can also uncurry everything:
≅ for ( m+1, n, f, f(m,s) )
(though you'd better forget about that one quickly)
By the way: if you see a function applied to only one argument, it doesn't mean the function type has only one argument. In fact, the main strength of Haskell's curried syntax is that you can easily do partial application: e.g.
Prelude> :t take
take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
Prelude> :t take 3
take 3 :: [a] -> [a]
Prelude> map (take 3) ["looooong", "even loonger", "terribly long"]
You see I've only applied take to one argument, the other one is automatically taken from the list by map.
Another example, with operator sections,
Prelude> :t (+)
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
Prelude> :t (+ 1)
(+ 1) :: Num a => a -> a
Prelude> map (+ 1) [4,5,6]

The type of f in the following definition is quite easy to infer
for m n f s = if m>n then s else for (m+1) n f ( f m s )
This could be rewritten (for clearity) as
for m n f s
| m>n = s
| otherwise = for (m+1) n f ( f m s )
for (m+1) n f (f m s) is a call of for,
which means f m s needs has the same type as s,
this requires f to have type t1 -> t -> t
(t1 for m, and t for s)


How to fix "Illegal type signature" error in Haskell

I ran into the following error in Haskell:
"Type signatures are only allowed in patterns with ScopedTypeVariables"
How should I re-use the defined variables. Thanks in advance
sum :: (Double -> Double) -> (Double -> Double) -> Int ->
(Double -> Double)
sum f g n = (\x -> helper f g n x)
helper :: (Double -> Double) -> (Double -> Double) -> Int -> Double ->
|n == 0 = 0
|mod n 2 == 1 = f(x) + helper f g n-1 f(x)
|otherwise = g(x) + helper f g n-1 g(x)
This actually looks more like a syntactical error: you never defined a function body for helper, indeed you defined the signature of helper, followed by guards (the | ... part), but you should again state helper f g n x = ....
Furthermore I don't think it is useful to define helper here with a variable for f, an g, since these remain fixed throughout the recursion.
You can probably define the function as:
sumfg :: (Double -> Double) -> (Double -> Double) -> Int -> Double -> Double
sumfg f g = helperf
where helperf 0 _ = 0
helperf i x = let fx = f x in fx + helperg (i-1) fx
helperg 0 _ = 0
helperg i x = let gx = g x in gx + helperf (i-1) gx
We here defined two "helper" functions helperf and helperg, helperf will sum up f x with helperg (i-1) (f x), and helperg does the same, except that we use g instead of f. We here thus use mutual recursion to solve the problem.
We can however solve this problem more elegantly, by making use of scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b], take :: Int -> [a] and sum :: Num a => [a] -> a:
sumfg :: Num a => (a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Int -> a -> a
sumfg f g n x = sum (take n (scanl (flip ($)) (f x) (cycle [g, f])))
Here we thus make an infinite list of g and f, like [g, f, g, f, g, f, ...] with cycle [f, g]. We then use scanl (flip ($)) to each time apply the accumulator to one of the functions, and yield that element. We take the first n items of that list with take n, and finally we use sum to sum up these values.
For example:
Prelude> sumfg (2+) (3*) 5 1
Since (2+1) + (3*(2+1)) + (2+(3*(2+1))) + (3*(2+(3*(2+1)))) + (2+(3*(2+(3*(2+1))))) is 91.
We also generalized the signature: we can now work with any numerical type a, with the two functions f and g of type f, g :: a -> a.

Grouping parameters

Say I have functions which accept the same parameters and I want to test if their outputs are equivalent for the same input.
f :: a -> b -> c
g :: a -> b -> c
f a b == g a b
How can I package the parameters a and b in x so I can write the following instead.
f x == g x
What are the best ways to accomplish this without needing to wrap the functions themselves?
The only way to do exactly what you’re asking is to use uncurry:
x = (a, b)
in uncurry f x == uncurry g x
(Or uncurryN for N arguments.)
However, instead of packaging the arguments in a tuple, you could use the (->) x instance of Applicative (i.e., functions taking x as input) to implicitly “spread” the arguments to the parameters of both functions, so at least you only have to mention them once. This instance is commonly used in point-free code.
For example, using liftA2 specialised to this instance:
-- General type:
liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
-- Specialised to ‘(->) x’ (using TypeApplications syntax):
liftA2 #((->) _) :: (a -> b -> c) -> (x -> a) -> (x -> b) -> (x -> c)
You get this pattern:
liftA2 h f g x
-- =
(h <$> f <*> g) x
-- =
h (f x) (g x)
To lift more arguments, you add another liftA2 or … <$> … <*> …:
liftA2 (liftA2 h) f g x y
-- =
(liftA2 h <$> f <*> g) x y
-- =
h (f x y) (g x y)
So in a case like yours:
f, g :: Int -> Char -> Bool
f i c = chr i == c
g i c = i == ord c
(liftA2 . liftA2) (==) f g :: Int -> Char -> Bool
-- =
liftA2 (liftA2 (==)) f g
-- =
(\ x y -> f x y == g x y)
The N in liftAN corresponds to the number of functions; the number of liftAN calls corresponds to the number of arguments.

A traversal as data

I heard about this construction which is loosely described as “a traversal represented in data, applied to some structure, without the need for the applicative”
It can be defined as:
data X a b r =
| Done r
| Step a (X a b (b -> r))
A word description would be as follows:
the type X a b r describes the shape of a structure
which contains things of type a
and for each a you get the opportunity to produce something of type b
and provided you do that for each a,
you get something of type r.
Thus a “traversal” of a list, [a], has type X a b [b], because if you can turn each a of the list into a b then you get a [b].
My question is: what is this thing called? Is there a reference to more information about it?
Example usage:
instance Functor (X a b) where
fmap f (Done r) = f r
fmap f (Step a next) = Step a (fmap (f .) next)
f :: [a] -> X a b [b]
f [] = Done []
f (a:as) = Step a (fmap (flip (:)) as)
g :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> X a b r -> f r
g f (Done r) = pure r
g f (Step a next) = g f next <*> f a
More generally:
instance Applicative (X a b) where
pure x = Done x
Done f <*> y = fmap (\y -> f y) y
Step a next <*> y = Step a (fmap flip next <*> y)
t :: Traversable t => t a -> X a b (t b)
t = traverse (\a -> Step a (Done id))
And, assuming I haven’t made any errors, we should find that:
flip g . t == traverse
Edit: I’ve thought about this some more. There is something this doesn’t have which a traversal has: a traversal can split up the computation into something that isn’t “one at a time,” for example to traverse a binary tree one can traverse the left and right half “in parallel.” Here is a structure that I think gives the same effect:
data Y a b r =
| Done r
| One a (b -> r)
| forall s t. Split (Y a b s) (Y a b t) (s -> t -> r)
(Slightly vague syntax as I don’t remember it and don’t want to write this as a gadt)
f1 :: X a b r -> Y a b r
f1 (Done x) = Done x
f1 (Step a next) = Split (One a id) (f1 next) (flip ($))
f2 :: Y a b r -> X a b r
f2 (Done x) = Done x
f2 (One a f) = Step a (Done f)
f2 (Split x y f) = f <$> f2 x <*> f2 y

What is happening when I compose * with + in Haskell?

I'm trying to understand the result of
(*) . (+)
in Haskell. I know that the composition operator is just the standard composition of mathematical functions- so
(f . g) = f (g x)
(*) . (+) :: (Num (a -> a), Num a) => a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
I'm struggling to understand this type signature. I would have expected to be able to do things like:
((*) . (+)) 1 2 :: Num a => a -> a
= (* (+ 1 2))
What is the meaning of (*) . (+)'s type signature? I tried playing with it by something like (just matching up with its signature):
((*) . (+)) 1 (\x -> x + 1) 1
But that fails to compile. I'm trying to walk through the logical steps when composing these, but I'm not fully understanding how it's getting to this result (and what the result is).
I understand how you feel. I found function composition to be quite difficult to grasp at first too. What helped me grok the matter were type signatures. Consider:
(*) :: Num x => x -> x -> x
(+) :: Num y => y -> y -> y
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
Now when you write (*) . (+) it is actually the same as (.) (*) (+) (i.e. (*) is the first argument to (.) and (+) is the second argument to (.)):
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
|______| |______|
| |
(*) (+)
Hence the type signature of (*) (i.e. Num x => x -> x -> x) unifies with b -> c:
(*) :: Num x => x -> x -> x -- remember that `x -> x -> x`
| |____| -- is implicitly `x -> (x -> x)`
| |
b -> c
(.) (*) :: (a -> b) -> a -> c
| |
| |‾‾‾‾|
Num x => x x -> x
(.) (*) :: Num x => (a -> x) -> a -> x -> x
Hence the type signature of (+) (i.e. Num y => y -> y -> y) unifies with Num x => a -> x:
(+) :: Num y => y -> y -> y -- remember that `y -> y -> y`
| |____| -- is implicitly `y -> (y -> y)`
| |
Num x => a -> x
(.) (*) (+) :: Num x => a -> x -> x
| | |
| |‾‾‾‾| |‾‾‾‾|
Num y => y y -> y y -> y
(.) (*) (+) :: (Num (y -> y), Num y) => y -> (y -> y) -> y -> y
I hope that clarifies where the Num (y -> y) and Num y come from. You are left with a very weird function of the type (Num (y -> y), Num y) => y -> (y -> y) -> y -> y.
What makes it so weird is that it expects both y and y -> y to be instances of Num. It's understandable that y should be an instance of Num, but how y -> y? Making y -> y an instance of Num seems illogical. That can't be correct.
However, it makes sense when you look at what function composition actually does:
( f . g ) = \z -> f ( g z)
((*) . (+)) = \z -> (*) ((+) z)
So you have a function \z -> (*) ((+) z). Hence z must clearly be an instance of Num because (+) is applied to it. Thus the type of \z -> (*) ((+) z) is Num t => t -> ... where ... is the type of (*) ((+) z), which we will find out in a moment.
Therefore ((+) z) is of the type Num t => t -> t because it requires one more number. However, before it is applied to another number, (*) is applied to it.
Hence (*) expects ((+) z) to be an instance of Num, which is why t -> t is expected to be an instance of Num. Thus the ... is replaced by (t -> t) -> t -> t and the constraint Num (t -> t) is added, resulting in the type (Num (t -> t), Num t) => t -> (t -> t) -> t -> t.
The way you really want to combine (*) and (+) is using (.:):
(.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d
f .: g = \x y -> f (g x y)
Hence (*) .: (+) is the same as \x y -> (*) ((+) x y). Now two arguments are given to (+) ensuring that ((+) x y) is indeed just Num t => t and not Num t => t -> t.
Hence ((*) .: (+)) 2 3 5 is (*) ((+) 2 3) 5 which is (*) 5 5 which is 25, which I believe is what you want.
Note that f .: g can also be written as (f .) . g, and (.:) can also be defined as (.:) = (.) . (.). You can read more about it here:
What does (f .) . g mean in Haskell?
(*) and (+) both have the type signature Num a => a -> a -> a
Now, if you compose them, you get something funky.
(*) . (+) :: (Num (a -> a), Num a) => a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
That's because (*) and (+) are expecting two 'arguments'.
(+) with one argument gets you a function. The . operator expects that function (the a -> a that you see).
Here's the meaning of (*) . (+)
x f y
(*) . (+) :: (Num (a -> a), Num a) => a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
(*) . (+) maps x f y to ((x +) * f) y where f is a function from a to a that is ALSO a number.
The reason (*) expects a function is to make the types match while it expects two arguments, but that function has to be a number because (*) only works on numbers.
Really, this function makes no sense at all.
Some extensions first:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
As the other answers show, your function is
weird :: (Num (a -> a), Num a) => a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
weird x g = (x +) * g
But this function does have non-weird semantics.
There is a notion of difference lists. Accordingly, there is a notion of difference integers. I've seen them being used only in the dependently typed setting (e.g. here, but that's not the only case). The relevant part of the definition is
instance Enum DiffInt where
toEnum n = (n +)
fromEnum n = n 0
instance Num DiffInt where
n + m = n . m
n * m = foldr (+) id $ replicate (fromEnum n) m
This doesn't make much sense in Haskell, but can be useful with dependent types.
Now we can write
test :: DiffInt
test = toEnum 3 * toEnum 4
test :: DiffInt
test = weird 3 (toEnum 4)
In both the cases fromEnum test == 12.
It's possible to avoid the using of the TypeSynonymInstances extension:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
weird :: (Num (a -> a), Num a) => a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
weird x g = (x +) * g
instance (Enum a, Num a) => Enum (a -> a) where
toEnum n = (toEnum n +)
fromEnum n = fromEnum $ n (toEnum 0)
instance (Enum a, Num a) => Num (a -> a) where
n + m = n . m
n * m = foldr (+) id $ replicate (fromEnum n) m
type DiffInt = Int -> Int
As before we can write
test' :: DiffInt
test' = weird 3 (toEnum 4)
But now we can also write
-- difference ints over difference ints
type DiffDiffInt = DiffInt -> DiffInt
test'' :: DiffDiffInt
test'' = weird (toEnum 3) (toEnum (toEnum 4))
main = print $ fromEnum $ fromEnum test'
prints 12.
EDIT2 Better links added.
m = (*)
a = (+)
(m.a) x = (m (a x)) = m (a x)
Now m expects a Num a as a parameter, on the other hand (a x) , i.e. (x +) is a unary function (a -> a) by definition of (+). I guess what happened is that GHC tries to unite these two types so that, if you have a type that is both a number and a unary function, m can take a number and a unary function and return a unary function, since they are considered the same type.
As #Syd pointed, this unification wouldn't make sense for any normal number types such as integers and floating point numbers.
There are good answers here, but let me quickly point out a few steps where you went wrong.
First, the correct definition of function composition is
(f . g) x = f (g x)
you omitted the x on the LHS. Next, you should remember that in Haskell h x y is the same as (h x) y. So, contrary to what you expected,
((*) . (+)) 1 2 = (((*) . (+)) 1) 2 = ((*) ((+) 1)) 2 = ((+) 1) * 2,
and now you see why that fails. Also,
((*) . (+)) 1 (\x -> x + 1) 1
does not work, because the constraint Num (Int -> Int) is not satisfied.

There is a function that searches for an attractive fixed point through iteration. Can we generalize it to monadic functions?

Fixed points are such arguments to a function that it would return unchanged: f x == x. An example would be (\x -> x^2) 1 == 1 -- here the fixed point is 1.
Attractive fixed points are those fixed points that can be found by iteration from some starting point. For example, (\x -> x^2) 0.5 would converge to 0, thus 0 is an attractive fixed point of this function.
Attractive fixed points can be, with luck, approached (and, in some cases, even reached in that many steps) from a suitable non-fixed point by iterating the function from that point. Other times, the iteration will diverge, so there should first be a proof in place that a fixed point will attract the iterating process. For some functions, the proof is common knowledge.
The code
I have tidied up some prior art that accomplishes the task neatly. I then set out to extend the same idea to monadic functions, but to no luck. This is the code I have by now:
module Fix where
-- | Take elements from a list until met two equal adjacent elements. Of those,
-- take only the first one, then be done with it.
-- This function is intended to operate on infinite lists, but it will still
-- work on finite ones.
converge :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
converge = convergeBy (==)
-- \ r a = \x -> (x + a / x) / 2
-- \ -- ^ A method of computing square roots due to Isaac Newton.
-- \ take 8 $ iterate (r 2) 1
-- [1.0,1.5,1.4166666666666665,1.4142156862745097,1.4142135623746899,
-- 1.414213562373095,1.414213562373095,1.414213562373095]
-- \ converge $ iterate (r 2) 1
-- [1.0,1.5,1.4166666666666665,1.4142156862745097,1.4142135623746899,1.414213562373095]
-- | Find a fixed point of a function. May present a non-terminating function
-- if applied carelessly!
fixp :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixp f = last . converge . iterate f
-- \ fixp (r 2) 1
-- 1.414213562373095
-- | Non-overloaded counterpart to `converge`.
convergeBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
convergeBy _ [ ] = [ ]
convergeBy _ [x] = [x]
convergeBy eq (x: xs#(y: _))
| x `eq` y = [x]
| otherwise = x : convergeBy eq xs
-- \ convergeBy (\x y -> abs (x - y) < 0.001) $ iterate (r 2) 1
-- [1.0,1.5,1.4166666666666665,1.4142156862745097]
-- | Non-overloaded counterpart to `fixp`.
fixpBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixpBy eq f = last . convergeBy eq . iterate f
-- \ fixpBy (\x y -> abs (x - y) < 0.001) (r 2) 1
-- 1.4142156862745097
-- | Find a fixed point of a monadic function. May present a non-terminating
-- function if applied carelessly!
fixpM :: (Eq a, Monad m) => (m a -> m a) -> m a -> m a
fixpM f = last . _ . iterate f
(It may be loaded in repl. There are examples to be run in the comments, for illustration.)
The problem
There is an _ in the definition of fixpM above. It is a function of type [m a] -> [m a] that should do, in principle, the same as the function converge above, but kinda lifted. I have come to suspect it can't be written.
I do have composed another, specialized code for fixpM:
fixpM :: (Eq a, Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
fixpM f x = do
y <- f x
if x == y
then return x
else fixpM f y
-- \ fixpM (\x -> (".", x^2)) 0.5
-- ("............",0.0)
(An example run is, again, found in a comment.)
-- But it is a whole different algorithm, not an extension / generalization of the pure function we started with. In particular, we do not pass the stage where a list of inits up to the first repetition is made available.
Can we not extend the pure algorithm to work on monadic functions?
And why so?
I would admire a hint towards a piece of theory that explains how to either prove impossibility or construct a solution in a routine fashion, but perhaps this is just a triviality I'm missing while busy typing idle questions, in which case a straightforward counterexample would defeat me.
P.S. I understand this is a somewhat trivial exercise. Still, I want to have become done with it once and forever.
P.S. 2 A better approximation to the pure variant, as suggested by #n-m (retaining iterate), would look like this:
fixpM :: (Eq a, Monad m) => (m a -> m a) -> m a -> m a
fixpM f = collapse . iterate f
collapse (mx: mxs #(my: _)) = do
x <- mx
y <- my
if x == y
then return x
else collapse mxs
Through the use of iterate, its behaviour with regard to the monad is different in that the effects are retained between consecutive approximations. Performance-wise, these functions are of the same complexity.
P.S. 3 A more complete rendition of the ideas offered by #n-m encodes the algorithm, as far as I can see, one to one with the pure variant:
fixpM :: (Eq a, Monad m) => (m a -> m a) -> m a -> m a
fixpM f = lastM . convergeM . iterate (f >>= \x -> return x )
convergeM :: (Monad m, Eq a) => [m a] -> m [a]
convergeM = convergeByM (==)
convergeByM :: (Monad m, Eq a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [m a] -> m [a]
convergeByM _ [ ] = return [ ]
convergeByM _ [mx] = mx >>= \x -> return [x]
convergeByM eq xs = do
case xs of
[ ] -> return [ ]
[mx] -> mx >>= \x -> return [x]
(mx: mxs #(my: _)) -> do
x <- mx
y <- my
if x `eq` y
then return [x]
else do
xs <- convergeM mxs
return (x:xs)
lastM :: Monad m => m [a] -> m a
lastM mxs = mxs >>= \xs -> case xs of
[] -> error "Fix.lastM: No last element!"
xs -> return . head . reverse $ xs
Unfortunately, it happens to be rather lengthy. More substantially, both these solutions have the same somewhat undesirable behaviour with regard to the effects of the monad: all the effects are retained between consecutive approximations.
